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Status Replies posted by Carambit

  1. Any ideas for a title for Xion?

  2. Any ideas for a title for Xion?

  3. I wonder if a lollipop would classify as a snack or a dessert...

  4. Rest in Peace Lindow. [Killed by Spiders, but we'll say he fought to protect the people of SnowFrost] -sniff sniff-

  5. I wonder if a lollipop would classify as a snack or a dessert...

  6. Ugh... Part of my assignment is to write 1000 words about what the assignment was like. It was a mind map. A concept map about facebook. I can't write 1000 words about that. All I have so far is "Yeah wasn't bad. Lots of pictures and lines, but also lots of words. 8/10."


  7. Working on an SAO themed D&D game I can hold online for some people who may be keen. I know Beoreson stated he was keen. Just wondering if anyone else was interested in joining. For those who haven't played D&D before, its heaps of fun and my fave thing as a DM is to teach new players, so don't worry about that. For those who have played D&D before, its in 3.5 edition and it'll be a blastie blast.

    Thing is I'd need players who'd be returning to the game not just popping in here and there for a few sessions, so we'd need to organize a timetable. But if you're keen let me know! :)

    1. Carambit


      Yes indeedy ;D If you'd be interested in partaking in it I'll add your name to the list when I have it ready :) I'll be holding it on Roll20.net and I'll add everyone on skype so we can all talk when we play. It'll be loads of fun!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. Skipping morning practice....And have Cross Country pictures today after school......... My eyes are still a bit swelled up.... UGH!

  9. Skipping morning practice....And have Cross Country pictures today after school......... My eyes are still a bit swelled up.... UGH!

  10. Quick head's up:

    1. I'm out of town tomorrow night through at least Friday night. Family stuff linked back to the earlier family thing I mentioned. I'll post if I can. Otherwise, see you all on Saturday night.

    2. I have to get my sermon done for work on Sunday, a few of you know I work as a Minister. I tend to keep that quiet. No, I'm not here to shove it down your throat, one of the reasons why Mack doesn't have a stated religious preference. :) But, it does mean that I have to get the sermon I've not started on yet done. :)

  11. Working on an SAO themed D&D game I can hold online for some people who may be keen. I know Beoreson stated he was keen. Just wondering if anyone else was interested in joining. For those who haven't played D&D before, its heaps of fun and my fave thing as a DM is to teach new players, so don't worry about that. For those who have played D&D before, its in 3.5 edition and it'll be a blastie blast.

    Thing is I'd need players who'd be returning to the game not just popping in here and there for a few sessions, so we'd need to organize a timetable. But if you're keen let me know! :)

    1. Carambit


      Aww well if you find yourself able to join, do let me know! :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. Working on an SAO themed D&D game I can hold online for some people who may be keen. I know Beoreson stated he was keen. Just wondering if anyone else was interested in joining. For those who haven't played D&D before, its heaps of fun and my fave thing as a DM is to teach new players, so don't worry about that. For those who have played D&D before, its in 3.5 edition and it'll be a blastie blast.

    Thing is I'd need players who'd be returning to the game not just popping in here and there for a few sessions, so we'd need to organize a timetable. But if you're keen let me know! :)

    1. Carambit


      Cool! I'll put you on the list and when I come up with stuff I'll let you know :D

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. Working on an SAO themed D&D game I can hold online for some people who may be keen. I know Beoreson stated he was keen. Just wondering if anyone else was interested in joining. For those who haven't played D&D before, its heaps of fun and my fave thing as a DM is to teach new players, so don't worry about that. For those who have played D&D before, its in 3.5 edition and it'll be a blastie blast.

    Thing is I'd need players who'd be returning to the game not just popping in here and there for a few sessions, so we'd need to organize a timetable. But if you're keen let me know! :)

    1. Carambit


      cool beans!

      It will be broken up into probably weekly sessions, we'll work times and dates out later. I'll add you when I get the chance!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Working on an SAO themed D&D game I can hold online for some people who may be keen. I know Beoreson stated he was keen. Just wondering if anyone else was interested in joining. For those who haven't played D&D before, its heaps of fun and my fave thing as a DM is to teach new players, so don't worry about that. For those who have played D&D before, its in 3.5 edition and it'll be a blastie blast.

    Thing is I'd need players who'd be returning to the game not just popping in here and there for a few sessions, so we'd need to organize a timetable. But if you're keen let me know! :)

    1. Carambit


      No problems teaching you :)
      Games would run for a few hours, and it depends how everyone plays as to how long the actual campaign would run.

      I'll be hosting it on Roll20.net, and if you want to play you'll have to make an account, but its totally free and good fun so yeah :)

      I'll add everyone on skype so we can talk it all over and get everything sorted out beforehand. Times and dates can be organized later. Want me to add your name to the list?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Working on an SAO themed D&D game I can hold online for some people who may be keen. I know Beoreson stated he was keen. Just wondering if anyone else was interested in joining. For those who haven't played D&D before, its heaps of fun and my fave thing as a DM is to teach new players, so don't worry about that. For those who have played D&D before, its in 3.5 edition and it'll be a blastie blast.

    Thing is I'd need players who'd be returning to the game not just popping in here and there for a few sessions, so we'd need to organize a timetable. But if you're keen let me know! :)

    1. Carambit


      Woo! Well I'll keep you on the list and when I've got the campaign in a presentable state I'll check back with you and see if you're still up for it.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. Just finished pulling an all nighter, I'm going to go to sleep. Sorry for not being able to reply.

  17. Another Allergic Reaction.... Now I suspect it may be Ragweed.

  18. So I'm gonna go find the Boss room. Who's tagging along? 10 mobs flat + 5 per person joining. Keep that in mind. Mobs will have 22HP, and deal 6 base damage. 

  19. So I'm gonna go find the Boss room. Who's tagging along? 10 mobs flat + 5 per person joining. Keep that in mind. Mobs will have 22HP, and deal 6 base damage. 

    1. Carambit


      *Would get absolutely destroyed.* There's no way. I'd get totally wekt.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  20. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

    1. Carambit


      Such an interesting concept... Cool to see everyone's opinion on the matter.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  21. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

  22. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

    1. Carambit


      Hmm... Very interesting indeed. That would be tough. Not only the heartache of having to deal with losing that limb, but also having survived the game only to have to go back to having to relive the loss of that limb and get used to it all over again.

      Tough stuff :/

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  23. I wonder if it's possible with the full dive system of SAO for disabled people to see/hear/walk? :o

    1. Carambit


      Well maybe not with a missing limb... As I recall it was mentioned that they had to touch over their whole body to 'configure' the full dive system. I feel like during that the missing limb/limbs would be detected... But still a very cool idea if they could pull it off with, say, a prosthetic or something.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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