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About Carambit

  • Birthday 12/16/1993

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    Perth, Western Australia
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    I'm a part time Game Designer and am always up for a friendly chat. Love making new friends.
    If you wish to talk to me about the game design thing, please feel free to shoot me a private message. :)

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  1. Well, the end of a long journey. Yesterday my partner and I decided after being together for nearly 3 years, that it wasn't working anymore and it was time to split. We're handling it like adults and it was a mutual break up, so we're still talking we just aren't dating anymore.

    I'm not sure if anyone has any experience with breakups on here or not, but if they do, any advice on the matter would be greatly appreciated, as it was my first real relationship, and its a pretty rough thing to go through.

    Thanks for reading this guys.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azide


      On paper, it sounds like a good idea to "handle it like adults" by remaining in contact after a break up. But unless you're very good at managing your feelings and expectations, I would have to say that it's best to take some time away from your ex before trying out the whole friend thing. Otherwise, you might find yourself keeping the wound open longer than it should've been kept.

      It's really rough, but the best thing you can do is to avoid wondering "What could I have done differently?" unless you genuinely have serious problems, like drugs, abuse or gambling (although I'll just assume you probably don't).

      Take time to devote to yourself and things you feel are constructive. You might find it uplifting to do things like charity work or volunteer work, or maybe devoting more time to both new and old hobbies. 

      Also, surround yourself with friends and family- don't isolate yourself, and smile even when you don't feel like smiling. Don't listen to sad music or break up songs. Get plenty of sleep and exercise, so that you don't feel physically worse on top of what you already feel.

    3. Carambit


      Thanks guys. And Azide your advice is really good. Its mostly what I'm doing with myself now to help me deal with it all.

    4. Teayre


      Azide beat me to it, pretty much So here's some hugs instead *HUGS LOTS* :3

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