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Status Updates posted by Azrael

  1. APPROVED! Thank you Mari!

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Sensei! teach me about girls. (Highschool DxD reference)

  2. Alright lovely peoples. I'm off for the night. I'll see you all after eight hours of A&P tomorrow QQ

    1. Life


      When did you write this i woke up not too long ago cx

  3. I think I've reached my posting capacity. Must recharge (BBL).

    1. Calrex


      Enjoy *prepares powermat*

  4. Shall be back. Errands!

  5. Time for sleep. Goodnight my poppets, see you tomorrow!

  6. Alright darlings, I'm passing out. See you tomorrow <3

  7. Goodnight lovies! See you tomorrow!

  8. Work calls...see you tomorrow lovies!

    1. Calrex


      Take care! XD

  9. I have beer and M&M's... let's do this thing!

    1. Jomei


      I want beers and M&Ms...

  10. Working on a final paper, be back Thursday!

  11. AND I'M OUT! Have a good evening folks!

  12. Baby has a field day... be back soon!

  13. New day... time for posties!

  14. Thanks sonza for her guilty pleasures radio station *sings the thong song*

  15. Off for a bit, may or may not be back tonight.

  16. On the run...will be back. For anyone I posts to, If i don't get them up tonight, I will first thing in the early morning! <3

  17. Time for work! I shall be back!

  18. Oh my gosh sooo many replies so little time.

  19. Alright my darlings, I shall see you all tomorrow morning! <3

  20. #CheeseOutOfTheCupboard

  21. #ZeroIsAdorableWhenPissed

  22. Happy Birthday Lowe <3

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