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Posts posted by Shirosu

  1. Shirosu ran through the town if beginnings in a panic, the little white fox on her shoulder bouncing prcariosy with her urgent stride. She had been napping and only when she had woke up had she noticed lawyers message, which was to go beat stuff up and she was really worried that she'd missed the meeting time. Upon air ing at the teleported she shouted the destination floor and skidding into the meeting place panted,"I'm not late am I?" She currently saw red, Mack , lasted and Piera. Gin squeaked in greeting to everyone from his perch

    • ID: 33211
    • BD: 10
    • LD: 12 (nah)
    • Shirosu: [4 kill/4mats]
    • Kalesh: [4 kills/3 Mat]

    She smiled,"Weird to know people other then people i have met know of me, its a weird feeling, but yes i am part of the crimson blades" she said picking her next target and getting ready to throw all the while talking," I enjoy being part of a guild, there are some experiences being in one you wouldn't get otherwise, not to mention the equipment bonuses and safety in numbers bonuses, a quest you would normal be killed in by yourself can easily be aided by another player in the guild who is of higher level then you, and most of my mates are willing to do most anything." She threw her rock and it landed dead center in the middle of a pigs forehead," Tied again" she said turning to Kalesh with a cheeky grin. 

  2. ID: 33212
    BD: 4 (2+2) (of all rolls OTL XD, red might have a chance) 

    Shirosu grinned as Mack gave poor Red his customary man handling, much the same had happened to her, except that she had poked by her own weapon, not fun. After the mountain of a man released a slightly crushed Red Shirosu made as if to approach the women, but before she could take more then two steps , she very, unprofessionally, fell flat on her face, all thanks to one stinking root sticking out of the ground, she swore the stupid system was going to murder her one day by tripping. And now, she was pretty much a perfect target, with a few curse words at some invisible god She tried to get to her feet as fast as she could hoping she wouldn't end up a spear kabob. 


    • ID: 33205
    • BD: 6(3+3)
    • LD: 20 (yup!)
    • Shirosu: [3 kill/4mats]
    • Kalesh: [3 kills/2 Mat]

    "Awww good try!" she said knowing how frustrating the system could be sometimes,"Guess its my turn" with her next rock she forced herself to make it count. Aiming very carefully she drew back her arm and double checked her aim before releasing her rock towards the angry bacon, and with a wopp Shirosu hit the bugger right in the flank shattering the thing into hundreds of pixels and in the process getting a MAT,"Whoo! im in the lead for mats now and tied for kills, this is close" 

  3. OOC: But of course ;)

    • ID:33204
    • LD: 7

    Shirosu kicked a lonely looking tree when they stopped for a quick Mat huntting break, her foot rang solidly against the wood, but sadly noting fell from the branches above that would be of any use to her. When Lawfer asked if Mack and her were a thing she almost reacted, but sensing the most amazing mess with someone's head opportunity she managed to keep a straight face. No, they weren't a thing, she just happened to know Mack had a lot of free time to beat up monsters like she did and that just worked out well for the both of them, nothing personal. She had played the couple act on multiple occasions actually,with a certain Koumori, so this was nothing new to her, when she caught Macks hint of a wink she got excited, she loved messing with people. With a sad tsk she cocked her head and regarded Lawfer with an uncharacteristically cold expression. "Well, isn't this is an unfortunate slip up Honey" she said leaning into Mack convincingly when he wrapped his arm around her waist,she was totally going to ham up her part," It was bound to happen, but i didn't think it would be so soon, what a shame to kill him, like you said he was turning out to be very promising" With a sad sigh she unsheathed Eagle's Claw and looked up, keeping her face and eyes as expressionless as she could, not even a hit of her normal personality slipping through. 

  4. When Shirosu heard Macks plan she smiled slyly, the poor thing was gonna have to hit them three times while they were both wailing on her? that was probably worse then her dual. she let out an empathetic "oohh" and sheathing her knife she smiled apologetically at Red," Sorry, but i gotta do what the boss tells me to do, best of luck"  As she sorted herself out she listened attentively to the rules and when Mack was done corrected him,"I actually have a base of 2 DMG, Athletics is a nifty little skill" She backed up to stand next to her guild master and prepared herself for Red's first move, whether it be after her or Macks, she was will to counter effectively for either. "Fire away Red, just as a little warning, i'm fast" she said hinting at a few enhancements she was harbouring on something other than her weapon. 

  5. Peeking into the wandering forge Shirosu spotted the hulking hill of a guild master in the back and with a grin walked in and said,"Hey, Mack!" she saw chewie curled up in his corner and expected the little bear to run over at any second, knowing him. "I came in about this little beauty" she said laying Eagle's claw on the counter."It has done me very, very well, but i'm starting to get to the point where a little extra damage or something like paralysis would be extremely welcomed." and she was starting to get there, slowly, but surely " i don't care about looks or name but for satsim looking for somthing that  could be either +2DMG and +1ACC, or a mixed bucket and +1DMG, +1ACC, +1 Paralyze  , unless you had a recommendation, for price i can pay you a few mats, return Eagle's claw, and a few other things if you so need, i do have a piece of rare light armour hanging around if you want that too"

  6. "Now" she laughed,"If you want both that's fine by me, it just means double the mats, but if you had a description in mind i could have it made for you literally right now" she had a half finished project in waiting that could easily be customized and have enhancements added too if the guy wanted to save a few mats, and if he still wanted both then she wouldn't complain.

    • ID:33002
    • BD: 6 (3+3) (Hit)
    • Shirosu: 57/57 [Eng: 9/13][Hate:1]
    • Vasth: 40/40[Eng:?][Hate:3]
    • Sword Art: Fad Edge (4x1x5=20 DMG)
    • Big golem: 12/36
    • Little golem 1: 16/20
    • Little golem 2: 16/20

    "Got it" she called, watching as he used a sword art to gain all three rocky beasts attention. Shirosu grinned, Vasth was a neat mix of tank and attack. sprinting forward past the two little golems Shirosu whooped and lept up the rocky body of the monster and activated one of her new sword arts. With a flick of her wrist she spun the blade and almost faster than the eye could see, she slashed four times on the rocky beasts back, her sword didn't do to much in imagery to its rubbly behind, but she did care, she still dealed decent damage. 


  7. When the black haired man entered she sighed and said,"Just a bit to late, i sold the on i had in stock like that, but i can take a commission if you wish, and in my case, Mats are prefered as well, for a commison on rare armour i'd say about  mats if you ok with that" she was ok taking a rare commsion for the momment. When Kasleh entered with 5 mats as a gift she grinned and said,"You didn't have to do that!" but she was actually very grateful for the items, heavens knows she could use all the mats her grubby little hands could get on. 

  8. "Hummmmm, ill go next "Shirosu said thoughtfully thinking back, "I might as well relate what happened on the day i got recruited, which seems like quite a time of go actually" She sighed, why had she picked this one? probably because the outcome was something of humorous value."My recruitment day was pretty standard, we went out into the feild of beginnings, and i got to run around like an idiot and beat up boars, pretty fun right? Still one of my favourite pass times, any who, after i had pummeled three to the smelly things in to pixels Mack decided to dual me for our last challenge, that's where things got.......awkward, and mainly in my case, i'm pretty sure Mack was laughing like a crazy mad man in his own head. We started the duel, first to three, i got pretty man handled by this guy," she said pointing accusingly" probably would be harder for him now, or so i hope" she laughed,"Anyways, in the end, i ended up going for quite the unceremonious crotch shot, not very honorable of me, still was kinda satisfying anyway even if it didn't hit, Opal should know the rest of the story but for Piera's sake i'll say the rest, in a shot form, pretty much i got flung over this mountain of a mans shoulder like a freshly killed deer and carried back to town, and to my surprise quite the rally had occurred, not my most glorious day, but atleast i get to mention i was almost successful in crotch shooting my guild master, then there was Koumori, who had done so very successfully," Shirosu smirked, she missed that kid, she hadn't messaged him in quite some time so that they could go cause some trouble in some poor town and was a little lonely. She took another sip from her mead then looked to Mack and grinned,"Now its your turn, i do believe" 

  9. Shirosu raised her eye brows when Vasth motioned for her to be quiet but shrugged and pulled herself over the ledge to see what he was looking at,"oh" she said quietly, taking in the golem that was blocking the cave "it's health on this level would probably be around i'd say 36 hp, and it would do a hefty amount of damage at 27 DMG, which is pretty much enough to kill me if it hits twice, but, other the other hand, I alone could get a two hit KO, and that's not including your damage"

  10. she was Curious to see how Lawfer did, she figured he was around the same level as her, maybe a little lower, so he shouldn't have any troubles trampling the ting, and heck, she might get to act like Mack and grab some mats seeing as she was trying to build her stock up. "If you need any help with the bugger just let me know!" she said with a grin ready for their departure into the woods to deal with some nasty plants, alway a fun time in the crimson blades. 

    • ID: 32807
    • BD: 5 (2+3 miss)
    • LD: 15 (yup!)
    • Shirosu: [2 kill/3 mats]
    • Kalesh: [3 kills/2 Mat]

    As it turned out Shirosu was in a murdering trees mood, because as she scooped up her second rock and flung it with all her might, it flew over the head of her next target and into a tree with a smack, sending a chunk of wood flyinf in her direction,"Whoops!" she said cating it, it was larger enough to make something out of it at least, so she added it to her inventory,"Your turn, seems you have better aim then me today" she laughed see as his kill count was above hers

    • ID: 32806
    • BD: 7 (4+3)
    • Shirosu: 49/49[Eng: 9/11]
    • Hirru: 54/54 [Eng: 7/12]
    • Killer Mantis: 0/40
    • LD: 18 (200 col)

    "Thanks!" she called when he let her get the last hit, nimbly she dodged around some nasty swings from its scythes finally getting the her bearings back she leapt up until she was face level with the bug and knowing it would only take one it hit, slashed it across the mandibles and it disintegrated into to hundreds of little pixels,"Much better!" she sighed, knowing that usually after one of two slip ups she would be good for the red of the battle, note usually. "Is there another one coming?" she asked looking around, this guy seemed to know what was coming before it came,"By the way im not sure i ever mentioned my name, its Shirosu, and yours? if you will to say, if not i dont mind" 

  11. Shirosu watched the fight between the two men and watched as the one she recognized as lowenthal pushed the other away, his expression quite angry. She put her plate down as she watched the brown haired one walk away and after hessitating and contemplating for a few seconds she reluctantly abandoned her buffet table and slowly, as if approaching a corned wounded animal wound her way towards the guy and finally asked him a question that she already knew the answer too. "Are you alright?" She worried when she saw expressions like that, it reminded her of the face she used to make long ago and she knew it probably want her place to ask, but it was her nature

    • ID: 32703
    • BD:8 (5+3)
    • MD: 3
    • Shirosu: 42/49 (Eng: 1/11)
    • Ice Elemental: -3/41 

    " Consider it a lesson learned!" she shouted skidding to a halt, ready to shave off the final amount of HP left on this beast. Leaping up Shirosu jumped off its looming and and in a calm rage round house kicked it in the face, snapping its neck to the side and slicing it at its neck with her knife simultaneously. below her the creature fell away into mounds of pixels and she landed on the ground in a crouch. Standing up she complained loudly,"if this were real life i would be so sore tomorrow, and also dead, what do you say we head back Mack and call it quits for today, iv'e had enough of the cold for awhile." she turned to continue her trudge through the snow to town and back to her warm shop where a little fuzzy fox would be waiting like a dog at the door for her, today had been pretty successful and she was feeling just a little accomplished. 


    Shirosu: 3 mats, 200 col, 4 SP

    Mack: what ever her harvested, 200 col? 1 SP

  12. Shirosu stopped eating mid bite when she saw a little but of whet looked like a love quarrel and Mack over reading the situation and interfering quite awkwardly. With a groan she muttered very quietly "Think Mack, think!" she watched as a slightly familiar red head walked over and steared the imposing man away and over to Piera and her boyfriend, who was actually wearing a suit she'd crafted. She snickered thinking about the confrontation, she knew Mack had something of a crush on Piera and was quite amused by it.  When a girl with brown hair ran over to look at the food she smiled pleasantly, silently hoping gin wouldn't move then she saw Vasth and sighed, he would recognize the little fox immediately. it took her a few moments to put two and two together before she realized that the brown haired girl must have be Vasth's girl friend. "Good evening Vasth!" she siad with a grin as he approached the table.

  13. (my luck just went down the gutter OTL)

    • ID: 32590
    • BD:2
    • MD: 2
    • Shirosu: 42/49 (Eng: 1/11)
    • Ice Elemental: 1/41 

    Shirosu was growling a string of curses and trying to figure out how to get that single point of HP shaved off and deciding a plan of action aimed for it. Running forward, though still a little discombobulated from the slap, Shirosu sped around the monster and aimed her dagger directly for its mid section. She almost got there when she saw the arm raising out of the corner of her eye. Deciding to opt out of the hit in favor of being in one piece Shirosu dodge out of the way and skidded across the ground in a crouch before standing up and sprinting back the icy beast determined to end it. 

    • ID: 32585
    • BD:1
    • MD: 6 (hit 12 dmg?)12-5 =7 DMG
    • Shirosu: 42/49 (Eng: 1/11)
    • Ice Elemental: 1/41 

    She was doing pretty good at dodging its attacks her focus back up from Mack's war wisdom when something went wrong. Just at the wrong moment it started to bring its hands together as if to crush a fly on its hands an knees and her foot met another icy patch. So just as she was trying to move out of the way she didn't get enough traction and with the force of a freight train she got smushed between its gigantic palms. She gasped as the icy cold fists squeezed her tight before realising, she fell to the ground, limp for a split second before struggling to her feet and leaping backwards holding her shoulders and glaring at the monster. Lucky shot, and that had not felt pleasant, "and just when i was about to kill it" she muttered, staring daggers at the thing. 

  14. Shirosu kept up pretty well as they ascended the cliff face, though Vasth was still much faster. she wasn't really fearful and just kept reminding herself, hand over hand, foot over foot and you'll be fine, and she was. She watched as Vasth was was somewhat above her looked down and she guessed he didn't notice where she was. "I'm fine" she laughed when her scurried down asking if she needed help,"I'm just a little slower then you, ill be ok, trust me, i'm no wimp and a little extreme rock climbing never scared me now go along, keep climbing" she shooed him up almost i a way a mother would a child, and she really was fie, no panic, she was actually enjoying climbing. 

  15. "Probably me! I do't have portion control!" she laughed as she turned to scout out the food. When Shirosu arrived at the buffet she glanced around to make sure no one was near then whispered,"Gin, here's a little tidbit" in a second her fox fur scarf came to life and snatched up a few pieces of food off her plate before resuming his position as one of a decoration. The fox had looked so pitiful as she left so she had said he could come if he acted as a scarf, with hesitation he had displayed is "Dead" skills and made a beautiful accessory. After she had filled her plate she decided to be a slight wall flower and observe the other party goers. She watched all the couples and grinned at the thought the rucks she could cause by acting immature, but she held herself back from singing a childish song really loudly and pacified her mind with singing them in her head. 

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