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Status Replies posted by Zeke

  1. Survey Corps, Military Police or Garrison? Which would you be in?


    I would honestly be vying for the military police but I'd get stuck in the garrison cleaning canons all day. 

  2. Although you probably won't see this and may never see this, happy birthday Oikawa! 

  3. I accidentally punched my dog in the head with a door and now I feel really bad. She was standing right behind it and I didn't know O.o 

  4. I accidentally punched my dog in the head with a door and now I feel really bad. She was standing right behind it and I didn't know O.o 

  5. I accidentally punched my dog in the head with a door and now I feel really bad. She was standing right behind it and I didn't know O.o 

    1. Zeke


      I have a chihuahua, but the one I accidentally hurt is the calico cat I have. She loves me sooooo much and tried to rush my door when I go through it. It hurts more when they practically worship you. 

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  6. I accidentally punched my dog in the head with a door and now I feel really bad. She was standing right behind it and I didn't know O.o 

    1. Zeke


      Poor doggie. :< I know the feeling of accidentally hurt an animal as well.

    2. (See 25 other replies to this status update)

  7. whah there's a status side bar? serves me right for using my phone this whole time :D


  8. whah there's a status side bar? serves me right for using my phone this whole time :D


  9. whah there's a status side bar? serves me right for using my phone this whole time :D


  10. Note to self: Do not update Windows ever again until last free day.

  11. Is there anyone I haven't RPed with before who'd like to? I'd like Thorrissia to meet some new friends c: Or enemies *evil laugh* 

  12. Is there anyone I haven't RPed with before who'd like to? I'd like Thorrissia to meet some new friends c: Or enemies *evil laugh* 

  13. Ok, well it's time for shower hour [yes I take very long showers ok] so I may not be on for a lil bit. I need to clean up in preparation for fawnlet coming so I don't gas her with my potato couch smell. 

  14. Ok, well it's time for shower hour [yes I take very long showers ok] so I may not be on for a lil bit. I need to clean up in preparation for fawnlet coming so I don't gas her with my potato couch smell. 

  15. Ok, well it's time for shower hour [yes I take very long showers ok] so I may not be on for a lil bit. I need to clean up in preparation for fawnlet coming so I don't gas her with my potato couch smell. 

  16. My reputation has gone down to zero. Woah. 

  17. My reputation has gone down to zero. Woah. 

  18. Why have my level and post count shot up suddenly?

  19. ALERT ALERT: Is it no longer possible for us to edit posts? Because I uh, cannot find the edit button O.o and I uh, left a lot of posts that need editing. Please tell me I'm just a dimwit. 

  20. Why have my level and post count shot up suddenly?

  21. Looking for a roleplaying partner!

  22. Looking for a roleplaying partner!

  23. I need an RP partner... will someone take me on?

  24. I need an RP partner... will someone take me on?

  25. Looking for a roleplaying partner!

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