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Status Replies posted by Seul

  1. @Asterios

    I don't want to wait for the post D; Did I bite it? That's another hit and I'm just curious if my armour held up this time. You don't have to say anything, of course. Just worried about myself

  2. In case yall don't know. Pokemon GO is out.

  3. Anyone feel like tagging along for my Avalanche run? :T

  4. In case yall don't know. Pokemon GO is out.

  5. In case yall don't know. Pokemon GO is out.

  6. So. My next victim bites the dust.

  7. Just started my first full dive, and im wondering if you can give me a tutorial? 

  8. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      But that's only if Asterios doesn't AoE... If he does then there's a good chance Husky will get hit and die instead.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  9. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      Dracul should have healed Creius since he's gonna get slammed next-

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  10. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      We have to help them somehow! T-T There are like 4 people who cant' take another hit like that.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  11. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

  12. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      Don't say that; we aren't losing anyone!

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  13. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      We messed up with having both people with howl get stun locked at the same time, so I chalk it up mostly to bad timing-

      I don't think it's a particularly hard fight though; if we had more tanks it'd probably be a breeze imo.

      Maybe we'll get lucky and Asterios will miss a bunch though.


    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  14. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

  15. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      We need a plan!

      From what I can tell, we have a few options:

      1. Have no one else attack. They won't gain hate and won't be targeted so they may survive but that kinda sacrifices the people who have already drawn the hate.
      2. Have them attack and try to see if we can get the dmg distributed to people who can take the hits. >->
      3. Cry and beg the boss not to kill us.
      4. Run (?)
    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  16. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      Focus Rain! We've gotta protect everyone-

      If this continues then I think it'll be the highest death count in a single battle to occur thus far. >->

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  17. Well the Asterios fight is going south fast... >->

    1. Seul


      There's like 3 attacks before your turn and 5/6 before me or Xion can do anything.

      It's guaranteed Creius is going to die with the next attack if no one in this current group crits... And if they do then that person is most likely going to die.

      And if there's an AoE... Well...

      I'M A FAILURE AS A TANK! Forced to watch all my comrades die while I'm helpless on the ground. T-T

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  18. So many 'will edit laters' in the asterios fight @,@ 

  19. So many 'will edit laters' in the asterios fight @,@ 

  20. So many 'will edit laters' in the asterios fight @,@ 

  21. Hey there! SO im not exactly new, but i've been away for a long while and would love someone to RP with to get back into the swing of things, Anyone interested?

  22. Hey there! SO im not exactly new, but i've been away for a long while and would love someone to RP with to get back into the swing of things, Anyone interested?

  23. I think I just found my new favorite anime.<3


  24. I think I just found my new favorite anime.<3


  25. Hey there! SO im not exactly new, but i've been away for a long while and would love someone to RP with to get back into the swing of things, Anyone interested?

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