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Status Replies posted by Piera

  1. rocket league is consuming my life.

  2. rocket league is consuming my life.

  3. rocket league is consuming my life.

  4. rocket league is consuming my life.

  5. If we get another trailer for the site, it should totally be a Transformers one... :)

  6. If we get another trailer for the site, it should totally be a Transformers one... :)

  7. I have my very first customer! :D

  8. I have my very first customer! :D

  9. I have my very first customer! :D

  10. Curse you 2 craft a day limit! *shakes fist* At least RNGsus has been kind to me so far u.u;

  11. So, had some real life things coming at me so I haven't been able to check in as often as I like but I'm tryin to be more useful/around a little more frequently. My apologies.

  12. AC is broken. Pretty sure I'm gonna die.

  13. Alright guys, it's official: I'm going to eat my dog. That'll teach her to be quiet.

  14. Nicolas Cage in a bikini. Picture it.

  15. Late night or Early Morning?

  16. Storm winds just knocked down a tree in my backyard... All over the garden >.> Carmine is not pleased.

  17. Just can't seem to get happy. Gonna be a tough week.

  18. Considering leaving the site for a while. Just been feeling a little depressed and not in the mood to rp. :P

  19. Worked sucked. Not a happy camper.

  20. So tired. Just wanna go home *cries*

  21. Planning to marry a clown in the near future. Forcefully. Is that strange?

  22. So tired. Just wanna go home *cries*

  23. #LowenthalTouchedMyButt

  24. I think GGO and Alfheim is just a big waste of time.

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