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Posts posted by Reusririasuir

  1. The mighty Reu attacked Avalanche unafraid of the monster. Rushing in recklessly, he ripped his blade across the creatures chest. As he did so, Avalance laughed and used his massive arms to trap Reu in the center. Suddenly, Reu had no way out! Avalanche then used its giant icy paws to smash Reu between them, sending Reu reeling while his battle healing ability attempted to heal the damage done to him.


    ID 17175 BD 7 CD 11 MD 9


    Reu 15 / 35 (-3) (3 + 1 Critical - 1 Battle Healing)

    Avalanche 9 / 50 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    Concentration Fully Cooled Down!

  2. Launching another assault, Reu ripped his sword left and then came up in a beautiful uppercut slash. As he did so, he flipped off of Avalanches' stomach and kicked him in the chin. Ha, take that ya big oaf! As Avalanche went to counter-strike, Reu easily avoided another attack, and this time, felt the warm battle healing ability kick-in. Even better, he glanced at his cooldown timer and saw that his Concentration ability was now fully cooled-down. It's good to have it if I need it, he thought to himself!


    ID 17174 BD 6 (4 + 1 Dog Tags + 1 Savvy) CD 12 MD 4


    Reu 18 / 35 (+1 Battle Healing)

    Avalanche 13 / 50 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    Concentration Fully Cooled Down!

  3. Pushing forward, Reu continued a frenzied assault against 'Avalanche'. Slashing left, right, down, and then left again, Reu managed to slip his sword inside several times. Avalanche might be bigger then he was, but Reu was here to show that size wasn't everything!


    He ripped the creature asunder, and then he dug his blade into the wound again with a spinning combination attack. The blade pulsed as Reu struck, indicating that it was critical strike! Avalanche was reeling from the pain, it feel backwards, and when it went to strike Reu, he was easily able to dodge the big, slow, telegraphed counter-strike.


    ID 17173 BD 10 MD 1


    Reu 17 / 35 

    Avalanche 17 / 50 (-6) (1 + 3 Weapon + 2 Critical)


    Concentration Cooldown : 1 Turns

  4. Eyeing his cooldown timer for his Concentration skill, Reu noted that it would still be several more seconds until it was ready. So instead, he focused on making the best timed attack he could without it! Darting in he ripped the blade against the monster's belly again, and once again, managed to evade the counter-attack, though just barely! This fight was way too close for Reu tastes that's for sure! Still, Reu had almost gotten their HP to equal, for that, he was proud of himself.


    ID 17172 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags) MD 5 (8 - 2 Armor - 1 Dog Tags)


    Reu 17 / 35 

    Avalanche 23 / 50 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    Concentration Cooldown : 2 Turns

  5. Charging forward again, this time Reu dodged Avalanches slam attack, and ripped into its arms with his sword, the Apotheosis Unto Mars. As he tore into Avalanche, Reu sprayed ice-blue snow across the mountain-top. Having no time to stop and admire how pretty the colors were, Reu continued bouncing around the mountain-top, buying time for his Battle Healing ability, doing his best to avoid being struck, and doing his best to avoid a slippery fall to his death. One slip, one slip and it would all be over.



    ID 17171 BD 9 CD 10 MD 4


    Reu 17 / 35 ( +1 Battle Healing)

    Avalanche 27 / 50 (-5) (1 + 3 Weapon + 1 Critical)


    Concentration Cooldown : 3 Turns

  6. His senses beginning to recover from that sordid strike, Reu again attacked Avalanche. This time running right up too it and slashing at its stomach. The beast cried in pain, reeling from the heavy blow Reu landed. Expertly, Reu performed a series of well-executed jumps to avoid the resulting smash frenzy Avalanche attempted to hurt him with. So far so good, Reu thought to himself, as he eyed his health gauge, and then Avalanches.


    ID 17170 BD 7 CD 12 MD 3


    Reu 16 / 35 ( +1 Battle Healing)

    Avalanche 42 / 50 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    Concentration Cooldown : 4 Turns

  7. Reu activated his Concentration skill and rushed the gigantic creature Avalanche. Doing so, he ran up the side of the Ice Elemental's arm and ripped his blade into its ribs, lethally. Hopping off at the elbow, Reu was now behind the creature and thought himself safe; but to his surprise, Avalanche suddenly swung its massive arm over and around and slammed Reu with a giant frozen paw. The speed with which Avalanche moved surprised Reu and he was reeling from the attack. Reu became much more worried then he had been, looking at his health bar, he realized...he might not make it out of this battle alive!


    ID 17168 BD 6 (4 + 1 Dog Tags + 1 Concentration) CD 11 MD 9


    Reu 15 / 35 (3) (3 + 1 Critical - 1 Battle Healing)

    Avalanche 46 / 50 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    Concentration Cooldown : 5 Turns

  8. Suddenly, the rock grotto beneath him started to move.


    "What the?" Reu pondered aloud. The entire earth was moving. Realizing this was NOT good, Reu rand down the side of the grotto and turned around, facing the grotto.


    Suddenly from the middle of the grotto, erupted a massive Ice Elemental. Two Health bars appeared next too it, and as Reu read its' name, it erupted with a terrifying cry of 'AVALANCHE!"


    Reu stepped himself back, this wasn't going to be an easy fight, but he was here now, and they were about to throw down.


    Reu : 18 / 35 (+1 out of combat healing)

  9. Reu couldn't believe his luck, he walked up to the chest feeling elated. Still, he was ever-cautious and check the chest for traps. Excited that there were none, he popped the lid! Inside was the mother-lode! 400 Col and 3 Materials, Reu couldn't believe his luck! He excitedly added the items to his inventory, and then took a seat next to the Treasure Chest, trying to figure out what to do next, or where to go.


    ID 17166 LD 22 (19 + 2 Dog Tags + 1 Search)



    Reu : 17 / 35 (+1 out of combat healing)


    +400 Col

    + 3 Materials

  10. Reu took a long look around. He had cleared all the Ice Elementals from this mountain-top and was now standing completely alone. Deciding to do a search, Reu activated his 'Search & Detect' ability, and looked for anything suspicious. At first Reu didn't see anything, then he looked up at the rock grotto in front of him. Hah, Reu laughed to himself, it was right there the entire time. Bounding up the rock grotto, Reu walked up on the treasure chest which was now plainly sticking out at him.



    ID 17165 LD 16


    Reu : 16 / 35 (+1 out of combat healing)

  11. Reu moved in for the kill, eliminating the monster in front of him rather quickly. It was his only choice, he couldn't let the beast hit him again, and he couldn't drag the battle out any longer. Reu reared up, and struck. Sending it to virtual fragmentation. Sighing, he sat back and looked at his earnings from the monster drop. 100 Col and 2 Materials, not bad, he thought to himself.


    ID 17164 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags) LD 20 (17 + 2 Dog Tags + 1 Search)


    Reu 15 / 35 

    Ice Elemental 0 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    +100 Col

    +2 Material

  12. Reu still continued to press the attack. He was all alone up here, if he didn't attack, it was fully possible he would die. Reu didn't like the thought of dying, he especially didn't like the thought of dying alone on a mountain top in a virtual world. And so Reu attacked, he attacked, and he attacked, and continued attacking until finally, the Ice Elemental responded with its own counter-attack. Reu was so intently focusing on attacking that he failed to defend properly, and as a result, the Ice Elemental landed a critical strike against him.


    ID 17162 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags) MD 9


    Reu 15 / 35 (-3) (2 + 1 Critical)

    Ice Elemental 4 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  13. Going forward, Reu attacked with intensity. His opponent was standing right in front of him, and he was going to make him pay for that. He attacked with a series of sword strikes which sent the ice elemental stumbling. When it attempted to counter-attack, Reu coolly stepped to the side, unscathed.


    ID 17161 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags) MD 3 (5  - 2 Armor)


    Reu 18 / 35 

    Ice Elemental 8 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  14. Running forward, Reu fell face-first and landed on his face. Quickly rolling to the side, he managed to get away from the Ice Elementals stomp, but still, Reu was laying on the ground whith nowhere to go. It wasn't like he could just keep rolling either, if he did, he was likely to fall off the mountain ledge. With this in mind, Reu did a front-roll to standing move with his acrobatic ability and it allowed him to regain a good battle position to fight from.


    ID 17160 BD 1 MD 2


    Reu 18 / 35 

    Ice Elemental 12 / 20 

  15. Sending and receiving the next attack, Reu rushed at the enemy; his block was easy enough, just a series of simple footsteps to remove him from the attacking monster. Pushing himself forward Reu launched at the enemy, staggering it with a might blow. Reu felt good after that exchange, he was ahead on health points now and felt strong, really strong!


    ID 17157 BD 6 MD 4 (6  - 2 Armor)


    Reu 18 / 35 

    Ice Elemental 12 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  16. Finally, Reu had enough exploration. He targeted the nearest Ice Elemental and rushed at it. Raising his sword up, Reu brought it crashing down on his enemies head with a thump. As it thumped, the Elemental kicked Reu in the chest with a heavy sounding thud. Reu went staggering back, gasping for air.


    ID 17155 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags) MD 9


    Reu 18 / 35 (-3) (2 + 1 critical)

    Ice Elemental 16 / 20 (-4)

  17. Keying his favorite soundtrack in the menu, the TRON Legacy Soundtrack, Reu went to work exploring this small circular mountain-top. It wasn't very large, mostly it was just...circular. Round. Round, that was the word Reu was thinking of. Reu walked in circles several times, carefully avoiding the ice elementals in the area, he wasn't quite ready to farm another. Though, it wouldn't be too much longer, he thought to himself as he checked his health gauge.


    Reu 21 / 35 (+1 Battle Healing)

  18. Sitting and staring would only sedate Reu for so long. He was always the type of person who wanted to stay busy. He knew that there was a time to plan, but that their was also a time to be active. Hopping up, he walked around the rock grotto which was in the middle of the mountain ledge he was currently on. Looking closely, he could see some herbs hidden in the snow, Frosted Grass it was called. Reaching down, Reu did his best to pull some out.


    Sadly, after several attempts, he couldn't pull them loose. Taking another look around, he decided he wanted to explore the area a bit.


    ID 17149 LD 7 (4 + 2 Dog Tags + 1 Search)


    Reu 20 / 35 (+1 Battle Healing)

  19. Now that he had time to sit down, Reu did just that. The last monster hadn't been particularly challenging, but still, it had been a long journey. Reu just wanted to take a rest. He popped himself a seat, and stared out over the mountain ledge again. Taking a long drink of water, Reu was just awe-struck at the beauty of Aincrad. He could see the sun now coming up mid-morning rise, and the snow was...well it wasn't lessening, but it wasn't so bad you couldn't see through it from way up here. Sighing, Reu just took the view in, letting himself rest for several moments.


    Reu 19 / 35 (+1 Battle Healing)

  20. Recovering his composure, Reu leaned as far forward as he could to avoid falling backwards. Once he stabalized, Reu rushed in, ready to end the fight. Coming up at the monster, Reu drove his blade down in a right-handed diagonal slash designed to kill of the monster. To his delight, the attack ripped across the monsters front-side, and it de-res'd into a thousand shards of virtual data. Quietly Reu stood on the cliff, letting his battle healing ability mend his wounds, while he looked over the loot drop. Sadly, all that was there was one crafting material; there was no col dropped.


    ID 17142 BD 6 (5 + 1 Dog Tags) CD 12 LD 1


    Reu 18 / 35 (+1 Battle Healing)

    Ice Elemental 0 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    +1 Material

  21. Coming in for his next round of attacks, Reu struck out with a low swinging attack at the knees of the Ice Elemental. Striking solidly ripping across it's knees and thighs the Ice Elemental screamed in pain and solidly thumbed Reu with a giant icy paw. Seeing stars, Reu stumbled back, coming dangerously close to falling backwards over the edge. As his feet neared the edge, you could hear rocks break off and tumble into the darkness below.


    ID 17139 BD 6 (4 + 1 Dog Tags + 1 Savvy) MD 10


    Reu 17 / 35 (-4) (2 + 2 Critical)

    Ice Elemental 4 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  22. Pressing on the attack, Reu delivered a frenzy of attacks. Left, Right, Down, Up, Left, Right, he swung his sword with great intensity. Feeling stronger and stronger with each attack, Reu felt more and more comfortable on the battle field. And as he got to be more and more comfortable, Reu was having an easier time dodging any and all of the incoming strikes.


    ID 17137 BD 6 MD 1 (4 - 2 Armor - 1 Acrobatics)


    Reu 21 / 35 

    Ice Elemental 8 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  23. Continuing his frenzy, Reu dove into the battle enthusiastically. He had come all this way and wasn't about to lose to some ice monster. Swinging his sword, Reu could hear his blade bouncing off the ice monsters thick skin. At the same time, Reu was hyper-aware of the incoming counter-attacks, ducking and dodging with little difficulty. 



    ID 17135 BD 7 CD 10 MD 5 (8 - 2 Armor - 1 Acrobatics)


    Reu 21 / 35 (+1 Battle Healing)

    Ice Elemental 12 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  24. Deciding to get down too it, Reu ran up to the first Ice Elemental he could see. Rushing the enemy, he launched straight into an attack. Swinging his sword high and overhead, he came crashing down, happy to be in combat again. The Ice Elemental responded with a quick swipe of its snowy paw, but Reu dodged it rather easily. He was so nimble in his light armor, he thought to himself.


    ID 17134 BD 7 MD 5 (8 - 2 Armor - 1 Acrobatics)


    Reu 20 / 35

    Ice Elemental 16 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  25. Finally, after what seemed like an extremely long time, and what was really two good days of climbing, Reu pulled himself up onto the mountain ledge. Stepping forward, Reu couldn't help himself, he turned around, and took in the view.


    What lay before him was an amazing sight, he could see all the way to Snowfrost Town, struggling to believe he had come this far. Turning around once more, he took a look around the mountain. There was a large rock slab in front of him, and the rock slab was surrounded by the white snowy ledge that Reu was currently on. Looking around, Reu could see several Ice Elementals, though he was afraid of engaging them in combat at the moment.


    Reu 20 / 35 (+ 1 Out of Combat Healing)

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