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Posts posted by Takneil

  1. Letting out a sigh the man tapped his knee. "She passed" he stated his voice changing a bit more depressed than his usual tone.

    "Oh...I'm sorry to hear that" Takneil apologized for the man's loss, he wanted to ask more questions though. How had she died?, what did she do?, and so much more. Deciding to push his luck he bit his lip nervously. "How did she go?" at least in Sword art Online when a player died they felt no pain, so he believed. 

  2. Emerald eyes widening in surprise the man looked a bit surprised. "My!, you read into that painting a lot more than I realized" Reginald chuckled. "Yes...the painting's creation was done by both our hands." 

    Glad that he hadn't upset the kind man with his observation Takneil gave a glance back out into the hallway, gazing at the painting. "where is she?" he asked, surely by now he would have heard or seen someone else inside of the household by now if there were and it wasn't a simple case she was out.

  3. Placing a gentle hand on the player's shoulder he nodded. "An exquisite piece of work, couldn't have done better myself" the man complimented him. Letting go of the boy's shoulder he took a seat of his own in a seemingly comfy chair. "Now then, I promised you a story didn't I?" he reminded Takneil of his words.

    Nodding the monochrome hair boy leaned forward and smiled. "Who was she?"

  4. Holding out his hand as the man placed it back with it's maker Takneil's eye seemed to alight with fire. "Really?, I mean it's just a pen?" he continued to doubt his work but that was his anxiety, he knew Reginald wasn't the type of person to beat around the bush. Not wanting to add the item to his inventory quite yet he placed it on his right ear, wedging the pen between the small gap. 

  5. "There" he stated holding up the pen into the light, watching it as the gold flourishes slowly formed His name on it Takneil smiled. "I know it isn't much, I could've done better" he criticized himself on his work. 

    "I wouldn't be too sure about that" Reginald spoke up as he gently plucked the item from the boy's hand, looking over the craftsmanship he offered an amused smile. "For your first time this is rather a fine item you've made".

  6. Following the man Takneil couldn't help but gape at the sheer size of the room, it was neat and tidy. Many shelves were aligned with properly organized books, rolls of paper inserted in a tube like stand to help keep sketch design in order he assumed. It was...awesome. 

    Halting before a clean desk Reginald smiled. "here you are!" stepping to the side for the boy he placed a few simple materials on the empty work table. "I want you to make something" 

    Nodding the boy sat down, looking at the materials before him he took a nervous breath. Feeling watchful emerald eyes on him he soon began to work, looking over his available tools Takneil swiftly set aside everything he didn't need and focused on what he did. 'Come on!, you can do it!' he mentally cheered himself on.


    -1 Material

    ID# 53838 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 10 Loot: 12 MOB: 4

    Crafting Attempt Success!

    Name: Favored Pen
    Your Profession: Artisan
    Your Rank: 1
    ID#: 53838
    Roll: Craft-10
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 Loot Die
    Description: A jet black pen that is ideal for The Artisans of Aincrad, on the side of the writing device displays delicate, golden flourishes. All connecting to the name of those who use it.


  7. Listening intently on Takneil's analysis of the painting the man's smile only grew as it confirmed his observation, this boy would make an acceptable Artisan. Placing a hand on the player's shoulder as he hesitated Reginald nodded to let him know it was alright to continue, though his smile faded.

    "This painting...it was made by two people wasn't it?" Takneil asked feeling a tinge of guilt for being so arrogant with the man earlier. 

    Giving another nod the man opened the door to another room, "I'll tell you a story, but I want you to do something for me." Motioning for the player to follow him he entered the room.


    ID# 53836 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 1 Loot: 9 MOB: 4


  8. "Really now?, then if you want to prove me wrong so bad then please inform me of your thought on the masterpiece" he asked kindly gesturing towards the painting with a tilt of the head. 

    Rolling his eye Takneil once again focused on the art. "well for starters I wouldn't say it's a masterpiece, yeah some of the flourishes are absolutely gorgeous. Some of the brush strokes were masterful as well, they caressed the painting. Changing pressure to add or decrease detail, when others looked like they tried, but mainly ended up splattering the pain-" stopping in his words Takneil looked to the man.


    ID# 53834 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 1 Loot: 16 MOB: 3

    Material Found!.



  9. Smirking confidently the man tilted his head and raised an arched brow. "Oh?, but weren't you just admiring the brush work?" he asked, completely seeing through Takneil's pitiful attempt to hide. Noticing the redness on his cheeks Reginald gave a hearty chuckle and patted the player's shoulder. "You have quite the gift Auron, very few have the ability to look deeply into art. In the real world it's not anything to be proud about but here? well this is an ability I have seen in in not so many."

    "How did you know?" he asked, though Takneil assumed that the man wouldn't give him a direct answer so he waved it away. Shrugging he took a calming breath. "So?, I can admire the work put into Artwork. It's not as special as you claim." the boy stated coldly.


    ID# 53832 results: Battle: 9 Craft: 11 Loot: 1 MOB: 3


  10. Walking up beside the boy Reginald too gazed into the painting, he had seen the look in the boy's orange eye. One that showed that he was looking beyond the picture. "So, tell me Auron. What are you looking at?" he asked turning to the player in front of him.

    Shaking his head Takneil could feel a bit of embarrassment dance it's way onto his cheeks. "It's nothing...". he stated though he couldn't take his eye off of the work of art. 


    ID# 53829 results: Battle: 5 Craft: 9 Loot: 9 MOB: 7


  11. Giving a sideways glance to the man Takneil let out a sigh, here he hoped someone hadn't really named a man Reginald. Let alone he met his stereotypical quota. Continuing his exploration of the building he stopped before a painting of two people leaning against each other while the sun rose in the distance, he didn't care for the couple's details they were generic in his opinion but what caught his eye was the flourishes in the brush work. "Alright, My name is Auron." he introduced himself by his real name. 


    ID# 53828 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 3 Loot: 1 MOB: 5


  12. Hesitantly taking a step forward the boy let his hand drop to his side instinctively, he knew <<Eternal Sonata>> wouldn't do much good in a safe zone but he could still put up a fight, hopefully long enough to get away. "Takneil, and what do you what do I want?" he asked examining the room, beautiful sketches and paintings lined the walls.

    "Pardon me but Takneil? I will respect your privacy but I was kind enough to give you my name." the man spoke with a frown finding the boy to be a bit disrespectful.


    ID# 53826 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 11 Loot: 5 MOB: 2


  13. Raising a hand Takneil scratched the back of his head nervously and formed a frown. "What do you want?" he asked growing weary of being in this man's presence, he didn't mind the interaction so far but it was just the fact of him being there. It was obvious he was well off.

    Flashing a smile he beckoned for the boy to enter through the door to his side. "What do you want?' he mimicked what the player had asked, Unlocking the door he opened it and bowed deeply. "My name is Sir Reginald, it is a pleasure to be of your acquaintance."


    ID# 53824 results: Battle: 7 Craft: 3 Loot: 3 MOB: 8



  14. Approaching the man's window Takneil lifted his orange eye to meet his emerald gaze, He looked as though a complete opposite of the boy. Short, well kept hair. Compared to his own long White and Black mixed hair. Everything about him screamed formal, while everything about the player screamed slob...for once he found himself envying someone for what they were. 


    ID# 53821 results: Battle: 8 Craft: 3 Loot: 5 MOB: 9


  15. Spotting a rather unique looking boy a person smirked and opened his window. 'Hey kid!, come here for a sec'. he called out leaning against the sill. 

    "hmm?" looking from the ground Takneil raised a questioning brow at the stranger, rather tall and lanky. with black hair he seemed to look almost as if he was a butler of sorts. "alright..." 


    ID# 53818 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 12 Loot: 7 MOB: 8


  16. "It's really useful in combat, being able to carrying in the items." Swiping open his own menu Takneil revealed his own hotkey bar, another shield and sword placed next to each other while under them were three different types of potions. "a lot of players ignore a skill called <<Extended Weight Limit>> and it does exactly what it says it does, right now I personally haven't taken time to obtain it but most certainly is on my list.". Spotting the shop he nodded as he shut his menu. "I'll be right back out, you can enter if you want but this guy is kind of intimidating when you first meet him" he chuckled as he left the boy to his own choice to enter or stay.  

  17. Letting out a sigh of exhaustion Takneil raised his arms above his head and casually strolled, he had just been material farming for a friend of his. But of course as always he needed to recover with some much needed sleep, "hmm?" Opening a tired eye he frowned as he heard commotion not so far from him, a group of players. Only a couple stood out above the rest. Another caused everything in him to run cold, Hikoru attacking a player. 

    Running up to his friend the monochrome haired boy had a look between worry and anger. "what the hell was that?!" he yelled the question, not sure whether or not he should draw his sword or his shield. Noticing another familiar figure the player looked to Ebony, at least they would have some form of a healer. He felt a bit more at ease with her presence. 

  18. Finishing up his message he casually strolled along the the metal walkway of the city Takneil looked around at the industrial like city, such a place wouldn't be logical in the real world. No only because of the fact it's a city dangling over a volcano, but the fact the metal basically makes it one gigantic frying pan. Even with the fact pain was a seemingly increasingly foreign feeling to the boy he couldn't ignore the sweltering heat. Only dawning the chest plate of his <<Eternal Melody>> armor the boy sighed as he entered the bar to meet his friend. "You know if you don't stop making me go into bars to meet you I'm gonna earn a bad reputation as trying to sneak an under age drink." he teased his friend for his bad meeting habits. Leaning against the bar he ran a hand through his long monochrome hair. "I hope you don't mind but I brought along someone, well i hope I did at least" he stated to his friend. Since this was a dangerous floor Takneil had felt it better to have one of his other friends, Eclipse. Babysit Vain, or rather the other way around if things happened. The quest they were doing was going to be difficult and he'd rather not have to look for a new friend.

  19. "hmm, have you thought about taking a break from the higher floors?" Takneil asked the girl. "I mean I'm sure you can handle it but if you're feeling overwhelmed why not recharge?" He may not have been remotely close enough to a high tier ranking player but he understood sometimes it was just nice to relax, especially when everyone's life is put into the balance every other day. "Not just that, but if people are pointing the blame at the healers let them see what happens when a healer isn't there to help." He stated coldly about the subject. Nodding the boy ran a hand through his monochrome hair and chuckled sheepishly."Sorry about that...again, I just don't like people who shift the blame onto others. And yeah, I would like that."

  20. "hmmm? I'm not really sure where I would qualify under those categories, I just sort of go with what seems best for me at the time." he shrugged. Giving out a sigh Takneil shook his head, he had many problems with the mobs on the lower floors. hell the other day he had almost fallen to a mass hoard of forty mobs, he couldn't imagine how a floor boss would be. "I don't think it should be the healer's fault though, I mean those players knew the risks and chose to participate anyway. If anything by blaming other people those players are dishonoring our fallen comrades memory ..." the boy spoke his opinion. "I remember the days when being a healer meant nothing because everyone wanted to be a tank or a bruiser, I actually think it's brave for players to chose to go the healer route. They risk their own protection and strength by aiding others." realizing he had rambled on the monochrome hair player blushed slightly. "Sorry..."

  21. "Actually Dynaon, we are." The boy put simply in response to the suppossed immortal king's words, he may not have taken much damage but his energy reserves were nearly on empty. It would be basically be suicide to attempt to face another hoard of bandits. Giving the map a once over Takneil glanced towards where it would soon lead them. "Well, to be honest I've been here before." he admitted to the trio. "I never really could stop so I probably was ambushed before I could find this here, though I have been inside their fort...it's dark, musky and a seemingly never ending spawning location." though it only had spawned four at a time with him except when he activated a trap and was ambushed by forty six bats, that was fun. Motioning for the group to follow him the boy swiped open his menu and invited Kranzer to the party. "Nice to see I have another hand to help out, and no. I'm not a fan of the name he so kindly gave me but there's no point in wasting time to argue about it."

    Thread to be continued...

    Hunie will continue the post order by initiating the next thread if that is not a bother.


    -1 SP to Takneil, Hunie,Dynaon, and Kranzer.

    -100 Col to each participant.

    -3 Material split up to Takneil, Hunie, and Dynaon. 

  22. Setting his orange eye on the girl Takneil frowned, front lines again huh?. Letting out a sigh he stood from petting the small pup, it seemed everyone he knew or met was either already on the high floors or just getting to them. yet here he was twiddling his thumbs in a pitiful attempt to get stronger, watching ebony pick up her own wolf pup he nodded as his own albino returned to his side. "I can understand that, I usually have Vain steer clear of battle. Though he's come out to save me a few times." he stated as he gave a gentle pat on the familiar's head. "So...what are the front lines like?" he asked wanting to know what his future held in store for him.

  23. Having exited the stronghold Takneil let out a sigh of relief, he was finally out. Turning he examined the outside of the bandits "home", for floor two it was an extreme dungeon to take on. Only reason he was able to solo it was because he was a complete bad ass at this point in time, he had worked hard. Made alliances with good people and as far as he knew...no enemies. 

    Having falling asleep the boy lightly snored as he laid upon a log, though having nearly died. Through all of his hardships of that day were stolen by a large chested, red haired woman...all one hundred and eighty of them.

    Thread end

    +1 SP

    +3600 Col

    +179 Materials Stolen by Crimsa. ;P

  24. Taking a deep breath Takneil gasped as he stepped out of what was a storm of bats, being blinded by the amount of disappearing shards he turned back towards the exit. "i'm done...I'm going home...and no one can stop me" he muttered a bit annoyed at his own stupidity. what had made him step on that trap again?, yes he needed the materials but he could have died.


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