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Posts posted by Reusririasuir

  1. Charging the bird one last time, Reu ripped his blade across its colorful, feathered stomach for the final time. As it perished, Reu checked the drop loot notification and was happy to see he picked up one material and a hundred col. Sitting back a moment, Reu took stock that, during the battle, the bird had carried him to an entirely different area. He looked around, and a feeling loomed on him as he realized had no idea whatsoever of where he was now at.



    ID 17254 BD 7 LD 12 (9 + 2 Dog Tags + 1 Search)


    Reu 35 / 39 

    Toucan 0 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)


    +1 Material

    +100 Col

  2. Despite the trouble the bird was having in such a tight quarters, it was still a viscous foe. It would use its giant claws and its giant mouth to tear whole pieces out of the branches. It was so dangerous that Reu was having trouble getting close enough to attack, all he could do was sit back and dodge, and hope to escape unharmed.



    ID 17253 BD 1 CD 10 MD 3


    Reu 35 / 39 (+1 Battle Healing)

    Toucan 2 / 20

  3. Running through the tree-branches, Reu again jumped from branch to branch with acrobatic skill. Finally, he was on the same branch as the bird and so he ran up, and slashed at it's stomach. Executing a series of backflips, Reu found himself more then able to escape the ill-placed return strike. Thankfully for him, this large bird was having trouble maneuvering in such tight quarters.



    ID 17252 BD 6 (5 + 1 Savvy) MD 2


    Reu 34 / 39 

    Toucan 2 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  4. Standing this close to the Toucan, Reu charged at the bird, but with a mighty flap of its wing, it sent Reu flying. Slamming against a branch, Reu fell down onto the one below it. As soon as he landed, Reu started running to his left. And sure enough, the giant bird attacked the spot Reu had just been with a giant viscous beak strike. Luckily, Reu managed to escape just in time.


    ID 17251 BD 1 MD 4 (6 - 2 Armor)


    Reu 34 / 39 

    Toucan 6 / 20

  5. Looking at the perched birds position, Reu suddenly saw a way to reach the creature. Running forward, Reu jumped off the branch he was on, seemingly falling to his doom, Reu landed with a thud on another branch. Running up that branch, Reu went up and over the edge, landing on another branch, finally he was able to use this branch to come up above and behind the bird. Jumping a final time, Reu launched a falling downard sword-strike into the Toucan. The bird, surprised by the attack, attempted to fly off but flew itself straight into a branch. Dizzily, it settled in the same position it was before, mere feet in front of Reu.


    ID 17233 BD 8 MD 1


    Reu 34 / 39 

    Toucan 6 / 20 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  6. Suddenly the flapping toucan dove at Reu claws first. It's giant claws ripped into bark and tore into Reu all at the same time. Reeling, Reu feebly swung his sword in an attempt to drive the beast off but had very little effectiveness. The giant, colorful bird of prey landed on a nearby branch, watching Reu carefully.



    ID 17232 BD 1 (2 - 1 Toucan Flight Evasion Bonus) MD 9 


    Reu 34 / 39 (-5) (3 + 1 Toucan Flight Damage Bonus + 1 Critical)

    Toucan 10 / 20 

  7. Sweeping down, the toucan attempted to strike Reu, however Reu skillfully evaded it by running up a secondary branch, and then used the branch to jump on the back of toucan. Once seated on its back, Reu felt the toucan begin to freak out. It began flapping its wings and flying all around the tree, as the pair neared another branch, Reu knew he would need to act fast. He took his sword and drove it straight down into the beast, while also jumping off onto the nearest branch. Turning around, he stared the flying Toucan down.



    ID 17231 BD 6 (7 - 1 Toucan Flight Evasion Bonus) MD 5 (6 - 2 Armor + 1 Toucan Flight BD Bonus)


    Reu 39 / 39

    Toucan 10 / 20 (-4) (1+ 3 Weapon)

  8. Turning, Reu began his walk up the tree branch which would take him towards more of the Eighth Floor villages. Reu was walking among giant leaves, some of which were filled with rain-water droplets the size of Reu's head. Skirmishing across the area Reu kept his eyes peeled for monsters. If the terrain had changed, then most certainly this path had also become much more lethal. Still, the opportunity to look for treasure was too good to ignore, and so Reu slowly climbed the branch in front of him. It wasn't like climbing a cliff, it was more like hiking a very steep hill or mountain-side. Eventually, Reu neared the top. As he did so, he cautiously popped his head up in order to scout the area.


    In front of him, was a large toucan-like bird, blocking the trail. Equipping his sword, Reu charged the bird, hoping to get in a good first attack! As he came at the bird, he ripped his blade across its stomach before it could take off, and landed a critical hit! The bird, too injured to counter-attack, simply took to the air, and eyed Reu with its gleaming eyes.


    ID 17230 BD 10 MD 2


    Reu 39 / 39

    Toucan 14 / 20 (-6) (1+ 3 Weapon + 2 Critical)

  9. Backing himself up several feet, Reu grabbed the vine as tightly as he could. He REALLY hoped this wasn't about to break. "Ok, it's just like being in the circus, or being George from George in the Jungle." Finally, banishing his fear of heights, Reu ran towards the gap and jumped, clinging tightly to the vine between his arms.


    He went from having a thick, solid branch beneath his feet, to hovering several hundred feet in the air on nothing but a thick, green vine. Swinging through the air was liberating but Reu knew he was only going to get one shot at this, as he neared the apex of his swing, Reu jumped. Arms and legs flailing he flew through the air, landing in a crouch on the far trees' branch. Reu couldn't believe it, he had made it! Looking up, he realized, they're were no vines on this side. He'd have to find another way across on his trip back.

  10. Several hundred yards outside of town, Reu found himself staring at new problem. The usual path the players took towards 'Honey Dew Town', was now impassable. Two branches from two separate trees had interconnected here, creating a bridge with which players could transfer trees. But it seemed that these branches had broken off, and must now reside in the waters below. Thinking his journey might quickly be over, Reu decided to take some time to look around for another path.


    After several minutes of searching it hadn't taken long for him to find out that there wasn't going to be another bridge across. It was plain to see that there was now a sizable gap between the two trees with no other way across. Knowing that his Acrobatics skill MIGHT get him over there, Reu decided not to risk a jump. Looking around again, Reu noticed all the hanging vines on this side of the tree. Suddenly, Reu had an idea...

  11. Walking through Florenthia was a challenge in and of itself. The town was suspended by giant tree branches, with homes and shops and all kinds of other places hidden among the insides of the branches. On top of that, was the fact you could literally fall 'out' of the town, and into the perilous, monster-filled waters below. Reu didn't know of any players who had fallen into those depths and survived to tell about it; no doubt the monsters were very strong. However, if you stuck to the main paths, you would generally be just fine navigating Florenthia.


    With this in mind, Reu kept his feet moving until he stood on the edge of town, looking out over several inter-connected trees which would lead him deeper into this forest of giants. He still wasn't sure what he would find out there, but he was ready to get into some adventure!

  12. Arriving in Florenthia Village, Reu walked out of the teleport gate located in the center of town, and found the nearest bench to sit on. It occurred to him that out of all the floors he visits now, Floor 8 was probably the one he spent the least time on. From his understanding, there was a lack of major quests on this floor and so front-line players tended to avoid spending time here. However, Reu knew that because some of the other players were passing the floor up for the quests on higher floors, that they were probably missing all kinds of treasure trinkets and hopefully heaps of col. Smiling from his location on the bench, Reu hopped up, ready to leave town and go find something worthwhile to get into.

  13. Reu walked up to the portable lab that now occupied a small corner of the Floor 1 Marketplace. While looking at the price, 400 col for what he wanted, Reu patiently waiting on the shops proprietor, he greeted the alchemist and went straight into his order.


    "I require 1 Perfect HP Recovery Crystal. One which can heal for 15 points of health. I'm aware you're just starting and it may take you some time, but I'm willing to be patient."

  14. (OOC: Wrapping this up since they have all left SAO)


    Realizing that the trip HAD taken them much longer then they anticipated, the trio then navigated to Horunka. Who knew what adventures would await them as they continued to explore Aincrad. As they continued to look for a way out of this death game.


    The End


    +1 Skill Point

    +400 Col

    +1 Material

  15. "Damn it old man!" Reu stood facing several training dummy's. Without a second word he launched into a frenzy of bare-fisted attacks against the dummy's. Stepping into a forest of training dummy's left Reu with nothing but targets to choose from. Finding his center, Reu attacked the one to his right first, and then attacked the one to his left, and then Reu made sure to hit the one behind him, and then Reu was hit in the face hard, from what had been his front just several minutes ago. "How do you keep DOING that?!"


    Reu was becoming frustrated, it was nearly 3 in the afternoon and the two had started this drill before sunrise. Each time Reu would move into the field of training dummy's striking targets until the old man punched him the face. That wasn't what was supposed to happen, ideally Reu was going to walk in there, and punch everything, but he kept letting one of the dummy's get too close and as soon as he did, it would turn out to be the old man. No matter which one he attacked, or how often he thought he had just punched the old man instead.


    Suddenly a dong, housed in the old mans house, emitted a resounding note clear as day to Reu even at this distance. If Reu was frustrated before, he was infuriated now, because now his attempt at passing this drill was over for the day. It wasn't just over, go back and go to bed, oh no. It was over, now go do physical training for two hours. It wasn't the PT which bothered Reu, it was the fact that it was yet another day, two weeks now, in which he hadn't finished this quest. Sighing, Reu put these thoughts out of his mind, turned towards the mountain trail, and started off on his mandatory run.

  16. Reu stepped out into Urbus. The town itself resembled a medieval kingdom, stable and all. However, Reu wasn't interested in Urbus, not in the least. As soon as he stepped out of the teleport area, Reu started walking South out of Urbus. He had heard rumors of an unbreakable rock blocking a dungeon in that area, but what he had also heard, was even smaller rumors of a place where you could learn how to get around that rock. Reu didn't know what that meant, but he was determined to find a way into the dungeon.

  17. (RPing Shark)


    Gnawing and gashing the Sand Shark was struggling to break free. Finally, breaking free of X's grip the shark swam through the sands, first to get away and then it suddenly turned 'round and came at the pair of hero's. Swimming towards them, it suddenly leaped out of the attack at X, who skillfully evaded it with little trouble.



    ID 17181 MD 4 (6 + 1 Acc Bonus - 3 X's Evasion)


    X : 37 / 41 

    Reu 39 / 39

    Sand Shark 1 19 / 25

  18. Reu ran up ready to strike at the now-held Sand Shark. Charging at it, Reu suddenly realized just how much trouble he was having moving in this sand. Still, he was determined to strike. Lining up his sword he swung, and then his foot gave way and Reu sunk backwards completely missing his strike. It was a frustrating turn of events to say the least.



    ID 17180 BD 2


    X : 37 / 41 

    Reu 39 / 39

    Sand Shark 1 19 / 25

  19. Standing up, Reu checked his inventory for the entire journey and then walked to the edge of the lake, reflecting on the fall and the full journey.


    They always said us Bondurant boys was indestructible.


    Wordlessly, Reu started dancing a silent jig.


    Then, he fell in the lake.


    The End


    +3 Skill Points

    +2590 Col (990 monster drops & chests + 1600 4 Pages)

    +18 Material

    +1 Snowfrost Potion

    +1 Frozen Cheesecake

    +1 Winters Wrath Crystal

  20. Reu was in a panic now. He couldn't avoid the extremely powerful attack Avalanche started. Not having any time to run, Reu did the only thing he could think to do. It was stupid, it was suicidal, but Reu was both of those things, and more. Charging at Avalanche, Reu smashed into the creature and hacked and slashed until the monster was on the edge of the cliff, finally, Reu threw himself against the beast, and the two went into a free-fall down the mountain. 


    To an outside observer, it would have been mere seconds, though it would have seemed like hours as they went tumbling over the edge; but to Reu, it was over before he knew it. With a ginormous thud, Avalanche smashed into the ground, and Reu smashed into Avalanche. Powdered snow filled the air. Avalanche wasn't moving, it was clearly defeated. Finally, at long last, Reu sat up.


    "Almost thought I bought the farm with that. I can't believe I'm still alive." he somberly expressed to no-one but himself. Checking his HP gauge Reu was right, he survived the fall with only one health point remaining.


    Once he saw that he was in fact, still alive, Reu went to checking the loot drop. "1 Material, several experience points, and 1 alchemical salve."



    ID 17179 BD 7 CD 11 LD 5


    Reu 1 / 35 (-All But 1 From Fall)

    Avalanche 0 / 50


    +1 Material

    +3 Skill Points

    +1 Snowfrost Potion

  21. Suddenly, Avalanche struck out of nowhere with a giant whirlling snowball attack! It was a critical change in its attack patterns! Reu wasn't surprised so much as he was simply taken off-guard. Many monsters would change their attack patterns when they were low on health, still this one was hard to dodge being an extremely powerful area of effect attack. The entire area of effect encompassed the entire mountain-top, Reu had no-where to run as a giant snowball smashed into him, and then several more did the same!


    ID 17178 BD 1 MD 10


    Reu 11 / 35 (-5) (3 + 2 Critical)

    Avalanche 1 / 50

  22. Reu again attacked the large monster known as Avalanche. Sending it down to its last HP point, Reu was feeling great about this battle. So far, nothing had been outside his ability to control, so far, Reu was the one IN control. He easily avoided yet another attack by Avalanche, and prepared to end this battle.


    ID 17177 BD 8 MD 4


    Reu 16 / 35

    Avalanche 1 / 50 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

  23. Reu bounced around the battle-field. His acrobatic abilities is what gave him such great evasion so far during this fight, Reu wasn't exactly going to let it go to waste. He jumped up Avalanches left arm now and ran his blade alongside the beasts ribs, sending it reeling with pain. As Avalanche went to counter-attack, Reu simply did a simple back-step off the edge of Avalanches arm and easily avoided the attack. Hitting the ground, Reu resumed his battle stance.


    ID 17176 BD 8 CD 11 MD 2


    Reu 16 / 35 (+1 Battle Healing)

    Avalanche 5 / 50 (-4) (1 + 3 Weapon)

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