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About Piera

  • Title
    The Jade Medic
  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Reading, playing video games, writing, role playing, watching youtube/hulu/netflix/crunchyroll and photoshopping.

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  1. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

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    2. Piera


      Yeah I watched that too Lowenthal (and my soul is more hurt because of it ;~;) but I figured that that only helped her interact with people that she wouldn't normally be able to. She was sick but could still more or less still do stuff in a clean room.

      I also wonder if the principles would still apply the same if a person was simply missing a limb rather than it being paralyzed.

    3. Carambit


      Well maybe not with a missing limb... As I recall it was mentioned that they had to touch over their whole body to 'configure' the full dive system. I feel like during that the missing limb/limbs would be detected... But still a very cool idea if they could pull it off with, say, a prosthetic or something.

    4. Lowenthal


      From the Wiki, it says it uses the brain's signals. So, by their rules, a person can indeed have full working limbs in game. Even though they may be missing a few. Like my first character was missing an eye, but he had both of his eyes in game.

      So as long as there's no brain damage, it should work. Don't see why you pick that anyway. It's no RP fluff except for the first RP. Otherwise, it's just repetition and no fun to play. Until you make to the end, and survive SAO And have to re-adjust to having that disability.

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