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Posts posted by Astropheric

  1. As the shopkeeper came back out with a beautiful sapphire necklace and told me she wasn't able to craft them all I was rather okay with it. As a crafter myself I knew how hard it could be sometimes to get the items you needed, but after telling me that the uncommon was free for the wait I smiled a little it was nice that she would compensate a wait. But I didn't really mind paying anyway, but it seemed more trouble than it was worth, and I can just donate later "Alrgith thanks for this one, its amazing, but yeah just pm me when you make them and ill run back by, here is the payment though" and with that being said matt put 6 materials on the table, and waited for the shop owner to give him the necklace.

  2. I nodded as the girl talked back to me about how I felt. She was exactly right. "yeah, honestly, id much rather this be my real life. If you asked me why I fought, I would be able to give a solid answer, because to me escape is not that, I would be escaping my good life, not escaping some stupid game. I guess the reason I do fight, is for the ones who cant. I've never been much for helping people, but I know there are kids in this game who can do what I can or you. And that's why I fight, as well as for my friends who do want to escape. But I know, if when we beat this game. If there's a choice to stay, ill take it." I was completely honest in what I said, I would much rather live here than in the real world, and for whatever reason I still fought, even though the reason was somewhat foreign to even me.

    The entire time I had spoken I was looking down at my hands which had their fingers interlocked, but now I looked up at flints. And for the first time in so long, I felt normal. I didn't know why, something about talking how I truly felt about this game made me feel better than I did normally. I wasn't just the cold-hearted guy I was in the real world. In this game I had a true meaning, and I finally felt worth something.

  3. As i entered the shop and went up the stairs, i began trying to remember what lily had wanted, as i turn my head i immediately hear the shopkeeper address me, she asks what she could help with me and so i respond. "well, im here for some friends and need two items, two lucky trinkets one, a perfect with +2cc and +1 acc, as well as another with prosperity, quality does not matter" I explain what im looking for hoping the shopkeeper could do the rest of the work in naming and describing it.

  4. I smiled as the kid, seul seemed happy that he was able to tag along. But he clearly wasn't happy in the way he had to do it. As he said he would protect us I chuckled a little. It was a brave statement and sweet and all, but as far I could tell he wouldn't be able to handle what I couldn't. Hed be an asset in a fight sure, but I don't know about savior. But still it was cool and admired him a little more for saying it, which was weird considering I tend to hate people. Well I did before this stupid game, its changing me, and I don't know anymore whether I like it or not. "Thanks, ill hold you to that" I say to the kid with a smile, I looked to lily. "well I guess we should go somewhere, lead the way little miss" I say with a smile.

  5. ID:33136




    ENE 0/8

    art-rage spike

    Astropheric 20/32

    Boar(4) 0/20

    As I stared down the boars, they began charging, and now I could admire their speed again, within seconds they were all at me, attacking. I jumped away from 2, and blocked another, but sadly the other had a direct hit into my chest, putting a huge gash in my chest from where his tusks hit me. I jumped back over them doing a flip to turn my body, and as I came down behind them I unleashed my sword art, hitting all 4 disintegrating them into polygons. I was happy that I finally killed the stupidly fast boars. I picked up their mats and for once, col they dropped. And now it was time to head home. I was tired after that fight considering the boars hit me more than I liked. So I began my march to the inn, where after an hour I was in my bed, passed out after another long day of training

    +4 mats

    +400 col (20*5=100*4=400)


  6. ID:33135



    ENE 3/8 (1 regen, 2 miss)

    Astropheric 24/32

    Boar(4) 10/20

    As I skidded to a halt from the boars attack, I looked up, in time to see two boars an inch away from my chest, and with no time to block I was thrown backwards hitting a tree. I landed on my butt but quickly got up to avoid that happening again. Now all 4 were a foot away, I jumped up, and over the boars putting me behind them but the boars were fast, and as I tried to slash them they jerked away and out of my range. It was disturbing how fast the boars were, normally that attack would have landed easily.

  7. ID:33134



    ENE 4/8

    Sword art - rage spike

    Astropheric 28/32

    Boar(4) 10/20

    Luckily in my search for something to kill, I found a group of boars just the way I liked them. In a group huddled together. I ran at them and when I was within what I knew by this time as their agro range. I whistled to get their attention. Just like most of the time they all charged me in a group. As they were about to clash with me, I jumped to the side initiating my art, rage spike, hitting each of them. But unlike most boars, these were agile, and were able to get a hit on me, sending me back away from them. But that was alright, I had a direct hit on them and they were at half, and I was still in the green.



  8. 3 posts oob

    ID 33133


    I walked over to another spot of fairly soft dirt, and got to my knees, and began digging just like I had been. I dug and dug but after about 30 minutes I had a big pile of dirt, and nothing to show for it. So I scooped the dirt back in the hole and looked around. I was hoping to find some boars, cause these stupid digging sessions just were not working out. It was weird because last time I had dug, I was finding a nice amount of mats. Today just was truly not my day. And a group of boars would do wonders right about now.


  9. 2 posts oob



    I was getting rather tired of searching for materials in the ground, and what did I always do when I was bored. Fight. Yeah it probably wasn't the best solution to boredom. In the real world I couldn't have done it after all, you know just walk outside and start chopping up all these "vicious" animals for money. But I guess this was a game where killing the animals was kind of the point. So I was rather lucky actually to be able to get away with killing for fun, but after this game, back to boredom...*sigh*


  10. 1 post oob



    I walked for a while as I usually did and finally found a suitable spot where I could begin digging. I got to my knees and got to work.  I continued digging but after 30 minutes, my limit for digging I got up and filled the hole back in before walking away. It sucked not to find anything, but as of now I knew that the chances of me actually finding a material was about 1 in 4, so I wasn't too surprised, so I continued on with my day and got up to go find another spot to begin digging

  11. ID:33130




    ENE 1/8 (1 regen, 4 art)

    art-rage spike

    Astropheric 28/32

    Boar(4) -2/20 (5 base +1 crit *2 =12)

    I charged the boars, because if they were like the last ones then theyd stand there forever, and I didn't feel like waiting. I charged the boars, but I didn't wait like last time, or only stab them. I simply threw my sword art out, and luckily they all jumped straight into it, getting hit directly in the chest. They all flew back a foot before an explosion of blue polygons happened. I heard the thud of their materials dropping to the ground as they fell from were the boars had been. I walked over and picked up each materials before I began walking again.

    +4 materials

  12. ID:33129



    ENE 4/8

    Sword art-rage spike

    Astropheric 28/32

    Boar(4) 10/20

    Luckily in my search for something to kill, I found a group of boars just the way I liked them. In a group huddled together. I ran at them and when I was within what I knew by this time as their agro range. I whistled to get their attention. Just like 90% of the time they all charged me in a group. Just before they got to me I stopped planted my foot, and jumped forward into the boars activating my sword, rage spike, I hit them all in the side as the jumped past me. I managed to dodge all their boar tusks, the ones who tried to hit me that is, before landing behind them. Now we were facing off, 4 boars, against one human.

  13. 3 posts oob



    ENE 8/8

    HP 32/32

    I continued walking for another material, but this time I was heading back to town, I wasn't going to stay out to much longer as half the day was already over, so it would be a good idea to star heading back while still working. After 20 minutes I found a soft spot in the ground and got to my knees and began digging. The dirt was wetter than usual which was weird, and felt weirder, but I continued anyway. After 30 minutes my hands had more dirt on them than usual, and I hadn't found a mat, so I scooped my dirt back in the hole, and looked around for a group of boars. My energy had filled back up so I was willing to fight again.


  14. 2 posts oob


    LD:17 (mat found)

    ENE 2/8

    HP 30/32

    I got up after laying there for a good 5 minutes and walked around for another good spot to dig. After 15 minutes I found it. And I got to my knees, and got to work digging. I dug in the soft dirt for about 20 minutes before I finally smiled MATERIAL RECIEVED. It was a good feeling when you got a material no matter how bad the previous luck. I began thinking about the boars again though, it was weird that my sword art that used to just obliterate them, now only did half their hp. I would have to pay close attention to that as I did not want to die because of it. I filled in my hole and stood up, off to find another place to dig.

  15. 1 post oob



    HP 27/32 (3 regen)

    ENE 1/8 (1 regen)

    I walked over to a spot that seemed like a good place for digging and got onto my knees and started digging. I wondered as I dug if there were shovels in the game, because if there were, I would love to have one, I could dig a lot more, a lot faster. But I continued and after about 30 minutes, my usual give up time, I hadn't gotten a material. So I filled back in my hole and plopped down next to it. I was going to rest for a quick minute before I went back to digging. After all, everyone needs their energy, and those boars didn't die as easily as they used to.

  16. ID:33120




    ENE 0/8 (1 regen, 4 art)

    Astropheric 24/32 (5 mit- 5 dmg =1 min)

    Boar(4) 0/20

    I charged the boars again because the were still standing still like ****** but I ran at them. However this time I let them hit me, from the last time I knew id survive, and I knew how to use it to my advantage. Just like the last time when I was close enough all the boars immediately jumped to me and hit me in the chest. But instead of falling and rolling like the last time, I was able to keep my footing, and as they were already committed, I was able to unleash my sword art on all of them once again, disintegrating them into the polygons I loved to see. I picked up their materials and smiled at my success.

    +4 mats

  17. As the girl explained she could make the item right now, I smiled once again. "Yeah...thatd be awesome, ill just take the one then" I quickly wrote down on a piece of paper what I was thinking before handing it over to the shopkeeper. It was amazing that'd id actually be able to leave with what I wanted, but now even more so, that I was getting to make a description for it.

    Piece of paper:

    Description- A light material, that looks less than it truly is, the light material was able to protect much more than it seemed. It is pure black in color, and has areas on the arms where there is no armor for easier movement.


    (ooc, that's what I was describing since im awful at doing so.)


  18. ID:33119

    BD:2 (miss)


    ENE 3/8 ( 1 regen, -2 miss)

    Astropheric 28/32 ( 1*3 = 3+2 crit =5 -5mit = 1min)*4

    Boar(4) 10/20 (miss)

    The boars stood where they were, and we had a very intense staring contest, them with their hatred filled bright red eyes, and my emotionless brown ones. It was rather intense to say the least. And after some time I figured theyd never charged, so I did. I ran at them and they stood like dummies, not until I lunged to stab one on the outskirts of their group, did they all insanely quick but me to side, throwing me away from their little group. I slid across the grass and stopped a good 10 feet away. The stupid boars were begging to tick me off with their movements, they hadn't even charged while I was down, so now I was just waiting for them again.


  19. ID:33118



    ENE 4/8

    Sword art- rage spike 1*2 aoe

    Astropheric 32/32

    Boars(4) 10/20 (base 5 *2art =10)

    Luckily in my search for something to kill, I found a group of boars just the way I liked them. In a group huddled together. I ran at them and when I was within what I knew by this time as their agro range. I whistled to get their attention. Just like 90% of the time they all charged me in a group. Just before they got to me I stopped planted my foot, and jumped forward into the boars activating my sword, rage spike, I hit them all in the side as the jumped past me. I managed to dodge all their boar tusks, the ones who tried to hit me that is, before landing behind them. Now we were facing off, 4 boars, against one human.

  20. (ooc-sorry for not reading alets post o;)

    When the shopkeeper had said that she just sold the armour I was looking for I was rather disappointed, but after she said i could commission for one, I was happy again. "Sure thatd be great, in the meantime, How about that one" I point to another item with the name "silent glory" "I'll pay for that one in mats as well, If its not taken already" I said with a smile. The thorns one would hold me over till I got the other, and I have enough mats to get both anyway.

  21. Name: Hand wraps of the drunk brawler (names from clicker heroes...)
    ID: 33115    Roll: 12

    shop:        http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/9107-f8-tailor-astros-astounding-artifacts-closed/

    Tailor rank: 1
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: Unarmed damage (3)

    Description: These handwraps were once worn by the most magnicifcant brawler, a drunken one. Many things were caused great pain by the hand wraps. Now the shall continue their legacy. The wraps are a pure black, and very smooth texture covering the entire hand.


  22. ID:33114





    Name: Hand wraps of the drunk brawler (names from clicker heroes...)
    Your Profession: Tailor
    Your Rank: 1
    ID: 33115
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: clothing
    Quality: perfect
    Enhancements: Unarmed damage (3)

    Description: These handwraps were once worn by the most magnicifcant brawler, a drunken one. Many things were caused great pain by the hand wraps. Now the shall continue their legacy. The wraps are a pure black, and very smooth texture covering the entire hand.


    Just like any normal day I went to my shop early in the morning, unlocked the door, locked it, and then went behind the counter and downstairs to my work area. One I got there I wondered what I was going to craft today. I was tired of attempting normal clothing like shirts and skirts. After some thinking I finally decided on some hand wraps, I had seen some people walking around with them, so why not try to make some. I sat down and begun to attempt it. My first try I had no clue what I was doing and soon I had what looked like a ball of cloth, not hand wraps. My second attempt however turned out just the way I wanted, and I stared at the hand wraps I had newly created. I smiled because they were clearly my best creation yet. And for that, I would be using them myself for a while. And so I put it in my inventory, before going backup stairs and leaving my shop, taking care to lock it as always.


    -2 mats


    Rank up to 2 20 overall exp

  23.          Lilys response to me giving her the power to choose was amusing, but not so much as the kid who I just saw jump onto a bench, and spill out his way to convince lily. I had to admire the kid, the speech was pretty good and he was right, there was only one way to grow stronger and it was to fight. And the more people you did it with the easier it was. I was convinced somewhat from the kid, but it seemed like he was more worried about us thinking him as a killer. Which wasn't what I was worried about, it was just more that he didn't seem like a good...fighter. But as he talked about weapons, I took out my sword. I had a sad look on my face, it wasn't bad...was it, it was the highest quality a blacksmith could do, and it had served me well. I put the sword back before looking back to my partner. "so... I like the kids" I tell her with a slight smile. It was true his speech was pretty good, and I was willing to take the chance of him tagging along, wasn't like he was leading us. And he looked harmless as a bat, and I usually had good reads. I was just hoping lily was as convinced as I was, I knew who knowing I was okay with it would help, but it was lily, and sometimes I just never knew.

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