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  1. So I figured out how to convert .mesh files into .obj for Daz...Now, the question is...What swords do I want for my character. @_@ 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Carambit


      Well, I use an autodesk product called Maya to create 3d models for games. Then I sell those assets to companies etc. Currently making about 500 bucks a fortnight off of just that. But Autodesk do make other programs such as revit, CAD, etc.

    3. Daeimos


      Yeah I remember a few programs in the Autodesk files, I took Cad, Revit and another class when I went to ITT.

    4. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      I dabbled in 3D but mostly from a design and technology perspective such as making a squat rack with autodesk inventor so I knew how to make it and what materials.

      I very often lose staff members when I talk math for the system...

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