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About Opal

  • Birthday October 31

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  1. Question: I understand you cant get the benefits of mitigation from both heavy and light armor from skills, BUT you can still equip 1 light armor and 1 heavy armor for non mitigation purposes? 

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    2. Emerath


      I know you're right about the non-stacking MIT from both armor types. But in terms of wearing things for stats I think you can mix and match. Mostly because you also don't need to have the skill in an item to wear it. For example, Endilix has the MIT of both his shield and armor (MIT enhancement) but no MIT from any skills from wearing them yet.

    3. Calrex


      Since there's none on unfortunately at the moment I can only go on what I remember. I believe the rule was that you cannot wear two different types of armor in either case, since you're not allowed to gain the benefits of light armor and heavy armor at the same time.

      The way it's worded in the rules is kind of odd, but from what I can interpret that's what I got.

    4. Opal


      Indeed. Well, I figured I'd ask to see if it was possible. Hopefully Emerath is right in this, if not, I'll make due with what I have. :) 

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