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Status Replies posted by Zeke

  1. So it's official I'm going to have to start having people pay half for their commission upfront. To many orders where I create the item and it just sits in my shop to be collected . Players ask for something then don't log on for like ever....

  2. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  3. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  4. Allergies are killing me ;;

  5. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  6. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  7. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  8. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  9. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  10. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  11. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  12. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  13. Not to offend the people I RP with now, but I miss RPing with the group of people back then T^T

  14. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  15. Allergies are killing me ;;

  16. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  17. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  18. Allergies are killing me ;;

  19. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  20. Allergies are killing me ;;

  21. Allergies are killing me ;;

  22. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  23. Allergies are killing me ;;

  24. It's the next create your adventure! You wake up in a deserted town that looks to have been ravaged by some kind of apocalyptic disaster. As for get to your feet you see that something is on the ground next to you. What is it?

  25. Allergies are killing me ;;

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