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Posts posted by Zeke

  1. "Don't remember me? Look in your friends list if you forgot my name." With a silent and defensive aura seemingly set up around Zeke, he walked past Rowan with a tap on his shoulder connecting on the way by. They were likely going to the same place, yet Zeke wished this could have all happened on a different floor, it was the most unique so far, but his most hated floor. He didn't want any friends dying here, giving him another reason to hate the place. 


    "I followed you when you came by town. It wasn't hard to notice a friend, especially one like you. I figured I could help you here, you seem to be taking a risk with your level. I don't like close calls, they're like warning signs that can impale you. Wherever you're heading, I want to join you, so long as it isn't three floors up from here. I need to kill some stronger enemies. Those on floor one are starting to give nothing, and trust me, I'd know." Just in case Rowan wasn't to be trusted after all, Zeke equipped his weapon as well, leaving himself more relieved should anything happen.

  2. "The party? I didn't know about any party. I'm not a party person anyhow. I'm doing about as good as anyone can, killing low-leveled things for experience mostly. It's a chore, but has to be done sometime. I don't want to take up your time, so I'll send you a friend request. Message me sometime, and we will see about talking then." Zeke hurried to the send the request, two others had came in and waited while he did so, so it felt important to leave before things were held up for too long. "I'll see you sometime soon, thanks for the item!" Zeke yelled back as he walked out the door, leaving the hinges to slowly bring it back to a close.

  3. Hearing the sound of his name being called, Rowan mentioned him as a friend apparently. Zeke would have thought they were more like acquaintances, honestly. They hardly knew anything about each other, but Zeke saw nothing to regret in the relationship. The same couldn't be said with many people he had come across, so Rowan earned the distinction in a weird way.


    Forfeiting all of that nonsense thinking aside for now, he headed to the counter with a bit of a nervous shake throughout his body. His hands sought the counter from the depths of his warm coat pockets, fingers resting along the edge of the counter gently. "I'd like just one healing potion for four-hundred and sixty-eight Col. That is, if the deal is still going on. If not, I still have just enough though." He brought up the transaction menu, inputting his selection for the intended item. 



    1x Healing Potion for 468 Col

  4. From behind black curtains whence it came before, from white noise it now awoken. A shadowy figure, humanoid like, formed it's impression amongst the crashing waves of water. It's eyes were piercing red, even though dark, and shrouded by the waterfall's mask. As the being pierced the water first, a mentally suggested limb stretched and elongated towards Zeke. The sight of it was to be beheld. Far longer it did tower than any known creature in existence. The more the body of this thing that came uncloaked, the more the signs appeared in Zeke's head, telling him that this was indeed the same imagery as a human arm; The hand being the most prominent feature to be included on the length. There extended claws that were no shorter in comparison to the hand, than that of the arm to the shoulder now appearing ahead.

    "I've returned. Have you found what you seek?" Zeke rose his head away from the limb, and directed his attention to the creature's saying. "An answer, I presume? I've found only what offers me the most peace. It will serve me for now until what true solution shall reveal itself to me." Full of venomous laughter, the creature responded only once it had a fill of it's own self-indulgence. "You see me here before you as a living and breathing entity. I'm an almost perfect reflection of you, an excellent copy if I may add. Yet, you still think I was just a waste of time, and only achieved the purpose to fill your life with fantasy? You didn't forget everything, so tell me already, how could you come to only accept it as an anchor? Don't throw aside the countless evidence that plagues your mind."

  5. Zeke headed into the store, with both hands retreating to his coat pockets as soon as he made it through the front door entirely. Once again, the selection for the specific item he needed was narrow. Or otherwise he wouldn't give more Col to another guild beside the one he was loyal to. None the less, he was now here, and standing behind other players in line at the counter. At least it was Rowan selling the items, and not someone he didn't enjoy. The wait would almost be worth it, but it wasn't like Zeke didn't have plenty of time before attempting his first risky departure to fight a powerful enemy. 
    Provided the show that was going on, the shop had a humorous act in progress. It seemed a jester, or in this case, a fool, was hired to keep the only other customers in the shop, filled with laughter. Looking ahead from his position in the far end of the store, it was apparent that the fool's attempts to make the another customer laugh were in vein. Zeke had a small chuckle as usual, but the fool's job seemed like a dead end if it didn't shape up to today's comedy standards. 
    Leaning against the far end wall, Zeke would relax with his eyes closed for now, keeping an open ear out for any indication that the shop's owner was ready to service his own need.

  6. I'm leaving this role play for a different one. I've been occupying a few boards recently that were just time killers up until now. I plan on leaving all the role plays I'm currently in on every site, to focus on one singular setting and story. Never was much into SAO anyway. Never finished the first twenty five episodes actually, so it would be best I find a role play I can get into more. I don't want to risk losing everything from the character I role play with now, down the road. It'd be like filling a life jar that will break eventually anyway. So likely the next role play I do will have no death penalty. Anyway... I've stepped on toes here before for the longest time, at least some will be happy to see me go, I need to see it go as well. 


    Any Col I've recently spent to Moartea can be kept, even if the sword was never finished. The only thing I really left tying me down here, was joining a guild. Was a big mistake on my part since I didn't know if I'd be staying long, I apologize by the way. There was really nothing wrong that provoked me leaving, just personal preference above all else. I give my wishes to the Knights of the Abyss, and to those I've had the pleasure of recently private messaging, you were those who meant the most to me. See you all! I might be back just to check those riddle answers, but only for ego sake. XD


    Bye everybody, I am no longer in your hair. *One last lazy salute.*

  7. Zeke followed at a moderate pace behind Marisa, surprised at her sudden ability to run with such a big weapon. She had set the table for him to kill the Boar, but it wasn't going to be something he would live down easily. When his attempt at cutting the remaining Boar was all over, he ended up on his knees with his sword laying in the grass next to him. The Boar had already went for the retaliation, but it didn't matter to Zeke since his health was so high, plus the Boar had missed.

    If his bad luck was going to get somebody killed, it was going to revert him back to his old loner self. This couldn't happen when he was only walking along the fields a few minutes ago. (I know things can change quickly, but did this really have to happen so soon? I wanted to avoid this so much.) "If luck is ever on my side, it needs to be now. Please don't die Rowan." Zeke went silent after saying that, waiting to hear the Boar go for the most vulnerable.

    • Rolled a 5 on the Battle Dice
    • Rolled a 2 on the Mob Dice
    Orahlimi: 2/7

    Marisa: 10/11

    Life: 19/19

    Zeke: 31/31


    Boar #1: 0/5 (killed)

    Boar #2: 0/5 (killed)

    Boar #3: 2/5

  8. Seeing Marisa get a hit in on the Boar, unlike himself and the other two males, Zeke was partially kind of shocked, but happy nonetheless. It seemed she would be able to take care of herself in this fight, but quickly it was proven to be just a quick judgement. The Boar knocked her off her feet, landing flat on her face. With two of the party members prone to suffering damage, Zeke made his way over to their sides, focusing on their target instead of his own like he originally planned.

    (At least the other one decided to get up and join in.) Zeke thought, looking to see how his party, and the enemy party was positioned. Rowan had the least amount of health currently, but his attacker had moved to Marisa, so it was now his chance to strike while it thought only of having the upper hand on a fallen player. With a downward swing, the blade cut diagonally down the Boar's midsection, dealing three damage on a critical. It depleted into a group of pixels, slowly vanishing into the data of the air."Here, hurry and grab my hand Marisa. I'll pull you up. Rowan needs our help quickly." Resemblance to their time before, it seemed they would be picking each other up off the ground a lot.

    • Rolled a 9 on the Battle Dice
    • Rolled a 1 on the Mob Dice

    Orahlimi: 6/7
    Marisa: 10/11
    Life: 19/19

    Zeke: 31/31

    Boar #1: 5/5
    Boar #2: 0/5 (killed)
    Boar #3: 5/5

  9. Holding his weapon against his shoulder comfortably, Zeke patiently waited for the enemies to come to him and his friends, instead of wasting the time charging at them. When the one on the right had come close enough within a certain distance, he ran ahead and met it with a swift slash towards it. It would have likely been too gruesome for him to do if this were some other type of game. His attack had missed however, and had him feeling a sense of familiarity towards why he stayed away from normal combat. (Why do I always get stuck with all the bad luck?) He would've hung his head in shame, but the Boar quickly let out a counter, hitting Zeke before he could jump back fast enough. It was going to be a long day, since both him and the enemy had missed their attacks.


    • Rolled a 3 on the Battle Dice
    • Rolled a 5 on the Mob Dice

    Zeke's Health: 31/31

    Boar #1's Health: 5/5

  10. Sorry, but I have a question too. Can we send our equipment to shop for quality upgrade? For example, upgrading uncommon item into rare or perfect one.

    I don't understand the point of why it wouldn't be allowed, but I'm pretty sure you can. Although instead of actually upgrading your current gear, you would have someone make the exact same gear, but on a greater value such as perfect.

  11. I got a question and I figure I will ask it here than create an entirely new thread;

    In regards to Col gained where it states


    '400 Col gained per page completed'

    Does that apply to every person who particiapted in the PP/ OP/ thread or only the thread starter?

    I looked around everywhere but couldn't find anything

    Everyone who participates in the thread gets the same benefits at the end I believe. There might be small exceptions for some things, but Col is the same for all posters.

  12. Zeke chuckled as well at the mention of his name being asked for. "Excuse me, it seems I've forgotten ALL of my manners today. It is Z-e-k-e... Y-v-e-l-l." He nodded, thinking to himself as he brought the images of the depleting numbers in his Col account back to view. (It doesn't matter that much, I'll get it back soon enough. What other good is Col for anyway? Moartea has been extremely courteous to me, and deserves the business. I might just visit him again when he has all of the fan girls lining up at the counter. He's a good looking fellow.)


    "If that be all, I'd like to wish you great Halloween for the rest of the day. I look forward to our next meeting." Zeke offered up a handshake, leaving after whether or not Moartea decided to offer his hand back.  

  13. Zeke smiled nervously at Moartea, fighting back the want to gulp the nothing down his throat. "I really wish I did, I would give you some if I had them on me. I haven't done much but loaf around during my time on Aincrad, only recently I've picked up things a bit more, and that's how I managed to scrape together the Col you need. I hope you don't take offense to the absence of help." He bowed in embarrassment, bringing back one old trait he never thought he'd do again.
    "Huh? Hmm..." Zeke's head rose to see the displayed page on the counter. "Ah, I see. That is something I hope you'll forgive me as well, this is my first time doing anything besides killing boars on the floor-one plains." Upon closer inspection, the details that the smith had added were phenomenal. Much better than Zeke thought he could even acceptably ask of the blacksmith to do for him. 
    "I'd be proud to display such an extravagant weapon in your name. This must require some dedication, even for someone just starting out as a store owner. I'll be sure to bring you more business through my words, if you do me the blessing of gifting this weapon to me. It's a deal, no doubt on my behalf." Zeke clicked the Col transfer button, clicking on the up arrow until he reached the exact amount he had, knowing it would be well worth it to more than double his damage output. *Blling!* a small chime played as Moartea was shown the buttons for both 'Accept' and 'Deny'. If accepted, Zeke's Col would be given to him.

    Transaction: (Zeke) -1200 Col / (Moartea) +1200 Col if accepted.

  14. Zeke's eyes widened at the mere sight of the smithy's attire and presence. His outfit was just outstanding, and made Zeke check down at his own clothing for a saddening comparison. (Mine doesn't even look like it belongs in this game...) He thought, snapping into attention once the man had leaned over the counter, leaving an awkward lack of space between the two players. Backing up, Zeke would try to play it off naturally, as if he was just stretching a little, letting his feet fall back from an almost fall backwards. 


    "Yes, I'd like to request a custom one-handed straight sword. I've had my beginner's blade for fourteen levels, I thought it was high past time I upgraded. I understand the price is one-thousand two-hundred Col. I've done some quests recently, and now I have enough finally. As a matter of fact, I have exactly that amount, so I hope that will be enough..."  Opening the application for the weapon details, the enhancements that Zeke chose were the basic of basic, preferring a strong base to start off things. Once finished completing the fields required, he pressed his finger against the send button in front of him, letting the page display in view of the shop owner now.



    Item: One-handed straight sword

    Name: Swiftly Default

    Quality: Perfect

    Shop: [Crimson Inquisition] [Forge-F4] Forge of the Ancient Blood

    Description: Three damage enhancements [Caps at 3]

    Photo: http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g429/CrossEdgeX/SwordEdit1_zps4cf3a8fd.jpg

    "How about this? Would this be acceptable?" You could almost swear he was showing an extremely slight blush on his face from the name he chose. Thinking of himself as a kid for giving a sword such a name, when names didn't matter all that much, he thought.

  15. The cold air on Halloween day was easily held back by Zeke and his thick layered attire. His face was expressing joy in many ways, because he finally had enough Col gathered to have a weapon created for him. Ahead of the process, he could only think of any unexpected problems that might arise, and only prepared himself for disappointment as he slowly pushed the front door open. The smith he decided to spend his money at, was really the only one he could find. Zeke didn't stay in any of the towns often, especially on floor four, but this was one he recalled from a long time back. He always made sure to mark such important places in his mind.

    "Hello, is anyone working today?" Zeke's eyes examined every inch of the room, lessening his worry about the work ethnic of the smithy. Once he made his way over to the counter in a slow pace, he couldn't help but shiver a little bit from the heat inside starting to replace the cold that was on his skin minutes ago, even though he didn't seem to notice it. "Please don't scare me, I don't know if I can take it..." He admitted rarely that he was a true lightweight when it came to fearful things, only doing so to ease his heartbeat with the thought of the shop owner hearing him, and backing off from any such horseplay.

  16. Zeke winced at her exclamation of his name, squinting the closest eye afterwards while he responded. "I think maybe you should focus on the enemy before you go reminiscing our time. Just because I'm here, doesn't mean I can protect you from dying that easily... But I'm glad you're still alive..." He nodded to himself, looking to the one person watching as an apparent teacher of sorts. If this was a lesson, Zeke would back off a bit and watch himself, a sword laying flat on his shoulder. "Do your best, I'll be here to keep an eye out too."

  17. From far across the field, Zeke was heading towards the group. He was in the middle of thinking over whether or not he should go over to them, but his mind was leaning towards the idea for one reason. Someone he had already met was with them, or so he thought. The long blonde hair was familiar to him, the great sword she carried made it even easier to narrow the ideas of who it was. If it wasn't for Marisa perhaps being over there, he would have shied away, and kept to himself. 
    Now walking up behind them, it was noticeable in the girls stance and equipment, that she was the same girl from before. It was an opportunity to sneak up on the female for revenge, but the other two guys with her might get the wrong idea. Zeke also feared doing anything to Marisa that would result in a close call with her weapon. She wasn't known for being a push over. He positioned himself near Marisa, while also giving her room to swing like crazy. With a flick of a finger, Zeke looked through his menu to equip his sword. "I don't have any fancy equipment, but I am technically a high level for these enemies. I'll help."

  18. Got another question now. I wanted to ask someone on the staff for a definitive answer so the information given to me would culminate from the rules, instead of just what they thought. Officially for the site, how do you determine how much base damage a mob will do? I looked in the tutorials, and it only shows how much a player will do, not a player-ran mob.

  19. Standing there now in front of the floor six waterfall, Zeke could feel the intense power of nature as the crashing water sent waves of vibration through his body. Looking up at the sheer height of the natural wonder, his arms and legs collectively formed goosebumps on them. Both of his light brown eyes couldn't unlock the stare that halted his feet at the shore of the water, preventing himself from confronting his fears. There laid a small chance that he was just too fearful to see inside his own head after the way he felt those emotions for all those years. (This isn't going to be easy...) Zeke sighed and stepped forward with one foot, letting it slowly sink into the water for the recognition of a touch when it would hit the bottom. 

    Once he was sat upon the rock, he crossed his legs and placed both open hands onto the side of his knees facing inward. Erm had showed him how to meditate a few times until he was able to learn upon it, and add to his technique by himself. It was now the best time for Zeke to prove to himself that he was actually performing meditation, and not just falling asleep sitting up. (Despite my frequent rage, and uncalled for behavior, I've always been able to relax myself if I truly wanted to. This can't be too different.)

    The first thing Zeke would do as any other time before him, a large inhale and exhale helped him begin the transition. When the sound of water began to soothe his mind, Zeke would then think of absolutely nothing except for ice. This was an odd method used to achieve meditation, but it worked. Detailing ice crystals growing over his brain tissue, he would gain a placebo effect, and start feeling his every memory or movement halt in a pleasant numb while the image of his brain becoming completely encased in ice helped him focus.

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