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Ariel - The Crowned Lion

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Posts posted by Ariel - The Crowned Lion

  1. ID: 7313 CD:12

    Item:Lion's Protection

    Item type : Light Armor: Vambraces & Shoulderpads
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: Thorns +1 ACC
    Shop: The Lion's Den
    Description : A set of matching shoulderpads and vambraces that resemble steel, that is in fact lion skin, dyed to emulate actual metal. It has the same hardness, that upon impact it even makes the same sound effect. It's a light armor item but it offers almost the same protection as as a heavy armor piece.

    Thorns - activates on a natural Enemy Battle Dice of 6-8, dealing 2 damage in return.

  2. Ariel looked carefuly to where X pointed, " I don't see nothing" she was about to say but X started doing some acrobatics trying to get something from the tree in front of then.Meanwhile Shinex joined them, so after X finished his little trick Ariel asked: "I couldn't help to not notice your moves, are you relates to gymnastics or sports IRL?" then she turned to Shinex "Okay team leader, what is our next move?? we disband the party or keep hunting some mobs?" asked Ariel. She would've liked to wrap up things here, but was always ready for a little extra training.

  3. Hearing his explanation and watching his theatrical display Ariel let out a smile while saying:

    "Thank God I finally meet somebody with a sense of humour, It's like a endangered species around her, most of the people I've were always arrogant and gloomy. As for my name...um its not that elaborate, for some reason my parents liked lions..so they decided to name me Kayla Ariel, D'Sole being my family name, it can be interpret as "The Crowned Lion by the Sun God"..cheesy and exaggerated I know, but over time I came to like it." she said that revealing a slight blush.

    "Anyway a field bos sound good to me, it will be just us 2 or are we expecting company?" she said, quickly changing the theme, as she was excited about the impending battle.

  4. "Who was that guy again?" thought Ariel while making her way towards the meeting coordinates, she then took a look at the the message sender's name.

    "Oikawa -  the faint.....the faint of what? what does that mean" she muttered while looking at the map. "Eh, it doesn't matter anyway as long as I get to do a little training..." then she gazed at the sky, no sun of solar light, just rain and gray clouds. She really enjoyed the rain, she felt like it gave her an excuse to stare at the skies. She then looked at the map, she was almost there. Looking in a distance she could see a silhouette leaning against a tree.


    When she got into his line of sight she simply waved her hand saying: " Lovely weather, right? hope you didn't wait for me too long. So then where to now, as I remember correctly you said something about defeating the floor boss."

  5. Ariel drew closer to theplace where the queen scattered into polygons, it left behing quite the loot.When Shinex drew closer she raised her gaze and answered: "Quite the loot indeed. Catch" and she throws him one Matriarch stinger" then parted the col into 3 equal columns, she took one and stashed it into her inventory while picking a stinger for herself.

    "as for the rest give it to our chester, we can go hunting for more materials after we see what he found." she then started walking downhill to where X was, but turned around suddenly as she remembered something:

    " oh and tnx for getting all the heat from the queen, tnx to that I was able to focus on my 'game'. "

    when she reached X he was staring at a strange shinning box. She put her right hand on his shoulder and asked:"What do you got here chief?"

  6. ((you are so gonna hate me X:))

    ((I'm gonna narrate a few moves the wasp made if its ok.

    ((PS: we can look for a treasure chest since we completed 2 pages already


    Seeing X's stunt Ariel decided to show him the technique she practiced with her father, it wasn't flashy but it did the job she wanted to. With a smirk she said:

    "Watch and learn boys." she sheathed her rapier and put her hands behind her back. She then casually walked from her current position, behind the wasp, directly in front of the Wasp Queen, while kicking the grenade to get its attention. She didn't want something like that to give her advantage, and she gave the wasp a chance. She then made a bow before it, as she did every at the very beginning of a fight with her father, then she put her hand on the hilt of the now sheathed rapier. The Queen wasp finally looked at her with eyes that were red with rage. Ariel stare at it back not making any move. The wasp losing its patience, then began its charge, probably thinking Ariel was a sure hit.


    Ariel didn't make a move until just before the wasp's needle hit her, she took a step to the right evading it while unsheathing her blade, then pierced the wasp's head. She retracted her rapier immediately and made a second step to the right, while sheathing her blade, to completely evade the mob.

    She tried to do that sequence of actions as fast as she could, letting her trained reflexes take over. In the eyes of the others it would only appear that she had only made 2 steps to the right without any other action. She then turned 90 degrees, while grinning, to see where the queen headed, moved only by the inertia it had accumulated from the charge. 


    ID: 7719  BD 10 (natural)  LD:15 

    Wasp Queen: -5/30

    Loot: <<The Matriarch's Stinger>>(X3) && 1 material && 150 col

  7. Ariel watched as her teammates successfully struck the mob, then heard X and responded while running towards the queen.

    "You don't have to tell me that twice:D. Did anybody tell you you have quite the reckless battle style?" when she was in front of the queen she made a feint and tried to pierce it from behind where her wings were, thinking that will somehow make the mob maintain a low altitude. But it moved and she ended up striking the abdomen again. She then took 2 steps back, now she was behind it, preparing to deliver a deadly strike.


    ID: 7698 BD: 6 (5+1acc) ((srsly this 5 natural BD is killing me:)) i want to crit. it too. at least i'm not missing...too much good luck with the last hit.

    Queen: 7/30

  8. Ariel made her way through the desert with Red at her side, the sand was getting to her as well it appeared but she didn't have that much skin covered, or a cape like Red. " Illusions here? I doubt that exists here...but maybe we will meet a desert mob named "Lady Morgana", that I would like to see..a little fight to get my mind off all this sand around... its starting to get on my nerves". She then took a look at Reayliff's axe that was now resting on his back and pointed at it while asking:

    "Does that thing get lighter with the level or does its weight parameter remain constant. I for one picked the rapier since it resembles the fencing sword I use in the tournaments. But here, the basic rapier felt lighter, so I had this baby custom made to be a little heavier*puts her hand on her rapier's hilt*..so far as I leveled up, its weight didn't seem to change. It must be a pain to carry that heavy looking axe with you all the time.


    ID: 7694  CD:5

  9. The attack Ariel was waiting for didn't occur. It seems like Shinex decided to take the "tank" role of the party. She looked at him giving him a thankful expression, then she got serious once again. Inside she was happy that she only had to attack, since her main focus is dealing dmg. She dashed towards the queen, but X decided to throw a monster grenade. The action was welcomed but he could at least warn them before throwing it..like in the old movies with a 'Fire in the hole!' or something. But he didn't..so when Ariel was about to stab it the grenade went off and distracted her, causing her to miss her shot. She retreated and yelled:

    "Next time say something when you are going to use a grenade, like it or not were a team here. Stop acting by yourself!" she then turned towards the queen.


    ID: 7684 BD: 5 (miss)

  10. After X successfully hit it it was Ariel's turn. She was...lets say amazed by the guy's fighting style..so wild and lacking in technique. Then she turned her gaze towards the queen. X seemed to get its aggro for the time so she took the chance and attacked it head on, she was aiming for its tiny head but instead she hit its abdomen again. Ariel then took a couple of steps back entering a guarding stance. With this last hit she was certain the mob was going to attack her next. She gritted her teeth in expectation for the attack, releasing an intense murderous aura in the same time. This is why she entered SAO that first day, this is exactly what she was expecting. Not some half-baked training like battle but..real combat!


    ID:7672  BD: 6 (5+1acc) DMG: 4 

    Wasp Queen: 18/30

  11. Ariel readied her rapier to strike but SOMEBODY decided to attack it before her and they both misses miserably."Guess this is the boss we were looking for huh ? "she then dashed towards it and aimed for the abdomen, her strike hit right at home. She then backed off to avoid getting hit, but was a little worried for Shinex since he got stung.

    ID: 7647 BD: 7 (6+1acc) DMG: 4

  12. While running Ariel made a displeased face, "What are we doing here..playing king of the hill? seriously.." she thought while keeping a regular passe. She didn't want to waste her stamina like this. Once he reached the top X then came storming downhill, towards her and slided behind her.

    Ariel turned her head around adressing X, "What did you do now?" then she turned towards the top of the cliff. There was something there, but she couldn't distinguish its features. 

  13. ItemLion's Fangs

    Item type : Light Armor: Boots

    Quality: Perfect

    EnhancementBleed*   +1 Eva
    ShopThe Lion's Den

    Description : A pair of black army-like boots that gives the user protection and mobility.


    Bleed* Activates on a natural Battle Dice of  8-10, dealing 2 extra damage per post over your next 2 posts, this effect will not stack up but instead will refresh the post counter.

    ID: 7639 CD: 12

  14. Daily attempt#1



    Ariel started a new day fresh, she decided to make herself a item this time. She took some black colored material and stared sewing. She started humming her favorite song while working. In the end she looked at the item she just made.


    ID: 7639 CD: 12[Perfect Item: 8 EXP] ((LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLL lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    ItemLion's Fangs

    Item type : Light Armor: Boots

    Quality: Perfect

    EnhancementBleed*   +1 Eva
    ShopThe Lion's Den

    Description : A pair of black army-like boots that gives the user protection and mobility.


    Bleed* Activates on a natural Battle Dice of  8-10, dealing 2 extra damage per post over your next 2 posts, this effect will not stack up but instead will refresh the post counter.

  15. Watching X dashing towards he knew what, Ariel asked herself with a doubtful face:"Is this guy serious?" then turned towards Shinex answering him:

    "I would've prefered stealth, but I guess we don't have a choice now do we?" but to be trustfull she didn't really care. They could fight normal mobs after they defeated the boss. She was more concern for that guy's safety instead...dashing like that out of the blue, he appeared to act on instinct. While that might prove useful in battle, with instinct alone one cannot win. At least that is the conclusion she reached after all these years of training. she started running after X, not wanting to let him out of her sight."Are you coming?" she asked Shinex before she started running.

  16. While watching X display something close to a royal chester's trick a random thought popped in her head and she asked:
    "I know it might sound silly but you think the queen will be near a nest? I don't know about here but IRL the queen bee almost never leaves her hive, so we should search for the biggest concentration of wasp and maybe well see the queen, in worst case scenario killing mobs might lead to the queen spawning quicker." She knew that mobs don't actually follow their real world counterparts, but still hoped that she was right, given the effort the developers put in this game to emulate reality.

  17. Ariel Listen to Shinex paying no attention to X for the moment and responded:

    "Well I guess this was just a warmup then, fine by me." She looked around hastily, she saw a few regular wasps on the vicinity but none that appeared to be special in some way. She let out a large sigh then turned towards X saying in a normal voice:

    "You better not pull something like that when we fight the queen, this may be only the 2nd floor but who knows how strong is that thing. If you stand in my way I'll strike her through you, understood?" She seemed a little irritated by his apparent "not give a [censored]" behaviour, till now he didn't manage to land a single strike on a normal wasp and had still had this carefree attitude, Ariel began to doubt his abilities as a fighter.

  18. Item: Cobra Strikers

    Item type : Gloves

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancement:+2 accuracy and +1 life steal

    Shop: The Lion's Den

    Description: Gloves made from the reflective hide of a dagger-spitting cobra. Imbued with the life taking essence of the cobra, the light they reflect guides the wearer towards their enemy, adding a boost of accuracy and overall visibility.


    ID: 7562 CD:12

  19. Daily Attempt #1



    Ariel was excited for the deal she just made with a local painter, she started working on a item for him being extra careful with the details. When she finished she looked at the form and then at the item. Perfect match.


    ((Sorry Kiru but I can't hand over your item..it hasn't been approved yet..you can check its status here  your items name is Cold reflexion, I had to change +3hp to +3 acc and now its awaiting to be approved.. in the worst case if you know a GM you can send him to take a look... if not..well we're at the mercy of time..


    ID: 7562  CD:12 [Perfect Item: 8 EXP]

    Item: Cobra Strikers

    Item type : Gloves
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement:+2 accuracy and +1 life steal
    Shop: The Lion's Den
    Description: Gloves made from the reflective hide of a dagger-spitting cobra. Imbued with the life taking essence of the cobra, the light they reflect guides the wearer towards their enemy, adding a boost of accuracy and overall visibility.
  20. ID: 7547  BD:9(8+1 acc) MD: 5 LD:7


    Wolf: -2/9

    Loot: 1 Material

    She didn't want to give it a chance to run and attack her, so she thrusted the rapier again this time taking a step closer and aiming for its head. But the wolf started running and she had to instinctively change her aim as it moved, she managed to stab it in the leg. The wolf then fell on its belly and let a small squeal before disappearing. Only thing he left behind was the usual item "Wolf's fur".

  21. ID: 7546  BD:10(9+1 acc) MD: 3


    Wolf: 3/9

    After picking up the loot she started searching for her next victim target, no wolf was nearby so she had to walk alongside the riverside. There she found a wolf that was chasing a bunny."Perfect" she thought and started dashing towards them. Until she reached them the wolf had already caught the bunny, fortunately after its HP bar got depleted the bunny simply shattered into polygons leaving nothing for the wolf to play with. Ariel took that opportunity and stabbed the wolf in the back while it was focused on the polygons.

  22. ID: 7542  BD:10(9+1 acc) MD: 4 LD:15


    Wolf: -1/9

    Loot: 1 Material && 45 col

    Ariel knew chicken when she saw one, this wolf may appeared as such but he was no different than the NPC frogs at the nearby river that flee at the sight of anything strange. She started running at it, releasing a intense murderous aura, like that of a lioness gone hunting. The wolf, seeing her approach tried to cowardly bite her but she evaded it without effort and stabbed it right in the head. The wolf then disappeared, leaving behind her loot.

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