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About Kalesh

  • Birthday 09/13/1993

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    A good question
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    Gaming for sure, I like to watch anime too (obviously, come on, I am here.), and I also enjoy reading which is a major bonus if you are into RP like me.

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    I'm just going to go ahead and whine about it now rather than let it eat me up from inside. I apologize for my words ahead of time, I just need to rant and rave for a bit and get it out of my system. Feel free to ignore me if you'd like.

    Why does Zero get a unique skill when nobody else does? And as a direct result, I don't care temporary or not, why does Zelrius?

    This is a system which is not released to the public, and checking the rumors in the actual broker thread where unique skills are discovered, none of them are related to the Darkness Blade. The only one that remotely suits the bill is the field boss Snow Beast, but that rumor was for Essence of Steel and nothing else. I don't see one justifiable reason for either players to be able to use the skills. They can have them, sure, but until the systems are finalized and released I don't think they should be usable.

    This is the equivalent of the mods making use of the tier 2 materials a month before its released to the public because they have the main points roughed out. I'd also like to point out the unique skill that's listed in both Zero's journal and signature isn't Darkness Blade but Coordinated Edge. So I ask a second time, why does Zero, if any mod, get this unique skill ahead of time and is able to pass it on to other players?

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