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Posts posted by Haine

  1. Haine was humming as she walked down the alleys with her fishing hat on. She had just bought it for her own amusement. Giggling she skipped but then her hat fell off her head. "Oh no!" she exclaimed. Her hat began to drift away into the wind.

    She chased the hat all the way into a grassy meadow and finally grasped it in her hands.. As she began to walk away, she spotted her friend Aria on the other side of the tree. "ARIA-CHAAAN!!!" Haine squealed as she plopped down beside her carelessly as ever

    ((MESSED UP....))

  2. Haine was skipping down the road happily with an optimistic smile on her face. "Yay! I"ve gotten so far alreaddyyy!" she squealed out loud and jumped like a little child. She laughed cheerfully as other people give her dumbfounded stares. Haine was 15 years old, but that never stopped her from acting like that little three year old she truly was inside.

    "Etto... I'm bored.." Haine sighed after a while. She was trudging down the streets till her eyes spotted something catchy... just what was in this girls mind now? Let us find out now shall we?

    "Iyaa! Pretty animal..." she thought mentally. Somehow she managed to reach the rooftop and then her eyes gleamed when she saw the dragon in front of her. Then she noticed a person..

    She walked up to the boy and smiled cheerfully. "Heyo!" she greeted carelessly. She was the type of person who would do the craziest of things without a care... oobviously stated.





    Alias: Haine
    Real name: Alice Yudai
    Age: 15 (Upon Entering The Game)

    Current Age: 20

    Birthday: June 16th

    Gender: Female 
     Height: 5 "4"
    Nationality: Japanese & Swedish



    Alice knew a life of comfort, born into a wealthy family in Sweden. She was the second eldest among her two sisters and brother. It was a good life, with her father's game developing raking in the cash and her mother staying home to take care of the family. With her siblings all close in age, they were like best friends and would look after each other. It fell on her to set the example for the younger ones, which she wasn't the best at. Alice, no matter how much she aged, had the heart of a child, rambunctious and a little naive.

    Things had changed when their father received a job opportunity in Japan, along with him the family went. Adjusting to life in Japan deemed challenging, but fortunately she knew enough Japanese to get by with her father's heritage. She put her all into her studies and rekindled her love for music, practicing the ukulele and singing. Her mundane life kept her busy till her father's project, initially Project Blades, unfolded into the ambitious Sword Art Online. She was never the type to like video games, but there was something intriguing about living another life in a virtual world. It was the excitement she was looking for.

    She, along with her two other siblings, received beta copies of the game to promote it.

    Since then, she immersed herself in a fantasy which turned into a living nightmare. Upon the announcement that she was stuck there, she was lost, without a purpose. She spent so much time around the beginning floors, afraid to leave. She wanted to sit there and wait it out in hopes that things would change, but time went by and it never did. Slowly yet surely, she mustered enough courage to work her way up the floors. She had not a clue what she was doing, but  all she wanted was to return home again.

    Time passes by and she molded herself into a fighter, driven by her goal to leave. The lines started to blur when she noticed the ugliness around her, innocent people being murdered, spirits broken. With time she figured she needed another purpose beyond just surviving, and so she would take her time to protect those around her, come around to help those in need.

    She went battling with her friend Kiluia, but that was the last thing she remembered. She was broken out of some sort of cocoon, and unbeknownst to her, a few years had passed by. She carries memories from the initial grind, only to find that a lot has changed. And so her journey continues...



    V I R T U E S

    Compassionate - Haine is one to put others before herself, and put herself into their shoes. She wants to be useful to others by helping them out or lending an ear. Her selfless disposition was honed from all the years she spent looking after her sisters.

    Persistent - There is nothing she loves more than a challenge. When the going gets tough, she won't be lagging for long. Haine keeps herself in check with self reflection.

    Energetic - By nature, Haine is a bright spirit and a bit of a jester. In appropriate times, she can keep the mood lively. It can get out of hand sometimes, however.



    F L A W S

    Stubborn - At times, it seems like it's her way or the high way. When given advice that she doesn't like, she will be determined to figure things out on her own which can lead to a reckless outcome. Often times the only way for her to learn is through her own stubbornness.

    Sensitive - Whilst she can hide her emotions, words can get to her. Her self reflecting side will ruminate over things and cause anxiety. It is the source behind her flightiness.

    Naive - Despite the horrors around her, there is a part of Haine that's inherently oblivious, or willing to see good in anyone. She's susceptible to being fooled when given the opportunity. She was raised in a healthy family and household, so before this her world was small. She finds it harder to understand people's struggles from their perspectives because she is used to living well-off.





    Skill Points Used:

    Skill Points Left: 4


    » Survival [5]RANK MAX
    » Meditation [5] RANK MAX


    » Extended weight limit: [0] Unskilled

    » Light Armor: [0] Unskilled

    » Athletics: [0] Unskilled

    » Sprint & Acrobatics [0] RANK MAX

    » Block  [0] RANK MAX


    » Parry: [0] Unskilled
    » Battle healing: [0] Unskilled
    » Leather Equipment: [0] Unskilled


    Weapon skills:

    » One Handed Curved Blade [R2- 3 SP USED] Journeyman

    » Katana Skill [uNLOCKED]: [R4 - 20 SP USED/ 10 MORE NEEDED TO LEVEL UP] Expert






    Item: Blade of the Cosmos
    Quality: Perfect
    Shop: Selds Repair and Smithy
    Description:A one handed curved sword. It has a turquoise handle which has astral-like designs on it, traced with a little silver dust.. The blade is a transparent like blue color, which glows. and it has faint stars that design the blade part. The handle is a periwinkle-lavender color. +2 Damage, +1 Battle Dice





    One Handed Curved Blade

    Bunny-Chan (an old stuffed rabbit from way back in the days)







    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2683-pp-f2the-decrepit-hikikomori-haine-complete/ - 600 COL/Mob col not calculated


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1250-pp-f2-by-the-horns-kane-haine-and-miakiclosed/ - 132 COL (Due to OOC reasons)


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2126-pp-f-prove-your-worth-complete/ - 67 COL


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2275-pp-f3-hoya-haine-shaya-ruri/ - 132 COL (QUEST) /Mob col not calculated - 3 SP


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/3381-pp-f5-the-golem-of-destruction-echo/ - 600 COL /Mob col not calculated


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/883-pp-f1-the-mysterious-white-wolf-feeding-the-enemy/ - 200 COL (OLDER QUEST) - 2 SP


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/513-pp-f1-new-girl-keith-and-haine-complete/ 1000 COL / Mob col uncalculated (A very old RP)


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2575-pp-f2-adventuring-yet-again-kokuyo/ - 1000 COL / complete? / mob col uncalculated


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1744-pp-f2-a-forest-encounter-ryu-haine-completed/ - 400 COL 


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2519-pp-f6-a-picnic-full-of-surprises-ruri-complete/ - 200 COL


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1856-pp-f5-the-traveler-zauis-haine-complete/ - 200 COL (QUEST) - 2 SP


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1188-pp-f2-the-second-encounter-haine-mitsunari-complete/ - 200 COL


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2179-pp-boss-raid-f8-paving-the-way-to-9/ - 160 COL


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1847-pp-f1-the-first-meeting-ruri-haine-complete/ - 400 COL /mob uncalculated


    100 COL


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1804-op-f2-forever-you-and-me-yureka-grim-weddingcomp/ - (PARTY)


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/2096-pp-f1-hiya-hiyaa-ruri-complete/ - 200 COL


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/1849-pp-f2-breaking-the-unbreakable/ - 400 COL (FOR RURI- QUEST) - 2 SP


    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/3754-sp-f2-long-live-the-queen-they-say-complete/?p=329309- 400 COL (FIELD BOSS QUEST) - 4 SP

    http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/6355-pp-f9-making-friend-above-an-active-volcano-kiruhainekosanalyss/page-2- 80 COL




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