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Posts posted by Shirosu

  1. Shirosu wasted no time grabbing a cup and filling it to the brim with the brown gold, adding a small spoon of sugar and cream to go with it. She also grabbed a plate and placed one pancake, one egg, and a generous amount of bacon before wandering back over to the fire to sit, eat and drink her caffeinated beverage with relish. She still found this situation hilarious, and was smiling to herself when out of the corner of her eye she saw Gin sneak forward and grabbed a piece of bacon off her plate,"Gin!" she whispered loudly the little thief took off across the room to eat his prize, growling as menacingly as he could in the grizzly cubs direction as he ate, he would fight to the death over the strip of meat if the bear even came anywhere near him. Shirosu sighed and let the kit enjoy his food, she'd probably forgotten to feed him last night anyways. She started to feel much better as she munched away at her plate, the pancake was buttery awesomeness, eggs were pretty good, but most of all she loved the bacon, and forced herself to slow down when eating because it was so good. after she comfortably full she sipped her coffee contently, doing her best to ignore her head ache which had lessened considerably. 

  2. When Shirosu got Vasth's message she smiled, he had been looking forward to helping him out. packing up her shop and gathering Gin who had been resting on his bed in the corner she placed him on her shoulder and left her shop, remembering to lock up before pulling out an adorable little sweater she'd crafted the fox to keep him from burning bad in the hot sun. She herself made sure to pack a ton of water before they headed for the desert. Finally ready she entered the teleporter and entered the blistering hot floor, she had never been here before so this was all new to her. Looking around she spotted the long hair of Vasth a little ways a way and walked up to him with a big smile and asked, "So! who's ready to hunt down some little dragons?"

    • ID: 31918
    • BD: 1 (OTL just my luck)
    • Shirosu: 49/49
    • Hirru: 54/54
    • Killer Mantis:2/40

    Shirosu felt her lucking going down hill, she didn't know how, or why, but it just wasn't with her today. she decided that as she once again slipped for a second time, into a small divot in the ground,Swearing like a sailor she stood up and scrambled a safe distance back, curringing her clumsy nature, she often swung between deadly accurate and stupidly clumsy, it was dumb,"Sorry!" she called,"Your gonna have to finish it off, ill try another monster, this one seems to have some weird invisibility power that trips me!" 

  3. ID: 31982 Roll: 1 (fail) +2 exp

    ID: 31983 roll: 11 (Rare item!)

    ID: 31984 roll: 8  (good item)

    Name: Lucky Jeans

    Profession: Tailor

    Rank: 4

    ID: 31983

    Roll: 11

    Quality: Rare

    Item Type: Pants

    Enhancements: +2 LD

    Description:  A pair of fitted black denim jeans that increase the luck of the wearer. Not only do they help find loot while out in the field, but while in town ladies seem to enjoy them just as much... if not more.

    Image: Lucky Jeans

  4. Shirosu was surprised by the sudden influx of customers but with a grin went about dealing with their needs to the brow haired youth she said," I can do that too, will probably take some time seeing as i'm a little unlucky on these things but ill get to it as fast as i can and 1500 in col is fine payment" turning to the other man to appear, whose face she recognized and with a laugh after reading the request replied,"Yes i can make those for you Lawfer, i can actually have those made very soon so ill message you when there done ok? and three mats is perfect"

  5. With a sad grin Shirosu thought to herself, what have i gotten into, and with a voice that clearly stated she was fed up with the bickering,"Ok, Children, lets go to the closest pub, talk and then go our separate ways yes?" with a sharp clap she said,"LEt us be off!" remembering a sign she had seen earlier she started in the direction of the place and didn't look over her shoulders to see if the others followed or not, they would probably come, she just wanted a few seconds of alone time before dealing with all the toddlers again. As it turned out the lunch had been pleasant and small talk was exchanged, but nothing of much excitement happened and Shirou was left to go find a place to spend the night before her adventures in SAO continued. 


    • Shirosu- 1SP, 50 col
    • Vasth- 1SP, 50 col
    • Mack- 1SP, 50 col
    • Carambit- 1SP,50 col
    • Abalasster- 1 SP50 col
    • Koumori- 1 SP50 col
    • Paglikha- 1 SP,50 col
    • Teion- 1 SP,50 col
    • ID: 31916
    • BD: 8 (5+3)
    • MD: 10 (stunned so invalid?)
    • Shirosu: 49/49 (Eng: 5/11)[Hate:2]
    • Mack: 64/81 (Eng: 8/19)[Hate:1]
    • Ice Elemental: 11/41
    • Sword Art: Side Slash: (2x1x4=8 DMG)

    Taking full advantage of Mack stunning powers Shirosu bolted forward with a feral grin hinting at the corners of her lips, what a perfect target. With a ferocity that didn't match her size she lept up to get a height advantage to her two hits. Bringing her arm back in a reverse grip to activate her sword arts she bore down on the stunned elemental dealling two solid hits to its midsection. dealing a slightly satisfying amount of damage she retreated as quickly as she had appeared behind Mack, who was in her books a point of safety, like a tank, even though he technically wasn't. 

  6. The moment Shirosu saw a message that mentioned free food she dropped what she was currently doing, packed up her supplies, collected Gin the fox from his little corner and closed the shop, wasting no time on walking through the town of beginnings to get to the teleporter. Once she was on the fourth floor, she followed to directions in Macks letter and finding the warmly lit place entered it with a gigantic grin and asked,"Did someone mention free food?"  but she paused mid step, Mack, didn't look quite so much like mack at this second, he had dyed his hair deep red and grown a beard," I know our guild is called the Crimson Blades," she said,"But you're really taking it to the next level." Seating herself at the table she asked,"So who else did you invite tonight, guessing by the limited plates and cutlery not the inter guild, also congratz on almost grandmastering you Axe, that's pretty cool."

  7. "Hummm" she muttered, "We could try just hunting for Mats, but generally mats are faster gained if we find a good target to demolish, we can gain mats quicker, what do you say? find one of thats things ice minions to beat up? seems as sound a plan as any else right now" She scanned the plains and noticed one a little distance off, she approached it slowly, it shouldn't be to hard to fight the sucker's, they weren't as big or as bad as there older friend.  "Lets do this" she grinned, the practice would be good. 

    • ID: 31866
    • BD: 8
    • MD:2 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 49/49 [ENG: 7/11][Hate: 1]
    • Mack: 60/81[ENG: 6/19]
    • Ice elemental: 33 /41
    • Sword Art: Side Slash (2x1x4=8 DMG)

    She entered the Ice elementals range and using her speed got behind the creature and using her side slash again she hamstringed the beast and with a smartly planted kick knocked it to the ground, that should give Mack some time to attack it if he so chooses, or if he wasn't feeling in the mood she guessed she could finish it, might take some time though. 

  8. As the evening went on she found herself getting more and more rowdy and was tempted to down the vial  Piera placed in front of her Mack grabbed it and downed it. "Sowey Beor" she sluured, realizing they had single handed lay drinken most if his booze. Wobbling in her chair, she stood up and Shirosu barely managed to stumble over towards Mack, she has need throughly impressed at the barrel feat, but as she found out tonight, she was extremely light weight, she was pretty sure she's only had 3 drinks maybe 4 but she was done, she didn't argue when Mack called for a piggy back and she crawled up like a monkey her arms limply hanging over his shoulders. She had barely made it up before she fell asleep up there, she was wasted. She wasnt really aware of the rest of the evening after that, being asleep does that. 

  9. "Stop breaking the fourth wall" she muttered as Koumori glanced the sky with an announcer guy voice as he talked too and "audience"  As she started to walk back to town with Koumori, her arm slung over his shoulder nonchalantly she listened curiously as her spoke, with a grin she said,"I'm actually originally from Canada, we moved to Japan, i'm currently residing in the Kyoto area, my mother enjoys the historical feel" nodding she knew at least she had a basic idea of where to find him when she escaped, that was good" As she walked she just smiled at the ridiculousness of the situation, her litteral best friend ever, she met in a death game, how odd, she didn't know how to feel about it. As they approached town she made sure to use her short legs to her advantage in order to slow there pace, the more chatting time the better. 

  10. (( We could do some extra pummeling of mobs on the floor or some mat hunting? if you have any ideas let me know))

    With a whoop Shirosu watched as Mack finished off the large icy creature with the second series of slashes from his axe, she stared at the ever familiar explosion of digitalized pixels that emanated from the creature's remains, the beast eventually leaving the two potion and a mat in its wake. She always reminded herself that she would alway do her best to never end up being the pixels,  "You take the Mat" she said,"You'd make much better use of it then i would," With a satisfied grin she said,"Well! at least we know that we can take down beasts like that if we want, i just got to make sure you're around so that i don't get flattened into a white puddle"  Stretching she gazed at her frozen surroundings and turning towards the giant man asked,"Seeing as its still so early in the day want to do some other stuff? Maybe some more mob hunting or mat hunting? or if you've got some other ideas let be know, we've got time" 

  11. Shirosu sat back in her chair and watched as Piera left the room to go grab some food and hot beverages, she watched as Opal scoured around for her clothing, which was impressively scoured everywhere. Finally gettin warm enough Shirosu migrated from the chair to in front of her fire, dragging the comforter behind her like a giant cape before settling cross legged onto the ground with the blanket over her legs and shoulders. Reaching up she started to unknot her hair with her fingers, absently patting Gin when he pawed her, when Opal came in her general direction she smiled Cheekily  "Maybe cause I was passed out before we even arrived last night?" she asked in response to Opal, "I don't really know, i'm just happy to be on the chair, i like my alone time" Herring Piera knock on the door Shirosu exclaimed"Coffee!" scrambling to her feet and walking over to open its so that the brown haired women could enter, her eyes taking in the feast before her. "Thanks Piera!" she said as the women entered, closing the door behind her, following the lady like a lost puppy begging for some scraps, the smell was overwhelming, and didn't help her head but she didn't care, she just wanted her friggin coffee, she swore that stuff was the nectar of the gods. 

  12. Shirosu watched in amusement as Mack and Opal battled it out, taking another sip from brown bottle in her hands, she was finding it tasted pretty pleasant. With a grin she counted of the score as the game keeper,"Mack 2, Opal 1" in her lap Gin the fox licked a drop off the edge of her glass experimentally before deciding he didn't like the taste and rubbed his muzzle with his paws trying to get rid of it. "By the way, sorry Opal, but i'm placing 50 col on Mack winning, no harsh feeling" she said with an unapologetically cheeky grin, excited to see how this battle of the heavy weight drinkers would unfold, once again taking another sip from her ale, she figured she could probably only handle one more of those, she was feeling a little wobbly as is. 

    • ID: 31776
    • BD: 6 (+3 acc =9 no crit)
    • Mack: 81/81 (12/19 Energy) - Hate: 1
    • Shirosu: 49/49 (9/11 Energy) Hate: 1
    • Avalanche: 43/100 
    • Sword Art: Side Slash: 2x1x4= 8 DMG

    Shirosu waited on her toes behind Mack as he approached the beast, his gigantic axe drawn. She watched in awe as he pretty much cut the Bosses health in half with one strike but did not wait too long to get started. She knew she did almost no damage next to Mack, but she was working on it with a prep step Shirosu bolted forward past Mack and right under the creature, right now she didn't have to worry about aggro so she was going to give it her hardest hit. not caring that the beast was pur ice she lept up and her sturdy boots griped into the slippery surface, using her momentum she landed in its shoulder in a crouch. She quickly gave the creature two deep slashes on either side of its neck, where she could do her meager damage before sliding off its back just as quickly as she had lept up and back behind Mack, she was a hit and run, so far it worked for her."Finish him off Mack!" she called standing back to watch the guild leader do what he did best. 

    • ID: 31729
    • BD: 2+3 (miss)
    • Shirosu: 49/49
    • Hirru: 54/54
    • Killer Mantis: 34/40

    Shirosu cocked her head curiously when the guy asked her those questions and,"Yeah, i guess, but no to the wind, never learnt that" that's when she felt the flutter of air behind her and the black haired man lunged forward "Woahh!" Shirosu said wide eyed and ducking smoothely before pouncing backwards,"What a nasty creature!" she exclaimed staring at the mantis, the thing was so grotesque she shuttered, she hated bugs. as she assessed the situation she realize if she attacked right off the hop she would minced mantic meat, so she decided to get herself into a position where it would be more suitable to attack, that, as per every fight shes ever fought, Shirosu slipped and landed on her face, damn clumsiness.  Quickly scrambling back to her feet she continued to reposition herself. 

  13. "See you Vasth! it was nice chatting with you, will see you soon" with that she scooped up the slightly disgruntled Gin and pet him as Vasth walked away<"lets go back to the shop and eat something eh?" she said betting the kit between the eyes and turning to walk down the cobble streets back to her little shop, entering the place she turned the sign to open and sat in her chair, while Gin when to gnaw on a chair. "that was a nice chat" she muttered quietl


    Vasth- 1SP, 200 Col

    Shirosu- 1SP 200 Col

  14. "Humm" Shirosu said thinking hard about what should be done as she studied the blue giant,  looking at it from multiple angles, she finally picked the one the made their course of action the quickest and said," Our best bet is to hit it hard, and get this over with, so i'm gonna have to say you open with ridiculous axe power of yours, and then ill get in as fast as i can to deal a minimal hit so that you can finish it off in one more blow, hows that sound? We'll try to pick him off in three hits eh, if we manage it, that would probably be a new record" Sure, it was riddles with holes, what if someone missed? What if someone got hit hard, well, those were risks they would have to take in order get this sucker down as quick a possible. 

    • ID:31719
    • BD: 10 [Side Strike 2x1x7] =14 DMG
    • Shirosu: 49/49 [ENE: 9/11] [Hate: 3]
    • Red_rose: 20/20 [ENE:?] [Hate: 0]
    • Boar: 11/25

    "Yeah, i would rather not relate that tale"Shirosu said with a pointed glare at Mack as Red_Rose led them into the field of beginnings. After the blonde women picked her target Shirosu watched her picks one of the large boars in the field to attack, following close behind Shirosu kept a close eye on Red's movements and in the moment when she missed her strike and the boar leapt high into the air Shirosu made her move. With her wild women whoop of joy she sprinted forward and drew her knife, more than ready to deal some hefty damage. She time it perfectly so that she activated her sword art just before the pig landed on the ground, with a quick step to the side she did two clean strikes to the boar's shoulder before kicking it away and dancing back towards Red,"Now" she said"I just dealt the boar a critical, so i'm currently the one holding its agro, normally it's one hate for a hit, but critical adds more, make sense?" she watched the creature warily and continued to explain"So all of its attack will currently be aimed at me," she just explained it for Red's benefit, really, she wouldn't be able to do any tanking if Shirosu did a crit, maybe she should take it easier today. 

  15. Shirosu was greeted by man probably four years or so older her by her estimation, his ruffled hair was black and accompanied by a pair of amber color eyes. "Ah, yes" she said when he mentioned she was a blade, her necklace was pretty good at announcing that she reached up to warp a fist around the gem. "Yeah I'm relatively new, though, i'm currently the only soldier, the rest are still in the recruit stage." When he mentioned Mack wasn't one to send people "willy nilly" she snorted and laughed,"Guess that's true, but i'm wandering of my own accord today, doing the same thing you are actually, and by the way, very interesting hunting style, a pretty good way to terrify any local mob, take a nap." She was curious, maybe she could convince this guy to do some hunting with her, as she always liked to think, two blades were always better than one

  16. "Well than!" she said as they finally exited the town as she exited out into the barren cold desert she said,"This feels familiar, kinda like the wasp one, just with a bigger, badder, more likely to kill us monster, fun times" As she trekked through the calf deep snow she spotted a blue hulking giant in the distance and said,"I think i can see the beasty from here, seems big, shall we get a closer look?"  She was once again, excited to beat something much badder than herself up, it was quite the thrill in her eyes. As she neared the monster she saw it was atleast twice her height and solid ice," This is gonna be hard" she muttered, at least there was Mack.

  17. Peeking her head out from the back Shirosu called"Coming, be with you in a moment!" with Gin the fox trailing behind her straightened her rumpled clothes and approached the man with long hair," How may i help you?" she asked, when the red haired man held out a request on a sheet of paper she accepted it and after reading itsaid,"I can do this, may take some time, or may not, depends on my luck, what were you thinking as a price?" she had yet to actually price something she was curious as to what they were will to pay. 

  18. While Mack was speaking she studied the blond women who was Red_Rose curiously, she was maybe a little shorter the she was, but much definitely older, early twenties maybe?After Mack was done one of his customary long wall of speech Shirosu stepped forward and held out her hand to Red_Rose and with a welcoming smile said,"Welcome to the Crimson Blades, I'm Shirosu and i will be the damage dealer today, looking forward to working with you" she stepped back and then said in a cheery tone,"SO! who's ready to pummel some monsters, wait, your probably just gonna dig from mats right?" She asked the gigantic blonde man, one she was being recruited she had been busy beating up boars while Mack called instructions to her,after that they had done a three hit dual, the result, her becoming a soldier and getting carted back to town,"By the way" she said turning to Red, "If your last part is a dual, i warn you, no crotch shots, that did not work in my favor" 

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