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Posts posted by Zeke

  1. I had that problem on another rp site I was on. Only four members active and all posted one liners. I mainly got by just asking them to post as much as they can and if not they would understand me not posting a reply. This would be a good idea but asking for more might help also. Sometimes others just weren't feeling well enough to comply but can't change that. Anyway, the solution you suggested sounds like you could just do it on your own topics and see if anyone would be willing to comply to joining it.

  2. "How could I not? Let's get this over with and quit the talking. Leo nodded a tad bit and pulled his curved blade from it's sheath. His shadowed image smirked the similar smirk of Leon's and began to change immediately in agreement to start things early. The beast barely had only one extra arm popped through it's back and ready to attack before Leon took the incentive with concern and hatred. The Curved sword was held in place by another arm and hand that appeared from the creature's gut in the last moments before it had been pierced. "Not yet.... Leooooooon... it's all the more fun when it builds." The words and playful tone only served to piss off Leon more. Kneeing the monster in the elbow of it's dark limb, he let his blade swing free around the side without any protective arms and planned to cut right through to the back of the neck if he was quick enough.

  3. Getting dragged by himself into a forethought of what he didn't want or need, Leon twitched his upper lip as he swung his face down into the palm of his hand. A short stop and correction of himself at the darkness he faced, Leon continued forward in the madness of the infliction and found his way there through pure want and the sounds he heard. He set his crimson eyes upon the sanctuary ahead with no heed or caution to what he heard before attempting the journey. "..Heh.." A short and prominent chuckle came from him before walking up to the shoreline of the lake that laid beneath the gush of water.

    As much as he needed it right now, mediation was the last of appealing things he felt like jumping into right now. Forcing himself to calm down, he did the pose movies would show Monks doing in Martial art films. (Let's see what you look like, ba#%^rd.) A cycle of breathing in and out helped him focus on other things as whispers grew quietly in the back of his mind. "Wake up!" Another's voice called to him in his rest and warned him to open his eyes once more. "You were expecting no less?..."

  4. Hey Oliver. I really like that name. I draw and play video games. Pretty average at both to be honest but I feel like I improve a little bit with each year. Welcome to the site by the way.

  5. It had been a long and dangerous Journey, but the gate to Floor Six was only just ahead of him in a glowing shimmer that lit up in a blinding light as he entered through the void. This was the first time Leo had visited this Floor and everything seemed impossible to navigate like the previous Floors. No discerning features were among the vast sea of Trees all around him. Previously until now, he would line out directions on a Map inside his mind that had easily memorable placeholders such as giant Boulders or a Lake.

    (Jungles and Forests are all the same to me, creepy as hell.) Leo's eyes circled vertically around his position in a dizzy frenzy to console his paranoia about the emptiness of this Floor. Only a slight White Noise in the distance had managed to draw his attention away from the illusion he seemed to be drawn in. If it was any luck, the Waterfall was calling to him like it was said to do to others. (They weren't kidding about the feeling you get here. It saves me a bunch of time from walking aimlessly between the Trees, so I'm not complaining.)

  6. By now all over the starting town, it was extremely common to hear about the strange rumors or experiences of players who had gained an usual skill. Leo had heard among many conversations in the Town square that there was this unassuming sized Waterfall located on the Sixth Floor of Aincrad. It's unsure to everyone as to when it appeared there, but it has been the cause of many deaths already and was a visiting point for the brave and wanting. (A Meditation skill huh? That would improve the Battle Healing I already know. I can definitely see such a benefit being the turning point for many players. Judging from every time I've heard it now, it seems my attempt to fetch this skill would be a quick fight considering my level.

    That settles it. Whelp, here I go.)

    Leo pushed himself up from the stone bench where he had rested for a good hour. It wasn't hard to figure out that the Starting Town's square would be the ideal place to pick up free information on all of the most valuable things in Aincrad. Due to the volume of succession in this rumor though, he considered it a victory and headed off towards the link between floors with a smirk across his lips.

  7. His other body looked completely ripped away from anything average now, the skin looked ripped off in many appropriate places and the eyes were like his but twice as large and altogether was showered in a dark red and almost black like blood appearance along with the rest of the body. Erm stumbled back alongside his weapon right before the mouth erupted with it's own noise that could pierce way beyond just this realm or plane of existence within the game if possible. Wincing at the gurgling and shrieking of his former self was all he could do to stop it for now because 'it' wouldn't.

    Now back on his feet, seconds weren't even spared before Erm was volleyed by the lashes again and this time he could feel his grip on the timing beginning to slip up with each passing push against his blade. He had an idea, but he couldn't speak it to himself until after the skill was sure to activate. "itsmnothingthumbignispadtribblerandomtriviaitems.." The random words flowed into his mind as an attempt to distract only but it wouldn't last long for him once his imagination started to go dull on him like it usually would.

    1-5 (Sprint skill activates and attack is succesful)

    6-10 (Activation fails and attack misses.)

    Pushing the tongue to the side, Erm was ready to pull of the maneuver but it failed. His feet lit up on the side with light blue angel wings but ultimately sparked and disappeared seconds later, which caused him to fall off the rhythm and flow of battle he had. Instead of the usual attack, the creature actually roundhouse kicked straight from the back of it's leg instead and connected to Erm's arm but had no damage dealt due to the inclusion of the sword bracing it along side the front of it. "We'll never get anywhere like this until you collapse from the strain, you'd better be expecting me not to wait quietly while you rest either." The name of his enemy had appeared along side the health bar it displayed. (Facestealer is its alias but it's long since apparent it doesn't intend to stay the same for too long.)

  8. The creature's massive tongue lunge and swipes still weren't slow enough in the water to dodge, but Erm was able to defend himself well with his weapon. The long blade held straight down from his hands and kept in place with his foot, blocking the offensive with a harsh force that knocked his weapon out of hand and only swift action could place it back again before the next hit came in. (How does it feel to know you'll be the only one feeling pain during this battle?) Erm asked and only enraged the beast. Since his opponent was computerized, it's scuffs would be all the more harsh but it still knew that his real counterpart would have the biggest sacrifice of all if he should lose.

    With short intervals between his variety of skills that helped him escape the lake, Erm climbed quickly onto the shore available to grab. In the hurry to avoid any surprises from the lashing tendril, he shot up onto his feet and prepared the same defense with his sword, except the point was wedged under his shoe this time; Expecting the next movement to come from through area of water he was closest to.

    1-5 (The attack misses Erm)

    6-10 (The attack connects with Erm)

    1-2 (Erm gets a counter attack)

    Nothing was coming after him, not that Erm could tell but it seemed like it had been enough time to warrant some kind of opposition yet nothing. The more Erm focused on what would come beneath him, the more he could hear a slight buzzing and screaming mixed sound. (Goodness! What is that noise!? It sounds horrible..) After a few more seconds of the sound escalating, the creature responded. "You haven't heard that sound before? Or are you just forgetting everything important nowadays!?" Turning his head to peek over his own shoulder, Erm stared into the maw of himself that was not only producing the mass tongue from it's hole in front of him but appeared to have crimson colored screaming faces stretched along side it's insides.

  9. "I've only met you twice, but you know you only exist from my mind and no one else is more capable of matching you than myself. You're letting your own haste and frustration lead you away from logically planning how to take me down." Erm stood and opened his eyes towards the ripples being created away from the group of naturally occurring ones. As the tongue shot up through it's broken stealth, Erm left into the water himself to appropriately slow the tongue down with him. His two-handed weapon wouldn't be of use but he had other tricks to help him reach a safe distance for a counter. (You won't think of anything that I didn't consider before, I'm still able to keep you guessing with enough quick thinking.) The shadow of himself picked up everything he thought seconds later and it made for a convenient excuse to use everything he practiced up until now.

  10. "You think you can just ignore me? Very insignificant to the original Erm I had imagined in my mind. You'll think it won't hurt you if you just block it away even thought you know how deadly I am inside. Keep ignoring me, you'll realize how foolish you were in throwing away your initial thoughts when I jam my fore arm through your body like a skewer." The entity's normal humanoid figure was broken in its reality as its tongue started to force itself out until it became much larger and longer than a normal tongue. The pressure behind the swollen weight of its muscle, forced tearing along the skin at each side of his mouth. The darkness grew open in giant crags and the rest of the tongue laid out in front of the creature, even going so far as to sink beneath the lake's water.

  11. If allowable, I would like to eventually become a performer that uses sword skills as a way of performing. It falls under this character in my head and I would prefer if it didn't just use music and dancing to attract awe.

  12. Welcome Lennoth. From the south as well, freezing right now but that's only because of my AC. It's a very nice shade out I don't see too often. Many things await you I'm sure, just stick around. *nod*

  13. It was near afternoon when Zeke had found the lake after many rest stops. He planted himself in perhaps the same spot he woke up in and applied the bait without the hassle of worrying if he would hook his own finger because of the menu's insistence. After all of the mess to get his line in the water, he felt relieved to sit down and likely nod off now that his line moved along the water in anticipation. "It shouldn't take long, in an MMO. I can't fall asleep yet."

    1-8 battle dice roll is a miss or fail.

    6-10 is another type of fish.

    8-10 the Rainbow Navigator is caught.

  14. "Ninety-nine balls of the yellow dagger please." The transaction was swift and automatic even though the purchase amount was so large. He wasn't use to spending his Col on much else except for potions, so subtraction went with little burden. Pleased of how he didn't have to awkwardly stare in other directions to pretend he was casual during the transaction, he left with a little less worry of what people thought of him. "Bait, check. Rod, check. Why do I feel like I'm missing something if this is all I need to get the fish?" With a yawn, he walked at his slow pace and weaved through whatever players took up the road in front of him. If he couldn't remember where the lake was, he wasn't going to sweat it since it would just be another yesterday to him in terms of panic and frustration.

  15. The line plunked from the water in front of him and dangled violently in front of him with a hook and no bait. A message let him know how he had not bait to fish and would need to acquire some before he could continue. The only positive thing about this incident was that he now knew the name of the bait he would need to buy in order to catch his fish. The sleep before had already worn him out in exhaustion but his mind was well rested enough to keep him indifferent about going back to town. Thankfully he still had one Teleportation crystal from the first time he had arrived in the game which spared his sanity for now.

    Now back in the starting town, he walked the crowded and massive streets, passing every spot he likely slept in during his time here. The only way he would know what shops had what he needed, were the little icons above the stalls that were hard interpret in the first place except for the sword and potion bottle. (I don't see anything that sticks out for fishing bait, so it has to be one of these.) Zeke thought and waited through the hour long lines at each booth until he searched and found his treasure.

  16. Being that he was nearing level Twelve and still in the beginner assortment of attire, it was clear he had nothing to do with anything big within the game but still tried to get things done at his lackadaisical pace. The only difference between his and some of the other Male players is that the chest piece was blue to fit the lake a little in it's almost unrealistic shade of a calm dark color. A Female that soon came across his daze, seemed to know a more useful information about the world but held the same face as he did and probably many others who now faced life and death. (I wonder how many actually came into the game with a different view and ended up this way because of it.) The thought appeared in his head but quickly was flushed away that he could never be as casual as he was comfortable with around Females, despite his attitude towards everything because he was still a Male at the genetic makeup inside of him.

    (Don't look at her again, we know what she looks like now just give a nod and walk back to finish the quest.) Without making direct line of sight with her, he nodded without knowing if she saw it in the first place. A small cork, he placed into the vial to close up the glowing liquid before placing it into his inventory. Even though he gave off the feeling that he never saw her at all, he was still contemplating talking to her in his head. Her age couldn't be determined easily while she was sitting but if the girl truly wanted to be bothered, she probably would be somewhere else. (Hope she's doing better than she looks though, a face is known for giving away secrets visually and what do we not learn from if not with seeing expressions of manner with our eyes?) The boy wandered back towards the other direction with his stare to the ground.

  17. Through the blinding light of the Sun focused on his blade, Zeke's vision zoomed out of focus on the gradual pixels that glided up threw the air around his weapon and into the sky. The different colors of blue mixed with the green environment of the Jungle he was still traveling, made a nice composition his eyes preferred. Shaking his head left and right slightly, he adjusted his free mind away from the creature he just killed and placed his sword back into the sheathe or in other words unequipped it. (It's not any better than the sword I started this game with, but it looks different from the same thing I lugged around for so long now.) He thought and ignored the things he was attempting to forget, he walked on ahead as the rest of the Anaconda dissipated.

    "The spring shouldn't be too far ahead, considering the quest Map is very distinct with it's coloring and that blue speck usually means a water source is located in it's place. Just hoping there isn't just a deep pit there like those other so called lakes I was looking for before." Zeke spoke to himself in a hushed tone to prevent being caught by someone else as he was speaking to himself. It was still unlikely anyone would be out here since the quest was just a repeatable one that was obscurely hidden among a pub full misfit NPC's.

    Coming upon the area finally, he wandered inside more of a crag like enclosure instead of a cave since the rocks were cracked upon each other instead of dug out in a defined manner. The entire walls inside of the small cove were lit up with light blue in the darkened spring. The spring was in front of him finally and to top it off, the quest helped him find a new place to sleep since it was like his hobby to find dangerous resting places. With the empty flask in his hand, he reached out to dunk it in while he was bent down onto his knees. The spring water was naturally special and used for a potion that his quest giver needed to mend someone or something, it didn't matter to Zeke as long as it got delivered.

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