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Status Replies posted by Alyss

  1. Laws of average say that 1 in 4 should succeed on the loot dice. However.. I have gone 12 failures in a row. I look at odds, and dey them. I break the system for which we are founded. lol

  2. Laws of average say that 1 in 4 should succeed on the loot dice. However.. I have gone 12 failures in a row. I look at odds, and dey them. I break the system for which we are founded. lol

  3. Boss fight finally! Stupid wasps. Down with the Queen!

  4. Mimic down then you loot it to spawn a new one


  6. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

    1. Alyss


      knew something was wrote did just not spot it my self :P

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

  8. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

    1. Alyss


      I should really do some Earning a living cause needs dem Materials if i can keep up my luck tomorrow lol :P

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

    1. Alyss


      i don't mind Pk'er coming and buying my sweets, they need candy also after all as long as they unequip there weapons its all fine.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  10. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

    1. Alyss


      ooh your a Pker ??, mine is on Floor 4 so not sure if its even in a town since its the vinter place

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  11. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

    1. Alyss


      its quite the insane cake, so i think there will be fight for who gets it. since those stats are crazy for someone who wants to craft.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  12. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

    1. Alyss


      if it gets approved i think its sold before it get on the shelf lol, will give +2 Craft Attempts and +1 Craft Exp

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  13. Perfect Cooking where do i post items that need to be approved ??

    1. Alyss


      :) Thankies need to get my Super Cake approved :P

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  14. i just wanna get home and dance on a table already.

  15. i just wanna get home and dance on a table already.

  16. i just wanna get home and dance on a table already.

  17. And just like that it is Tokyo ghoul time

  18. Didn't someone post a status not too long ago saying they had some +1 CD items?

  19. Guys, don't forget to link your dice rolls or they won't count,

  20. Anyone who's good at making Signs/Picture Edits ?

  21. Anyone who's good at making Signs/Picture Edits ?

  22. Crafting is even easier with my new golden needle, Catfish Forge rules

  23. Crafting is even easier with my new golden needle, Catfish Forge rules

  24. Im finding it really difficult to hate cupid

    1. Alyss


      Lol Lessa should just drop guys then and swing to the other side if shes that horrible at getting guys

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  25. Im finding it really difficult to hate cupid

    1. Alyss


      +1 one to Lessa hah best reason for a boss fight ever

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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