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Posts posted by Shizuka

  1. Shizuka sighed as he walked through the town of Florenthia. Geez. What a gloomy place on the eighth floor. Shizuka thought, putting on his black cloak as she felt a chill going through her body all of a sudden as if there was someone looking at her. However, as she looked around and saw no one that seemed to be watching her. Geez. Shizuka thought and yawned. She had no idea why she was here in this place... The place was way too dark for her likings and she would've preferred the basic first floor over this crap. With a sigh, she looked at her friend's list. It seemed like there were people that she should've deleted by now. She had added a lot of people to her friend list back when she was still cheerful and literally added everyone she knew to her friend list so she could make lots and lots of friends. I was foolish back then. Shizuka thought. But those days sure had been fun... And cheerful. Too bad the time was passed... There was no way of returning unless some miracle was to happen. It was then that she saw Manta Gaul in her friend list next to Celesmeh... Someone she hadn't paid a visit to. With her eyebrows lifted, Shizuka clicked on the name and sent her a message, wondering if the girl wanted to meet up. The white-haired girl had been sort of nice to Shizuka compared to a lot of others in this game. Shizuka sighed once more and stood up to walk a few more minutes and saw that there was a familiar blue-haired man in the distance. Soon, he realized that the man was none other than Calrex, a man who had pretty much completed almost all of Shizuka's quests with her. He was a balanced player who could act as both a tank or a DPS. This was why he had been so effective and useful... The man was the highest leveled player in Aincrad, not to mention. With a smile, Shizuka went up to the man to give him greetings. Something that she had not done in such a long time.

  2. Shizuka had definitely not expected Zelrius to be the person that was standing in front of the door. If she had known that she was have opened the door to see Zelrius, she would've just ignored the knock on the door because she was one-hundred percent sure that she would just be bombarded with the usual mockery that the man provided her with. Such embarrassment that she had experienced from him was not one of the usual amount and Shizuka disliked the man much. Shizuka almost jumped up in shock when the man, instead of speaking out in mockery against her, managed to apologize to her... Somewhat. However, even though the man had apologized, it was not enough for Shizuka. There was still many questions that she wanted to ask the blonde commandant... So many that there is no point in throwing them all out there. Instead, she would ask one at a time and it was up to Zelrius whether those answers were going to be left unanswered or brought to light for Shizuka. As Zelrius turned around to walk away, Shizuka walked towards the man, just a tiny bit and began to speak. "Wait. I need some answers." Shizuka said quietly, "Why is it that you treat me so since I joined this guild? I am not sure of what I have done to receive such bad treatment from you. Ever since the day I joined this guild, I have tried to please everyone, especially you. Yet, all I obtain in return is your coldness. I want to know the reason behind this." Shizuka finished, losing her voice by the end of the last sentence.

  3. Shizuka sighed, watching as more people started to pour in and when Zelrius came in. Immediately, Shizuka put her black cloak right back, not wanting to communicate with the blond commandant. She truly despised the man and held just a bit of hatred for him for neglecting Shizuka's kindness and ignoring her no matter how hard she tried to please him and respect him. Now, it was too late, Shizuka had lost all respect that she held for the blonde commandant and the only respect that she shows for him was just a mask she puts on in order to fulfill her duty as a member of the Azure Brigade. The man wearing a tuxedo did not appear to have come and noticed her and she liked to keep it that way. She had no intention to allow the man to notice her and start blabbering away at her and making her look bad in public like he had done so many times in the past. Shizuka chugged the rest of the hot chocolate really quickly and shivered even though the hot chocolate had warmed her up. Shizuka looked back at Himeko and began to speak once more, glancing behind her every few seconds to make sure the man wasn't looking her way. "It seems a lot of people have entered here..." Shizuka said, opening up her menu with nervousness. "I don't like being in places where there is a lot of players around... Here, I'll add you as a friend and you can contact me. I'll be sure to show you around and maybe take you to the outside of the safe zone if you want." Shizuka finished, sent out the friend request and stood up. With a smile and a nod from under her black cloak, she scanned around, searching for a method of escape. The front door won't do, there are too many people and my black cloak is too obvious. Shizuka thought, and then she looked up at the second floor. The place isn't too high. It should be safe to jump down from that window. With that, she gave Himeko a wave just as she saw Manta Gaul in the distance. Geez.... Shizuka thought, walking slowly up the stairs and when no one is looking, opened the window and jumped off, confident that no one was watching as she performed the task.

    Shizuka has left the thread

  4. (Veteran? You flatter me much)

    Shizuka slurped a bit of the hot chocolate, admiring the warm feeling that it provided her with as the fluid flow down her throat and into her stomach. Such a warm taste could be used by everyone... Especially Shizuka. It was then that she heard a voice from next to her. It appeared that the girl she had noticed came over and sat next to her without another Shizuka noticing. The girl had complimented her looks and well, this might as well be the first person to do so. Perhaps newbies are nicer than those of the frontlines. Shizuka thought, taking another drink of the hot chocolate and pulling down her black hood. It was rather strange for the girl to approach someone like her. First, she was part of the Azure Brigade, the most well-known guild of the game and their members were considered some of the most arrogant, depressing players in the game. Of course, Shizuka was no exception... She wasn't arrogant, but depression had become a big factor in her life. Perhaps this was why she had lost the beauty that boys seek when she joined the guild. Shizuka stirred the hot chocolate around before replying to the girl's question, having decided that she probably waited long enough for her answer. "The name is Shizuka. Pink blossom of the sky. Healer of the Azure Brigade." Shizuka said casually, looking at the girl with eyes of sadness. The girl reminded Shizuka of who she used to be before the terrible condition had struck her. She used to be someone active, friendly and kind but she was changed drastically on several occasions including the Floor 4 Late Night Incident, Lack of friends in the front lines, and feeling of unimportance. That was her problem, and a tough problem to solve as well. "You remind me of who I used to be. Please remain the same." Shizuka said, looking back at her coffee and taking yet another sip to enjoy the fulfilled taste. "May I get you something to drink?" Shizuka glanced around the area quickly, noting that a few more male players had joined conversations in the restaurant/tavern.

  5. Shizuka sighed, allowing her pink hair to flow in the air as she walked through the starting town. It had been a long time since she was here and she was pleased to breathe the morning air of this delightful town once again. This town had brought good memories and good fortune for her during the early days of her healing career and that healing career might be coming to an end soon. Through the starting town, the elegance was obvious. Birds flew everywhere and joined in harmony with their beautiful singing while down below, busy shopkeepers have already started being crowded with numerous customers either NPCs or players. Still, Shizuka was not really here to enjoy the scenery... She was here to have a taste of the food that she used to love on this floor. Perhaps the reason this floor had such delicious food was because of the fact that the creator wanted this game to appeal to players and the first town is the first impression. As Shizuka turned out from the dark valley that she had been walking through, she came across a tavern... Or was it a restaurant. Either way, there was no difference to the emotionless Shizuka. She wanted food and then she shall head back to her base. With her black cloak on, Shizuka burst into the shop, directing all the NPC's attention towards her from her strong aura of power. She was not powerful... Not at all. However, she was the healer of the Azure Brigade, best guild in Aincrad without a doubt. Shizuka smirked in fake confidence before walking over, masking her face with her dark cloak but revealing the Azure symbol that was kept on her chest. "Waiter. I request a cup of elegant hot chocolate please." Shizuka requested. "The most expensive one." With that, she sat down on the counter, waiting for her drink and taking the time to scan the area of anything interesting. Not really... Nothing seems to be nearby except those two over there. Seems to be newbies... I don't think they know who I am. With that, she turned around, waiting patiently for her hot chocolate to arrive. Perhaps the two would join her and keep her company so she could be cured of her boredom but she wouldn't mind if they did not do so... She was not one to ask for company on her own.

  6. Shizuka sniffed. Indeed, things have not been going well for her. She needed help yet was filled with absolute obnoxious determine to seek the help that she required. Perhaps the time is near for her to face death... However, a pitiful suicide was definitely not something that she was seeking for even though she had been considering it in the past few days. If she was to die, she was not afraid to die. But she wanted it to be a meaningful death... One that would cause tears and one that she would be remembered by. If that chance had come, she would've taken it but it had not come by yet and hence, she had yet to pass away. "Yes, sir. I will try my best." Shizuka said, feeling her voice shake as she hid her face in the dark hood that she had only recently bought. Sure, Shizuka had recently learned to dislike Zelrius and despise him. However, he was still her commandant and she was expected to show respect even though the other party had no respect for her. "Thanks, excuse me now." Shizuka whispered to the white haired girl that had taken the time to notice and comfort her. As the woman walked away, Shizuka walked to an area where no one was there and made sure no one was around her and watching before sitting down, blending in with the darkness and burying her face into the hands that had roughened in the past few days. It was a suitable place to let her tears come out... A suitable place to let her feelings become exposed... It was time to let it go. Shizuka sat there, waiting for everyone to gather and taking the time to allow her waves and waves of tears to flow out without control so she would be focused entirely on the boss fight once everyone is here in hopes that she could do a good job and please her guild members and guild commandants.

    Consumed one Safeguard Potion



    HP: 116/116
    Level 29
    Damage: 2
    Evasion: 3

    One-Handed Straight Sword (Rank 1)
    First Aid (Rank 5)
    Search and Detect (Rank 2)
    Concentration (No Rank)
    Survival (No Rank)
    MOD: Field Medic

    Defender (2X Paralyze, 1X Bleed)
    Pink Azure Cloak (3X Evasion)
    Pink Azure Trinket (3X Combat Craft)

    At Ready:
    1X <<Banner of Superior Support>>
    3X <<+20 HP Health Crystals>>



  7. Shizuka looked up at the man who had engaged her curiously. Indeed, it was quite rare for someone to willingly walk up to someone like Shizuka and introduce themselves. Shizuka was quite tired but she didn't exactly mind company either even though she would prefer not to talk at the moment. Indeed, she had become a much more enclosed person these recent days. Because of this, she had become less popular in the world of Sword Arts Online. Not many people was willing to participate in grinding with her. One, due to her suddenly changed attitude in the game and two, due to the fact that she was part of the well-known Azure Brigade. The guild was no doubt the best guild in Aincrad and they weren't exactly known for being the most modest of players. Almost every single member is depressed like Shizuka was. With a sigh, she took another bite of the bacon that she had ordered and nodded her head in response to the man's question. "Sure," Shizuka said, not sure why someone would WANT to sit next to her. But like she said, she could care less. As she chewed the bacon to bits and soon swallowed it, she looked at the man once more well flashing the Azure Brigade sign which was kept at the right side of her black cloak. Her hair was, of course, partially concealed by her cloak but the pinkness could still be seen from the outside. "May I help you?" Shizuka asked, curious as to why the man had sought her out.  "Pardon me, I guess it is impolite for me to ask that question before providing you with comfort. May I get you something to drink or eat? Mr...." Shizuka asked, realizing soon that the man had not quite introduced himself yet.

  8. Shizuka had been sitting on the second floor of the tavern. The tavern was organized in quite a strange manner. It was structured with two floors and on the second floor, there was a square hole in which people from the second floor could look down on the first floor. Of course, this means the second floor was a lot smaller than the first due to the fact that there was less land mass up there. However, Shizuka was the type of person that would chill by the second floor instead of the first. Too many people did not bid Shizuka well at all as she was the quiet type and she had become quieter and quieter as the days went by. Times have frozen for Shizuka... There was no enjoyment, no taste in the life here. Indeed, her life had been utterly clutched and taken away from her when an exaggerated event happened on the frozen land of the fourth floor. Since that event, her heart had been frozen into a bitter, winter, isolated red blob and her eyes, full of spirit, had been changed into something completely opposite. Her love for the fourth floor and its beauty had been changed and she hadn't been on that floor for quite a while and she didn't plan to ever be there again as it would definitely bring back those dreaded memories that she had worked so hard to rid of. Shizuka, her black hood down, revealing her pink cloak as she chewed on a piece of bacon that she had ordered. She didn't mind the heat at all since it was a completely different atmosphere than the floor that she hated with all her heart. With a quiet sigh, she looked away from the table that she sat by herself and looked at the first floor, wondering if there was anyone there and having scanned the area, she saw nobody. With yet another sigh, she put up her black hood and closed her eyes, taking a rest from her day of material gathering.

  9. Shizuka sighed as she walked into the shop. "I hear that my order has been completed, Helios," Shizuka said, her black hood covering her entire pink-haired head. "I am here to pick it up." She finished and hence, without paying, due to the fact that the man was running a promotional sale to promote his new shop with free items for the first several customers. Indeed, Shizuka felt like she had done well to take this item. As a broke healer who has literally no Col, she needed as much allowance as she could get and currently, it sure was nice that she would be able to find materials, even more, easier than she could before with the search and detect items that she had. Speaking of items... My charm is taking a while to make... Maybe I'll check that Artisan's shop again? This is getting rather annoying. Shizuka thought as she walked out of the shop. "Thanks. I'll be sure to visit again when I require food enhancements." Shizuka remembered to mention as she walked through the door to go back to sleep in the guild base.

    +1 Strawberry Cookie (2X Vitamin)

  10. Shizuka blushed and looked away before putting on her hood once more. It's been a while since someone complimented her. Indeed, since she had arrived at this game, she had been taken granted by the people that she had interacted with. Indeed, there were several examples of this occurrence. One, of course, was how Zelrius treated her and others involving Greg Baxen's decreasing love for her and eventually, her loss of feeling for him and his unromantic methods. She had been exposed to unbelievable situations and well, no one had really noticed. No one had bothered to attempt to fix her depression and in this world, she was unimportant... Just another useless healer. Most people believed that she had been handed everything... Probably from her looks but during her short time as an actual active player, she had endured and faced some of the worst things imaginable in this cruel world of SAO. No one knows what it was like for Shizuka... No one in this world had sympathy and no one realized the pain Shizuka was in and even remotely tried to fix it. "Pardon you, my looks are not for you to be impressed or unimpressed with. The way you said it seems as if I am just a pawn. Thanks for the coffee though." Shizuka said, picking up the coffee and drinking it slightly. 

  11. Shizuka had seen the promotional event that Helios was doing with his new shop and guess what? As a healer, Shizuka was absolutely broke. Being an alchemist hasn't really helped her with business and well, she really needed to take advantage of the opportunity of a free food. Shizuka needed an item that gave her vitamins so she could find materials easier with less effort. With a sigh, she put on her black hood and walked into the shop after opening the door wide to walk in. With a sigh, Shizuka placed in an order before walking right out without another word. She did not feel like talking and hence, she shall not talk. All that was necessary was for her to inspect the shop to recognize that it was orderly and clean so she had no other business here. With that, Shizuka walked out, anticipating her free item to come to her in a fast, efficient manner.


    Name: Strawberry Cookie
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: Rank 2 - Apprentice Cook
    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 2X Vitamins
    Description: A strawberry flavored cookie that allows the player a good tasting cookie as well as a magical luck boost that allows them to find materials easier. None knows how this magic occurred.


  12. Name: Crafter's Respite (Reserved for Self)
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 46248
    Roll: 12+1=13
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 1X Crafter's Respite
    Description: A Pink liquid that is placed into a small glass bottle. One drink would reset the crafts of a crafter to allow them more crafting attempts during that day.

    Name: Damage Mitigation Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 46247
    Roll: 10+1=11
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 2X Damage Mitigation
    Description: A pink liquid that is placed into a small glass bottle. One drink would boost the entirety of the user's damage mitigation and toughness by quite a bit. It is considered to be of good quality.

  13. [Used Crafter's Respite]

    ID: 46244
    CD: 1+1=2 (Fail)

    ID: 46245
    CD: 6+1=7 (Good Item)

    ID: 46246
    CD: 2+1=3 (Fail)

    ID: 46247
    CD: 10+1=11 (Rare Item)

    ID: 46248
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)

    -5 MAT
    +17 EXP

    Shizuka found some random Crafter's Respite that she had in her inventory. Indeed, this was the secret formula to her quickly gaining ranks in Alchemy. She must craft more than both Zandra and Manta or she'll never catch up. Shizuka sighed before letting out a big yawn and getting to crafting once more. This time, she wanted another crafter's respite for herself to save up and craft more and more so she'll rank up at an exceptional amount. Alright... Let's do this. Shizuka thought. At the beginning of these five crafts, she had thought that hope had died off but of course, at the last two crafts, luck was by her side and hence, she was able to craft a rare and a perfect item which was good enough for her in all honesty. 

    1X Happiness Potion (See description on page 1)

    Name: Crafter's Respite (Reserved for Self)
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 46248
    Roll: 12+1=13
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 1X Crafter's Respite
    Description: A Pink liquid that is placed into a small glass bottle. One drink would reset the crafts of a crafter to allow them more crafting attempts during that day.

    Name: Damage Mitigation Potion
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 46247
    Roll: 10+1=11
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: 2X Damage Mitigation
    Description: A pink liquid that is placed into a small glass bottle. One drink would boost the entirety of the user's damage mitigation and toughness by quite a bit. It is considered to be of good quality.

  14. Name: Crafter's Respite (Reserved for Self)
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 46239
    Roll: 11+1=12
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 1X Crafter's Respite
    Description: A Pink liquid that is placed into a small glass bottle. One drink would reset the crafts of a crafter to allow them more crafting attempts during that day.

    [The next two items were made after using a different Crafter's Respite]

  15. ID: 46238
    CD: 7+1=8 (Good Item)

    ID: 46239
    CD: 11+1=12 (Perfect Item)

    ID: 46240
    CD: 7+1=8 (Good Item)

    ID: 46241
    CD: 2+1=3 (Fail)

    ID: 46242
    CD: 4+1=5 (Good Item)

    -5 MAT
    +15 EXP

    Shizuka decided that it had been way too long since she had last done crafting. Indeed, despite her moment of depression, she must continue to strive to become one of the greatest healers and supports in this game. To become a skilled healer, she needed many potions and other sorts of healing products and hence, she must be high leveled in the field of alchemy. Zandra at the moment, is the greatest alchemy as far as she is aware at the moment but Shizuka wanted to change that... She needed to become better and to do this, she must brew potions after potions and become a great healer. Hence, she began to craft and at first, it was quite rusty but soon, she was able to regain her skills and craft a perfect for another opportunity at crafting.

    3X Happiness Potion (See description on page 1)

    Name: Crafter's Respite (Reserved for Self)
    Your Profession: Alchemist
    Your Rank: 4
    ID: 46239
    Roll: 11+1=12
    Item Type: Potion
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 1X Crafter's Respite
    Description: A Pink liquid that is placed into a small glass bottle. One drink would reset the crafts of a crafter to allow them more crafting attempts during that day.

  16. Shizuka watched from the distance as things got interesting. She had just met Lowenthal and from that, she had recognized the value of positivity in this game. However, the event... the special event that had happened in her past had yet to disappear from her sacred, negative mind. She hoped that it would soon clear up and here, she was feeling the urge to introduce herself to the two players that seemed like they were going to do a quest. Soon, she reached the conclusion that she would go ahead and walk up to them. With her black cloak equipped, she walked up to the two players... One had blue hair while the other was... just a child. Shizuka sighed, realizing that even children are stuck in this game. Oh well... The creator sure is a messed up person. Shizuka realized and with that, she spoke to the two players. "Name's Shizuka. Healer of the Azure Brigade and I am sure that you two wouldn't mind me joining you on this quest." Shizuka spoke with a hidden face that had no emotion. The only thing that had changed on her face was the fact that her mouth had been moving.

  17. ID: 46138
    LD: 17+4=21

    Shizuka sighed as she prepared to head back to her shop and do the daily crafting that she had to complete. Shizuka looked around once more, hoping that perhaps she might be able to find one more material before the night approaches. Just one more. She thought and with that, she managed to see an apple in the distance. Without hesitation, Shizuka reached up and grasped the apple tightly before tugging, releasing the red apple from the tree that held it. Well, at least, I got one. She thought, yawning in exhaustion as she walked off into the distance back to floor one.

    Total Materials: 1

  18. ID: 46136
    LD: 10+4=14

    Shizuka didn't expect time to run out so fast. She had expected that it was still daytime outside but she was wrong and she really didn't have much time to gather as much materials as possible. She looked around in a location just outside of the outsprings in hopes that something shiny might catch her eyes and with the use of her equipment and skill, she expected material gathering to be quite simple. Shizuka sighed, wondering whether she might find anything before the day has ended. Zelrius was gone from sight and well, she would have to go ahead and finish up soon.

    Total Materials: 0

  19. Shizuka's eyebrows went up as she saw the blonde boy's dramatic and obnoxious method of leaving the scene. Whatever. Shizuka thought with a roll of her eyes. She had better things to do than to be frustrated by the cocky blonde boy anyways. With a sigh, she stood up and got dressed having had her warmth from the Hot Springs. However, she had not equipped her usual pink cloak. Instead, she had equipped her <<Golden Eagle>> cloak... One that she had yet to use ever since obtaining it from Zelrius. The reason that she had done this was because the cloak gave a plus 2 loot dice and that combined with the two loot dice skills that she had was able to help her out with material gathering. Indeed, now that she was dressed, she would go ahead and do a bit of material gathering for her shop before returning either to her shop or to go back to the headquarters of the Azure Brigade.

    [I'll finish up this thread by myself since you left]

  20. Shizuka smirked in delight as she also heard that Ssendom had managed to find the building. It had taken long enough and Shizuka was definitely not complaining about the fact that they had found the Chapel. She smiled as she caught up to Hikoru and Ssendom and looked into the horizon. Of course, it was a massive building. Well, the fact that we're all blind has been proven. She thought with a face palm. I can't believe this took so long. And with that she, spun around. "Yeah. Ssendom... Didn't Zelrius say he would meet us around here? So he can deal some intense damage to the quest mobs?" Shizuka asked, not sure where the blonde boy was or whether he would even be coming. He is known for his laziness after all. Shizuka thought and she decided to sit down, feeling the tiredness that her legs now provided her with. What a drag... Such a long day of walking. 

  21. Shizuka's eyebrows rose as the man decided that saying she looked younger was a good idea. She sighed and looked at the waiter in the corner of the room. "That's the first time someone had said I looked younger than 18," She said lazily without making eye contact. "But it's not in my nature to slap someone out in the public." She finished with quite a sarcastic tone as she looked back at her newly made coffee. I'll definitely craft after this. She thought, picking up the cup and with a sudden unexpected burst, she felt the coffee cup drop. It was as if it was slow motion and despite Shizuka's fast reflexes, she was unable to dodge the attacks of the coffee that had come from the cup. The coffee had stained her black cloak and even though one could barely tell, she was still sad that her new cloak was contaminated. Oh well... I'll get it washed off soon enough. Shizuka thought but there was something more worrying to her. "My coffee..." She whispered quietly, staring at her now fallen and empty cup. At this point, her hood was fully off, freeing her long, pink hair from the shelter of her black hood, causing her true looks to reveal.

  22. ID: 45731
    LD: 8+3=11

    Shizuka had never had such frustration before. Indeed, she had not prepared for a day of frustration as she hadn't expected to find a chapel to be of such difficulty. Shizuka sighed, disappointed that she had yet to even find a trace of this Chapel. How hard could it be? Shouldn't it be a huge building that could be seen from miles around with a cross on the top of the building to signify that it was a chapel? So why in the hell is it this hard to find? Shizuka thought, frustration clearly seeking in as she was yet to find any evidence of the chapel being around her. I'll move on to a different spot then. Shizuka decided.

  23. Shizuka's eyebrows went straight up as she heard the brave words of Tobi. Indeed, perhaps she had changed. Actually, she was fully aware that she had changed and she knew exactly where this change had come from. Still, she was not pleased with the fact that Tobi, someone much less in position had decided that he was going to scold Shizuka for "not paying attention". Sure, she had been eating ramen for a bit of the battle and keeping an eye on the child. However, she was quite focused. As a healer, she had no need to dodge any attacks nor did she need to attack. Her damage was equivalent to nothing and the fact that she had landed the last hit was a surprise even to her. All she had to do was monitor her party's health and hope that luck was on her side. Of course, most of the time, it truly wasn't on her side but she knew that she was one of the best healers in Aincrad and she had no desire for a lecture from someone such as the boy in front of her. Shizuka didn't back down from the man's challenge and instead, stared straight into his eyes with the coldness that she held in her eyes. "I am fully aware of my change, mind you. I am focused when I need to focus and here I had no need to do such a thing. It is the outcome that matters, not the way that one goes about to complete it. Here, I was eating ramen and taking naps but the outcome was still perfect wasn't it? Hell, I would've liked you to get hurt a bit so I can heal you." Shizuka scowled angrily. and despite the fact that she was quite short, it felt like she was on the top of the Empire State Building. "You are a weak fool, Tobi. People are not influenced by you. You have no power nor influence. Time is something that flows around without stopping and you are just another unimportant play thing for Kayaba. Come seek me when you become stronger." With that, Shizuka turned to leave but soon stopped next to Helios and without looking at him as she was facing directly in front of her. "I'm not sure anymore... Not even sure if Azure trusts me." And finally, she walked off into the distance, her eyes gleaming in defiance and her hair flowing through the wind as her robes accompanied her exit dramatically. 

    ID: 45737
    LD: 12
    300 Col

  24. [Alright. I guess we're not letting Dom edit then.]

    ID: 45555
    LD: 16+3=19

    Shizuka sighed. She could sense that they were getting close. Sense it. Indeed, something told her that if they continued to search the surrounding area, they would soon be able to find this hidden chapel. Only a little bit more. The atmosphere here is so different. She thought as she looked around once more and sighed as she had failed to see anything. Still, her instincts told her that she was really close. So close. She thought as she walked forwards, waiting for something to come to her or for something to appear that told the party of where this chapel was. Such long time though... This is really annoying. She thought. Her patience was obviously running out through all this venturing.

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