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Posts posted by Reusririasuir

  1. Now that he had a better understanding, Reu darted in and grabbed a muay thai plum. The plum is a type of clinch in which both hands hold the back of the opponents head. It's extremely strong as a control position, and allows the deliverance of destructive knees to an opponents mid-section. And delivering destructive knees is exactly what Reu did. Firing off a series of knees, he could see major cracks now forming in the rock.


    ID 17753 BD 9


    Stone 1 / 20 (-2) (1 + 1 Critical) 

  2. Reu decided that instead of attacking he was going to analyze the situation. Taking a close look, he could see cracks forming in the rock. Running his hands across these cracks, he began to have a good idea of where they were coming from, and where they were going. Slowly, he developed an understanding of how he should attack from here on out. 'Sometimes rushing to attack, was foolhardy', Reu remembered the quote he had read in one of the books that was available in the old mans guest room.


    ID 17751 BD 4 (3 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 3 / 20 

  3. "You're not having trouble are you? What's taking you so long." Reu heard the old man taunt him.


    "LISTEN, OLD MAN! I'm almost done here, I'll have you know."


    Turning his attention to the rock, Reu delivered a quick low-kick and felt the crack of his shin making contact. If he hadn't been conditioning his shins with the old man, he would have likely just broke them; but with proper conditioning and body hardening, these kicks were no trouble at all for Reu.



    ID 17750 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 3 / 20 (-1)

  4. Landing another series of blows, Reu was disappointed they weren't doing anything. Reminding himself to focus on his technique, Reu checked his footwork, his base, and made sure his core was tight. He also reminded himself to 'sit-down' on his punches, which is how you generate any real power behind them. It's all in technique, he reminded himself.


    ID 17749 BD 2


    Stone 4 / 20


    Concentration Cooldown: 1 Turns

  5. Next Reu attacked with one of his favorite combinations, a jab, left hook, right straight combination. Most combinations end with a hook as it is such a strong power punch, but by ending your combination with a straight, allows you to create distance between you and your opponent. This allows you to keep your opponent at the end of your punches instead of them being in-close and being able to clinch you up.


    ID 17748 BD 7 


    Stone 4 / 20 (-1)


    Concentration Cooldown: 2 Turns

  6. Moving in for another attack, Reu stepped in close and delivered a strong hook to the boulder. Feeling it begin to crack, Reu followed the hook up with several more to the same place. Stepping back, Reu watched as a chunk of the boulder fell and de-res'd before it hit the ground. Slowly, he was making cracks in rock, eventually the cracks were going to add up, Reu knew he just needed to keep himself focused.


    ID 17747 BD 8 


    Stone 5 / 20 (-1)


    Concentration Cooldown: 3 Turns

  7. Keeping up the energy of his last attack, Reu attacked the boulder with another one-two combination. Crack, CRACK. The combination is extremely fluid for Reu, and one which doesn't drain a lot of energy from the fighter. Bouncing from left to right and back again, Reu was starting to remember just how much he loves being able to let his hands go.


    ID 17746 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 6 / 20 (-1)


    Concentration Cooldown: 4 Turns

  8. Activating his Concentration skill, Reu observed the rock, and then launched into his unarmed attack. Moving forward, he performed a Dempsey roll. The Dempsey Roll is a technique which was created and made famous by the fighter Jack Dempsey. Making a figure-eight motion with your upper body, you would throw hook punches at each end of the figure-eight, allowing the energy generated by the figure-eight to supply power to the hook, and in turn, the energy of the hook would be used as momentum for the next part of the figure-eight. By continuing this motion, massive amounts of power are able to be generated and transferred into your punches. It's movement makes it a highly predictable technique, but one in which the reward justifies the high-risk telegraphed nature. It's also an OLD technique, not commonly used by many fighters nowadays and so, in the right hands, it can still catch fighters off-guard.


    ID 17745 BD 6 (4 + 1 Dog Tags + 1 Concentration)


    Stone 7 / 20 (-1)


    Concentration Cooldown: 5 Turns

  9. Moving forward, Reu threw out a front-kick. Typically used to create distance, Reu's front kick was more of a power-strike. He threw it straight out in front of him, feeling it land. When he pulled his foot back down and out of the way, Reu could see splinters in the rock face where his foot had landed..


    ID 17744 BD 8


    Stone 8 / 20 (-1)

  10. Scrambling back up, Reu resumed his fighting stance. This time he threw a jab to measure his distance, and then stepped in slight closer. As he stepped, Reu already began spinning. BOOM! SPINNING ELBOW! He whirled himself around throwing a backwards spinning elbow which thunk-ed off the boulder with a resounding thud. The centrifugal motion of his body generated a tremendous amount of power behind the strike.



    ID 17743 BD 7 (6 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 9 / 20 (-1)

  11. Now that he had his reset stance, Reu delivered a quick one-two combination. The jab followed by a straight was one of the most common, and yet also one of the most effective, boxing combinations a person could have in their arsenal. Reu marveled at the power behind his right straight, most of it coming from his stronger core and stronger back. All of the physical training was starting to pay off!


    ID 17712 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 10 / 20 (-1)

  12. Launching another frenzy of strikes, Reu felt them bounce off with little to no effect. Forcing himself to step-back, Reu then 'reset' his stance. Once he had done so, Reu stepped back in close to the boulder, he was now even closer then he was before.




    ID 17705 BD 3


    Stone 11 / 20 

  13. After landing the high kick, Reu stepped in extremely close. Wrapping his arms around as much of the stone as he could, he simulated a clinch. Posturing himself high and standing upright, Reu quickly and violently brought his head forward into a murderous headbutt. The headbutt landed and Reu stepped back. That was something he never would have tried in real life because of the brain injury risk, but here, in a virtual body, it was a punishing blow Reu had spent time developing.


    ID 17700 BD 10


    Stone 11 / 20 (-3) (1 + 2 Critical)

  14. Using the energy from the attack, Reu pulled his forward momentum back into himself. Next he took a step off to the right side, and delivered a punishing high kick at the stone. If he had targeted a regular person, it would have been a head kick. Hearing the crack as his right shin bone connected, Reu knew it was a strong hit. He saw several pieces of the rock crumble as a result of his impact.



    ID 17699 BD 10


    Stone 14 / 20 (-3) (1 + 2 Critical)

  15. Next Reu fired off an attack he had learned from Wing Chun. He brought both of his palms together, at his center-line, and leaned his body back without moving his feet. Next he used the power of his weight shifting forward to propel both his hands forward in a strong attack at chest-level. Hearing a thud, Reu felt himself connect with the stone.



    ID 17696 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 17 / 20 (-1)

  16. Quickly, Reu fired off another jab. This time it was a step jab, meaning he took a slight step forward as he jabbed, changed levels slightly, and then threw out his punch. All of this happened lighting quick, a result from trained repetition over the past few weeks with the old man.



    ID 17695 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 18 / 20 (-1)

  17. As the old man attacked Reu, Reu used a forearm strike to deflect his opponents forearms. Now that both arms were out of the way, Reu combined both of his hands and then using his entire body, pushed the old man in the chest, sending him stepping back out of the circle.


    "Mate! Very good Reusririasuir! You have completed this phase of your training. Now let's try and see if you can break that rock with your bare hands."


    Quietly the master and the student made their way to the large stone. "Now Reu, break it."


    Stepping up, Reu looked at the large stone boulder that stood in front of him. It was several dozen feet taller then he was and much, much wider. Stepping up, Reu threw out a jab to find his distance. The quick punch bounced off the rock, and seemingly had no impact. Reu pulled his hand back to his chin, quick as he had been taught.


    ID 17694 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags)


    Stone 19 / 20 (-1)

  18. "Oh ho ho ho ho, very good Karate Kid!" The old man laughed at Reu.


    "Gah, really! Really! Being mocked by an old man in a virtual game--"


    "Quiet. Now, it's time for the next part of your training. We will be combining the force redirection from Judo, with controlling the center-line from Wing Chun. Come and move me from the circle."


    The old man stepped into a low-stance, and as he did so, the training environment around them changed. Reu found himself sitting on the steps of a 1900's Chinese temple. The pair were at the top, on a flat, level surface. Two circles appeared, one underneath the old man and one underneath Reu. Taking his own stance, Reu reached out and attacked the old man. The old man, in kind, deflected Reu's arms and pushed Reu solidly in the chest. The only thing keeping Reu from moving outside of the circle was the new-found strength he had gained in his legs over the past several weeks.


    Bringing his hands back to center, Reu again attempted to attack, this time the old-man deflected each of his hands, and used his leg to hook and trip Reu. Groggily, Reu stood back up and resumed his stance.

  19. Making their way back out of the forest, Reu breathed in the cool air. Feeling the sunshine coming down on his skin, he slowly walked up to a large boulder that was taking up space in the field of flowers. Looking underneath it, he found several large insects. They were grasshoppers, but about the size of your foot. Grabbing the pesky critters, Reu added them to his stockpile.


    After doing so, he stopped, shut his eyes, and stood still feeling the warm sun across his skin. "Man, I can't believe we're in a game. Are we still in a game, or has this become real life?"


    ID 17690 LD 18 (12 + 2 Dog Tags + 2 Search + 2 Item Bonus)


    Total: 2


    Danger Level:

    Calrex: 1/3

    Reusririausuir: 0/3

  20. Turning back to the fountain, Reu decided to see if there was anything in the soft soil. Digging his hands into the wet earth, Reu slowly tilled the soil, searching to see if anything was there. Sadly, nothing seemed to be there. Disappointed he didn't find any fishing bait, Reu stood up and turned to Calrex. "Maybe we should try checking another area? There doesn't seem to be as much here as I hoped."



    ID 17686 LD 14 (8 + 2 Dog Tags + 2 Search + 2 Item Bonus)


    Total: 1 


    Danger Level:

    Calrex: 1/3

    Reusririausuir: 0/3

  21. "Right."


    Wordlessly, Reu continued searching. He knew he could trust Calrex with covering his back. Dropping to his knees, he looked at mushrooms growing on the ground, to see if they were salvageable. Sadly, they were not. The heavy fog now was increasing, even with their skills, the pair would need to be careful to not get separated.



    ID 17684 LD 11 (5 + 2 Dog Tags + 2 Search + 2 Item Bonus)


    Total: 1 


    Danger Level:

    Calrex: 1/3

    Reusririausuir: 0/3

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