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Status Replies posted by Azrael

  1. Guess who just graduate? You're favorite insane GM that's who. Now to go eat, I'm starving after waiting so long for thw ceremony to end...

  2. BEER: it's what's for dinner

  3. Time to post.. >:D

  4. BEER: it's what's for dinner

  5. Time to post.. >:D

  6. basketball game tonight, see you guys tomrrow

  7. Hello Darlings! I'm home! Yay for work being over!

  8. I am seeing a lot of fantasty/magic stuff lately. People please remember SAO is not about magic swords or daggers, demons can't possess you, you're not the child of the king of hell, you are not some child prodigy with telepathic powers. ALL this stuff does not happen in the realm within SAO

  9. Good Morning Poppets!

  10. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

    1. Azrael


      *shakes Ko out of the bottle* No more crying!

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  11. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

    1. Azrael



      *opens jar and releases trapped chibis so they can go back to normal*

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  12. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

  13. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

  14. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

    1. Azrael


      *pushes X overboard* No one commandeers my ships! I dub our ship "Azori" XD

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  15. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

  16. LOL, X I'm honored you're inspired by Calrex's nutso story XD

    1. Azrael


      Ummm no! Stop trying to steal my ship Ko. AzyreRex is all mine!

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  17. AAAAAAHHH!!! SO BORED!!! Quick, someone cover themselves in peanut butter and rolled down a dirt road and come back as a Quaker Oats bar! Lol, I have no idea what I am saying.Randomness ftw.

  18. I'm up and back at it! Good morning my lovlies!

  19. Good Morning Poppets! Also, I don't like waking up to being nagged so don't do it, okay? I will punish you by making you wait longer for a reply! <3333

  20. Wide awake and ready to RP. Also Happy Birthday Teayre!

  21. Good Morning Poppets! Also, I don't like waking up to being nagged so don't do it, okay? I will punish you by making you wait longer for a reply! <3333

  22. That awkward moment when you realized a thread was your SP and you were waiting for a reply...

  23. Good Morning Poppets! Also, I don't like waking up to being nagged so don't do it, okay? I will punish you by making you wait longer for a reply! <3333

  24. Good Morning Poppets! Also, I don't like waking up to being nagged so don't do it, okay? I will punish you by making you wait longer for a reply! <3333

  25. So, I like how we mention a posting order, and then it completely falls off the grid....

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