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Posts posted by Haine

  1. "OHMYFLUFF I NEVER THOUGHT ABOUT THAT!" she gasped as she munched on a fudge happily. She shoved some in Turtle-san's shell and Momoko dived into a fudge pile and munched away furiously. "We should donate candy too! The candy superhero's" Haine awed with starry eyes as she fell into a fudge pile. "Aw.man." she whispered still in trance.


  2. She gasped in realization. "Oh! That is true!" she exclaimed loudly. "Yep! I'm ready to get that fudge!" Haine nodded eagerly and added the stone to her inventory before putting the large coat on and making a funny expression. "WOAH! This is one large coat- oh the fudgeeee!" she squealed as she raced down the hallway acting like a kid in a candy store.

  3. "Thanks!" she smiled softly and then nodded as she searched for some loot. But she got distracted from the turtle. "Aww its still there! Well that turtle doesn't really look harmful other than the chances of tripping people.." she said as she picked the turtle up. In response, it hid in its shell shyly. "Awww common! Don't be shy!" she giggled.

    Yes, Haine knew turtles could bite but if it did she would most likely cook it out of anger. ((XDDDDDDDDDD))

  4. She nodded and then looked at the charm that was attached to her katana. it was said to activate her special sword skill.

    Her sword lighted up and looked like a light saber. She walked up to the skeletons again and swiped the sword at one, hoping it would work. She never really used this charm before..

    ((XDDD I have a crazy imagination... please roll on pass!))

  5. She was there.. enjoying the her peace and quiet that she rarely had. She knew that there were things she had to be alert of in that peculiar cave like structure. But honestly she never did care if she died... after all what ever happens.. happens.

    She clutched her pentagon necklace and sighed. Suddenly she hissed out of nature when she heard a noise.. a disruptive sound. How unpleasant indeed.

    She took out her enchanted sword, and ventured to where the noise was. It was merely another player. What was she doing in such a place? That question alone put the ruby eyed teen in thought.

    She walked up to the girl with her usual nonchalant face. "What are you doing in such a place? You could get killed.." Kyoko stated as she clutched her sword in her hand, ready for anything that would come.

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