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Status Replies posted by Klick

  1. Alright guys, it's official: I'm going to eat my dog. That'll teach her to be quiet.

  2. AC is broken. Pretty sure I'm gonna die.

  3. Someone please tell me you can run away from a fight I don't want Xion to die T_T

    1. Klick


      I joined your thread, so you should not have too much problems with mobs

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  4. i wish people would respond in these OP threads..

  5. I should probably do more RPs.. Someone up to that?

  6. I had to disband Blue Core. Because of my absence. But it is ok I learned a lot from it and will be sure to bring it back up in the future

  7. Anyone wanna RP? I wanna level!

  8. Roses are blue violets are red anyone who thinks this poem is weird will end up dead. -Shakespeare

  9. All men must die, but we are not men.

    1. Klick


      I am Klick and i do not approve of this message >:o

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. Roses are blue violets are red anyone who thinks this poem is weird will end up dead. -Shakespeare

  11. All men must die, but we are not men.

    1. Klick


      why must i die... I just started growing my mustache

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. Bored out of my mind... RP anyone??????

  13. Bored out of my mind... RP anyone??????

  14. Hey everyone, I would like to apologize for my disappearance. I recently join the navy (as everyone one may or may not know and they flew me to my ship) I could not get on the internet for the longest time but now i AM back and ready for whatever XD. Also that means that blue core is back and being REVAMPED. Remember everyone, BONDS POWER PROGRESSION

  15. Blue Core Is back baby

    1. Klick


      well... then... i will just have to shield everyone from the horror. "Throws self at the ending world"

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. Blue Core Is back baby

    1. Klick


      Ohh... what is everything... Is the world going to end?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  17. Blue Core Is back baby

    1. Klick


      Thank you lol

      what did i miss in my absences

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. When you want a rp to continue forward but no one replies :L

  19. Hey Corvus let everyone post before you go and write another 3 lines K guy?

  20. Hey Corvus let everyone post before you go and write another 3 lines K guy?

  21. Red is so pretty... It flows it's not an angry colour at all its so calming to see the colour red.

  22. Knowledge is power. Wisdom is survival.

  23. Knowledge is power. Wisdom is survival.

  24. Just to clarify? Block for Tanks works like evasion for ... agile chars?

    1. Klick


      But they work the same way, they both lower your opponents BD

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  25. Just to clarify? Block for Tanks works like evasion for ... agile chars?

    1. Klick


      But i will say that it does not say you cannot use the same type of buff

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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