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Posts posted by Astropheric

  1. As the girl revealed her newly found scar, I was rather impressed. It was a weird impressed. I was impressed by the fact that even though this girl didn't seem like the strongest girl in the world by her action , though ive yet to see her in battle, she looked, and clearly because of the scar was tough. She gave her opinion on the world in which we lived in now, and I agreed. It was a dog eat dog, you had to survive on your own, and make your own fate. Social Darwinism was a real, and all to believable thing in this world, but she was also right in her other point. That lessons are learned, and they will keep you going, not only in this world but if you make it, the real world. But as she asked her question, I felt a hint of guilt. For me this place was something, not only was it my home now, but it was a better home, for me at least. In this world there were no carless people who thought life was just a ride to live for the hell of it. No stupid kids worrying about all the drama that goes on in school, in here everyone had their minds set on surviving, and it created a much more tolerable atmosphere, for me at least. And so I answered.

    "It sure is something, and as crazy as it may sound. I don't mind it, my life in this game is much better than my life in the real world. So as for how I feel, I love it here, I could have died in the real life just as easily as I could here, but at least here I control it a lot more. No random car hitting me, or gun shooting me when im not looking. But this world is more tolerable, and for me predictable as well." It was true about the predictable thing, it was a game, everything had a set function, figure it out and you were fine. Sure there were some surprises, but they didn't last very long. This new world, was my new home, and I didn't mind.

  2. I swear, the boys plea to my friends lily was hilarious, but I felt bad. I knew lily more than he did, and he was not going to be getting anywhere with his plea. So after laughing inwardly about the kid trying to smooth things over as best as I could I decided to interject. "Nice try kiddo, but you cant take the blame that easy." I knew lily would believe me over him. And she may be a little nicer to me than him since we have more of a backstory, who knows. And so I looked at lily and continued. "This boy, came and we had a little conversation of staying out in the night, and I realized me and you should probally be heading to the inn soon, and so I decided to wake you, water was the way I guess." I say in my cold tone, but with some emotion to make it seem believable. "He" I nod my head to alet, "Just felt like taking the blame for some reason" after I said all of this, I stared directly into the guy eyes with a look, as if saying.. let me take this one. I hoped he got the message and would do so as itd be far better for the both of us. I even managed to sneak a smile to him as a message.

    After I said it, I did begin to wonder what lily would do, she seemed pretty serious and I knew lily would do it by now. And as I begun to think about it, it seemed like more and more of a bad idea, but no way was I going to let the poor kid get destroyed by little old lily, and so I didn't back down, and held my stance that I was the one to wake the sleeping beauty

  3. I smiled as she flicked her "little" battle axe around, it was kind of amusing. She talked about needing a new one, and I could sympathize, my life was way harder before I had gotten my shadows servant, now I just destroyed mobs. But that was besides the point, and anyway after that trip to f6...they destroyed me just as much sometimes. She then talked about the shop, and I replied "yeah, its worrying sometimes, I feel like one day ill go back and everything will be missing because it was stolen or something. And I would not be happy...at all, I would kill someone, figuratively" it was probably weird that I said that, I didn't want to give off the impression I would actually pk because I wouldn't unless it was for my own life, I was just stressing the point. "Anyway, flints... How have you been since this" this being sao "started"

  4. ID:32960


    I walked over to another spot of fairly soft dirt, and got to my knees, and began digging just like I had been. I dug and dug but after about 30 minutes I had a big pile of dirt, and nothing to show for it. So I scooped the dirt back in the hole and looked around. I was hoping to find some boars, cause these stupid digging sessions just were not working out. It was weird because last time I had dug, I was finding a nice amount of mats. Today just was not my day I guess.

  5. ID:32959


    I walked for a while as I usually did and finally found a suitable spot where I could begin digging. I got to my knees and got to work. As I was digging I began wondering the chances of me finding a treasure chest or some other really cool item in the dirt, probably not high but itd be cool. I continued digging but after 30 minutes, my limit for digging I got up and filled the hole back in before walking away. It sucked not to find anything, but the last time I had dug, I found a lot of materials, so I was sure id find some eventually.

  6. ENE 8/8 (3 posts oob)



    I was getting rather tired of searching for materials in the ground, and what did I always do when I was bored. Fight. Yeah it probably wasn't the best solution to boredom. In the real world I couldn't have done it after all, you know just walk outside and start chopping up all these "vicious" animals for money. But I guess this was a game where killing the animals was kind of the point. So I was rather lucky actually to be able to get away with killing for fun, but after this game, back to boredom...*sigh*


  7. ID:32942


    I went to the next tree, my last one of the day, and with my tired arms I took a whack at it, it immediately disappeared just like that last had done. I was disappointed but it showed me that it was clearly time ti give up and go home. And so I did, sheathing my sword which I had been whacking trees with. I went out of the jungle and back on the path leading into to town. After about 30 minutes of walking I reached the teleportation pad and went back to floor one. Luckily my inn was rather close to the pad because I was exhausted, I went to my inn, to my room, and too my bed before plopping down on it. It was weird, my day that is, killing some treants, disappearing trees, and then a mysterious man that was a clone of me. I hoped that my life wasn't going to be like that too often in this game. And with that I fell asleep.

  8. ID:32940


    I whacked at a new tree like I had so many times before, and whacked. After a while my muscles gave out however and I had to stop. I rested for a good 20 minutes before going back to the tree. But as soon as I hit it the tree disappeared just like some of the others. *sigh* it sucked messing up 2 in a row after succeeding so much, but whatever. The times that it worked were good enough for me, and I would soon be done anyway, just one my try before I go home, and relax.

  9. ID:32939


    I walked over to another tree and began whacking it, my arms were still burning but I wanted to get this gathering over with quickly so I could go home. After about 20 minutes the tree hadn't even splintered at all so I knew I wasn't going to be getting a mat anytime soon. With that I turned to go to the next tree. It sucked yes, but I knew my luck wouldn't have lasted forever, especially on these stupid trees. Todays luck with them was better than the first time I had tried. but didn't seem as good as digging.

  10. ENE: 6/6 (3 posts oob)

    HP 24/24 (3 posts oob refilled as well)



    I went to the next tree and began whacking it, after 5 minutes my muscles began burning again, but with this weird luck, there was no way I was going to stop. After about 10 more minutes the tree fell again, and once I again I gained a material, it was nice to be gaining them, but I started to get worried considering like I thought before nothing lasts forever, so soon this good luck could turn horrible, and I was ready, but didn't want to have to deal with it, but I continued on with my day, maybe itd happen maybe not...who knows.

    +1 mat

  11. ENE 3/6 (2 posts oob)



    I walked over to another tree and began whacking it. As I did my arms began to hurt, all the whacking of tress, treants or normal, was beginning to put wear and tear on my virtual muscles, so I took a quick rest after about 10 whacks before getting back to it. After about 20 minutes the tree fell like the last and I received another material. It was awesome that my luck seemed to have increased, but I wondered for how long. This game never seemed to go this well for too long, and when it did something bad seemed to happen right after, and I planned on being ready for that.

    +1 mat

  12. ENE 2/6 (1 post oob)



    I walked over to another tree after grabbing my loot, and began to whack it just like the ones before, but after only my third whack the tree fell and did not disappear like the last. And after a second I received a message MATERIAL RECIEVED. I celebrated inside as it was great to prove that I could get a material from tree, and then that I had. I wondered if it was kayaba congratulating me on my killing spree that just went down, but that didn't make sense, why would he be watching me of all people. I threw the thought aside as I smiled that I had finally gotten a material from the jungle.

  13. ID:32929




    ENE 1/6 (1 regen, 4 from art)

    sword art - rage spike 1*2 aoe

    Astropheric 11/24 (miss)

    Baby treant(4) 0/12 (5 base +1 crit * 2=12)

    In my checking around to see if I was safe, I was sadly not. Behind where I had just killed the large treant was a group of 4 smaller ones. I guessed that one was like their mother or guardian or whatever. But these one were not happy. Luckily instead of their arms all shooting out they had to charge me. I was confused on how they were going to attack but I didn't wait. When they got to close I lunged and initiated my aoe sword art <<rage spike>> and hit them all in the chest immediately disintegrating them into polygons. I felt kind of bad killing the baby ones but they weren't real so I quickly got over it. I looked around once again to check if I was safe. I was, I then picked up the materials and col the baby treants had dropped.

    +4 materials

    +240 col ( 12 * 5=60*4=240)


  14. ID:32928




    ENE 4/6

    Sword art - snake bite 1*2

    Astropheric  11/24 ( 6 * 3 =18 -5 mit =13)

    Treant  0/14 (5 base +2crit *2 =14)

    Luckily in my search for a mob, I happened to see a walking tree, seeing it was alone I quietly charge it. Sadly I stepped on a branch and it turned aggroeing onto me. Its arm shot out and hit me square in the chest sending me into a nearby tree. "ouch" I got up slowly but as soon as I saw another fist coming at me I quickened my pace, I jumped up and onto the arm, running along it and getting close to the "head" of the tree I jumped and slammed my sword into the trees head and falling down with my sword slicing the tree in half. I cheered inwardly but I was frightened, the one punch from the tree had done more than half my health, and that was not a good sign. I picked up the material and col the treant dropped before looking around to check that I was safe.

    +1 mat

    + 70 col (14*5 =70)

  15. ID:32925


    I came down here looking for some mobs to hunt, but I was really begging to feel like these trees were challenging me to get a material. so I went to next tree and began whacking it, however just like the last one all that happened were some flying splinters, no falling tree or nothing. So I didn't geain a material, but this only made me believe even more that I had to get a material from the tree,. It was almost like another quest of sorts, although one id probably give up on after not too long from now.



    I went to the next tree and began whacking it, I was actually getting into the tree for once, and after about 20 minutes it began to tip over, not soon after did it just immaterialized and disappear though. So I gained no material. I was not too happy about that but it only confirmed kayaba hated me, and would never let me get a material from his stupid trees again. I sighed and looked around for some mobs hopeing I could find one or two to kill since these trees were really starting to annoy the crap out of me. Wi there "I wont give you a material"  stuff....

  16. ID:32924


    I walked over the next tree only a foot away considering how dense the jungle was. And started whacking it, as I did some chunks of wood would fly off, but after half an hour all that had happened was some splinters on the ground, it was rather disappointing but like I said, nothing could bring me down more than that man. So I let it go, and anyway my floor one experience with trees wasn't too great either so my expectation weren't the highest. Yes the materials would be nice, but I was expecting it at all.


  17. ENE 6/6 (3 posts oob) 



    I walked over to the trees and began searching for a decent one to hack away at so I could collect materials for tailoring. I found a decent tree and whacked at it, and whacked at it, and whacked at it. I stood at the tree and kept hitting it hoping at some point it would fall. I kept saying to myself "one more time" but that one time never came and I continued hitting it. After about 20 minutes of continuously whacking the tree I gave up..cursed at it, and walked away to another tree that I hoped would fall so I could gain a material. I wasn't mad, I guess it was just the thought of the man still in my head making me curse. I had just gone on a material hunt, but it wasn't the main reason I was out here, I was out for the monsters, but I needed energy and this was the best way to get it.

  18. ENE 2/6 (2 posts oob)

    I decided to throw the thoughts of the weird person that tried to kill me out of my head and continued on with what I had planned to do in the first place, hunt and gather materials, I was in a jungle so I decided to try my hand at whacking some tress again, why not after all, I just survived an attempted murder. Nothing could be worse than that while hacking a tree. And plus, maybe a jungle would do better at actually getting the material than the time I tried it on some trees on floor one where there weren't too many tress. But who knows, after that quest, I was pretty sure there was nothing kayaba could do that would surprise me anymore, not even if he happened to be my dad, who knows.

  19. ENE 1/6

    HP 24/24 

    As I stood in disbelief at what just happened over the last 30 minutes, I looked in front me. I saw a screen CONGRATULATION QUEST COMPLETED. I was rather happy that I won, but it was weird that I finished a quest I didn't even know I took. I looked at the ground and also saw a material and some col from ...me...I picked those up as well. The reward from the quest was cool, I gained three skill points and a new skill *concentration* but I was still freaked out about the quest in general. The guy looked exactly like me, and seemed to fight the same way, with the same stats, it was all very unnerving. If kayaba could just make clones of us to fight us, then this game might be worse than I thought.

  20. ID:32921




    Astro ENE 0/6 (1 regen)

    Gemini ENE 0/6 (1 regen)

    Sword art: snake bite 1*2

    Astropheric: 23/24 ( miss)

    Gemini: -2/24 (5 base +2 crit*2=14 -5 mit = 9)

    The confrontation went on for another couple of minutes, and then I saw it an opening, one I could take, and time slowed, I completely ignored his incoming strike, as I used my sword art once again, and the last time. The way his arm had came in, was slower than usual and far out, allowing for stab directly to hit throat, and that's what happened. I used my sword art and watched my sword puncture the guys neck and go straight through. But as I watched the man, his deathly smile came back, and I swear I heard a laugh. As the polygons appeared in a explosion, I was happy..but still very confused.

    +1 mat

    + 120 col (24*5)

    + skill concentration

    (OOC- matt doesn't know it yet though, itll be next post, goes for all loot)

  21. ID:32920



    Astro ENE 1/6 (1 regen) miss

    Gemini ENE 1/6 (1 regen) miss

    Astropheric: 23/24 ( miss)

    Gemini: 7/24 (miss)

    The confrontation of him striking me and me repeatedly would not end. Every time he went for an area id block it. He tried to strike at my neck, id block it. Then go for a slash at my leg, id block it. He would go for a strike at my chest, id block it. It was the same process over and over. But what was fascinating was un like the other times. He would not falter, no matter how many times I tried to look for an opening it seemed there never was one. And if there was it'd be gone to quickly to capitalize on. The man was fighting flawlessly, we both were. But I wondered how long it'd keep up. Not only was our energy going out with repetitive strike and blocks, but someone would mess up, and I don't think it'd be good.

  22. ID:32919



    Astro ENE 2/6 (1 regen)

    Gemini ENE 2/6 (1 regen)

    Sword art: snake bite 1*2

    Astropheric: 23/24 ( miss)

    Gemini: 7/24 (5 base*2=10 -5 mit = 5)

    As he was frozen in his stance from using the art, and I was just released from mine, I kicked at his sword, he managed to hold un as he unfroze, but his body jerked to side and he was on the ground, I used the advantage and quickly through in another snake bite in his leg doing solid damage, but it didn't last long as he took the freeze time and got up quickly read to slash my neck. But I froze just as his sword was almost there, I got my sword up just in time to block it, but now the roles were flipped, I was on defense, he was on offense, He striked aggressively as he knew he was close to death and needed some hit, and he was fast. But I was matching each and every blow and I hoped I would find an opening at some point.

  23. ID:32918



    Astro ENE 3/6 (1 regen)

    Gemini ENE 3/6 (1 regen)

    Sword art: snake bite 1*2

    Astropheric: 23/24 ( 2 base * 2 sword art=4 -5 mit= 1 (min))

    Gemini: 12/24 (5 base*2=10 -5 mit = 5)

    This time I charged the Gemini coming with a low sweep of my sword, but as I did I saw him go for my head, it was not a hit I was willing to take so I stopped myself and went into a roll, making his sword hit my shoulder as it came down for the roll, but it was better than my head. As the gash went away I stood up and began unleashing quickly, light stike. I would slash at his leg, hed block, id slash at his chest, hed block. I was on the offensive and I was going fast. Every couple of swings hed mess up a little allowing for a light strike, but not until I surprised him with a slash to the neck, followed by a kick to the leg did he stumble. My kick hit him in a nerve so he lost his leg for a second giving me time to use my sword art once again, which hit him in his shoulder. Sadly he was able to use the same art, but only clipped my finger, doing barely anything.

  24. ID:32916



    Astro ENE 4/6

    Gemini ENE 4/6

    Sword art: snake bite 1*2

    Astropheric: 24/24 (miss)

    Gemini: 17/24 (5 base +1 crit *2=12 -5 mit = 7)

    After the mans deathly smile disappeared he quickly charged me, and it was fast, and if that's how fast I looked then go me, but I didn't seem like that. The man reached me in seconds and we clashed. He swung for my chest, a very predictable move allowing me to meet his sword, and slashing it away giving me a simple strike to his leg as I brought it back, he ignored the hit and continued this time slashing at my leg, I wasn't as ready as the last strike and was forced to roll away. As I rolled up I saw a sword point go right beside my head, lucky he missed, but now his sword was by my head, he messed up. I took the advantage initiating my sword art <<snake bite>> and was able to hit him directly in the chest. He stumbled back wards which I tried to use to my advantage with a stab, but he recovered just quick enough to jump backwards. And then we squared off again.

    Gemini: 24 hp -- 2 base damage (he doesn't get +3 from sword) -- 5 mitigation -- 6 energy

    Me (astropheric) 24 hp -- 5 base damage -- 5 mitigation -- healing potion -- 6 energy


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