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Posts posted by Takneil

  1. Grabbing the black box from Hikoru, Takneil nodded. "Let's get back, the sooner the better." he stated shifting it so he held it at a more comfortable position. Turning around he tried to make out which way it was back to the safe zone, even through the sand he could tell that it had become night time. Sadly not the same story about where their destination was... "Umm, I guess you lead the way...Cause I lost where we are"

    ID# 51395 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 12 Loot: 16 MOB: 8 

    Takneil:64/64 Energy:16/16

  2. Frowning as it seemed the man that went by Krany or Kraner, he would most likely choose the later. Ignored his hand he let it fall to his side, maybe he just didn't see it?. "Well I certainly know how it is to have people call you ridiculous names, this one kid I recently met called me Takkles. Lucky he didn't taste my lack of Martial Arts skill!" he chuckled. He held no real resentment for the low level, if anything he enjoyed it. it was kind of like having a little brother. "Don't worry, I'll keep to Kraner. more dignified for me and you." 


    ID# 51317 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 12 Loot: 8 MOB: 10

    "To be honest I haven't been above floor eleven, I'm not as high level as I'd like to be." He said as he looked for any more materials that might be of use. "Thank you, I'll take you up on that offer. Sure you don't mind having someone here to help keep ya safe from any Player Killers" he chuckled softly as he stood back up. "But umm..., I was wondering how far you've gotten?" he repeated his previous question.

  3. "Well...to be honest I kinda grew tired of the whole, wave after wave of enemies and constant lingering threat of death around every corner..." he stated shivering at the thought of his most recent trip to the upper floors, he and his party had been exploring a temple and encountered a ghost that attacked you Energy rather than Hit points. When that thing passed through him, all he felt was complete dread and a phantom pain behind the patch covering his right eye. He hadn't lost it in SAO, though he was sure that was impossible. No...he had lost it in real life, he had heard of many players reclaiming sight after getting trapped in the death game but that was because the Nerve gear sent images directly into the nerves. It made it difficult to send information if there was nothing for the information to go to. Shaking his head out of his thoughts he offered an awkward smile, one that showed he was a bit embarrassed "So I came down here to take a break" he laughed nervously. 

    Lowering his hands from behind his back he offered his right to his fellow player. "I'm Takneil, but most call me Tak." looking down to his chest plate he nodded. "it really is, I recently got it tweaked so it behaves a bit differently than it normally did." Running a hand down the delicate engravings he sighed, he didn't really know if it would even work like him and Oikawa planned. Though it still gave him it's stats so the change was really just a vanity, it'd still be nice to have it though. 


    ID# 51306 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 4 Loot: 17 MOB: 5

    Material Found

    Material Count:2

    Following the man's sight Takneil spotted a decent enough looking flower, plucking it from the ground he happily added it to his inventory. That would make a nice alchemic regent for Manta, one of his favorite alchemists, standing back up he brushed his hands off. "So..., How far have you gotten in the game?"

  4. "Really?, no question?. Hmm, Okay. This next part, may seem stupid...Please don't follow." Stating the words the armored boy stood fully and calmly walked towards the small group of enemies, the fire smelled foul. Almost that of rotten flesh and the unpleasant stench of drunken men, combined didn't do well for the boys sense of smell. Stepping out from the shadows of the trees Takneil activated his <<Howl>> skill, stabbing his sword into the ground he winced as an ear piercing screech erupted from his armor causing the bandits to scramble for their weapons. 

    Frowning as the bandits hesitation to attack him Takneil raised his hands in offense. "hey guys, come on. it won't hurt" he flashed an unseen smile behind the helm of his armor. "Look my sword is even in the ground!" he exclaimed pointing the favored weapon. 


    ID# 51302 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 9 Loot: 15 MOB: 3

    Takneil HP:64/64 Energy:16/16 DMIT:35/35


    Bandit 1- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6 

    Bandit 2- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6

    Bandit 3- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6

    Bandit 4- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6

    Combat Results

    Bandit 1- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6

    Bandit 2- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6

    Bandit 3- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6

    Bandit 4- HP:32/32 DMIT:8 DMG:6

    Takneil Does not Attack...

    Bandits 1-4 "Miss"

    [Takneil: Hate:3]

    [Hunie: Hate:0]



  5. Letting out a sigh as he stepped out of the safe zone Takneil smiled happily as he looked upon the all so familiar fields, he had never really gotten to explore the first floor to it's entirety. Not too long after meeting his Mentor he had shot up in levels rather quickly and next he knew it he was already exploring the double digit floors, it felt great though he deserved some well earned rest. Setting his orange eye off to the distant sun he nodded, some material gathering would do for the day, walking through the soft grass he raised his arm behind his back. Resting them against a pure black shield, almost as if forged of crystal it was translucent. allowing those who were close enough to see a a white gem laying at it's heart. 

    Tipping over small rocks and picking the occasional flower the player took a deep breath as a cool breeze gently caressed him, he was glad he had gotten his blacksmith to tweak the armor. Instead of always having to wear the entire thing he could just equip the chest piece, something that he was happy for. it even negated the relentless freezing blast it gave off. Running a hand through his black and white hair he raised an a questioning brow as he noticed a figure in the distance. Another player?.

    "Pardon the intrusion, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind some company?" 



    ID# 51301 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 1 Loot: 20 MOB: 9

    +1 Material Found.



  6. "Hmm?" Turning the direction his friend was pointing in Takneil raised his shield to block the sand from burning him, "I don't know, it could be?" he shrugged as he narrowed his eye, the small black box wasn't what he was expecting for cargo. Forcing his legs to lift through the constant rising sand the boy quickly moved, he didn't want the desert to claim it. A failure in this quest would mean he would lose his chance to get the skill, something he'd rather not happen.

    ID# 51297 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 7 Loot: 20 MOB: 2

    Takneil:64/64 Energy:16/16

  7. "Remind me to wear sunglasses on that day, I'd prefer not to be blinded." he joked. Takneil wasn't sure he exactly liked the "king", but it was nice to see someone was even capable of being overly optimistic considering the circumstances. Drawing his sword <<Eternal Sonata>> he pointed the pure black blade towards the smoke, it's light blue runes quietly humming it's soothing tune. "Hunie, Dynaon. Your roles are to pick up the Col, Materials, and items if any should drop from the mobs. One thing you'll find with the higher level players is that we have all claimed a hunting ground, Floor Two happens to be mine." He explained to the low levels. "A couple days ago I came across a Bandit Stronghold, only problem is that when each minute a Bandit spawns it makes it hard to pick up what the dead one dropped." lowering the blade he motioned for the two to follow him.

    "I am going to let you know right now...The two of you will not enter battle under any circumstance, even if it looks like I'm loosing. My style doesn't really involve using legitimate attacks, but when I do they are Area of Effect and Bleed based. I doubt you would survive if i accidentally hit you, so this is what our movements will consist of..." swiping open his menu he sent party invites to the players, it would allow him to keep an eye on their hit points and energy. If an enemy broke loose of his aggro he would make sure it wouldn't get a chance for a second attack. Noticing the noise of chattering bandits he lowered his voice and moved to the shadows. "Never assume it's safe to move on without my say so, I will always lead and you two remain behind me. While I'm in battle search nearby rooms for anything that could be of use, stay in a pair as well. I didn't have enough time to examine the spawning of our enemies so it's best if you remained within the same room of each other and within yelling distance of me. Other than that treat this as any other farming run, pick up your materials and when we move on pick up the ones the bandits drop." Assured that he had explained everything the party needed he looked to them. "Anything you would like to know or get off your chest before we begin?" he asked.

    1-4 Bandits 32/32 HP Dmit:8 DMG:6 

    Will be spawned my next turn, Please confirm whether or not you will be okay with this.

  8. A bright orange eye widened in shock at the lightning speed the girl had responded with, guess they weren't playing rock, paper, scissors to decide who went first. "My-my darkest secret?" gulping nervously he looked away, that was a rather sudden dare. Why would she want to know his secret?...did he even have one?. Of course he had things he wanted to keep hidden, but something like that?. Feeling something push against his cheek Takneil was torn from his thoughts, what had? Seeing the female player he immediately pulled away and blushed. Taking a moment to think and clear his thoughts of indecent things he sighed. "Alright..., There may be one thing. From time to time I hear a voice in my head..." He stated hoping she didn't think him crazy. "I don't know what it is, but it tempts me to do things. To hurt others or worse...

  9. Hesitantly taking the map into his hands Takneil began walking, he didn't really need a map but it wouldn't hurt to make sure he led them in the right direction. "I wouldn't expect it to be as easy as the information broker claims, the first time I faced it the damn thing had my total hit points as it's mitigation." he grumbled as he looked back upon the memory. "Well either way it will most likely take a couple hours to get there...Twenty one questions? or Truth or Dare?" he asked. Rolling the map back up he shrugged. "I would have said I Spy but that's just childish" he joked with a friendly smile.

  10. "it seems my little helpers are a bit too eager" he chuckled aloud as he pushed off of the wall causing the frost that had began to collect to start melting from the suns rays. Stepping outside of the safe zones boundaries he followed the two players until the blonde one halted. "Evening!" he called out, a small part of him hoping he would scare one of the two. "I'm going to guess you are here for the notification, or this would be really awkward..." he stated cheerily defeating the purpose of the sinister appearance of <<Eternal Melody>>. Looking off to the distance he noticed a rising pillar of smoke, a small campfire he assumed. If it was the same destination as last time there would be bandits.

  11. "Hmph?" letting out the noise Takneil was surprised that it had sounded more amused than annoyed, everyone he had met in Sword Art Online always were friendly to the point he had decided he should grow a bit more cold himself...granted he already physically was. Without meaning to the player found himself staring into her eyes with his one. "Glad you think that, it will make this easier for us to work together" Glancing over to the exit he nodded, last time he had faced the queen it was a long walk. "Lead the way" he stated, gesturing to the gate. 

  12. Typing away in his message Takneil walked through the city of Urbus, it's stone streets blending in with the small cozy homes and distant mountains. Sadly enough his armor never really fit in to any place, the Eternal set caused the air to turn cold and with it making him look sinister he never really made quick friends. He hadn't found it necessary to drag along his familiar on this personal venture, this one was suppossed to be a quick run. Recently he had obtained a large amount of materials but sold them all, he didn't regret the gain of col. Though Materials were great bargaining chips and it was nice to have twenty or so on his person at all times, at this current moment he was at zero. Tapping the blue confirmation circle the player made his way to the exit to the city, wondering if someone would show up from his notification.


    ~Notification Board~

    Request Poster- <<Takneil>>

    <<Loot Collectors>>


    User- <<Takneil>> Posted at 1:23pm

    "Hello!, I am currently looking for one or two loot collectors to join me on a farming run on floor two just out side the city of Urbus. Your jobs will be to pick up the loot the mobs drop when I am finished with them and when I am engaged with combat look around for suitable ores, alchemic regents, etc... Loot will be distributed evenly between the players that have arrived including myself. You can find me at the main exit outside of Urbus, you'll know when you've found me."

    This Notification will be closed to replies at 2:00pm...


    Leaning against the gateway Takneil waited patiently, if no one showed up he wouldn't be upset though he was hoping low levels would. It meant for once he was helping others out rather than slowing down some other player. Remembering the last time he had requested help from the notification board he shivered, that lady better not show up again. He thought bitterly as he dwelled upon the woman who had freely killed a player in front of him for being 'too happy'

    Post Order will be as follows...





  13. ID# 51161 results: Battle: 6 Craft: 8 Loot: 6 MOB: 2 (YAY, Lose 5 energy everyone!)

    Takneil: Energy 5/14 +1-5 Energy

    Without even getting a chance to recover from the last bit of energy that was drained from him Takneil shivered weakly as he felt more being taken from him, it didn't hurt but it felt extremely uncomfortable. Letting out a low growl he pushed through the feeling and stood, looking for the ethereal being he used the wall for support. His energy was low, at this point he couldn't even perform his best sword art. Not that he needed to but it'd be nice to have the option. Swallowing his pride the boy glanced over his shoulder. "Cal?, you mind taking point?. Obviously this thing hates me." he may have been a fighter, but he couldn't do anything if it only attacked his energy reserves. 

  14. Straining his eye Takneil trudged through the partially burning sands, steam rose from his armor as the hot sand pelted against him. He had heard that the quest had caused a lot of trouble for players, but it didn't seem to bother him as much. Maybe it just hadn't hit full force yet? He should have asked about the last time the merchant had seen the cargo. Mumbling a few curses of his lack of thinking the boy glanced over his shoulder to make sure his ally was still behind him.

    ID# 51131 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 10 Loot: 10 MOB: 7

    Takneil:64/64 Energy:16/16 Regen Activates +9 HP (Whooooooooo -~-)

  15. Dawning his Eternal armor set the sinister knight walked calmly through the darkened streets of Urbus, his equipment causing the air to grow cold. A calling card of sorts for when he was near, many often assumed him to be some sort of Player Killer due to the evil aura it gave off. Once he had even been attacked by a low level player due to fear. Where did his partner want to meet him?, they hadn't really had discussed details nor did they really explained what they would look like. A mistake on his end, gratefully...one he didn't have to suffer for much longer. Rounding a corner the boy quickly spotted another player, approaching her he cleared his throat. He was positive the cold must have put her on alert and he'd rather not risk another safe zone battle. "Are you Phillia?" he asked simply, though he wasn't sure who else would be doing this quest when it was near dark. 

  16. Pushing through the harsh storm of the desert Takneil quickly brought up his shield, Eternal Harmony. It wouldn't do much for the blasting sandstorm, but it would stop sand from getting through his helm. he really needed the Skill points off of this quest, even more so the extra skill that comes for free. he would find that ability very pleasant to have and he was sure Hikoru thought the same. 

    ID# 51024 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 4 Loot: 7 MOB: 8

    Takneil:64/64 Energy:16/16

    "We have to find that cargo quickly!" he yelled back over the harsh whistling of the wind. looking up to the sand clouded sky he groaned softly as he tried to decipher if the sun had set or not. It was almost dark as night within the sand but it could've have been only beginning sunset on the outside.

  17. Entering the combined shop the boy made his way towards the alchemist, Manta. Not too long ago she had been one of the players to reply to his notification for Material farming, actually the first. Ever since he had been devoting his time into collecting the requested items. Swiping open his menu Takneil offered a kind smile to the female player. "I have your order right here, if you ever need anymore I'm just a short PM away." he stated kindly as he transferred over the materials. Remembering the endless waves of bandits the boy shivered, it was a great farming spot...but he was kinda reaching his limits for mob attacks. 

    -100 Materials

    +20,000 Col

    Turning he made his way to the exit, maybe he should offer to take her out for a meal or something? it was the least he could do. Taking a reassuring breath he nodded. "You know...if you ever want to grab a bite eat, just let me know. it'd be nice to make some new friends" with that he exited the shop.

  18. Spoiler

    Name: Eternal Harmony
    Profession: (Blacksmith)
    Rank: (8)
    ID: 50846
    Roll: (12) [11+1]
    Item Type: Shield
    Quality: Perfect (Tier 1)
    Enhancements: +1 Regen and +2 Thorns.
    Description: A mysterious, pitch black shield that emits a chilling aura to those who are around it. At first glance it's hard to spot it, but if one were to get a closer look he/she could see a beautiful white stone encased within the shield. The wearer may experience certain moments in time when he/she feels rejuvenated, as if soothed by a harmonious presence.

    Walking back into the shop Takneil offered a grateful smile as he approached the counter, he was honestly a bit surprised that his order had came out so fast. Guess Oikawa hadn't gotten many order of late other than the boy's. Adding the shield to his inventory he quickly switched off his bracer, it'd be nice to finally make use of his Block skill. "Thank you Oikawa, just send me a message if you need any assistance with Materials or anything. I'll do my best to help out" he offered as he turned and exited the shop.

    +Eternal Harmony

  19. Swiping open his menu the boy walked back into the safe zone of the city, he had always found he enjoyed farming on the lower levels for materials and col. It wasn't too difficult, all he had to do was basically walk past mobs that hit him and they fell within a few strikes and he got to relax while doing a good days work. He had even started making a living off of it, posting to the notification board to inform players he would go on Material farming for decent rewards in return. At first he wasn't so sure of it then came his first order for one hundred materials, he had made twenty thousand col off of that exchange. Feeling something soft brush against his legs Takneil glanced down to find his friend, Vain. A white with crimson eyes, a leather collar around his neck to show he was tame. 

    "Hmm?" Scrolling through the posts made by players the boy lingered on one bay someone named Zandra, a familiar meeting?. Taking a moment to ponder the idea he kneeled down and pat the wolf's head. "Hey boy, you wanna make some new friends?" 

    Looking up to his master the wolf seemed to have a worried expression about it, shoving his snout into the boy's arm he let out a soft whine in protest. Vain had never really had a good encounter with another's player's familiar, the last time Takneil had come across one was Ebony's own little albino wolf pup. Needless to say, that hadn't turned out to be the funnest idea for the adolescent male.

    Switching to his black trench coat Takneil smiled, it was nice not be partially freezing your allies when fighting. The Eternal melody armor was wonderful in combat, not so much on making new friends. Not far behind a nervous wolf followed, it wanted nothing to do with the supposed meeting its master was on about. It was perfectly fine not having it's tailed gnawed on like a chew toy!. Remembering the sensation of the young pups teeth grinding against his Vain shook his body to remove the feeling, causing the chain on his collar to clink lightly.

     "Excuse me miss? but are you Zandra?" Takneil asked asked nervously. Running a hand through his black and white hair he offered a friendly smile, turning to introduce his familiar the boy's smile faded into a frown as he saw that Vain was several paces behind. Letting out a sigh he took a seat by a semi similar man. Why did he look so familiar?...Almost drilling his gaze into the blue dawned player Takneil hurled an accusing finger at the perpetrator. "CAL?!, What are you doing out of your armor?!" Bewildered by the miracle the protege scanned for any chain mail, anything that would resemble the armor he was so familiar with. Realizing that his mentor was here the boy felt his cheek turn red with embarrassment, which meant he would find out the true reason why Takneil was here. Not deducing that his mentor may have been at the get together for the same reason the boy remained in awkward silence until someone else spoke up.

    Finally catching up to his master Vain quietly pushed himself under the player, using the shadows of the chair and table to hide him...or at least his front half. Lowering his snout to the ground the white wolf let out a frustrated snort, the day was what it was. Though more accurately it was what Takneil made it for him.  


  20. Feeling his eye twitch Takneil stamped his foot into the ground, "JUST ATTACK ME ALREADY!" roaring the words as loud as he could it seemed to finally awaken some hostility in his opponents, with the group of five the Bandits rushed forward. Swords and clubs, some axes here and there. Pummeled against the armored Player, and of course with that damage. Came a price to pay...

    Thrusting his fist forward a crimson chain appeared once again, burrowing it's way through it's targets. Shattering them in quick instants of glowing light. 

    Standing in the middle of the broken enemies pieces the boy sighed in relief and turned around, he had finally met his quota. "Time to go back to town..." Walking through the hall he swiped open his menu and marked the strong hold on the map, it'd be a nice farming spot for future reference. Coming to a split in the hall Takneil's eye widened in realization. 

    "Which way was out again?..."


    ID# 50725 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 3 Loot: 3 MOB: 6


    Takneil HP:14/56 Energy:13/14 +1 Energy

    Bandit 1 HP:0/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 2 HP:0/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 3 HP:0/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 4 HP:0/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 5 HP:0/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 6 HP:0/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Takneil does not attack.

    Bandits 1-6 attack for 6-30=1 DMG each. 6 Total.

    +6 materials

    Thread Completed!


    -1 Sp

    -400 Col for page completion

    -1120Col from Mob (1520 Col total)

    -38 Materials

  21. Glaring at the bandits the player waited patiently, they had surrounded him with five of their own. Yet they weren't going in for another attack, were they afraid of his thorns ability?. Why would the Mobs acknowledge that at this particular moment when not in any time in the past?. Shaking his head in disappointment he stood, allowing the enemies to take all the time they needed to feel good enough to attack him.


    ID# 50724 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 6 Loot: 3 MOB: 4


    Takneil HP:20/56 Energy:14/14 +1 Energy

    Bandit 1 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 2 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 3 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 4 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 5 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 6 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Takneil does not attack.

    Bandits 1-6 Miss [-_-]


  22. Gasping for breath Takneil looked around at his foes, it seemed the chain had given them something to be nervous about. Neither side was attacking and he himself knew better than to attempt to draw his sword in a moment like this, it was always those who attack first who lost. He would have to wait patiently for them to come to him, even if it took all day. All he could do is take this time to recover, until they strike again.


    ID# 50723 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 11 Loot: 11 MOB: 4


    Takneil HP:20/56 Energy:13/14 +1 Energy

    Bandit 1 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 2 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 3 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 4 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 5 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 6 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Takneil does not attack.

    Bandits 1-6 Miss [-_-]


  23. Wave after wave of Bandit's Takneil faced down, it seemed like they would never stop. The crude insults, sounds of clashing metal against his armor. 'What are you gonna do now punk?' one of the mobs chided confidently as it slammed another blade against his armor, at this point it was going to lose it's durability. "GET BACK!" The boy roared in frustrations as he summoned his ethereal chain. Eager to tear apart it's wearer's foes it lashed around the room violently, separating each enemy to give the player room to recover while dealing damage. 


    ID# 50722 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 10 Loot: 13 MOB: 7


    Bandit 5 HP:28/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 6 HP:28/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 7 HP:28/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 8 HP:28/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 9 HP:28/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 10 HP:28/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6


    Takneil HP:20/56 Energy:14/14 +1 Energy

    Bandit 1 HP:-3/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 1/2 Bleed

    Bandit 2 HP:-3/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 1/2 Bleed

    Bandit 3 HP:-3/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 1/2 Bleed

    Bandit 4 HP:-3/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 1/2 Bleed

    Bandit 5 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 6 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Bandit 7 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 8 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 9 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6

    Bandit 10 HP:14/28 DMIT:7 Damage:6 

    Takneil does not attack.

    Bleed Activate, dealing 8 DMG to bandits 1-4.

    Bandits 5-10 Attack for 6-30=1 DMG. 6 DMG total.

    Thorns Activate dealing 14 DMG each to bandits 5-10

    Bandits 1-4 have been defeated.

    28*5*4=560 Col

    +4 Materials

    Col Count: 1120

    Material Count: 32

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