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Posts posted by XWuZHeAR

  1. X, still laying on the grass was confused at first when the girl mentioned upskirts but then after she made the mistake of walking over X  suddenly remembered what the word upskirt meant. Shino was really bent on the whole pervert thing X made up his mind that he would joke and or pry about it next. Then after realizing what a horrible choice that would be he simply closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

    Man you really like calling me a perv, ocular trauma isn't always the way to go... I did it anyways bit at least that jokes not in bad taste... As for why you don't scare me *flicks open menu* besides the obvious stat difference, I don't know you have the face of teenage girl... This girl needed to just relax and the whole kill everyone in site idea, or she is actually going to die within minuets if I don't help her... Seriously just calm the hell down.

  2. The song began with X singing in a beautiful voice probably un matched in all of Aincrad, if you thought too hard and listened to the lyrics you'd understand how completely messed up the song is. It goes "choking you with my hands, I know I know its tight..." Its a concept piece through and through that sounds like any other ones of X's songs. Aside from doing covers of songs people miss from the real world X actually is not that bad of a song writer even if none of his pieces are good enough to put enhancements on.

    "Ohhhh it really slips away from ya..." If you were expecting any kind of metal screaming there's none in all of Aincrad. Just my beautiful vocals everyone loves... Ok maybe I was kind of wasted while writing this song but still it isn't that bad... Ohhh don't you sound edgy and scary framing your little sister, just relax for a second and lay down. Trust me nothing in this game is waiting to be killed by you.

  3. X again laughed at the player for declaring she would find him after the get out of here to kill him, mostly because she would have a better chance in the game. X also hadn't thought about the real world in a long time unlike many other people he wasn't exactly in a huge rush to get back to it anytime soon. After the player side armed the crystal, X without even looking bends his elbow ninety degrees to catch the flying object and look it over.

    You know when people say they want to find someone after we get out of this game its usually used to show endearment hahaha... Ok lets see here oh damn she'd hate this one better put it away... Ok now here we go she's probably into some real scary shiz so this will have to do... Catch! And nothing was wrong with my last song! I was just drunk when I wrote it ok? The one I'm handing you is from a concept album about a prostitute that gets super powers and decides to rob banks and stuff.... And I wrote this while I was sober. Just press the little circle on the side of it.

  4. X waited for a response after Shino appeared to be thinking about it for a little bit. After she jumped back dagger in hand X couldn't help but let out a loud laugh at what she had to say. This reminded him of the way someone else would talk to him and actually brought back pretty decent memories of being trapped in this game which were hard to come by. Finally X had given in and just laid on out on the grass on his back with Maruchan currently distracted chasing around a butterfly.

    Haha gee I don't know about bright ideas but maybe I've got a few passing thoughts... Ohhh your such a girl... This player was actually more amusing than she was at first, maybe she's not all that bad... So she did decide to accept my help well its a start maybe I can keep her safe yet... Ha that's funny, with the gap in you and the frontline's stats I'm not so sure if you'll ever catch up. Either way I'll still help you get to that point.... Anyways did you catch that recording crystal I tossed to you? I could really go for some music right about now.

  5. X understood the girl in way which made him question his own sanity then again he was never really sane in the first place. X didn't know what to do with this player, she was obviously a killer and if she gets stronger she will definetly kill. X then let out a sigh as he began to weigh the other side of things, She was a low leveled player and people would try to kill her, she also was not to bad on the eyes.

    I didn't flinch as the dagger came at my neck, even if it hit it only do one damage but even from that close given the difference in her ACC stat to my EVA stat I could probably dodge it if necessary. Yeah ain't that the truth I don't have much experience killing people in here (unless you count that one time) but that was a total misunderstanding and I only got 200 col out of it.... I was revealing a lot to this player now who's name was Shino, not bad I kinda like it. Well look Shino, Laughing coffin is full of a bunch of angsty adults with messiah complexes, that and they would leave you out to dry the second they got the chance. There's no other way to put this you're dead with out help. Lucky for you I'm trying to revive that old guild I mentioned. I don't know why but I feel like protecting you will somehow help me later... what do you think?

  6. X led the girl into the woods were they were safe from other players at least for the moment. X then stretched out his arms as he sat down next to the girl on the log with his familiar hopping onto his lap. X began humming while stoking the dogs fur. The girl was a bit amped up right now so X decided a little moment of silence was best to settle her. After about twelve seconds of thinking out what he would say X stretched his back and spoke in between slight grunts.

    Dinner?... well I do know a place... I mulled over the idea in my head a bit, I was hungry more than anything else right now. Look your level one let me help you get stronger so that any PK hunter guy who thinks he's god just because he reached level 20 kills you, seriously those guys are the living embodiment of ignorance mixed with the loyalty of a Hitler youth... She may be a psychopath but it wouldn't hurt to help her out at least so that she doesn't die. Look maybe just to start lets get to know each other, my names X and this is Maruchan, and we don't belong to any guild right now.

  7. After the girl killed an NPC to use as a distraction X was actually impressed more than anything in that moment weirdly enough. He thought it was amazing a single person could be so tenacious and he just had to follow her. Maruchan also came sprinting along because he never leaves his tamers side and has a serious case of separation anxiety. Like seriously a puppy that never grows into a full grown wolf or dog is bound to be insanely compassionate for its master even if it never fights.

    What the hell? This chick was crazy just killing NPC's left and right to make an escape... Oh [censored] there coming for me now!, Before I knew it I was back near the outer city with the girl I had just met. Alright look level one the second you talk to anyone else of a higher level like that you're going to die. I used to be in a guild that helped players level so I can spot people like you pretty easily. Look just *sigh* shut up come with me damn it... I then reached for the girls hand before running out of the city gates into the field heading for the woods.

  8. As X packed up and Maruchan chased his tail in a circle a girl showed up in front of X holding an NPC hostage. The girl had her starting dagger up to the mans neck, X was confused because he couldn't find out how to score points or win this game the girl presented. More than anything the performer loved to be told to play things. Like no one ever cares enough to even talk with a performer about their craft so X even in these circumstances was happy to spread music.

    Damn her I just put my guitar away but I do have something I think she'll like to have though, Oh ok you seem pretty hardcore right right... Ok this recording crystal has a song of mine that I think you'll like on it... I then took out a good craft of mine nothing with any enhancements on it and tossed it over to the girl. Just then a few players were then looking at this little charade and a few of them began to storm over angry mob style... Oh [censored]! Uh we should go like now!... Ruff!... Nothing to see here folks just got to take my friend here out to the fields for a bit.

  9. X was back in the town of beginnings again just to do a little street performances and accompanied always by none other that his familiar Maruchan. X sat on the ledge of a fountain strumming at his silver guitar singing some song he wrote a while back. Maruchan even managed to let go of some high pitched howls that go along with the song making everything seem to fit better together. Passing by players simply stopped to listen for a bit before continuing on to wherever they were going as everyone else in the game did when they see a performer.

    "Why oh why do we treat each other this way, why oh why does our love work this way..." wow these people are really loving this song, little do they know I wrote it on a napkin at one of the taverns like two hours ago... Man it be great if people actually paid me for doing this regularly. Thank you, thank you... The end of my performance was met with some light applause, at the very least Maruchan is enjoying himself... Ruff ruff!

  10. Ughhhh its time to make another song... I'm not exactly too happy about it even if I could possibly become rank 3 today... I'm also dealing with a massive hangover right now, which is by far the worst mechanic in this game. Like I'm willing to trade not letting orange players into towns for no hangovers ever. Alright uh fetch Maruchan fetch... Ruff ruff!... Arrrghhh little quieter pup please..

    The little dog then did as his master requested and fetched the iconic guitar that now sat in X's hands being tuned making X flinch with every little strum of a string, but then a beautiful melody appeared out of simply tunning the guitar, Maruchan activated a recording crystal to capture the moment.

    3, 6, 8, 9,

    3- recording crystal exploded

    6- Mat recovered LD:15 ID: 60841

    8- good song

    8-good song

    +10 EXP

  11. After X's thoughts were heard and seemingly agreed with the message at least X held his head with the release of a simple yawn almost to match how quickly tired he was becoming with the situation. Finally players were standing up for the green would be assassin now understanding that killing this random dude really isn't  the answer to any problem this mob is faced with. The only one throwing a fit now was Xion who still seemed to want to kill someone.

    Who the hell says hold your tongue anymore? It's like 2023- WAIT! Oh my god are one of those role-player guys? I just want one picture, I'll pay 200 col for it!.... I cannot believe this guy, OH THATS A GLAIVE! Finally this guy gets off the assassin... Hey man get out of here, I know you don't want to die more than you want to kill Oikawa... I'm not running? that's funny this guy doesn't know who he's talking too... Back off emo I'm not gonna fight you no matter how angsty your outbursts are, and some role player you are, don't like you have follow the Jedi code or something? Macrodon back me up on this man... Damn I feel bad for this guy now atleast he wont be killing anyone today.

    (yeah anyone interfere if you want I'm not apposed to the idea at all.

  12. X picks up his guitar smiling ready to play music for all of Aincrad to enjoy but more importantly purchase.

    Alright pup lets get ready for today's work...Ruff ruff... A moment there I thought you were saying no... "Hey there little black bird, tell me where is your flock..." If I don't get some decent Col off of these songs Aincrad may have one less performer, on the other hand I'm like one of six so that takes suicide off the table...

    12, 2, 3, 2,

    Name: Stay with me attraction song

    Your Profession: Performer

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 60731

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Attraction song
    Tier: 1

    Quality: perfect

    Enhancements: Familiar call

    Description: X's cover of stay with me by sam smith

    2- material explodes

    3- material explodes

    2-material explodes

    + 21 EXP

  13. 3 hours ago, Mack said:

    I'm also looking for input on any potential loopholes you all may find.

    Boom! in this thread a real long time ago I killed someone just because I could get away with it and I did after stirring up a huge storm among the GM's which I am sorry for but still this had to happen so that changes could be made.

    Edit: I got away with it by it being like as if it never happened so I get no orange cursor but the player I "killed" decided to forever leave the site because after he read the rules and saw how long it took to dispute the matter he left and the matter was dropped completely.

  14. Macrodon Began interjecting now which made X feel a little better as he now realized he had some support even with out being acknowledged. Xion's outburst that was angsty enough to match his dumb haircut. What kind of hypocrite defends a murderer from a murderer without learning what the intentions of one is and defending the other even before finding out the reason of the other. Jesus it must take the living embodiment of ignorance mixed with the loyalty of a hitler youth to make a person act like this.

    Oh hey yeah listen to your boss dumb pawn this guy understands you cant just kill people that is why he's in charge of you, and you know something emo haircut or what was it Xion? Why are you protecting a murderer or since killing someone doesn't mark you as a murderer anymore, Oikawa from someone who is trying to kill him for reasons your not entirely sure of and then you have the audacity to say he doesn't deserve mercy or questioning for 'trying to kill someone' when you are protecting someone from death who has actually killed someone... Jesus Christ I really hate being the peace maker like ever, I actually can't think of the words right now to tell this guy what he's doing is so just cringy. OH CRAP I JUST REMEMBERED, This Macrodon guy found me in the woods after a nap one day and gave me a PSA about not napping outside of the safezone. I should probably shoot him a message after I'm done here to catch up, but first!... People like you are the reason Maverick and laughing coffin Hunters are getting treated the same way as the people they deal with so we don't have to, either way if you don't take my word for it Kiru is one PM away and she's a lot more intimidating than me.


  15. X heard another round of conversations and just like the circle scenes from that 70's show it was now X's turn to say something however they weren't smoking the devils lettuce in this witty reference. The creepy perv with the potions made a lame excuse like we don't all know why he did what he did. The now victimized girl put on an acting performace not dserving of an Oscar but maybe a nickelodeon kids choice award and that's not saying much. Then theres the girl Avilon which was genuinely interested in the guild... theres actually no way to make fun of that its just good to know.

    Oh so you are interested in a guild, well I don't have enough people right now to revive the guild but just add me and I could message you when I need you. Yeah and another thing about the quest EaL or Feeding the enemy I can help with both... Ruff ruff... And Maruchan really likes you for some reason so I guess your cool in my book... Yup like I thought earlier something similar to this always happens.

  16. After X got a hold of the necklace his face turned quickly from one of distained happiness to one of confusion. As the guitar necklace did have the enchantment on it that he wanted it was just not what he had ordered. X wasn't exactly one for fashion over function so it wouldn't bother him that much however he is spending a decent chunk of change on this piece and felt a bit cheated.

    Uh you know I said pick right, wait you know what a pick it is right?... This guy like have something against me, or does he seriously not know what a guitar pick is?... Well its a bit gaudy and 90's for my taste but as long as it has the enchantment I guess you'll get your col....

    Transaction table.


    - 1000 col

    + Name: Guitar Necklace

    Your Profession: Artisan

    Your Rank: 6

    ID: 60632

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Trinket

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: Ambition

    Description: A pendant of a guitar attached to a necklace.



  17. X once again getting caught in his own scene by others treating him like the bad guy here, the one not trying to kill anybody. Even Scarface had a better reputation than X did right now for only yelling a few words at a murderer. Its ridiculous how Oikawa is a literal unstable psychopath that wants to murder people is looked at like a hero with that orange cursor above his head, yet when Keith the Maverick hunter bore this mark of shame everyone saw him as nothing more that a child murderer or even miss Mari with her PK status made her scary and unapproachable by anyone. X doesn't kill X doesn't even fight on the frontlines, he makes music and dedicated himself at one point and will soon again to helping the lower level players of Aincrad.

    I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it... Go Fu-... Just before I could fully get out my obscenity I noticed a player with a dagger charging at Oikawa, Damn this guy is even more resentful than me... Then something occurred to me, if we forgave Oikawa just now for his murder why are we trying to fight this guy. These guys Xion and Baldur now basically had there swords at this guys throat ready to kill him...

    X then calmly let a breath almost a sigh of calming air out of his mouth and began slowly walking over to address the situation. Upon arrival he looked the assassin over and noticed he was terrified by the look in his eyes. The boy then reached and set a hand on Xion's shoulder.

    Easy, we cannot kill someone over trying to kill an orange player... For all we know he may have the same reason you all love that Oikawa here had for killing Zelrius. We will take him back to a safe-zone and question him there before deciding to send him to the prison area or not.


  18. sure whatever ya pervs, in all seriousness I do think its ridiculous how just because its a little dirty doesn't mean we cant claim credit for it, and writing RP's are a pain either way this at least spices things up sort of like really old married couples who start doing weird stuff. I dunno but still it be ok with me and like Zero's level would double if this was put into action and most of that stuff in these sections aren't even that bad. Just a few big boy curse words and other stuff the general public couldn't handle. Usually things are pretty classy because there are rules in the unrestricted section and really good agreeable ones too. So yeah go ahead and let these people claim there SP.

  19. I was down on the dojo floor punching a bag when I heard someone come in the shop... After equipping a shirt on I walked up the stairs to see someone placing the payement for the crystals he was taking on the counter... Yeah that's good here I'll unlock the anti-theft system on the crystals... I then slid open my menu and pressed a few buttons swapping ownership of the crystals to the player. Hey thanks a bunch for paying in mats I was running low...


    +1 Monster Call Crystal (Uncommon)


    Name: king of the Jungle attraction song

    Your Profession: Performer

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 60425

    Roll: 10

    Item Type: HP recovery song
    Tier: 1

    Quality: uncommon

    Enhancements: Monster call, 1 monster will spawn. This monster will give you a +1 on the LD when killed if they meet loot requirements

    Description: X's cover of I wanna be like you from the jungle book OST

    +1 Familiar Call Crystal (Perfect)



    Name: Stay with me attraction song

    Your Profession: Performer

    Your Rank: 2

    ID: 60607

    Roll: 12

    Item Type: Attraction song
    Tier: 1

    Quality: perfect

    Enhancements: Familiar call

    Description: X's cover of stay with me by sam smith


    + 6 Mats.


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