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Posts posted by Oikawa



    Hazy eyed and groggy, I brought up the menu to silence my alarm. Opening my inventory, I selected a piece of bread and a bottled water from my starter kit. I watched as the food and drink materialized in my hands. Eagerly taking a few bites, I realized that this bread was the blandest thing I've ever tasted. "This could use any type of condiment", I muttered to myself. Finishing the last of the bread in a couple bites, I opened the bottle of water and took a few sips. "Well now that I have something on my stomach and I'm a little energized, lets get down to business."


    Heading down the steps I checked the time once more. "8:15 am... lets see if I can finish my quest by 4 pm today." With that, I headed out the door...

  2. "Its obviously bothering you mate, we can take a break. I need a moment for that to settle in anyway," explained Oikawa as he sat down and took a few deep breaths.


    OOC: By the way I noticed that you've been using you're actual character name recently. My character is still unaware that you're name isn't Sindon. Idk if it matters but just pointing that out.



    "As for the experiment, I plan on taking up a blacksmith profession. I want to see if I can make a stronger rapier for my own personal use. If i can get proficient enough at it I'll make you one as well to show my gratitude for what all you've done for me." Tilting his head up slightly to look at Sindon, Oikawa thought to himself. He's gotta stop this cold macho facade, its actually kind of amusing now. I wonder if he realizes that I can tell when he's forcing out that "nature" of himself...


    "Just let me know when you're good to go. I don't mind waiting man," Oikawa stated as he stretched out in an attempt to get loose.

  3. Making short work of Wolf 2, Susano replied to his earlier question about her name. "Susano, like the Japanese deity that controlled storms? For a deity your pretty cute!" Complimenting her as they were now back to back. Watching Wolf 1 miss a menacing swipe, it ran off apparently losing its will to fight. "Told you that one was a chump". 


    As Miss Susano circled Wolf 3 in a half waltz half taunt, Oikawa waited till the Wolf no longer had a sight on him. Then as the wolf could no longer see him, Oikawa spun and dashed towards the feral dog. He aimed straight for its skull, Taking two quick sidesteps, Oikawa dodged the attempts of harm from the now surprised wolf. Thrusting with all his might, he split the the unprepared Wolf right down the middle. Dealing 3 damage. As the creature dispelled into tiny digital crystals, Oikawa quickly walked over to Susano. "You okay?" he asked in a concerning tone. "By the way, I'd never run from a fight, if it meant leaving you behind. If we go down, I'm going down fighting.." he trailed off in an attempt to sound macho and caring.


    [Oikawa-The Faint has Leveled Up to Level 4]


    "So now that we aren't any immediate danger, lets get ourselves healed up so we can continue our exploration shall we?" he asked.


    Oikawa and Wolf 3:

    ID: 5460, BD: 9, CD: 7, LD: 8, MD: 5



    Wolf 1: 1/4 Fled from battle 

    Wolf 2: 0/4 Dead

    Wolf 3: -1/4 Dead



    Susano: 8/11

    Oikawa: 4/7 (Now 4/11)

  4. Taking a short jog down the stairs leading out of the Inn, I began to think some more. What if potions are more than I thought? Where would I even find them? This is rather troublesome...Reaching the front door, I opened it and felt the cool crisp air as it blew my blond bangs in an upward fashion. Maybe I should invest in a beanie haha! Anyway admiring how peaceful the city looked as it neared dusk, I strolled through the plaza looking for signs that may lead me to a shoppe. 


    Finally reaching a place called Hoel California, I opened the door to the smell of holiday cookies and good deals. Scanning the shelves for potions, I finally found the stack of healing potions. "Healing Potions heal 5 HP. Requires 1 post. Price for customer: 450 Col. Well looks like I'll be getting a good nights rest. Seeing as I only have 20 Col" I laughed. Marking the shoppe in my map, I began the trek back to the Inn. 


    Well I still need 3 more mats before i return to the guild board. I will collect what I need tomorrow I guess. Shuffling my feet in the light snow I took a minute to enjoy the frosty air before opening the door to the Inn. Pushing myself to my room, I hadn't realized how tired I was. "Yeah I definitely need sleep. Alarm set for 8 a.m. tomorrow? Set" I answered myself. Turning off the lights, I felt my way to the bed and laid their peacefully. Drifting off into sleep...

  5. "Yeah not my best choice of targeting" Oikawa laughed as he was glad he wasn't being yelled at for it. "Advice duly noted. Brain and heart. Looks like I need to work on my precision." Grasping the end of his blade as he spoke. " You didn't do to bad yourself, even if that one wolf got ya by surprise" Oikawa teased. "As for myself I'm fine. I didn't receive any damage so its all good over here!" That was exhilarating and scary at the same time..he thought quietly to himself. " Lets go find those pesky boars, I need some tusks for an experiment.", Oikawa thought out loud. Brushing his bangs from his bangs Oikawa headed off in the direction of where he thought a watering hole might be close. "Oh , and are you alright you seemed to be breathing a bit heavily after that last attack. You want to take a break before we continue?"

  6. "Thanks for the save! Those wolves are a frickin nuisance" Oikawa sighed as scanned the are to make sure they weren't in anymore danger.  "It seems the other wolf has ran away for now. I'm sure he'll make a reappearance before were done here." Feeling good about they're  current safety, he re-sheathed his sword and allowed Sindon to claim the reward from defeating the monster. "You dealt the finishing blow. The prizes are yours to take" Oikawa explained with a genuine grin. Gesturing to the little orb that had been left in place of the dead mutt. "The wolves are way scarier in combat than I thought. I think we did pretty good though! What are your thoughts?" Oikawa insisting to be answered.

  7. She still didn't give her name..Oikawa thought as he sprinted after the young lady. Was that a hint of flirtation in her voice? Hmm... Keeping pace relatively easy, Oikawa noticed they had acquired a 3-pack of wolves to deal with. Watching them momentarily attack his companion, he thought Now why would she run into that? Nonetheless she needs help... As if on cue the pig-tailed girl shouted "Gonna just stand their and watch, or help?"

    "I'm gonna help haha" he replied as he unsheathed his weapon and lunged at one of the spiraling puppies. Jumping into the air, Oika aimed directly at the neck of Wolf 2. Missing a fatal stab barely, he instead inflicted a deep gash. Inflicting 2 points of damage to it. In retaliation, Wolf 2 turned, trying to sink his jaw into Oikawa's forearm. The Wolf missed by a few inches. Allowing himself to back peddle to get himself into a defensive stance to see what Wolf 3 would try. Again as if on cue, Wolf 3 attacked with no hesitation, growling and clawing his way to Oikawa. It sprang forward and sank his jaw into Oikawa's shoulder. Dealing a massive 3 damage to the newbie. "AAAHCCCK. You pesky overgrown poodles are really starting to piss me off " Oikawa exclaimed as he shoved the third Wolf off him with the hilt of his rapier. Dealing 2 damage to it as it went sprawling into the grass. Wolf 1 stays on standby after watching his two amigos get manhandled.


    "That first wolf is a chump, finish him off. Wolf two and three on the other hand, they definitely still have some fight in them. Lets finish this!", Oikawa shouted as he prepared to finish this fight once and for all.


    Oikawa and Wolf 2:

    ID: 5452, BD: 8, CD: 7, LD: 19, MD: 5


    Oikawa and Wolf 3:

    ID: 5453, BD: 7, CD: 5, LD: 20, MD: 10



    Wolf 1: 1/4

    Wolf 2: 2/4

    Wolf 3: 2/4



    Susano: 10/11

    Oikawa: 4/7

  8. "My HP is dangerously low. I should probably head back to the Inn." Checking his inventory to make sure all was good, Oikawa decided to head back to the Christmas Inn.


    Upon arriving at the Inn, he asked the NPC behind the front desk if he could buy a room for the next couple of nights. Happily, the Innkeeper set him up in a nice room on the second floor. Furnished with a bed, a shower, a small chair, a desk and even a tv. "Before I go, the room will be 10 col per night. Enjoy your stay!" said the Innkeeper as he handed me the key and returned downstairs.


    "Well seeing as there is still some daylight out, I should go buy some healing supplies for tomorrow. I hope they aren't to costly!"

  9. Leaving Oikawa hanging, Sindon had crept off to stalk what Oikawa could now see was definitely a wolf. Then in a flash Another wolf had attacked Sindon and began clawing at him. Sprinting and watching, Oikawa clamored to where they were. Watching the wolf get booted off his companion and struck down in mere seconds, Oikawa stared in disbelief as Sindon returned to his guard stance at a safer distance.


    Realizing he still had some element of surprise, he unsheathed his rapier and  lunged at the beasts rear-end. Connecting with his intended target, the wolf yelped in pain as it received 2 more damage to its health. "Take that you mongrel" Oikawa exclaimed as he retreated behind the animal once again. This effectively cornered the mutt between the two of them.


    ID #: 5423

    BD: 6 | CD: 8 | LD: 11 | MD: 1



    London: 10/13
    Oikawa: 5/5



    Wolf: 3/10 

  10. ID #: 5420

    BD: 10 | CD: 8 | LD: 17 | MD: 8


    Having the player right where it wanted, the boar dug in its hooves and pushed off the ground. Throwing the bow right into the rock formation.


    "Arggh" screamed the player as he received another point of damage. "D*mn pig! ". Picking himself up, Oikawa took a guard stance. Then lunging once again, he struck the boar across the face. Landing a Super Critical hit, dealing 4 damage (2 damage + 2 Super Critical Hit damage).


    The Boar exploded into digi-dust, and a bright orb remained where it once was. Walking over, Oikawa proceeded to claim his prize. A system notification the appeared on his hub. [Oikawa- The Faint has received 20 Col and 1 Mat] [Oikawa- The Faint has Leveled Up to Level 3!]


    "Wooohooo " yelled the young man as he claimed his first victory and first material on his list.


    Boar: HP- -2/4



    Oikawa: HP- 3/5 (3/9 now)

  11.   Trying to conceal his blushing from the sudden praise, Oikawa checked his inventory to make sure everything had been collected properly. "Thanks for the help. The Loot was just icing on the cake." As the miss turned to walk away, she suddenly stopped and said something else. "Oh wait a second how would you like to explore this floor with me. I've always wanted to look around more and I have always been to afraid of dying after falling into some sorta ambush or trap. But I'm sure with a second player we will be able to take care of anything this place throws at us."


     She actually wants to continue questing with me? Well maybe I have proved my worth.


      "I'd love to help you scout the rest of this floor. We could both use the XP if nothing else. Plus who knows , we might find some cool items." Flashing another grin at the female player, Oikawa realized something. Oh wow. I never asked her her name. Some gentleman I am... "Miss, excuse my rudeness, but I never asked your name?"

  12. "Revenge is absolutely what I want. That scoundrel woke me from my nap" Oikawa chuckled. Only to his surprise, the girl had quickly equipped her weapon and said something as she dashed past him. Something about a wolf? Turning around he realized she was talking about the wolf that had chased him from his napping spot in the grassland. Not hesitating he equipped his own weapon. Drawing his rapier, he dashed towards the battle, just in time to see the wolf getting pummeled by the young miss.


    "Switch with me and finish it off Oika" shouted the girl as she landed from her mid-air assualt. Using all his pent up anger from loosing sleep and fear from not wanting to die, Oikawa took two leaps and thrust his rapier right between the eyes of the annoying hound. Dealing 3 Damage to the creature (2 Damage + 1 Critical Hit Damage). More than enough to send it to it's digital grave.


    Upon its fragmentation into pixels, a bright orb popped out. Grasping the orb, it dispersed and a system notification popped up.


    [Oikawa-The Faint has received 20 Col and 1 Wolf Blood(Mat)] [Oikawa- The Faint has Leveled Up to Level 2!]


    ID: 5413, BD: 9, CD: 11, LD: 20, MD: 1


    "That was some nice aerial moves you displayed there! You dealt most of the damage too, I only finished him off..."Oikawa stated as he claimed his prize and re-sheathed his weapon. "Want to split the prize money? I need the mat for something else," Oikawa asked as he beamed at the other player in his party.



    Susano: HP-11/11

    Oikawa: HP-7/7(new hp applies right?)



    Wolf: HP- -2/4

  13. ID #: 5411

    BD: 1 | CD: 10 | LD: 10 | MD: 7


    Recovering from the blow it just received, the infuriated Pumbaa, rushed Oikawa again. This time pointing his tusk directly at him. Picking up speed as it zig-zagged across the short distance between them, it had no problems connecting its tusks with Oikawa's stomach.


    "Ack" exclaimed Oikawa, as the rushing furball impaled him with it's tusks. Trying to swing wildly at it, as it kept pushing him closer and closer to the rock formation, Oikawa sliced nothing but air.



    Boar: HP- 2/4



    Oikawa: HP- 4/5

  14. "Welp here goes nothing" he murmured as he rushed head on for the first boar.


    Noticing some random player come rushing at it , the Boar turned around and prepared to strike.



    Boar: HP-4/4 DMG-1



    Oikawa: HP-5/5 DMG-2


    OOC: I'm still counting myself as a level one since in none of the 4 RP's I'm participating in, have I done anything that would allow me to level up.



     Scrambling its energy together, the Boar rushed Oikawa. Raising its tusks right before they collided, it tried to stab the player in the chest.


    ID #: 5409

    B: 8 | C: 7 | L: 11 | MOB: 2


    Seeing the boar raise it tusks, Oikawa jumped up into a somersault, drawing his rapier and aiming down at the creature. Using his momentum, he stabbed the helpless pig in the back. Dealing 2 points of damage. Pulling out his sword from the body of the pig, Oikawa back stepped to keep a safe distance.



    Boar: HP- 2/4 DMG-1



    Oikawa: HP- 5/5 DMG-2

  15. Acknowledging Sindon's comment with a smile, Oikawa followed suit in heading towards the river. walking for what felt like 20 minutes, actually only 10, they finally approached the bank of a small stream. Looking ahead, Oikawa saw something moving in the distance. "Hey do you see that? It's a little difficult to see from here. Lets get a closer look. Cautiously but steadily moving along the bank, Oikawa and Sindon headed further up to get a closer look at the creature. "What do you think it is? A boar ? Maybe a wolf? Oikawa speculated and waited for Sindon's command. He definitely has more experience than I do, I wonder what he'll think is the best approach. Me attack first? Then him? Vice versa? Guess we'll see depending on what it is...

  16.   Getting up from his table, Oikawa, set out the front door. "Ack! Man that sunlight is bright" stated the slightly blinded player as he covered his eyes so they could adjust. Finally getting use to the sun rays, Oikawa headed off east towards the forest section of the grasslands.


      "Welp, I only need to collect 4 things. That shouldn't be to hard right?" he thought out loud to himself.


      A few turns and a half later, Oikawa arrived to the gate leading tot he grasslands. Noting that there was some forestry straight ahead and a small stream to his right, he thought. "Well should I head straight for the wolf blood in the forest or try to obtain the boar tusks first? The boar tusks is probably a safer bet. I'll start with those first.


      Making his way to the stream, he observed more of his surroundings. A little further ahead, he counted out 3 scattered boar, a weird rock formation to his immediate right and the aforementioned forestry and stream back to his left.

  17. Still sitting in the Inn, Oikawa decided to pan out a small starter list of items he'd need to make a new rapier.


    "Hmmmmm.... maybe something made from wolf blood? Ohh what about boar tusks? I feel like I'm forgetting something important though" Oikawa pondered. Thinking a bit more, What could it be? Ehh if it was important, I'll remember it later. "Anywho, If I can make something of decent quality, it may result in a weapon strong enough to slay monsters easily. Lets give myself some wiggle room just in case I mess up the first time. 2 drops of wolf blood and 2 sets of boar tusks. Sounds easy enough," exclaimed the eager young man.

  18. Within the walls of the Starting City, there was a nice cozy inn located in the central plaza. Inside this Christmas outfitted inn, sat a troubled young player having an internal debate with himself about some personal qualms. This player is . . . Oikawa "The Faint".


    I'm sick of being a weak link man. Then do something about it chump... What the? Who are you? How'd you get in my head?  I'm your Inner Bad*ss dummy. Now stop complaining like a weak link and go get stronger. I would if i could, but my weapons are still common and I'm still at such a low level...Go buy something from a blacksmith, then go challenge a wolf pack...duh...Or better yet become your own blacksmith, make a better weapon, then go challenge a wolf pack. Why are you so obsessed with wolf packs? Does this have something to do with our encounter with that lone wolf in the field? Never speak of that... it wasn't a pleasant outing. Anyway, become a blacksmith. Then you could make what ever we desire. I like how you switch from us being individuals to us being one entity. Anyway, I agree having a profession could be an easy way to net some extra cash and like you said, we could make any weapon and armor we want. I'll give it a try. That's what I like to hear. Inner Bad*ss out. Try not to need me....


    Now that that's settled, I guess I should make a list of some materials I might need...

  19. "Hmmmm... " Oikawa thought for a moment. Analyzing all his options. On one hand, we could go to the forest and take down a wolf or two. Netting us some good XP and probabaly a better chance at loot. However, the risk is increased seeing as wolves seem to run in packs and they are pretty good hunters regardless of their level. On the other hand we could got to a small riverbank or watering hole and capitalize on the weaker animals such as boars and insects. This will net us less XP and most likely common loot. Do I trust our ability to old our own against the wolves? Or should we take a safer route for now?  Coming to a conclusion, Oikawa answered. "There will be a time for us to show we are capable of taking risks, however, I don't believe that time is now. I say we go kill a few boars, then afterwards search for a Dire Wolf. How does that sound to you? Eyeing his companion, Oikawa hoped he didn't come off as a coward. Rather some who analyzed his options and made a choice that should lead to success and fulfill both of their desires.

  20. " I have no qualms with being out matched by a player, male or female. In fact it pushes me to get stronger haha." Seeing a party request pop up on his HUD, Oikawa lightly touched the accept button.




    Oikawa "The Faint"- HP: 5/5


    Susano- HP: 11/11



    "Well now that was the easy part. Let's head back toward where I left that wretched wolf. I want revenge....if you don't mind?" said Oikawa as he gestured to the area behind him. It's not like I have anything to prove to her right? I've already established that I'm the weaker player and I need help, yet I still feel like I need to show this girl I can fight as well as anyone else.

  21. Looking towards the sky, Oikawa simply replied. "I shall be strong soon enough haha. A Dire Wolf? Hmm you're as confident as ever in your capabilities." Glancing over at the young man. "I can't  wait to see it translate to the battlefield." Brushing his fingers through his hair, Oikawa then made sure all his equipment was in order. "This game is definitely beautiful. Maybe one day the core can be the same...Welp you've led me this far, care to help me track a boar?"  

  22. Breaking the silence and their gaze, Sindon quietly replied. Listening intently to what he had to say, Oikawa politely gave his full attention.


    Upon the end of his statement,  he retreated his gaze back to the ground. "I also thank you for your kind remarks. My honor shall be held in high regard from this point on." Attempting to comfort the player standing before him, Oikawa spoke.  You definitely don't seem like the type to PK unless the situation desperately calls for it. So I have nothing but faith in you for that." 


    Silence hung in the air for a few more minutes. Deciding to break the silence once more, Oikawa gestured to the grasslands. "Well now that we're both more acquainted with one another, shall we go hunt down some boars? We need a mood lightener" he quipped.

  23. Ignoring the slight jab at his ability to handle himself on the battlefield, Oikawa replied. "Yeah I guess that was an odd choice of wording huh? Hmm... so giving back to the community? That's nice of you. I wonder if she'd catch on if I asked her for help? Maybe I should man up and just ask for help? There's nothing wrong with receiving help right? Should I just ask to accompany  her on her crusade to save the weak? Nah, that's dumb, I'm too weak to help anyone seeing as I'm still a level 1.


    OOC: Seeing as I haven't done anything in any of my RP's to make it suitable for me to level up, I don't believe its fair or me to act as a Level 3.




    Pushing his thought train aside, he began to speak again. "Since you're offering help to the weaker, mind helping me level up a bit miss? I'm not as completely useless in the field as you may think haha, but I will admit I'm not where I want to be strength-wise." Noticing her cheeks getting a smidge rosy, he reasoned that she was either still laughing at the expense of himself or was genuinely blushing for some randomly nice reason. I'll go with the former. He thought to himself. 

  24. After the conclusion of his riveting speech, an apology was uttered in attempt to atone for his smaller outburst towards the end. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing ? Again speak your mind freely. The more you do, the more I learn. And surely countless others can learn a thing or two from you as well. To be completely honest,, you just earned my deepest respect. I didn't want to come off as a glory-hungry player. That's not my intention. Rather my comments were more so aimed at you. Like all students with great masters, I more or less declared that I want to prove to YOU that I am worthy of this weapon and all the responsibilities that come with it. I also want to surpass you., but on a less personal note, I am more than willing to help anyone that needs it. Like you said, its doing the right thing that matters. And about that tidbit towards the end, was that a reference to PKing if it came down to it? Not judging in the least. Was just wanting to know if that's what you meant.. He seems to open up in random spurts, however; he seems to still try to conceal his feelings and thoughts. Hmm..what an interesting fellow..

  25. Upon his approach, the girl hesitated to draw her weapon. Believing he wasn't a threat, rightfully so seeing as he had barely gotten away from the stupid wolf, she let her hand drop back to her side. Then stifling an obvious giggle..Gah she's laughing at me. How much more of a dork can I make myself look.? Well it could be worse. Just play it off..., one could only assume it was based of his word choice, she proceeded to ask him about it. I knew it.... Furthering his suspicion. As planned, he tried to play it off. "Haha yeah, you know clawed and bitten to death. I heard its a real terrible way to go," he reasoned with a small bit of playful sarcasm. Casting a small grin. "So what brings you to the grasslands? You don't seem to be trying to kill boars and such. So what gives miss?" Trying to remove all the awkwardness and establish a polite more confident conversation,  Oikawa carefully eyed the blond beauty.

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