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  • Birthday October 31

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  1. Question: I understand you cant get the benefits of mitigation from both heavy and light armor from skills, BUT you can still equip 1 light armor and 1 heavy armor for non mitigation purposes? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Emerath


      I know that the only major downside to wearing heavy armor is that you cannot have any EVA. But since Opal isn't trying to use EVA, that's why I'm interpreting the rules as I am. But I can see the problem in the way of having both types of momentum considered benefiting from two different armor types when not normally possible.

      Not to mention, they could be considered the "same buff" which has widely been changed across the system to mean that it doesn't stack in other places, so it could mean the same thing there. the Momentum enhancements don't stack with themselves, so I could see them also not stacking with each other.

    3. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Any light armor worn becomes vanity if you're a heavy armor user and vice versa. Its how Tristan wears his Azure Brigade cloak.

    4. Opal


      Aww drats. -snaps fingers- Well, thanks for the official answer Trist. :) 

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