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Posts posted by Shirosu

  1. (OTL i meant red, RED haha)

    "Just checking to see if you were color blind" she said teasingly, in reality, she had equipped the wrong cloak, this was something she had crafted some time ago when she was bored, and not really thinking had given it the name of her guild cloak, she usually had enough mind to check which was which first, guess she forgot today. She quickly scrolled through her inventory and equipped the right red one. "So!" she said turning to the hulking blond who had snuck up on her, by the way how did he do that? she never knew, any ways she said,"You ready to beat up a gigantic ice thing that would probably kill me if you weren't around? if so follow me!" she knew Mack was big on not wasting time so she didn't even stop to ask what the strategy was, that could be discussed on the way. as she walked through the snowy town she asked,"So, hows the new combat system working out for you?" So far she was ok with it, still a little boggled, but she was figuring it out. 

  2. "I think hes some sort of Kitsune" she said sitting down on the ground opposite of Vasth, a small smile on her lips," He seems to be much smarter and stronger then your average forest fox, he also seems to understand human speech to a certain extent and will express he emotions a different event quite regularly." after he tore the toy away from Vasth the fox ran in circles with his prize before running over to Shirosu with it, "Hello" she said before snatching the toy from the kits mouth and chucking it across the grass for him the chase. 

  3. Shirosu smiled at the bickering over at the bed, petting chewie to prevent the bear from getting to squirmy, he has sharp claws. She lay her head back down her eyes half closed, she would have fallen back to sleep if the splitting head ache had not prevent such action. "Oh yeah" She yawned when Piera grabbed her glasses, "i keep forgetting those where there, no clue how they got there though" She smiled slightly when Piera thanked her for the fire and laughed quietly,"Its no issue, a fire would have done us all well and i couldn't feel my toes anyways so it really didn't matter, and if sleeping on the chair meant i kept my clothes on, then i'm more then happy to sleep here" She winked. she perked up a little when Piera mentioned getting something from the inn keeper and said,"Oh yes please, i could really, really use a coffee to nurse this head ache,  swear my brain has grown legs and is trying to escape my head"

    With that she snuggled back down into the piled of blanket and hugged Gin the little fox to her chest, he squeaked in protest and squirmed upwards to sit on top of the comforter to look at everyone else. with another squeak the three tailed hit lept on the floor and walked over to the fireplace to stretch out in front of it."Smart fox" she muttered, she wasn't personally inclined to move at the moment though, she would end up looking like a old frail chihuahua if she did.

  4. Cold puffs of air billowing around her Shirosu stood in the main plaza of the fourth floor, a heavy winter coat settled on her shoulders along with a bright yellow cloak that signified her membership in the Crimson Blades. She was currently waiting to see if Mack, her burly guild master would accept to help her with a challenging quest called avalanche, and it came with a nasty mig monster that could probably kill her is two hits, but she knew she would probably be fine if she was with Mack, she was good at dealing with these things. She had sent him a message not to long ago so she hoped he would be up to it, after all, it would have been a cold trek to the winter wonderland for no reason, because there was no way she was doing this alone. Rubbing her hands together she muttered quietly,"How can anyone survive on this floor, I feel like popsicle every time i set foot her" she was shaking a little her, silver hair reflecting the sun off of the snow. 

  5. "My face is perfectly normal!" Said, puffing out her cheeks and sticking out her tongue and pretend turning away as if she was mad at Koumori, buttt she wasn't and quickly turned back retrieving her tongue from the frosty air. When she was offered a high five, Shirosu didn't hesitate a second before raising her hand to return the high five and easily matched what he was doing to get the second one at waist height, nailed it. They were scarily in sync, and it thrilled her, she had always been a little, distant from people, so getting to know someone in this fashion was new for her, shed never interacted this way before.When he placed his finger on her lips she clicked her teeth together in a biting motion to make it look like she would bite him and scoffed,"Like you haven't heard worse, i'll have you know that some of the people i hang around have the language of a sailor, i'm mild compared to them" When Koumori told her his real name she grinned, this was the first person who had actually given her their real name, and she ad yet to give hers to anyone." Nice to meet you Kazuya Hibiki, i'm Lucy Whitehill" She accepted his hand and then pulled him in for a bro hug and slapped him on the back and with a grin from ear to ear said," Lets survive this game so that we can terrorize our families with the monstrous friendship we've created yes?" 

    (Nah! she shall remain as cute as a shaved alpaca, no whats or buts about it >:D )

  6. OOC. NP np XD i've been quite busy myself, 

    "Well isn't that sweet" she said with a cheeky grin.glad to be free of his headlock, spend too much time there and you'd end up a hunch back,"I'll be honest, i might save my sliced bread before you, especially wonder bread, but all in the eyes of the beholder i guess," She said 100% jokingly with a silly grin showing she didn't mean it in any shape or form. "Oh hoho!' she said when he got his face close to hers but before he did his flip she stuck her tongue out and dabbed it on the tip his nose,"When one is close, never pass up the opportunity to lick them" she said, quoting something her little sister had always teased her about.  After Koumori was done his laughing fit above her head he calmed down and told her how he always had more fun around her and how they needed to find each other if they made it out. "Yeah," she agreed,"We do, my life would be too boring without any of these shenanigans, i would miss your goofy face to much and by the way, if we get out? Nuh huh! We are gonna make the game spit us out cause it cant deal with our [censored] no more, we'll make it hate our guts" She said shaking a fist to the sky

  7. Trekking through the vast prairies of the third floor Shirosu stopped upon the top of a large hill with a single tree to take in her surroundings. Her silver hair billowing out behind her she spotted a small figure in the distance. 'Weird" she muttered, watching them flop back into the grass rather lazily, guess they weren't to worried about any mob spawning too close to them.  She was currently looking for some good mob fights to raise her level, she still wasn't good enough to make it to the front lines and any extra would be welcomed. The figure happened to be in the direction she was going anyways, so she might chat with them when she got there. With a shrug she started forward at a good pace, leaning backwards to keep her pace when walking down the hill, it was pretty steep. She was sure to make decent noise as he ascended the hill, she wanted the other person to know she was headed in there direction, that would at least keep the stranger from a panic sneak attack. When she got close enough she called in a conversational friendly voice,"Nice day isn't it, bit to windy for my tastes, but not much you can do about that, may i ask what another person is doing out in the middle of nowhere? just out of curiosity" 

  8. As Shirosu exited her shop, closing it up while the mournful face of her fox watched her leave with their face plastered to the window. She she walked she equipped her guild Cloak, a flowing red garment the was more for show than anything, though, she found it acted like a mandior cape when fighting boars. As she walked at a brisk pace through town she remembered to do equipment checks and such before she got to crazy today, she always got a little excited when beating the crap out of stuff.  As she neared meeting place she kept her eyes open for the stoic figure of her Guild leader, he was usually easy to spot. Seeing the hulking blonde man Shirosu walked over and said with a cheeky grin,"Hello Mack! Back to hunting boars huh? this feels familiar"  Not seeing anyone else around she guessed the new recruit had yet to show up," So this one's a girl? thats exciting" Currently only her and Opal where the only girls in the guild, and sadly, Shirosu really didn't think much about it any more, she just went with the flow. 

  9. (Ah! Shiro was offering to shake on the training agreement, a kit is not something you can throw, its how you say a baby fox, its a fox kit, not a fox pup or cub .ect and i'm good with a few more posts!)

    Shirosu was glad that Vasth seemed excited to play with the highly excitable kit, and boy was Gin happy to play with him. She watched with mild amusement as Vasth found a stick and threw it for the little one, before the kit returned and with an explosive force nowhere near relative to his size, knocking the poor guy to the ground"I warned you" she laughed, she swore the fox was magic or something.

  10. Shirosu watched as the half dressed Mack lurched out of bed to quite the source of extra headache, and though it was quite forceful, she really didnt care seeing as it just slightly, oh so slightly lessened the feeling that her brain was trying to escape her skull. When Mack whispered loudly across the room for her to light the fire she groaned, she wasn't really sure she could put one foot in front of the other right now, but she would try "Will do Mack" she whispered, almost to quiet to hear, her voice very hoarse. Doing a quick scroll through her inventory Shirosu equipped the heavy winter coat she had made especially for this floor. Sliding out of her big chair leaving a pair of disgruntled familiars behind, Shirosu shuffled over to the fire place, her mane of silver hair in quite the impressive mess. She wasted no time starting the fire, making it as hot as the game would allow before retreating as quickly and someone who was hungover could to her chair and the warm bear and fox.

    Taking the giant quilt she wrapped around herself caterpillar style, but it was so big that Chewie and Gin could still fit in it comfortably. Shivering a little violently for her trek across the room she whispered through chattering teeth,"Well, this is quite the situation" In the bed Mack had thrown his arm around Piera and she had no clue how the women felt about that, but it was kinda funny, and she would taken more joy at the comedy of the situation had she not been, freezing and extremely hung over. After shaking like a chihuahua for a little while she became aware of something on to of her head, reaching up her hands produced Pieras glasses, how had those ended up there? she had no clue whatsoever. she was noticing the fire was starting to take a little of the nip out of the air but it had a long while to go, in the meantime, she would do her best to use the bear cub and fox as a heater. 

  11. Shirosu grunted when he jabed her but didn't retaliate,she had been pretty rough herself, it was just pay back. When he grabed her in his own head lock her Squealed and tried to push his arms over her head so she could slip away, to no avail though, she was pretty stuck,"My head is perfectly fine" she said doing her best to glare at him from her current position,"Its got a brain in it, and i aint dead so i don't see nothing wrong" she argued playfully, still trying to remove the arm from around her neck,"And how can you love anything more then sliced bread?" she exclaimed in a mocking tone a grin appearing on her face,"Slicing it yourself means crumbs and a big mess everywhere, its simply the best!" She winced when he laughed loudly in her ear but was soon giggling herself, what a fun night and day this had turned out to be, quite the adventure. At it was all 120% better with Koumori, they reacted to situations so well together it was almost as if they could read each others minds, like they had been joking about earlier, it was kinda freaky. 

  12. Shirosu had originally been quite comfy, she was warm, and had been sleeping quite soundly but now that she was starting to wake up, she was very, very confused, and a little chilly. She was currently curled up in a ball on a large chair, with a warm fluffy grizzly cub and a fox kit snuggled next to her, accompanied by a splitting head ache that made her think her brain was trying to explode. Raising her head from the heavy quilt that was pillowed around her, she bleary opened eyes to be greeted by what was probably the weirdest thing she had seen in a long, long while. She was in a  room that was most definitely NOT her shop, with people she probably shouldent be waking up around. At the moment she saw Opal jumping around with her hand over a very, bare chest trying to grab something that looked suspiciously like a bra from the rafter, and in a large bed sat a confused looking Piera, and Mack.

    "Wh...what the" Shirosu groaned, sitting up straight, her long silver hair spilling over her shoulders in a tangled mess, the pair of familiars complaining at the movement. In order to keep her brain from pounding out of her head, Shirosu had to press her hands to her temples and massage them while she took in the situation. Thankfully, she was fully dressed unlike the curvy opal who wasn't quite so decent,"This is so weird, i'm going back to sleep" Shirosu muttered before shaking her head and slapping her cheeks. No, she needed to figure out what happened. She wasn't really embarrassed by the scenario in front of her, as long as she wasnt the one in bed she considered herself fine, other then a pounding head. Gin let out a little squeak and poked his head out of the quilt that Shirosu was under along with a much larger, very warm grizzly cub who made odd chuffing sounds, pressing himself against her and making the chair a little crowded. She really tried to remember what happened, but all she could come up with was the drinking contest getting a little outta hand, maybe Mack had kept his word about hauling them to the forge? she wasnt really sure. "Good morning?" she asked awkwardly 

  13. (Are you ok with closing this thread after your last post? then we can start with your feeding the enemy, sense you asked first, and after, when u got time do my breaking the unbreakable?)

    She held her hand out for a shake in the martial arts practice,"As long a i can use it to fend off annoying guys then i am  ok with any move you teach me," she said with a charmingly crooked grin. She laughed when he said he really wanted to play with the kit and replied,"And i bet he really wants to play with you, he plays really really rough though, you've been warned" When he suggested going to the park she offered him a grin and said,"Sounds like a plan! i'll be right back" as Vasth exited the shop Shirosu did a last second check on everything before locking up and scooping up the little fox that was dwarfed on the ground, wanting to avoid him be squashed in the town but unsuspecting feet" to the park we go"

  14. Shirosu tailed behind the two in front of her, an odd little smile on her face, it had been neat to watch as Opal did her best to try and beat up the plant, mind you, the gigantic sword was probably becoming hard for her to uphold. She had personally never met Lindow, she had only just joined the guild when her died. She noticed Mack put his hood up, without really having any reason too and gave a goofy grin, she didn't say anything but she had a suspicion what he was doing it for, men. "You were awesome Opal" she finally spoke up offering the black haired women one of her full blown smiles, "Much better then me half the time, i to this day, have no foot work, ask Mack, i slipped twice in front of a Giant wasp, not a good place to have a gravity check if you ask me"

  15. "Its my specialty!" she laughed, "And don't worry about the whole rough housing thing" she said,"I'm no delicate flower, actually i believe I'm four levels above you now with the combat changes" she said with a mischievous wink and a flick of her tongue. When he pushed his fist into her cheek she called dramatically,"I've been hit! Oh no i'm down" when they both said wow at the same time she looked over and said,"Oh trust me, i'm pretty sure i don't wanna see whats going on in that loose noggin of your" she said sitting up and grabbing his head in a noggie, messing up his honey hair before releasing him and laying back down in the snow. The colors of the sky were truly breath taking, the greens, blues, and purlple's making the sky look alive.

  16. "Pffft, who needs easy? We're is sao, is no place for easy!" she said in regards to learning martial arts being hard, she was getting used to hard, everything was hard here. When Vasth said he had been forced to dress up before Shirosu tried to contain her laughter but it didn't last long. After having a good chuckle she said,"Sorry, i was joking earlier, kinda feel bad now that its happened," Gin's ears perked up at the sound of a treat, Gin liked treats treats were good,"If you got Gin a treat i'm pretty sure he would be your friend for life, no questions asked, speaking of which" going into her inventory she retreated a dinosaur shaped, indestructible toy for the kit,"If you wanna play with him, this is his toy" she said, laughing when Gins eyes got all big at the site of the Dino.

    (wanna do breaking the unbreakable with me XD???)

  17. "Thanks for supper!" she said as they exited the shop into the chilly night air, she pulled up the collar of her coat and made she Gin was tucked in the right way for maximum heat "Fine, i won't run" She winned as if disappointed, in reality she hadn't planned to seeing as Gin was curled up in the hood of her Coat fast asleep. "The more time for shenanigan the better!" she said with a wink . When he lay down in the beautiful clearing on the hill she saw the most perfect opportunity for a body slam in the history of body slams. Leaping high into the air she yelled,"Geronimo!" and landed straight on top of him. Knowing she had done her impact she rolled off his stomach so that she herself was flat on her back and looked up to the sky, and all she could do was stare in awe. The beautiful clear night sky was full to the brim of twinkling lights, but that wasn't what she was in awe of, above them stretching across the skies was the northern lights,"Wow...." she said, in an uncharacteristic loss of words, it was just to pretty to describe. 

  18. When Shirosu heard a cheeky voice that she knew all too well she grinned from ear to ear and laughed,"We'll, if it isn't my favorite troublemaker, here to steal my imaginary friends spot huh?" she was actually quite glad to see Koumori, she knew this would highlight the fight for her. On her shoulder Gin noticed who had sat next to her and got very excited, sliding off her shoulder he hopped onto Koumori's lap and yipping licked his face a few times to show that he was happy to see the guy,"Traitor" Shirosu muttered under her breath before turning her golden eyes upon the arena.  She sucked in a gasp of air when the fight begun, really thankful that it wasn't her in that field, seeing as she would have been KO'ED on the spot with her meager HP.  Shirosu was torn on who to cheer for seeing as both were friends and guild mates, maybe she would keep her mouth shut and stay neutral, that was a safe plan. leaning over she asked,"Did you come just to bug Mack?" she figured it was as good a guess as any. 

  19. "Way to go!" she said holding up her hand in an offer of congratulations,"Good work, you showed that plant who was boss" she said with a crooked grin, when opal asked about the whole mat finding thing she hung her head and said with a long sigh,"I'll be honest, mat gathering in this world hates my guts, and i have yet to discover a single material." she never had much luck with that stuff anyways. When she heard about SP she grinned and said,"I could use as much of that as i can get my grubby little hands on, very usefull to say the least" her silver hair flowing out behind her she turned to opal and asked,"Anything else you wanted to do? while we're in the forest or are you feeling done"

    • ID: 31148
    • BD: 8 [Side strike- 2x1x3=6+4-5=5 DMG]
    • MD: 7 [Side strike- 2x1x2=4-5=1 DMG]
    • Shirosu: 28/36[ENE:1]
    • Gemini: -1/36 [ENE: 1]
    • LD: 1 <<Concentration>> 

    It was time to end this fiasco, Shirosu let the Gemini attack her, the NPC hitting her in the side, grabbing hold of the Gemini with her non dominant hand she stared at her own face and said,"Go burn in hell doppelganger" with that she activated her sword skill and with two quick thrusts, the body in front of her that looked so much like herself melted into thousands of pixels. She shuttered when the last of them disappeared, she reminded herself to guard herself well, for she never wanted to end up being the death pixels herself. Stretching she exclaimed to the sky,"What the hell was that?" then turning around abandoned the site, not caring to stand another moment there, she was going home so she could cuddle her fox in peace. then she noticed a new skill, "What the" it said she had gained concentration,"Wow, must have been a hidden skill" she muttered before entering the town of the sixth flood and returning to her shop. 



    • 4 SP
    • <<Concentration>>
    • ID: 31147
    • BD: 1
    • MD: 9 [3-5=1 DMG]
    • Shirosu: 29/36[ENE:3]
    • Gemini: 4/36 [ENE: 3]

    With a battle cry the Gemini launched them self off the ground and wrapped their arms around Shirosu mid section before she could doge, throwing her and the NPC onto the ground, both rolled around wrestling for control, the Gemini came out on top and plunged their knife into Shirosu's arm, "Maybe i'll keep you pinned until you die," The npc growled,"Nope!" Shirosu shouted and raising her legs kicked the Npc in the chest and flying off of her. 

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