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Posts posted by Haine

  1. She giggles at the statement. "And sure, I would love to go ice-skating," she smiled genuinely as she took his hand daintily. This was all so funny for the girl. She was being so out of character.. But it was worth it because of all the candy and fun there would be!! She gulped as she saw how gracefully the girls skated.. Could she do it? She better not fall on her bum!

  2. Haine skipped down the path happily, with her pet rabbit around her neck, desperately clinging onto her. She wore a simple white dress with her amulet that she never took off. "Wow! It's such a great day! I'm going to make you skate MOMO!" She winked at her rabbit. He squirmed uneasily and let a sweat drop.

    Her golden eyes spotted the gate. "Couples get in.. FOR FREE!" She read out loud. She walked up to the booth.

    "This will be my partner," she nodded pridefully as she dangled her poor white rabbit by his long ears.

    Immediately she got kicked out. She whined her way around and spotted Keith with the glummest look ever!

    "Oii! HEYO!" She shouted as she raced up to the said boy. "Why are you so sad?" She blurted curiously as she puckered her lips childishly. Momo decided to take a seat on

    Keith's shoulder... ((XDDDDDDD))

  3. Heya! Nice to meetcha SFL! My name is Haine! This site seems confusing at first, but once you grasp onto the flow, it will get easier, trust me! If there is anything you need help for, don't hesitate to send me a PM. Welcome to SAO!!! XD

  4. "Obviously nothing!" she giggled as she glomped the dragon as if it were Momoko. Speaking of Momo, he had been silently hiding in the backpack the whole time! He hopped right out carefully and into his owners lap. "Did you take care of turtle-san?" she asked Momo. He made a noise in response.

    Then she faced Keith and smiled happily. "First quest completed!" she exclaimed enthusiastically with a thumbs up.

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