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Posts posted by Astropheric

  1. ID:34670



    LD:17+2 =19 (mob hpx5 +1 mat)

    ENE 0/8

    Astro - 21/32

    Boar- DEAD/16 (5base-4mit=1)

    Boar- 1/16

    The two boars began to charge, I was feeling rather confident now, it was only two boars instead of four, meaning not only could I avoid them easier, but I could strike easier as well. The boars grew closer, and I rolled out of the way, but during the roll I striked the one to the left, the side I rolled two, and a long red gash appeared on the boars side, and it immediately dispersed into polygons. The last boar wasn't happy clearly as he attempted the impale me with his tusks after I popped back up to a standing position. But one boar was easy and I blocked his tusks with my sword, pushing him away. And we had a stand-off, hopefully the last one

    80 col +2 mats


  2. *sigh* I was sitting on a bench, in the starting city, exhausted after the long day I had. I fought a group of boars, and for some reason they seemed much harder than the last time I had trained, they were taking less damage and it was rather annoying. So after my long day I decided id go to the starting city, to the benches near the fountain me and lily had been at together so many times. I wasn't planning on seeing her, or anyone today as it was not planned and it was getting kind of late. I leaned my head back on the bench, closing my eyes, letting the breeze that had just come along run across my face, I almost cried at how good it felt, but I never cry.

    I began to wonder exactly why I was still here, in the beginning city on floor one, I still stayed at the same inn every night and trained at the same places since I had started doing so, I could go to higher floors and still fight fairly easily, but for whatever reason I didn't. And as I sat there thinking about it, I decided next time id train id go up a floor, or maybe 2, who knows. I just needed to start fighting stronger monster, because if I ever hoped to be on the frontlines I would need to able to handle the stronger monsters. But for now I just wanted to sit on the bench and relax...with no interruptions.

  3. ID:34463



    ENE 0/8

    Astro - 21/32

    Boar- 1/16

    Boar- 1/16

    As the boars charged me I waited until they were all close enough before jumping up over them, I did a 180 turn to face them mid-air and attempted to slash them, but I had jumped just a little to high and was out of reach, but as I looked I could only see three boars, not four. When I landed was when I found the fourth, as I heard it squeal. I flipped backwards luckily just in time to avoid being hit. I smiled at the boars as saying "nice try" Before getting back into my lazy fighting stance waiting for them to charge.

  4. ID:34462



    ENE 0/8

    Astro - 21/32 (3 base +2 critr-5mit=1 ea)

    Boar- 1/16

    Boar- 1/16

    Sadly, after my intense x I put into the boar I was left wide open to the others, and I soon was impaled by a tusk. I was literally stuck on the tusk until his friend slammed me, and I flew off and into a nearby rock. I felt like my back broke, and was amazed to see i hadn't lost much health. I slowly stood up, I was mad more at myself now for letting my annoyance run me, and almost cus a huge catastrophe, and right there I made a promise to myself to never let my emotions control me in battle, just like I did out of it.



  5. ID:34461



    ENE 0/8

    Astro -23/32

    Boar- -1/16 (5+2-4=3)

    LD 20+2 =22 (col and mat-loot at bottom)

    Boar- 1/16

    Boar- 1/16

    As I rolled away I jumped up somehow, landing on my feet, and launching into a full sprint. These boars were really getting annoying. In my anger I found some amazing ability to fight, and dodge the two lower health boars that tried to impale me and made my way to the third, with the most. Ii dodged a swipe from his tusks, and sidestepped his slam. He was wide open, and I put an x in his head, slashing twice surfacing enough damage to explode the thing in the polygons. I saw a loot window but didn't have the time to check it yet.

    160 col +2 mats


  6. ID:34460



    ENE 0/8

    Astro -26/32 (3 base+1 crit-5 mit =1 ea)

    Boar- 2/16

    Boar- 1/16

    Boar- 1/16

    As I charged at the boars, they all jumped at me at the same, time and I wasn't exactly prepared. I managed to plant my foot and sidestep, but only managed a scratch to the boar on the right before I turned around to see them all already attacking again. I jumped over them like I tended to with boars, landing in a roll though and not my feet, before turning to see them once again...charging. They did a little split which was differnetl and I attempted to block, however I decided to late and each managed a slight slam with the sides, sending me rolling away.

  7. Concentration now usable




    ENE 0/8

    Astro -29/32

    Boar 2/16

    Boar 1/16

    Boar 1/16

    I was once again, facing all three boars now instead of being trapped in-between and I immediately felt safer. I was able to keep complete focus on one area not two and as the boars charged me, I focused on them. They split like always one in the middle one of either side, I stuck a foot out like last time kicking one away and blocking another before rolling away from the third, I tried a slash before I rolled but sadly missed and did no damage. I rolled up jumping to my feet dashing towards the boars to hopefully finish at least one off.

  8. ID:34458

    BD 8

    MD 7-3=4

    ENE 0/8

    Sword art- none

    Astro 29/32

    Boar 2/16


    Boar1/16 (5-4 mit=1)

    As the charged me, the group of 2 split and it looked like a triangle closing in. I couldn't find out what the best way to be, if I jumped they'd follow as I had been doing that so much, and I couldn't roll between them without the risk of getting hit. My only other option really was to stand my ground and block, and I hadn't done it so they wouldn't think about it. I noticed they were slightly staggered, as each was faster than another or slower, and I used that. Turning to the first, I simply kicked him in between the tusks surfacing no damage but pushing him back. The second I blocked his tusks with my sword and used all my strength to push him back, and the third, I sidestepped slicing him across his side surfacing a little damage.

  9. Concentration (4th round on cd)




    ENE 0/8

    Sword art-none

    Astro 29/32

    Boar(2) 2/16

    Boar 1/16

    As I rolled up, I planted my foot and jumped to the nearest boar, that had just clipped my leg. The boar jumped backwards avoiding it, and the others backed him up and charged me. I jumped to the right and attempted to slash at one but missed as he ran forward. Now there was one behind me and 2 in front, not the best situation I could be in. I was looking mainly at the 2 but had a clear view of the third in my peripheral's, so when they began to charge I thought I was ready.

  10. Concentraion (3rd round on cd)



    MD:9-3 (6)

    ENE 0/8

    Sword art-

    Astro 29/32 (4dmg ea -5mit=1)

    Boar (2) 2/16

    boar 1/16

    As the charged me, I attempted to roll to the side and was successful, but as I rolled up one of the boars had changed direction quick enough to smack me just barely as I was coming up. My head slammed back into the grass, and I rolled backwards to gain my ground, but as I came up the other two boars were there, and I rolled again but they each managed to clip my leg. I didn't lose much health, but it was still some. and I wanted to lose none.

  11. ID:34455



    ENE 0/8

    Sword art-none

    Astro 32/32

    Boar(2) 2/16

    boar 1/16 (5 base-4mit=1)

    As I charged at the boars, they all jumped at me at the same, time and I wasn't exactly prepared. I managed to plant my foot and sidestep, but only managed a scratch to the boar on the right before I turned around to see them all already attacking again. I jumped over them like I tended to with boars, landing in a roll though and not my feet, before turning to see them once again...charging.

  12. They charged me as a group, I jumped to the left, and was able to single one out, slicing its slide and making it disperse into the amazing looking polygons and was relieve, I couldn't use my aoe anymore so I needed to rely on pure skill, and fighting against 3 would be much easier. The other boars, attempted to turn and hit me, and I rolled backward, to avoid doing so, immediately jumping back up to start charging them again, intent on ending another.

    Concentraion (1st round on cd)






    Sword art-none

    Astro 32/32

    Boar(3) 2/16

    Boar DEAD/16 (5+1=6-4=2)

    +1 mat

  13. As the boars began to tried me I CONCENTRATED as hard as I could on them, as the grew ever closer I unleashed my sword art once again, and luckily I saw it hit each of them, throwing them backwards enabling me a follow up strike hitting them further back. The got up slowly with their health in the read and I was amused, it had been a while since I soloed these creatures, and I was having some fun. It was sad I had forgotten how much fun this could be.

    Skill used-concentration +1 to b -1 to md


    BD: 5+1 =6

    MD: 1-1 =0

    ENE: 0/8 (1 regen 4 art)

    Sword art-rage spike


    Boar(4) 2/16 (5*2=10-4=6)

  14. As the boars charged me I waited until they were all close enough before jumping up over them, I did a 180 turn to face them mid-air and attempted to slash them, but I had jumped just a little to high and was out of reach, but as I looked I could only see three boars, not four. When I landed was when I found the fourth, as I heard it squeal. I flipped backwards luckily just in time to avoid being hit. I smiled at the boars as saying "nice try" Before getting back into my lazy fighting stance waiting for them to charge.




    ENE: 3/8 (1 regen 2 miss)

    Sword art-none


    Boar(4) 8/16




  15. Equipped gear-

    strong plushie +2 ld

    Shadows servant +3 dmg

    Shadows cloak +3 eva


    Potion of healing (20)


    I woke up from my nightmare sweating in my bad. the nightmares that had been consuming me for a couple of years now, and still did even in this game. It sucked but I would never share them and I just chose to live with them. I got out of bed and dressed before leaving my room at the inn and giving the key to the inn keeper telling him id be back as always. I was planning on training again, for mats, col, and of course levels. It was getting harder for the levels though sadly, but I wasn't giving up. I left the inn and in minutes I was at the gate leading to the plains. As soon as I stepped into the plains my eyes fell on a group of 4 boars. In my boredom I immediately charged them doing my whistle when I was close so that just as turned around, I used rage spike hitting them all in the head.



    MD:4-3 =1


    Boar(4) 16/16 (5+1*2=12-4=8)

    ENE 4/8

    Swort art -rage spike



  16. ID:34442 CD:5

    ID:34443 CD:7

    ID:34444 CD:4  LD:20 mat back

    ID:34445 CD:8

    ID: 34446CD:6

    ID:34447 CD:2  

    -5 mats

    +10 exp

    After waiting in the shop, I saw the time and could see I could craft again, I really needed to try and get the item for the customers so I needed to craft as soon as possible. I took a quick look through the windows to make sure no-one was coming before quickly walking to my workstation. Once there I got to work, trying to make a plushie the guy wanted. My first 2 both ended up looking different that what the guy wanted, and my third was just horrible so I had to dismantle it. My next to once again just for some reason didn't look at all like the guy. And my last one was hideous and I didn't even try to fix it.

    +4 uncommons

    Winnie the poo plushie

    Panda plushie

    Penguin plushie (so cute XD)

    Polar bear plushie

    (ooc-I don't know why I did animals...just felt like it)

  17. Name: Protection piece
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34389
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 mit (+3 mit)

    Description: A light brown chestpiece that gives the wearer a small protection bonus

    Name: Light cape
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34390
    Roll: 10
    Item Type: light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 eva 

    Description: A black cape that gives the wearer faster reaction timing, allowing for easier dodging



  18. As I was waiting at my counter as I had been the last few days I had finally opened it, my first customer I didn't know came in, he was rather interesting in looks, as if he was going for an intimidation factor, but I was not of course. He may be stronger than me, probably was but I never cared, looks never gave ones true personality, it was speech and actions. But even his actions weren't the most friendly, he filled out a form and when he was done he walked away after a bag was placed on the counter. When I grabbed the bag I saw it was 1000 col, so I knew he wanted a perfect item which when I looked at his item order, my belief was confirmed, if he had waited a little I could have told him I had one of these types of items in stock if he wanted to borrow it until I had his, but no point in calling after him, and I also had no clue how to contact him, but hell figure it out im sure. I grabbed the form and took it downstairs and got to work. Sadly after an hour of working I didn't have what the man wanted, I failed 3 times and did decent the other 3, but not perfect by any means, so I sadly went back up to the counter to wait some more.

    ID:34389 CD:9

    ID:34390 CD:10

    ID:34391 CD:7

    ID:34392 CD:2

    ID:34393 CD:2

    ID:34394 CD:2

    +2 uncommons

    +1 good (House slippers/clothing)

    -6 mats


    Name: Protection piece
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34389
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 mit (+3 mit)

    Description: A light brown chest piece that gives the wearer a small protection bonus

    Name: Light cape
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34390
    Roll: 10
    Item Type: light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 eva 

    Description: A black cape that gives the wearer faster reaction timing, allowing for easier dodging





  19. ID 34301




    ENE 0/8

    Sword art -rage spike

    Wolves -9/16 (5 base +2 crit *2=14-4 mit =10dmg)

    Astropheric 32/32

    Lily 20/20

    Seul 32/32

    +4 mats

    +320 col

    I saw lily not attack which was probably smart, and then saw seul attack, he did well but just barely wasnt able to kill them. As he was done i darted towards the wolves that he had just hit, and as they were still recovering from seuls attack i unles rage spike jumping up, and comijng down striking every wolf in the throat or head or heart, and soon a light show of blue polygons was happening. I turned to lily and seul. "That took longer than i hoped, sorry, at least we didnt take any damage" i say with a reasurring grin. " well i dont about you guys but my energy needs to refill" I say as I sit down.

    (ooc ill split the loot at the end, split it evenly)

  20. Name: Skilled hoodie
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34283
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Clothing

    Enhancements: +1 exp per  craft
    Description: A black hoodie with white pull strings, that enables the wearer to gain a little more skill in a selected proffesion.

    Name: Service plushie
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34288
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: plushie
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: +1 CA

    Description: A tan plushie with a suit and tie as if it was a businessman, helping to craft an extra item a day.



  21. ID:34282  CD:3

    ID:34283  CD:12

    ID:34284  CD:2

    ID:34285  CD:4  LD:7

    ID:34287  CD:4  LD:6

    ID:34288  CD:12

    Waiting at the counter I looked at the time and noticed that it was time for me to craft again, so I went to my workplace and got to it. My first attempt was a complete fail, so I started again. And I did perfect, and got an amazing hoodie that gave the ability to level up quicker in a proffesion, ill take that. I began again, my next 3 failing, one horribly and I almost recovered on the 2nd and 3rd but sadly it was too late. I was about to give up and not waste another mat, but decided to try anyway, and to my luck I got another perfect item. I decided to make a plushie like my own that gave an extra attempt at craftin, adorable.

    +2 perfect

    Name: Skilled hoodie
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34283
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Clothing

    Enhancements: +1 exp per  craft
    Description: A black hoodie with white pull strings, that enables the wearer to gain a little more skill in a selected proffesion.

    Name: Service plushie
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34288
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: plushie
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: +1 CA

    Description: A tan plushie with a suit and tie as if it was a businessman, helping to craft an extra item a day

    4 fails

    -6 mats


  22. I had recently gotten a pm from the shop owner I had bought from, that the items were ready, so I needed to go pick them up. Sadly I was busy and could not until a couple days later, today. I  materialized on the third floor and made my way to the shop, and after some time I was there. I walked in and was greeted by scarlet as she had done the time before. "Hey I got your pm, and sorry I was too busy to come earlier, but im here now. Are they ready?" I say before waiting for her response

  23. Name:  White's justice
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34161
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: savvy +1 (+1 bd when opponent fails)

    Description: A white, blue trimmed armor piece that enables a user to use a opponents faults, for their own advantage

    Name: Smooth black
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34162
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: Light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 light momentum (+1 bd round after you miss)

    Description: A Light, flexible black outfit that enables easy recovery from any mistakes.

    Name: Strong plushie
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34163
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: plushie
    Quality: rare
    Enhancements: +2 ld

    Description: A buff looking plushie that helps in the aid of finding and carrying any materials or loot.



  24. A trade request popped up after seul said hes just pay the col. I accepted the trade and the items were traded. "Well thanks for picking up an item, I wish you luck and ill see you later" I say to seul with a wave before I turn around and head downstairs. I wouldn't normally act so to a customer but seul was a friend so I didn't think hed mind to much. I needed to do my crafts after all, so I went to my workstation and got to work. I had finally gotten most of the items I needed, so most would go to stock. I began working, and my first one, I couldn't even tell what it was so I quickly gave up. My second was a little better and I ended up having a cool little jacket for when it grows colder. My thirs was horrible and I had to stop before it got worse. My next was better and I even got a stat boost on it as well as the one after. And my final craft was the best of the day, 2 stat slots, it wasn't a perfect but it worked.


    ID: 34158 CD:2

    ID: 34159 CD:7

    ID: 34160 CD:2

    ID: 34161 CD:9

    ID: 34162 CD:9

    ID: 34163 CD:11

    Name:  White's justice
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34161
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: savvy +1 (+1 bd when opponent fails)

    Description: A white, blue trimmed armor piece that enables a user to use a opponents faults, for their own advantage

    Name: Smooth black
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34162
    Roll: 9
    Item Type: Light armor
    Quality: uncommon
    Enhancements: +1 light momentum (+1 bd round after you miss)

    Description: A Light, flexible black outfit that enables easy recovery from any mistakes.

    Name: Strong plushie
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 34163
    Roll: 11
    Item Type: plushie
    Quality: rare
    Enhancements: +2 ld

    Description: A buff looking plushie that helps in the aid of finding and carrying any materials or loot.


    -6 mats



  25. The girl after some time started up another subject, saying her name was Adelyn, and then asking ours. "Well im Astropheric, or astro if you want, and shes lily" I say jabbing a thumb towards lily. I don't know why I kept introducing lily instead of letting her do it, I did with that weird boy the night we laid in the grass as well, but I didn't think shed mind anyway. I was rather confused by the game now that I thought about it, it was weird that so many people seemed so friendly. If everyone was this nice in the real world...ah nvm I would have hated them just as much.

    I eyed the girl again in front of me, looking at her. She definently wasn't the cold hearted person like me or lily, and looked a lot more delicate. I couldn't believe it was even possible in a game like this, that someone could look as fragile as her. But I never knew, I would have thought the same of lily before I saw her fight, and she never took damage, so what do I know.

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