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Status Replies posted by Teayre

  1. Wooo assignment half completed, costume half done and some spare time to RP with :D

  2. Currently on phone on bus home O_o

  3. *snaps table in half*

  4. Should be able to RP tomorrow <3

  5. Currently on phone on bus home O_o

  6. Alrighty I'm awake!...for the most part

  7. Alrighty I'm awake!...for the most part

  8. Alrighty everyone, my body's not letting me stay awake any longer, gotta knock out. Catch you all tomorrow!

  9. Cover me guys I just poked the Mari!

  10. Cover me guys I just poked the Mari!

  11. Mari needs to take a chill pill. too bad she is under the influence of her potion; otherwise she'd have calmed down by now.

  12. Back at home on my laptop guys! Let's do this!

  13. Whoa when did I become Level 9? WOOT!

  14. Whoa when did I become Level 9? WOOT!

  15. And I'm back on my laptop! XD, let's do something!

  16. I'm back guys! At least for a while. So...much...chocolate...:P

  17. I'm back guys! At least for a while. So...much...chocolate...:P

  18. Beginning to see why people dislike the dice gods. They are ruthless. >.>

  19. I forgot how much waxing hurts if you havn't done it in a while and do it on the blimming tough hairs D:

  20. I'm back guys! At least for a while. So...much...chocolate...:P

  21. I'm back guys! At least for a while. So...much...chocolate...:P

  22. I'm back guys! At least for a while. So...much...chocolate...:P

  23. Gah I need something to do!...Well time to fight my dark side XD!

  24. I have returned from my shift at work... man, my feet hurt.

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