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Posts posted by Zeke

  1. To prevent his attention from focusing too much on the way Marisa had positioned herself, Zeke deadlocked his eyes on the path ahead once he had both hands wrapped around her ankles. To his surprise, carrying her was much easier than he expected. Giving him an opportunity to use this situation's advantage to pull off what would be more dangerous back in the other world. Before starting off, Zeke scraped his boot along the ground like a Horse would to soften the dirt. In the few seconds before he took off, he hummed out a loud fanfare trumpet sound, and took off running down the plains of grass towards the only direction facing away from the trees they were both just in.  

  2. "Sure thing... honey." The word hesitated out of his mouth, using it to refer to her as his daughter. He hadn't done this sort of thing in a long time, but it felt nice to remember his ghost of past.

    "You won't really know if I'll help you out, but you can message me anytime really. I might be able to act civilized." He then held his hand out to meet Marisa's. That grin she liked to wear before thinking of some prank to play on himself was in full effect. Starting to think about what he had just did, it was basically a life binding contract with this type of girl. "Partners... sure. Why do I feel like this is one of those situations where you're my so called 'daughter' who will pull every trick in the book to make her 'father' get her whatever she wants?" He chuckles, slapping Marissa's hand softly away after the handshake.

    "Jump? When you put it that way, we'd both be in a lot of trouble there. Just kidding, I think I know what you mean." As part of his contract with the devil, Zeke bent down on one knee to Marisa, and waited for her to do as she wanted. (Heaven forbid...)

  3. "We'll see how it all goes first. Since I don't really use the same crafting materials as an Alchemist, I'll gather what I can during my days and bring them to you. Maybe I'll get back into Fishing some time too. I haven't seen too many people with that job class yet. You'll be getting some hard to find ingredients then. Don't get your hopes up though, I suspect that won't matter when we get to that point. By the way, it will have to be a pretty big discount with the amount of Col I have." Zeke chuckled, turning away from the direction they were going to head back to Town. It was likely the biggest Town in Aincrad, so it wouldn't be hard to spot if they just kept going back until the trees ended.

    "I'm not sure if we will see each other once we go separate ways, so I'll add you as a friend now before I forget. You can bug me whenever you want as long as I'm in a good mood. Just make sure to me create a lot of friendships, and get to know them before rushing off with 'em like you did me." Zeke kept going and going, almost like he was sending his own child off on their own for the first time. It seemed natural to him in his mind, but might have been considered insulting. "You probably know most of this anyway." Without looking to see her reaction to all that he said, Zeke flung his finger to the friends panel under his menu, selecting to invite and spell out Marisa before pressing send.

  4. "I don't know if you're actually allowed to give discounts for your own shop. Feel free to do what you want." Zeke checked over his shoulder to see her grin, expecting at any moment for her to do something out of the ordinary. During the time searching, his eyes never left the girl without a visual on her. It felt like he was chaperoning more than helping out. (Five, six, seven. Eight, nine and ten. There we go, that should make for more than enough to turn in. Maybe a few more items once the quest completed.)


    Picking himself up with a slight discomfort in his knees, he headed back towards the living firecracker of a person with a slight upsetting feeling. He wanted to find a caterpillar while searching, but this game didn't have any normal ones, he assumed. They were the only bug he could be comfortable around, making it for his favorite. "Marisa, got 'em." He showed her the other pocket he put the leaves into. "Are you going to start working on more concoctions, or gather once you obtain the job?"



  5. Pressing his index and thumb against ridge between his eyes, Zeke sighed in confusion and frustration as his eyes remained close. "No problem." He calmly stated in a hushed tone, moving onward past her to fetch the last few of the leaves they needed. "Let's get this quest over and I'll walk you to the place where you turn it in." Crouching down, Zeke slowly made his way between the trees for a better look. 


  6. Swatting her her hands away gently, he tried to stop her from straining the wrist he had hurt. In the end, he did his best to just help himself up faster so that Marisa would feel like she put in all the effort to pull him. "I just hope I made the right decision. I'm sorry, we both would have likely ended up fine if I had let you fall. Not twenty minutes earlier and you were dropping me in a bush. Nothing bad happened then, but I just acted out of instinct. Look on the bright side though, You won't have to tug ingredients now." Zeke chuckled to himself before cracking his neck to the sides.

    "Give it some time to heal, it might go away soon if this game is made that way. I've never seen any doctors, so... Unless." Zeke brought out one of his healing crystals from the menu. Placing it above Marisa's head and pressing it in with his palm, the item began to glow and shoot out a glittery shower of tinier crystals that would improve the HP on its target. "Is it feeling better?"

  7. "I suppose I can stay nearby until you find someone else you can trust. I planned on being solo too, still will be eventually. While I want to stand out, I'm comfortable with following the many that never bear remembering. It's sad, but I find more value in those who never got the chance, and were automatically given no sort of value." Zeke continued to go on and on with his own thoughts, almost as if he had never caught sight of his own correction. 


    "Sorry..." He apologized halfheartedly with his tongue poking out the side of his mouth that she couldn't see. (It's a precaution, I won't change it.) He thought, nearly biting his tongue of from the sudden jolt of seeing Marisa trip. His only way of getting to her on time, was to grab her hand on the way down, yanking it a bit hard as he placed the other hand on her hip, pulling her back up with enough momentum to make himself fall back into the dirt. 


  8. "It may not be very characteristic of me, but I'm certain I can handle almost anything on this floor, to an extent. You've been good to me, I wouldn't mind using myself as shield for you. I never had any set plans on making it out of here anyway; Kind of betting on it actually." Zeke then turned his head to watch her double-handed sword be whisked away out of sight. "This isn't all exactly a war, there are much more brave people back in our world, doing things we would never likely do. They're naive, but brave none the less. In other words, you'll get the hang of it easily."


    Walking along in his search, he spotted one of the leaves scattered about on the dirt, but nothing that was willing to end their journey just yet. "Even the best duo can be only so good. Remember, there are tons of players here in this same situation. We would likely be pile driven against the numbers accessible to a party. That's why we have to do things smart if we really want to survive." Zeke grasped his forehead with his right hand, and walked along with his vision blacked out by the palm. "Sorry if I seem like I'm behaving as know-it-all. Those are my thoughts. I just like to talk I guess."

  9. Watching her wield the rather lengthy sword, he began to feel nervous at such a close range. He feared the swinging distance of the weapon was long encompassing over even the space he stood away from her. "I'm with you on the hunt for the ingredient, at least. Don't know if it will require that measure of extremity to successfully complete though." In between each sentence he spoke, images of nuclear reactors and power plants flashed in his mind. He didn't know what that specific type of reactor did, or if he was thinking of the correct thing, but it did frighten him that she had access to such a powerful piece of equipment. "I love using long-swords in MMOs that don't directly involve my body in them. I would be using one myself if I hadn't known about the goings-on before logging in."


    Feeding his cautious nature, Zeke walked ahead quickly. He was attempting to keep a good distance between himself and the female until she decided to be finished with the deadly tool at her side. (Blueish-green, blueish-green. Hmm.) His eyes were only moving about the sides of the each them, wondering what the color looked like. Blue and green was the only combination of color he had trouble differentiating. 

  10. "It's fine, I understand. hehe" Zeke laughs a bit before trying to see the list from the other side of Marisa's view. "Those could be just about any leaf, considering things aren't following the natural laws in this fantasy-like realm. This is probably the part where we will have to earn your Job skill." Marisa had started discussing her own particular weapon after the they went over the last ingredient. He couldn't imagine why, but it must have been important to her if it was something to stop, and check out before moving onward with the quest. "I don't see why not. Sure, go ahead." He said as he picked up each foot off the ground one at a time, and rotated his ankles around to relieve the pain.

  11. "Huh? No, no, I found these on the way back from getting my sword. We must have passed them by when looking for the rabbit. I'll hold on to these so you aren't overflowing with ingredients to carry." Opening his coat, he placed the freshly picked Ferns in one of the two pockets that lined the inside, even going so far as to secure them by pulling the string over the button in front of the pocket flap. "What else will be looking for after this? I don't want to skip over anything else if it grows around here too." He waited for her to bring up the quest menu with his arms crossed.

  12. Zeke looked to her at his side with a raised eyebrow, feeling like she had been reading small parts of his mind or something similar. "Crap! Forgot my sword! Just keep looking and I'll find you on the way back." He ran off the way they had came. Returning moments later with a couple of ferns in his left hand. "I think I found some!" He called out to her. 

  13. "I'd go for the fern myself. That bundle of fluff had one in its mouth, and might know where more is. We could split up, or both go after it, either way I'll be heading this way now." Zeke pointed to his left, setting off that way to let her follow in line or go off for the other item. Yawning a bit into his cuffed hand, his eyes fought tirelessly to stay open as he searched all over the ground for a small Rabbit. He felt like making some stupid calls to it, but figured it would be more punishing for his awareness to keep scaring the poor thing off. 


    (Maybe I should just check around for the Fern instead. They are bundled together in a pretty noticeable fashion, so it'd be hard to miss their unique leafs.) 

  14. "Sounds almost exactly like the same reason as mine. I had a choice in not entering the same danger as others had. Benefit of the television being your only conversation. Makes me wonder how you think yours isn't as important. I'd consider it a much better reason even if we switched bodies." Hoping she would understand what he meant by that, and grabbed her hand to let her have her moment. (Don't drop me please.) Zeke thought this over and over, until he made it onto his feet before he suddenly pushed Marisa over the leg he secretly placed behind her. Using the same hand that she helped him with, along with one placed around her back, he caught her in a hold before letting her hit back softly against a bush of her own. 


    "May not have been much, but you kept pushing it; I had to think of something before I let you think you could prank me to death." Offering her a slight smile he didn't usually show to others, it was a small sign of initiation for putting up with him long enough to break down the first wall he had set up. "Anyway, let's get going. You'll be staying where I can see you, got it?" He at least wanted to see a nod of agreement before letting her stand back on her own once more. "Bring up that list, please."

  15. Thinking a bit, Zeke grieved for the rabbit. (It would be wrong of me to say the rabbit isn't meant for us to kill, wouldn't it?) He kept this to himself, full well knowing that animal was created just for the purpose Marisa had specified, and that saying he thought it was wrong, would just make himself a target for claimed idiocy. 


    Despite the odd feelings of confusing behavior, Marisa had moved into a different position on his back, making it feel like some unusual massage. Even someone as held back as him, felt helplessly taken by the feeling of a girl on his body. "My reason was to mean something to someone or everyone. An attempt to feel helpful to something big, whether it was saving someone's life in this survival, or contributing to a fun online community. I wanted to be noticed... and you will never hear me saying something as honest about my inner workings as what I just said right now. If you happen to see me mercilessly player kill someone later down the road, or spout whatever nonsense I want to believe, that will always be what was the most important aspect of life to me."


    The rest of what he would do, would be nothing, but just laying there and waiting for this girl to quit fooling around, and get on with her quest that was being delayed. His body motionless as he tried to inhale the smell of nature off of the bush his face was buried in.

  16. Zeke braced immediately for something when Marisa had yelled. Feeling a weight on his back, he aimed for the bush in a second's thought, hoping nothing was truly in the rough of it. Throwing his sword far to the side to prevent his body from landing on it as well.


    Some words managed to leave him after gaining the breath that left his body upon descent. "You sure did." His face rested against the brush of shrubbery, chest against the ground while he waited for the girl to be finished with her prank. "I'm just trying to get this done faster. Only focusing on the task, so when we get done, you can decide what to do next. I don't know, what if I had landed on that rabbit, or my sword?" Completely ignoring the matter of fact that the creature was a program and nothing alive. "Playing around is what made me this way."

  17. In his rambling, she had proven him wrong in his antics. He would have mentally applauded her for her efforts if not interrupted by something. "Sorry, I wasn't really looking at any of the surroundings." Zeke spun to the direction that Marisa was staring at, letting the lone bush lay in sight to see if it would crack under pressure and move. "I'll have a look at it and see what's up. I was level thirteen the last time I checked, so nothing should do an instrumental amount of damage to me." He slid the straight sword from under his jacket, walking towards the suspected bush slowly. "Come on out little friend, let's see if you're friendly." He referred to the aggro status of an enemy, preparing the sword as a shield for any surprise that might await him.


    OOC: I'll let you decide what happens to him when checks behind the bush. Not sure what you had planned with the setting.

  18. "Traits like exploding I presume?" Another chuckle occupies his mouth when he stands, and hands over the mushrooms with carelessness. Taking a look at her chest, he had shrugged in a small portion of belief, since he had seen some ridiculously huge chests before with the practice of plastic surgery. With a bit of a shy expression on his face, he looks to one corner of her face as he speaks. "Don't worry, maybe once I try to lose some of this weight, yours will be much better in comparison to my tiny ones."


    "Thank you for giving me something to do besides lay around. I'd say you're welcome, but I never committed too much to this besides picking. Remember, I'm the one who walked off by myself." The response was truly unique to himself in every way, representing the harsh tone he took to himself instead of just others. Showing he didn't let himself off the hook before trying to string someone else up. Besides all of that, it was time for the next ingredient. 


  19. "I was being partially serious about it. I could just step on them instead, no need to get myself on the grass any more than I have to." He listened to her words while moving on to more mushrooms. "I do my best to try, and all though I haven't yet, time will reveal all. I like you so far, who knows until it shows?" A pretty hearty laugh came from him this time. He acknowledged how idiotic the phrase sounded, but meant the idea of it. "Are you secretly a guy then? Should I be jumping to conclusions about you in an attempt to seem like I am ahead of the ballgame?"


    "Didn't even need to ask, I was already on my way to them. I'm such a nice guy, huh?" He rolled his eyes at his own behavior, favoring to stick a corkscrew inside a place on his body than behave like that which he despised. 

  20. "I know you're more perceptive than you let on, I'm the same way." Zeke looked back from his kneeling position to see Marisa's grin, giving his own signature chuckle in return. "I could always sit on every single one of them when I find 'em." 


    Feeling the same finger as before, Zeke kept his focus on more mushrooms instead of checking on what was causing the poking. "You mean what's up with me? More than you will ever know. I wouldn't really feel up to explaining anything about me, an intelligent person can see right through me, I'm sure. Give it time, my actions will offer plenty of evidence. Enough with my mystic ramblings though, I see one more patch of them growing over here, we'll be done after that." 

  21. "Revenge eh? I never got mine then. I think it's only fair if I do something to return the favor later down the road. Better be wishing this scavenger hunt to end before I decide to make a move. I'm the type to hold a grudge also." Zeke smirked a little after he placed the flowers in her hand. "Keep 'em and I'll look around nearby to see if I can find some more for you to check. There is sure to be more around here."

    He walked through the nearby areas to scan the ground for more of the same, feeling like he was doing something wrong, but not sure exactly what. (What on earth was she talking about? Mushrooms don't explode where I come from. Unless... no... surely not.) Zeke shook his head a little to jumble his thoughts up before continuing on the hunt.

    OOC: I'll see ya' then. *Lazy Salute*

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