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Posts posted by Shizuka

  1. Shizuka sighed. Indeed, they had spent quite a huge amount of time just searching for the chapel and the battle hasn't even started. She was waiting to craft and it seemed like she would not be able to craft as she was sure that by the time she get to her shop, she was be absolutely exhausted. Shizuka sighed once more, disappointed that they were still out here but one must continue and strive on no matter how harsh and difficult a situation may seem to be. There's always a solution... You just have to strive for it. Shizuka thought and looked around.

    ID: 45517
    LD: 12+3=15

    Still, nothing could come of Shizuka's search and she could hear the bored humming that was coming from Ssendom. Shizuka sighed and continued to walk, hoping that something might show her the way to the chapel and hence shorten up this search progress because this was taking quite a long time... Way too long for Shizuka's patience. Uh oh... I'm getting frustrated... Calm down.

  2. Shizuka smiled when the man decided that time was getting late and it was wise to return back to the town now and of course, Shizuka did not object. However, he looked around the cavern once more in hopes of finding one last material before she went. Yes, she would be getting a bit of skill points from this and boy, she didn't mind that at all. Shizuka yawned, quite tired from the dancing and the action but knew that the dancing was quite good in relieving of the frightening quest earlier that day. Shizuka sighed, her eyes scanning the area for any light that would catch her eyes.

    ID: 45516
    LD: 20+2=12

    Shizuka smiled as she saw a crystal laying right in front of her. Without another word, she rushed upon it and pulled it away from the sheltering ground and hence, she was able to add one more to her material gathering half-session. Shizuka stood up and looked at Jomei. "Alright. Let's go then!" She said, quite optimistic for this new skill point that she would soon receive and the new crafting opportunities given to her by these materials.

    Total Materials: 5

  3. ID: 45514
    BD: 7-1=6
    LD: 1+2=3 (1 MAT)
    Sword Art <<Snake Bite>> Activated

    Shizuka grinned. She saw the bat proceeding towards the party once more and she sensed a great opportunity to actually get a hit and perhaps finish off the bat. Shizuka groaned and took a deep breath, preparing for combat as she was unquestionably not one that you'd want on the front of the party with her sword held up. However, she would definitely be able to strike the bat from up close like this. With a fluid arm motion, she was able to pierce the bat's body, sending it into its doom as Shizuka had managed to finish the remaining of its diminutive little health. What a shame.... It's a shame to be defeated by a healer such as this. Shizuka thought and backed off, accepting the one material that she would get a loot. Brilliant. Only one, though... I'll get some crafting done I guess.  She thought and yawned before stepping back to the two others, expecting one of them to begin walking out.

    Total Material: 1

  4. Shizuka sighed, she was determined to reach this crystal this time around. She knew that her luck was comparable to utter crap and she admitted it as well. Even with her current level in Search and Detect, she could not find any sort of materials that could be of any use to her. Sure, she had gotten four materials but honestly, she had spent much time in search and four honesty wasn't enough. She is willing to go for this crystal once more, hoping that she would be able to grab it off the cave. Honestly, it was as if she was a dancer who was dancing the beat of the music. Shizuka closed her eyes and spun around beautifully in the darkness of the cavern which was lit up only by an occasional lighting that came from a light blue crystal. The glow was fabulous and so was her dancing. She had grown up in quite a rich household and honestly, she was offered a lot more musical choices but she only chose two. One was the violin and the other was dancing. She was the master of both. Honestly, Shizuka hadn't danced in a while and she had thought of this opportunity. Shizuka closed her eyes, spun around with lots of peaceful, smooth, graceful dance moves and allowed her pink hair to swing into the hair. Little did she know... This will be one of the last moments that she'll ever get to dance like this for a while.

  5. Shizuka yawned and rubbed her eyes. Nights of failure to sleep at really taken a toll on her body and she decided that as soon as she returns, she'll take one massive nap now that she managed to get a lot of things off her chest. Of course, that was when she heard the orange haired man ask her of her age. Indeed, Shizuka had been quite curious on the man's age as well. "Age? Don't you know that it is not polite to ask a lady of her age, sir?" Shizuka replied with a grin. Her tone had obviously been one of a joking tone. However, the man might not have gotten the message as Shizuka was quite serious most of the time. Ever since that event. Shizuka thought, clutching her fist in hatred and her teeth in utter fierceness. Still, she snapped back when she realized that Lowenthal was still waiting for an answer. "Uhm... I'm eighteen." Shizuka said, scratching her head, now that her hood was down and her hair was exposed. Shizuka had been quite open to this man. Perhaps it was due to the fact that he was her guild commandant now. Still, she felt that that wasn't the case as she had never been open with Zelrius. In fact, they haven't had a conversation such as this... ever. Not that Shizuka minded. The blonde haired man never liked her. However, this Lowenthal seemed a lot more friendlier and interested. In fact, Shizuka was sure Zelrius doesn't even know his age. "What about you?" Shizuka asked.

  6. Shizuka smiled as the music rang into her ears. However, after a while of nodding her head to the tune, she decided that it was best for her if she was to gather some more materials while Jomei was peacefully playing his instrument. She sighed and walked around, still admiring the man's instrument chords. It was quite fabulous, she had never thought that the world of Aincrad could allow player made music. However, she didn't see why not. Despite the fact that Shizuka had been active and going for quite a while now, she still found this world to be a mystery. Shizuka sighed, spinning her head around, perhaps maybe there might be some sort of crystals stuck in the ceiling or something.

    ID: 44979
    LD: 12+2=14

    Shizuka did see one in the corner of her eyes and immediately, she charged forward. At the last moment, she jumped high into the sky, soaring in the air for a while, allowing her pink cloak to give off quite the flying effect. However, she was unable to reach the high crystals even though she had jumped quite high. Shizuka returned to her starting point and prepared yet another jump. She would try once more and hope that she would get it... She had been quite close last time.

    Total Materials: 4

  7. Shizuka herself had been laying on her bed. She had been quite bored of the morning and the day didn't seem like it would hold any spectacular significance either. Still, she had to fight off the urge to return to the first floor and do some crafting. Times have been sad, the sky had been gloomy. However, it was just a regular day in the world of Aincrad. With a sigh, she took off her socks and lay in her bed with just her underwear on but it would be fine as her door was locked and her window was blocked. Not that there was anything out there except for tombstones. Honestly, the tombstones sure were a good fit for the status of the guild. More than half of the guild was depressed and Shizuka belonged to that category as well. It wasn't as if she wanted to be... But the events that she had experienced since becoming an active player in this Swords Art Online game was more than enough to break the strongest of players, let along a weakling such as she. Shizuka sighed, rolling over and stared blankly at the white, blank wall that was surrounding her and engulfing her. Blank... Plain...... Nothing special. Shizuka thought. Seems like the definition of Shizuka. Soon, after laying there for a while, her eyes began to grow heavy and that was when she heard the knocking.

    Slowly, Shizuka rose up and called out. "Coming!" Shizuka shouted in a quiet voice (Not sure if that was even possible) and stood up while opening her inventory. Soon, she was dressed in her usual black Azure cloak and her starting cloth which was underneath. With the third sigh of the day, Shizuka walked to the wooden door and opened it slowly. It was quite unusual that someone had come to visit her... Let along for it to be Zelrius, someone whom Shizuka hadn't met in quite a long time now that she thought about it. Indeed, she had been searching for him since the day that he announced his parting. "Zelrius," Shizuka said plainly, unemotional but with just a plain statement. With a yawn, she lifted up her black hood to hide her face and began to speak once more. "I assume you are here for a farewell? Or perhaps something less polite than that. Either way, come inside. I wouldn't mind what you want to say." Shizuka finished and walked in before pulling up a chair and sitting on her untidy bed, herself.

  8. Shizuka smiled and took the chocolate bar gratefully. She then heard her stomach grumble and a simple chocolate bar truly wouldn't be that much. However, Shizuka didn't really have anything in her inventory to eat except for several tasteless bread that she would definitely not like to do such a thing. Shizuka smirked and opened up the chocolate before taking a bite into it to discover that it was similar to the taste of milk. In real life, Shizuka had never really experienced the taste of sweets back due to the fact that her father had thought that she would gain fat and not serve her role as a "business attraction." Shizuka had honestly begun to despise her father for his selfishness and greed. However, he was still her father and the man who had provided her with everything she had, including the game itself. She could imagine that her mother was crying over her still body while her father was away on international meets, trying his hardest to ignore the fact that his daughter was stuck inside a video game that he himself had bought. Shizuka finished off the chocolate and felt her Loot Die stats increase immediately. However, Shizuka decided to sit down and take a slight break in order to gather up some energy and hopefully finish the gathering.

  9. Shizuka smiled. "I wouldn't mind. It sure would be nice." Of course, she wouldn't mind. Indeed, she had actually not heard of any player made music so far. However, Shizuka was expecting quite good music to come from that magical flute of Jomei. She had not seen a single instrument so far and well, she played the violin in real life so she would have to ask Jomei where he managed to get that instrument as she was quite interested in getting a violin for her own use. Still, she was no performer so there'd really be no point but she really would like to polish her violin skills while being in this game. But, there was no telling whether the violin techniques work the same in the game and in real life. If she had to invest in some sort of skill in order to play the violin, she was definitely not going to do so as anything that doesn't help her healing is pretty much useless. Shizuka sighed as Jomei prepared to play his instrument and looked around in the meantime.

    ID: 44905
    LD: 1+2=3

    Unsurprisingly, though, there was nothing in the surrounding radius and she was rather unsurprised. She had found that material gathering in this game had become increasingly difficult nowadays and she had no idea how to change that. With a smile, she looked back at Jomei, prepared to listen to what sort of music he would sprew up for her.

  10. Shizuka shrugged. Very well. She thought and jumped towards the two players with energy. Indeed, she had quite a bit of energy despite the fact that they had spent such a long time searching for what she had thought was quite an easy-to-find building. Through her common sense, she had thought that a Chapel was meant to be easily found due to the size that they are created with but Shizuka guessed that that apparently doesn't apply in this game. Still, she had lots of energy to burn at the moment so she'll definitely not mind doing this. However, during this time, she could be material gathering back on the first floor. As soon as the party reached the Northern part of the floor, Shizuka began to search immediately, the land was plain and there truly wasn't that many materials anywhere... However, no matter how hard it was to find this location, Shizuka believed that they would be able to find this location soon.

    ID: 44898
    LD: 2+2=4

    Shizuka sighed. There was nothing within the area here either and it seemed like the material gathering was going to be quite pointless. Still, she would try her hardest in order to find this place and hurry the quest up because at this rate, she was not going to be anywhere close to finishing up this quest since neither of the three players seemed to have a clue as to where this Chapel was.

  11. Shizuka ignored the orange haired man on his comment of her having a nice shot. Indeed, it must have looked pretty darn cool but she had truly just been too lazy to go ahead and walk over to the garbage can. Indeed, she had wanted to save her energy and she would've ignored the trash even if she had managed to miss the target. With a yawn, she ordered another coffee from a different waiter. She hadn't had much sleep recently as her mind had been rather bothered by the recent events that had taken place in her life here. She had lost interest in her lover and found him to be too plain, too simple and honestly, he hadn't been there when she needed her. After a while of inactivity, Shizuka had lost contact with him and honestly, she minded not. It wasn't as if Greg Baxen was a bad person... It was just that he was lacking something... Something that Shizuka could place her fingers on. Shizuka sighed and yawned once more as she waited and listened carefully to Lowenthal's questions. "How I came to be part of the Azure Brigade? Well, I didn't apply. It seems like someone managed to notice me and my 'potential' and they had a vote in which I was accepted into the guild. Of course, I accepted... I was not going to refuse an offer from the best guild in the game considering I was only level 10 or something back then." Shizuka explained and coughed. "Not much of a coffee guy huh? I'm sure they have other things on that menu." 

  12. Shizuka, still thinking about her half-drunk coffee and the word exchange a few minutes ago, was hesitant to shake the orange-haired man's hand. Finally, she figured that if she was going to have to have him as her guild commandant, she might as well get to know him better. Plus, he seemed interesting enough for a first encounter. Shizuka smiled and silently took the man's hand and gave it a short, firm shake before releasing. "I'm Shizuka. Healer of the Azure Brigade." Shizuka said, turning back to her coffee and taking a few sips until she finished it all. Without looking, she clutched onto the cup and tossed it behind her where a garbage can was conviently placed. Hence, the cup fell through the garbage can like a basketball going into a basket hoop. Woah. I didn't expect that to look so cool. Shizuka thought, not turning her head by looking with extended vision. Brilliant. She finished and looked back at the menu. I sure could use a bit more coffee. Shizuka thought, pointing a finger at her chin while scanning the menu for anything interesting. 

  13. Shizuka sighed. She had actually hoped that she didn't have to heal Tobi due to her laziness but it couldn't be helped as she was probably expected to do such as a thing as a healer... Not just a healer but one of the greatest healers in the entirety of Aincrad. Oh well. Shizuka thought before walking up to the man and attempting a heal. It would be a lot harder here in the darkness but it shouldn't affect someone like her. With a smirk, she walked over to Tobi, placed her hand on his back and concentrated the skill into her hand before hoping that it would actually work here in the darkness.

    ID: 44839
    CD: 1+3=4-1=3
    <<First Aid>> Not activated

    Shizuka was about to face success when the NPC girl that she was supposed to rescue decide that she was simply going to pounce on her leg due to boredom. Shizuka cursed and watched as her turn went by just like that. How annoying. Shizuka thought as she took the hand of the girl and literally dragged her a few steps back in order to provide both her and the girl with safety. Shouldn't matter though. That bat doesn't have much health left over. She realized with common sense.

  14. "What he owes me?" Shizuka repeated, looking down at the ground in disappointment. "He owes me an explanation. As a commandant, he had always been unsatisfied with my abilities and as a member, I'd always tried to please him. I have always resented him for not opening up to me and that resentment turned to hatred when I heard that he had gone and bought an exposed costume for a girl without permission." She finally finished and absorbed a moment of silence. "There's really not much you can do. Now that he has disappeared, I won't be able to accepted by the commandant and I won't be able to ask him for his reason of doing such a thing like buying such a poor clothing fashion for an innocent girl." Shizuka began once more and looked back at her coffee with a hard face filled with hardness. "This world really is hard eh. Seems like everyone's so sad all the time. You seem different, though... Maybe that is why Zelrius chose you as a commandant." Shizuka said before realizing that she wasn't being respectful towards the person that had claimed to be the replacement of Zelrius. "Uh. Sorry about that. I spoke too much... Mr....?" Shizuka asked, willing the name of her new commandant.

  15. Shizuka frowned. "Indeed," Shizuka said. However, she was unable to pinpoint where the injured boy was. Of course, he needed a bit of treatment even though it wasn't fatal. Shizuka truly needed to see him yet she was unable to which means she had to go ahead and try to find him in the dark before actually attempting to give him a healing boost. With a sigh, Shizuka stood up and started to walk, hoping she could, at least, hear something or see an outline of the boy in order to walk up and activate her first aid skill from close-up.

    ID: 44799
    LD: 5

    Shizuka sighed. There was no way she could find the boy here in the darkness. With yet another sigh, Shizuka returned back to her original spot where she could somehow see Helios. "Yeah. I can't find him. Ti's near impossible here in the darkness." She said, watching the girl playing with stones while she leaned against the cave wall. This sure is fun. Shizuka thought. At least I'll be getting the skill points by the end of this... That is why I'm here.


  16. Shizuka had been having a sip of her coffee when she heard the distant name of Zelrius. The name... It was familiar. Indeed, she hadn't heard of that boy's name for a while and well, the boy had gone missing for quite a long time now. No one had had a clue of where he is and one of the guild members, Daeron had already gone ahead and left the club. Indeed, the guild was a mess right now... More than half of its members were either depressed or troubled and now that they were without one of their greatest members, things were not looking bright at all. Shizuka sighed and that was when she realized that the orange-haired man had a connection to Zelrius. Indeed, she had been searching for him for a while now. There were two reasons as to why she was doing such a thing. One was because she wanted the leader to return and lead. The other reason was simply because she wanted an explanation... She wanted to know why the blonde had run away when everyone needed him, why he had disliked Shizuka, why he had given up. Shizuka's attention immediately turned towards the man.  "Zelrius? You know where he is? Please let me talk to him." Shizuka said. "Forget about the drink or my 'down'. I need to talk to him. He owes me something... Something important." 

  17. Shizuka looked over at a voice that seemed to come from her right. With a frown, she looked over to see someone that she hadn't seen before. She took another sip of coffee while taking her time to check the man out. He had claimed that he had made her cloak but that was the wrong assumption. Of course, either the man had some problems with memory or he had mistaken her cloak for something. Indeed, she had actually ordered this cloak from Kayla, better known as Ariel, the highest ranked tailor in the game. Of course, as she was now part of the greatest guild in the game, she needed the greatest equipment as well. With a sigh, she looked over at the man and spoke quietly. "I'm afraid you have mistaken this cloak for something that you have made. It was actually created by Ariel." Shizuka said and with a slight smile, she had another drink of coffee and realized that the orange haired guy was still sitting there. "May I get you something to drink?" She asked politely, not wanting to be rude to someone that she had just. Plus, the guy looked so happy and cheerful... Something that she hadn't experienced in a long time. Keep that happiness... It is something to cherish. Shizuka thought, holding back a bit of tear and feeling her heart crumble for the millionth time since yesterday. 

  18. Shizuka sighed, her eyes filled with disappointment as she arrived here on the eleventh floor. She had indeed never been here before and she was unsure of what adventures that might await her here on the first floor of the intermediates. She had heard that this was a nice place and it sure was nice that she was able to see a nice place for once having been stuck in a graveyard for quite a while. Indeed, she sucked up a patch of air before putting up her hood and starting to walk while studying the town. Her pink hair was half covered by the hood of her black cloak and her beautiful, stunning eyes were well-covered from the public sight. Her eyes were a shade darker than she used to have and her voice was a lot deeper than she had prior to the exclusive event. That fateful event which changed her a lot. A drastic amount that had managed to turn her life and personality upside down and she didn't like it at all. It wasn't as if she wanted to be like this. Indeed, she had tried to find something in her life which she could take love and pride for but she had nothing. Zelrius, someone she had tried to please for a long time had disappeared and became missing. He had never really liked her anyway. Honestly, she couldn't find anyone in this world which she had a connection with. Sure, Greg Baxen was there... But... Shizuka had lost her feelings for him. The love was no longer there and once it disappears, there was no point in staying together. Shizuka sighed and opened the door to a European style cafe before looking around to see everyone doing whatever they were doing. She walked over to the counter grumpily and ordered a cup of coffee from the waitress.

  19. Shizuka had no intention of attacking this turn as the girl had started to cry. Indeed, she was going to comfort her by leading her way away from the battle and playing with her. Of course, she was too lazy to run around... She just simply watched as the girl began to pick up rocks and rocks before chugging them across the cave perimeter with no intentions as to why she is doing such a thing at all. It seemed like the girl was quite bored and to be honest, Shizuka was getting more bored by the second as the battle continued. She had no idea why she had come along especially since absolutely no one had taken any damage for her to heal. With a yawn, she realized that the girl was quite similar to her as a child. She had been innocent but now, she was changed. It sure took her back to those days... Perhaps she might be able to find something that changes her back to who she used to be and she sure would like that. 

  20. Shizuka smirked as she heard a repeat of the question. Indeed, this was the question that Shizuka had asked the ginger a while back. Back when she wasn't part of the Azure Brigade and back when she was still just a foolish, weak girl. Back then, she had no clue to what the game was like and now, she was probably the same level as Jomei or just a bit under. Of course, she must continue to grow or she will never be one of the greatest players in Aincrad. However, she had no need to be so high leveled. She can simply relax now as she was just a support. She had mastered her healing and now she was just lurking around trying to get her health up and to be honest, it really wasn't worth all that effort. Shizuka sighed as she looked around once more. "Yeah. I did find out that the sky cried. It took a while but I ended up seeing the tears fall from the sky from my own bed." Shizuka said, a wide-mouthed grin forming before she looked back down at the ground in hopes for something that can prove significant to her.

    ID: 44676
    LD: 17+2=19

    Shizuka smiled as she saw a molten rock in the distance and with a smirk, she charged over and without hesitation, picked it up before inserting it into her inventory as she had managed to get another material.

    Total Materials: 3

  21. Shizuka sighed a bit more as she looked around. It seemed like Ssendom had gone ahead and engaged himself with several skeleton like mobs and she didn't mind. She watched as the man was able to kill them all with complete ease and truly, Shizuka had not anticipated such an enormous amount of Col to appear as loot from those different mobs. However, she was glad for the man. Indeed, he had claimed to be the richest man in Aincrad when they first met and now Shizuka was well aware of what he meant. With a sigh, Shizuka continued to walk before noticing that Hikoru was looking at the fight as well and he looked quite fatigued for some reason even though all they had been doing was walk around looking for materials. Nevertheless, Shizuka must continue to search in hopes that she would be able to find it soon and hence cause the two other players less energy in trying to locate the quest area. Alrighty then... Shizuka thought, turning her head, watching out for anything suspicious in the distance.

    ID: 44675
    LD: 2+2=4

    Shizuka sighed. She had indeed thought to search for something suspicious but now, she was staring to perhaps consider that she had rather find this suspicious place than to avoid it. She just wanted to get this quest over and done now so she can return home. Little did she know that she would soon be faced with a much more challenge... A fight with herself. A man vs man challenge conflict and she was the person that was the victim of the fight.

  22. "Zel? He's probably just stressed and stuff. Still, he has been acting weird and I'm blaming it primarily on how much hate and stress he gets from being one of the greatest players. However, I don't really like him that much. Sure, I respect him as a leader but there's this girl called Erin who isn't very high leveled and Zel decided to give her a costume that literally exposes half of her body. Who does that? Plus, he doesn't seem to like me very much so I really could care less about him even if I respect him greatly. I'm sure he'll be back to normal soon." Shizuka replied, smirking as she looked down upon the ground in high hopes that she could find something to aid her in alchemy. 

    ID: 44451
    LD: 16+2=18

    Shizuka's eyes gleamed in excitement has she managed to spot one more laying on the ground for her. With no hesitation, she bent down and picked the item up before rotating it and inspecting it carefully. Surely, there was not be something that she could use and here it was... Something that she can use. With a proud smirk, she inserted it into her inventory.

    +1 Material
    Total Material: 2

  23. "Nothing yet!" Shizuka said, looking around. She hadn't anticipated such a chapel to be a hard thing to find. It is a building after all and one would think that it would be quite easy. However, they must continue to search and she can't actually hack the game no matter how much she wanted to. Indeed, she would have to endure this... Not that she had any hacking skills. Shizuka sighed, switched to a new location to look once more, hoping that she would be able to catch a glimpse of some massive building in the middle of nowhere.

    ID: 44449
    LD: 16 + 2= 18 (So close ;-;) 

    Shizuka's eyes lit up as she saw something in the distance. Indeed, she should be able to find something that could be good for her and maybe it was the chapel. However, her head fell when she realized that it was nothing and when she turned, she somehow managed to trip on a nearby rock and fall upon the ground. Argh... Shizuka thought, annoyed that that had happened before standing up and patting off some dust off her.

  24. And with that attack, the bat had been taken out completely. However, there was yet another one that would require the attention of Shizuka and she would try to stun the bat this time as she couldn't remember whether paralysis leaves the target immune for a turn. Whatever.  Shizuka thought, preparing her <<Uppercut>> sword art which would hopefully land and prevent the bat from attacking. Indeed, if she continues to do such deeds and prevent the bat from attacking, then there'd be no way that the bat could possibly deal any damage to any of them. How annoying... What a boring fight... Why can't one of you get hurt so I can heal you? Shizuka thought, despite the fact that she really shouldn't.

    ID: 44448
    BD: 2-1=1

    Sword Art <<Uppercut>> Activated

    Shizuka was unable to stun the bat. She had missed her target completely when she leaped into what she thought was the bat but turned out wasn't. She shook her head in disappointment before turning to retreat calmly. Indeed, the bat was not targeting her so she had no worries about her safety. And the other two wouldn't be worried because of me. Shizuka thought, eyes glimmering in the darkness. 


    Helios: 36/36 | D: 4 | Energy: 2/9 | Hate: 3
    CaptainUndead: 48/48 | D: 5 | M: 11 | E: 3 | Energy: 0/12 | Hate: 4
    Shizuka: 104/104 | D: 2 | E: 2 | Energy: 23/26 | Hate: 2


    Giant Bat: 0/75 | D: 25
    Giant Bat: 31/75 | D: 25

  25. Shizuka smiled at the fact that her item had been created with such amazing speed. However, she wasn't exactly surprised at that fact because she had expected it. Last time, the blonde woman had done so with amazing pace and this time, she had expected the same especially if she had to pay an extraordinary amount of material for it. She came into the shop with her pink cloak on which was soon replaced with a black cloak. It suited her perfectly, a darkness to hide another darkness... And Shizuka had to hold out tears before striving out, wearing her new cloak. 

    +1 <<Dark Azure Cloak>>

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