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Everything posted by Teayre

  1. Nighty night guys, I'll catch all you lovely peoples tomorrow! Really sucks not being able to get stuck in D:

    1. Calrex


      Lol, have a good night! Catch you tomorrow!

    2. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Being from Europe myself I understand where you're going:D good night.

  2. I keep trying to catch up to someones post count... But most the RPs I do involve him so I can't catch up!!!!

    1. Teayre


      I do try and do SPs but get borrreeeddd and busy which sucks D:

    2. Calrex


      Lol just be careful with the SP quests. The dice gods seem to show their true faces when you play those O_O

    3. Teayre


      I know... It's why I'm hesitant about it the dice gods hate me... THEY HATE ME SO MUCH, I actually need to pray to them before dnd sessions when I'm DMing so I don't just constantly fudge rolls to make things a bit harder for the players... It's that bad xD

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  3. So you know, here I am fighting a wolf on the first floor when out of the woodworks... Two 1s in a row Yay!

    1. Calrex


      HEY! XD Lol she seems to be doing fine now...

      Don't die Q_Q

    2. Asen


      i'm honestly tired of seeing people dying on this site. still if you need help just call one of us up and we'll come up with some story to be in that area and help you out.

    3. Teayre


      If anyone is saving me it's Calrex, well... maybe not he can't hit a mob not for lack of trying though ^^

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  4. So I decide to rewatch SAO.... Episode 3 and I'm in tears poor Sachi :'(

    1. Fallen


      Much spoiler, geez

    2. Sayre


      Good thing I haven't watched season 2 yet >:0

    3. Teayre


      At least mine was 3rd episode in, so it -shouldn't- be a spoiler if you're on this site :D

  5. Teayre https://s3.postimg.org/kv380dg77/Tpyzulr.png Virtues: Flaws: Profession: Artisan Shop: Amethyst Boutique Incomplete In Progress Completed Quests, SP, and Inventory Can Be Found Here.
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