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Posts posted by Shizuka

  1. Honestly, Shizuka was not exactly excited to be spending such an amount of time for material gathering. She had much preferred to sit out in the sun and admire the sun as it stoops down to hide behind the mountains that shelter the warmth and keeps the sun flowing. Of course, she had a duty and she was going to fulfill her destiny, however, work was something that Shizuka had never been fond of and will probably never be so fond of in the foreseeable future either. Still, the future was far away, and despite the fact that these newer floors were all dark and dreary, there were sure to be more light that were to be shed upon this world. "Well, thanks for staying with me for this gathering session, Jomei-San." Shizuka said with a smirk as she looked around once more, hoping for more materials that she might be able to put to use even though that might be a while when she actually feels inspired to do any sort of crafts.

    ID: 44381
    LD: 10+2=12

    Shizuka however, was unable to see anything in the distance that was worth any of her attention. Of course, she would have to hurry and improve her Search and Detect and due to the fact that it is so low at the moment, it was actually no surprise that she couldn't do much in terms of efficiency.

    Total MAT: 1

  2. Shizuka smiled. "I mean, I'm kind of lazy so I should've probably increased my alchemist level a lot more by this time. However, I'm making steady progress and if I continue like this, it should be no time when I grandmaster my alchemist duties. Also, I've been quite good on increasing my First Aid skill to ensure my certainty of providing my DPS and tanks with the maximum amount of healing possible. Right now, it seems like I never have enough materials to work with and perhaps this is due to the fact that my maximum crafts per day are increasing and I can't really kill all those mobs for a great input of col and materials like some other Azure Brigade members. By the way, are you in a guild? I've never heard you mention whether you are in a guild."

  3. Indeed, she had heard that this chapel was a burden to find. Indeed, she wanted no such burden but it might have to be that this would take quite a while for the party to find. However, she was determined to make this work and she wanted that extra skill point which would surely help the three players on their journey to the end of Sword Art Online. Skill points... Shizuka thought, walking away from the other two in order to find this chapel which the quest would be fought at. Hopefully, this doesn't take as long as I expect it to.

    ID: 44260
    LD: 12+3=15

    Shizuka had been searching for this chapel. However, she was also keeping her eyes out for any materials that she might be able to use. However, she had realized that the land was bare and there really wasn't much that could be done for her to be able to find any materials that could be worthy for her cause.

  4. Shizuka smiled in sympathy at the girl who was now hiding behind her back. There really wasn't anything that she could do for her outfit. Indeed, this was all an act by Zelrius... Someone that she had lost respect for in the past few minutes and it was all because of his foolish choice of allowing Erin and providing her an outfit of such absurdness. Indeed, she takes no liking to the blonde boy now and she was rather upset that Erin would have to put up with something that Zelrius had selfishly put into place without considering the feelings of the other side. Quite pitiful and shameful this is. Shizuka thought, allowing the girl to bury herself in order to hide. Soon, Shizuka and the blonde girl arrived at the ice cream shop and as they entered, they were immediately kicked out due to the fact that customers must have "Shirts on." Shizuka spit on the ground pissed off that her favorite ice cream shop was doing such a thing to her. "Come on Erin... We're going to have to go to a different place now." Shizuka said, beginning to walk.

  5. Shizuka stood up. Still, she was feeling quite lazy yet she knew that she would have to eventually do something or else the two other players would become extremely upset with her. Already, she was feeling the disappointment given to her by the two other players. However, no matter what she did... she only had such little amount of damage that she could manage to muster and it was literally equivalent to an ant's damage on a player. Indeed, her damage level was completely useless and there was legit no reason for her to actually attack. Still, she guessed that it wouldn't hurt if she stunned one of the bats in able to ensure the safety of Captain Undead as the atmosphere was becoming more filled with tension by the moment. Alrighty. Shizuka thought, her eyes glimmering with darkness. Let's stun then. She thought before charging up to the second bat.

    ID: 44252
    BD: 8-1=7
    Sword Art <<Snake Bite>> Activated

    Shizuka was hoping for a nice and easy paralysis effect. However, due to the darkness, she was unable to do such a thing. Shizuka smirked, however when her sword made contact and she was pleased with the stun that her sword had been able to inflict upon the bat. Such a weak mob... Shizuka thought. So unimportant in this game of death. Shizuka realized as she closed her eyes, leaving the bat on the ground, stunned that it had been delivered a hit upon. 


    Helios: 36/36 | D: 4 | Energy: 4/9 | Hate: 2
    CaptainUndead: 48/48 | D: 5 | M: 11 | E: 3 | Energy: 0/12 | Hate: 3
    Shizuka: 104/104 | D: 2 | E: 2 | Energy: 24/26 | Hate: 2


    Giant Bat: 8/75 | D: 25
    Giant Bat: 35/75 | D: 25 (2 DMG * 2 SA = 4 DMG)

  6. Shizuka smirked as she slurped up the remaining ramen that was left in her bowl. She didn't let a single bit of the goodness go to waste and finally, having drunk the soup and savored the flavor. Shizuka smiled and stood up while rubbing her stomach, now full of food and she was pleased that her hunger had gone away. It was then that she realized the NPC girl beside her was staring at her hungrily so Shizuka pulled out another bowl of ramen and provided it for the girl in which the result had been the girl becoming quite cheerful now that she had gotten some sort of food that she had lacked during her time stranded here. I know that she's just an NPC... But she's also just a little girl. Shizuka thought, debating between whether the ramen had been wasted and she had managed to waste her turn while deciding this through her mind. Ugh... What a waste of time. She thought as she sat down once more, picked up a pebble and began to toss it up and down, waiting for someone to get hurt so she can get some healing done.


    Helios: 36/36 | D: 4 | Energy: 6/9 | Hate: 1
    CaptainUndead: 48/48 | D: 5 | M: 11 | E: 3 | Energy: 0/12 | Hate: 3
    Shizuka: 104/104 | D: 2 | E: 2 | Energy: 25/26 | Hate: 1


    Giant Bat: 12/75 | D: 25
    Giant Bat: 43/75 | D: 25

  7. Shizuka sighed as she sat down next to the girl. If she was not wanted to attack... So be it. Shizuka put up her hood even higher to hide her face more as she stared at the ground. This is so boring... Shizuka thought before an idea spun into mind. Hey. I think I have time for a ramen break. Shizuka realized. Indeed, recently, during battles, she had taken a liking to eating ramen in the middle of it all due to the fact that they sort of refresh her mind and in general, they taste well so why not if she was not going to be involved in the actual combat. Plus, she didn't have to worry about her precious ramen being sent to the ground as she had no hate on her. Shizuka started slurping away and that was when she realized that Helios was also not attacking and was standing nearby. "Want one?" She asked in an emotionless, toneless tone that she had used so much recently.


    Helios: 36/36 | D: 4 | Energy: 7/9 | Hate: 1
    CaptainUndead: 48/48 | D: 5 | M: 11 | E: 3 | Energy: 9/12 | Hate: 2
    Shizuka: 104/104 | D: 2 | E: 2 | Energy: 25/26 | Hate: 1


    Giant Bat: 27/75 | D: 25
    Giant Bat: 43/75 | D: 25

  8. Shizuka sighed as the situation was becoming a nuisance. If only we had a high damage dealing player on our side. Shizuka thought before looking up at the two bats. Plus, the darkness of the cave will affect the players (-1 BD I think) so it would certainly make the bats even more frustrating than they already were. Shizuka sighed once more in annoyance as she lifted up her sword. Certainly, she was never truly the greatest damage dealer. In fact, she had literally no damage. However, she could prevent her fellow party members from taking damage by stunning her opponents. Shizuka smirked as she jumped up high into the air with a sword that she had had since the beginning of the game.

    ID: 43838
    BD: 9-1=8
    Sword Art <<Snake Bite>> Activated

    Shizuka hadn't originally wanted the massive damage. Indeed, she had actually wanted to inflict less damage. However, because of the penalty of the darkness, she was unable to inflict a critical and she honestly didn't even mind because she wouldn't have much hate on her. Shizuka sighed as she looked at the bat which she had paralyzed and smirked in amusement as it was unable to move.

    HP List
       Energy: 9/12
          Hate: 1
    Helios: 36/36
       Energy: ?/?
          Hate: 1
    Shizuka: 104/104
       Energy: 24/26 (-2)
          Hate: 1 (+1)
    Giant Bat: 51/75
       Damage: 25
    Giant Bat: 67/75 (2 DMG * 2 SA = 4 DMG) [Paralyzed]
       Damage: 25

  9. Shizuka sighed as she took the boy's materials. "This is enough. I have wasted enough of your time." Shizuka said with an emotionless, pale yet pretty face which was now out in the open. It's been a while since her eyes weren't shielded from the sunlight and it's been a while since she had released her hood from her head in the open public and it was nice to obtain some much needed Vitamin D. Still, her task here was done and her material gathering had been finished. She would now return back to her alchemy shop in order to craft and level up her experience more with the materials that she had collected along with Helios. "Oh wait. Let me add you to the friend list." Shizuka remembered as she opened up her menu. "But don't bother me too much." She said with a sarcastic smile and with that, Shizuka turned around and walked off into the distance where soon, she would reach the teleportation gate with her eyes closed and then... then... She would arrive at her shop with the new materials that she had in her inventory. Will this be the last time that the two will meet? If not, what will the next meeting bring for the two? Will it be as casual as this... Or will it be a life or death combat situation? One can never tell what life will bring.

    Total Materials: 5

  10. Name: Dark Azure Cloak
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: High Mentor
    ID: (the dice ID, leave it like this)
    Roll: ( leave it like this)
    Item Type: Light Armor
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3X Evasion
    Description: A black cloak that is to be made in order to simply Shizuka's recent case of depression. It changes her style and allows her to blend into the darkness while avoiding damage that can be done to her through amazing evasive enhancements.
    Payment Method: Materials

    Shizuka walks in, sighed as she realized that Kayla only accepts materials and a massive amount of them as well before filling out an order form in annoyance and walking out without another word having paid the price for the item that she had ordered

    -10 MATS

  11. Shizuka walks in. Sighs from being too lazy to fill out an order sheet and doesn't see one to fill out either and instead leaves a memo for Ebony to make her a charm before looking around and walking right out in order to participate in some material gathering.

    "I want a rare item called Material Gathering Costume with 2X Loot Dice. I shall pay once the item is created via trade." The note read. Indeed, writing was her best form of communication as she would've never said that much in one sentence if she had attempted to. Shizuka sighed and opened the door before hearing it smack close after walking out.

  12. Shizuka half chuckled from the amusement given to her by the boy who was struggling to get the fruit which was high in the air. Shizuka sighed... The day was not exactly productive as she had barely managed to get any sort of materials for herself at all and two of her materials had come from Helios. She wanted one more... One more before the night would approach the world of Aincrad so she would have an opportunity of leveling up her alchemist skill. Reminds me... I should craft soon. Shizuka thought... realizing full well that she hadn't crafted in quite a long time. Eh... Who can blame me in the state I am in at the moment? Shizuka thought to herself... Conversing inside her mind as if she had two different personalities in her brain. Well then... Materials... Where art thou?

    ID: 43739
    LD: 18+2=20

    Shizuka smirked when she finally spotted one in the distance. Sure, it wasn't the most suitable for crafting but a mushroom will definitely do in this hopeless situation where materials were rare. Alright... She thought as she picked it up and inserted it into her inventory where she held more than ten materials.

    Total Materials: 4

  13. Shizuka sighed and shook her head when Tobi decided that it was wise to heed her a warning.  Pfft... Me? Shizuka thought. I'm level 26... I can survive well without the guidance of others. She thought... Knowing fully well what she was capable of doing. Of course, she had already had a plan and that was to search for the girl while the two others distract the bat and give it a tough fight. Still, she remained silent in order to maintain her laziness and to maintain the peace as once she speaks out against him... the glass barrier of peace shall be scattered and boy she doesn't want that from a DPS. Hence, Shizuka gulped down her words and followed the other into the cave while accepting the party request.

    While they were walking into the darkness, Shizuka was asked a question by Helios and she had only one, simple answer that she needed to say. "Pleasant," Shizuka said. Of course, she could've definitely enhanced on that or she could've been honest and gone ahead to say that things were going to dog poop but that was not something she would share with Helios... Not this boy as he was one of the most optimistic people that she'd met so far... and she was the least that she had met so far. Shizuka sighed, hearing the footsteps as it echos through the darkness of the cave. 

    However, Shizuka was useless against a bat... especially when none of her teammates were taking damage. Indeed, Shizuka would go ahead and run over to the little girl before patting her head, trying to calm her down and slow down her cry. Of course, despite her depression... There was always room for a softer side and an NPC that needed help was there to awaken her but only for the time being. Soon, the girl stopped, held Shizuka's hand and followed her to the two other party members. I must keep the girl safe at all costs.

  14. Shizuka smiled. Indeed, the boy was willing to waste his own time in order to help her with some material gathering and well, she appreciated that very much. Hence, Shizuka decided that she would go ahead and take the material that the boy had offered and of course, it added one more material to her inventory and it was very important for her alchemy duties. Shizuka smirked before looking around for perhaps some more materials.

    Total Materials: 3

    ID: 43714
    LD: 2+2=4 

    Shizuka frowned. It was quite obvious that she didn't have any luck here in the jungles and she is making a mental note to make sure that she doesn't come here for a more material gathering next time in order to maximize her efficiency in gathering. Shizuka sighed, disappointed that there were still n materials within her sight.

    Total Materials: 3

  15. Shizuka smiled. They were to set off on this quest and she had to admit... This quest was definitely the hardest that she had taken so far. First, she didn't know of Ssendom's power and second, the minions did have AoE attacks and she had no mitigation. Plus, the search for the quest location was going to take her nerves away from her. Shizuka sighed and clutched her teeth and hands at the same time, preparing to anticipate for a hard day of quest taking. I must remain safe... I shall use a safeguard when we fine the location and probably even provide Hikoru with one as well. Shizuka thought with a sigh and walked on. "Let's go then... Hope this won't take too long and too much off of me." Shizuka said.

  16. (I'm here kek)

    Shizuka sighed as she eavesdropped on the two boys from within the shadows. Her cloak, normally standing out in the sunlight blended in with the darkness of the blackness that hid her from plain sight. Shizuka had heard that the two was going to go ahead and complete a quest... and that boy, Helios, had perked her interest. He was filled with ambition and kindness... Something that she hadn't had for quite a while to be honest. Shizuka sighed once more and looked over at the two before walking over, allowing the bottom of her cloak to fly in the wind, giving her a dramatic entrace as she walked over slowly to the two quest takers. Indeed, she had taken this quest a while ago with the help of Calrex and indeed, she had already completed the quest a long time ago with ease. Shizuka smirked, however, this quest was going to be easy... especially for her because as a healer, she won't be attacking and hence won't take any darkness limitations from this cave of bats. "I shall join you two. You'd need a healer." Shizuka said with a yawn. Hopefully, the two would provide her with entertainment because she was freaking bored at the moment. 

  17. Shizuka frowned. It seems that this boy had some sort of extraordinary luck and she wasn't sure how he had done it. Of course, if Shizuka didn't know better, she would've blamed him for hacking but this game was server based and literally unhackable especially with the security that Kayaba and his staff had implanted into the game. However, she was going to take the material and that was when she felt the guilt of stealing materials off the black haired boy. Surely, the boy has a use for these materials and he was giving them all to Shizuka.  "Don't you have a use for these materials? You don't have to give it to me." Shizuka asked as the boy's generosity and materials were sure to be wasted on someone like her. Instead, she would search for her own material while waiting for the boy's response.

    ID: 43629
    LD: 11+2=13

    However, despite her Search & Detect skill, she was unable to find anything that would do well for her. Shizuka sighed, disappointed that there was nothing that she can see in the surrounding. Even the luck of this game is not pitying. Shizuka thought as she looked at the sky. One day... One day, I shall take revenge on Kayaba.

    Total Materials: 2

  18. Shizuka smirked as she hid herself in her hood. Indeed, the quest was completed and she had no point in staying around anymore. Perhaps she should stay for some material gathering but currently, she was way too lazy to do such a thing and she had rather not do such a thing. Shizuka sighed as she turned around and began to leave. Indeed, there was absolutely no reason for her to stay any longer and she had no need to stay as the quest had been completed and she had managed to obtain the skill point that she would obtain. This quest took so much longer than the last time I did it. Shizuka thought and with a gentle wave, Shizuka set off to the entrance of the cave where she soon began to make her way to the thirteenth floor for some sleep in the guild base that she had learned to love and live in the past few days in which she had slept there.

  19. Shizuka's eyes widened. Indeed, it had been a while since someone had been this nice to her since that certain event which changed her personality and attitude to the complete opposite of what it used to be. Of course, Shizuka was still under that spell but she figured that she might as well treat the boy with some sort of respect and kindness despite her mood. "Name's Shizuka. You?" Shizuka replied with an answer as well as a question. She smiled before taking the apple from the boy's hand. It's been a while since I smiled at someone... And it's been a while since I have asked someone for their name. Shizuka realized, quite surprised that she had said such a thing. Shizuka then inserted the apple into her inventory. "Thanks." Shizuka said in toneless tone as she looked around for more materials.

    ID: 43555
    LD: 8+2=10

    Shizuka was unable to see any apples nearby but she was able to find some mushrooms on the ground and she picked it up only to see that they were completely useless to her crafting. Annoying. Shizuka thought in frustration. "Useless." Shizuka said.

    Total Materials: 2

  20. Indeed, it seems like the event had begun and Shizuka was quite excited for this quest. This was one of those newer quests that are quite challenging as the opponent minions did have certain AOE attacks that can damage people like herself with no damage greatly. Indeed, if she was hit by an attack, it was more than likely that the attack would cut her health down by quite a bit and maybe she would go down in less than three hits. Of course, she hoped not but her health and her lack of mitigation might be her downfall one day. Still, she had packed a few safeguards so it should be absolutely fine. Plus, this quest would do well with her gain of items and her amount of skill points that were stored for skill investment. "Shall we set off now?" Shizuka asked, excited to set way and finish off the quest so she can return home for some crafting afterwards... That is, if she returns safely.

  21. Indeed, it was Shizuka's turn in the boss fight. It was her first boss fight ever since her time in SAO and she was sure that she will do quite a good with her healing... Especially with the skill and new mod that she had gained recently. Indeed, she was going to go ahead and heal her entire party with the use of her new mod... The mod that allows her to heal her entire party and that was going to be crucial. Shizuka smirked from under the cloak, feeling the heat of the battle even though it was located on the fourth floor. Alright... Good stuff. Shizuka thought as she activated her mod. There was no chance that she could fail here as it was a 100% work efficiency and indeed, Tristan was in her party... The main tank of the group. Shizuka felt this new mod coming to her and with a smirk, Shizuka watched as the health of her party was boosted from her mod. Muy bueno.

    Klaublauf (BOSS) 408/1000
    Calrex 290/300 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)
    Ebony 90/100 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)
    Manta Gaul 122/132 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)
    Jomei 123/133 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)


    Klaublauf (BOSS) 408/1000
    Zandra Zvift 106/116 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)
    Teayre 151/161 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)
    Ariel 159/169 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)
    Lowenthal 106/116 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen)

    Klaublauf (BOSS) 408/1000
    Shizuka 100/100 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen) (+10)
    Tristan 256/256 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen) (+10)
    Ssendom 145/145 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen) (+10)
    Macradon 82/82 -10 Unmitigatable (Unfrozen) (+10)

  22. Shizuka frowned as the boy asked her a few questions. However, Shizuka was definitely not in the mood of telling him and answering all the questions that the boy had asked her. Still, it was more than polite if she did answer these questions and hence, she decided that she would answer with very simple answers.... answers such as "Yes. My shop is on floor one. I sell potions." Shizuka said with a fake smile as she looked back at the apple which was high in the air. Alright... Let's see. Shizuka thought when she looked back at the apple that was high in the air. "I got it." Shizuka said calmly and began to climb the tree.

    ID: 43372
    LD: 11+2=13

    Shizuka sighed as she took another edge towards the apple and she was unable to cling onto the tree completely. However, Shizuka was unable to cling completely and the result of that was her falling onto the ground. How annoying. Shizuka thought as she felt her butt touch the ground. Argh... 

    Total Materials: 1

  23. Shizuka heard a distinct voice and she looked over to the direction of the sound. Indeed, it was the black-haired boy offering company for her... probably out of pity or in a method of apology. Shizuka smiled... She could use some company in such a windy day but she doesn't speak much at all and he'll probably get bored of her eventually if he sticks around. 'Material gathering for my shop." Shizuka said simply as she looked around once more. She sure could use some materials for her alchemist shop and yes, she would have to try very, very hard to catch up to the other alchemists in order to become the very best alchemist. Also, the alchemy sure would be useful for her as she was a support player... Someone who heals and someone who definitely needs different types of potions. Now, all I need is a dimensional backpack so I can store all those potions. Shizuka thought with a sigh.

    ID: 43343
    LD: 12+2=14

    Shizuka had managed to spot an apple in the nearby tree of the jungle. However, it was way too far and tall for her to reach. Hmph. Annoying. Shizuka thought while staring at the large, red apple that she wanted so, so much for her shop. Unfortunately, she would have to search for something different as the trees here aren't exactly short.

    Total Materials: 1

  24. Shizuka smirked. The battle was over and the two won without any major damage. She had already completed this quest, but she guessed the Col and the extra SP would do her well in her advancement towards the next rank of search and detect... something that she had tried to get a long time ago. Indeed, her job had been completed and the quest was finished. There was no point in staying any longer than she had to... The quest had already taken way too long for her liking and she was satisfied to obtain the skill point for the day. "My task is finished. It is time for my departure." Shizuka said from under that cloak. The sun was attacking her back and she felt a flood of sweat coming from her forehead and she'd rather perfer not to have that right now. I need to take a shower once I'm back on the thirteenth floor. Shizuka thought before sighing and walking away. "See you later." Shizuka said without a lively tone but sincere enough to allow Tobi to know that she was serious when she said that. Good stuff. Shizuka thought with a sigh as her skill point pool had once again increased by one.

    [You do summary... I'm too lazy. I already completed the quest.]

  25. Shizuka smirked. This was rather entertaining for her... It's been a while since she had completed a quest that was this fun. The battle was intense, complex, and requires utmost concentration. Macradon had done some damage to one of the heads while Hirru finished the middle head with a blistering AoE attack. Of course, Shizuka was a healer and she would heal this turn but it seems like the battle would be over quite soon if the two continued to attack like this without limit. Still, Hirru had spent most of his energy and because of this, Shizuka was sure that the boy would not exactly be able to deal as much damage as he had managed this turn.  Should be fine... Macradon's still got all that energy left. Shizuka thought as she activated her <<First Aid>> skill and walked up to Macradon in hopes of healing him to prevent any additional injuries. Alright, skill... Don't let me down. Shizuka thought.

    ID: 43342
    CD: 8+3=11

    Shizuka smirked when she heard that bing of success. Indeed, she had become lucky and her healing was successful. Now, Macradon can continue to focus on the battle with his healthy partially recovered. After she had healed him, Shizuka backed up, avoiding any damage that might be dealt with her though the two walls that were in front of her.

    HP List
    Macradon: 72/82 + Burn damage (+16)
       Energy: 11/18
          Hate: 1
    Hirru: 64/64
       Energy: 4/16 (-12 EN)
          Hate: 1
    Shizuka: 100/100
       Energy: 25/25
          Hate: 0

       Head 1: 33/75
       Head 2: 0/75
       Head 3: 33/75

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