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Posts posted by Ace9

  1. The hit had missed. The first hit Red had ever attempted in the game of SAO was a miss. That was a great start for Red, lol. Red held his Cupid's Arrow in his left hand, which, according to the item's description, had been received in a event boss fight against Cupid. But it was not Red's officially. Some player had given all of their items to him and then walked off. It was kind of... Awkward. And then his shield, Aegis, had came from another player, as well as his Tier 3 Armor, coming from that same other player. He also had recieved a bit of health potions and stuff, But he sold them to people in need for the floor 12 boss fight. But the players fighting that boss.... They weren't too far ahead, were they??? Red could get up there. he could. He knew it, deep within his fiery heart.  Red attempted another Reaver sword skill, and the sword glew bright green again. but this time, the hit actually made it's mark, and the boar turned into millions of beautiful crystals. "YES! I did it! I killed my first mob!" After cheering for like, forever, Red finally calmed down enough to view the loot screen. Red recieved a boar tusk. With that, Red continued walking.


    38296 10 6 6 4 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-11 19:06:40


  2. Red continued to walk around, until he was stopped by a boar, that was glaring at Ace with it's deep red eyes. Red looked into his inventory and found a blade he had got from a player, as well as a bit of heavy armor he had recieved from a player. The heavy items weren't exactly his style, but for now it was needed to keep him safe. He equipped the armor, and then turned to look at the boar. The heavy armor was huge, and of course, a bit heavy, but not as heavy as the name "heavy armor" implied. Red ran down through his list of Sword Skills, this would be his first time using one as well as the first time he had killed a mob. 

    Red found a nice one, actually the only one Red could use. Reaver. Red ran at the boar, going with a vertical slash. The blade, named Cupid's Arrow, sliced down from the top right into the bottom left with green light. But as Red looked at the boar, the blade attack had not infact hit, and the boar was staring at him with huge wide red eyes. instantly, Red went into panic mode and began to run, even in the huge bulky heavy armor he was wearing. The boar gave chase, and would've quickly caught up if it weren't for the tree. The boar hit right smack dab into the tree. Red tried to hold back a little laugh, or a giggle.

    Move Summary-Turn 1



    [Encounter]: Wild Boar Appeared

    [Ace9]: Attacks with Reaver, a 1x1 Sword Art. Deals 0 Damage, misses, loss of 2 energy.

    [Boar] Attacks with Ram. Critically fails, deals 0 Damage.

    [Game Alert]: Ace9 Recovers 1 Energy.


    Red: 4/4, 1 Energy

    Boar: 4/4



    38174 2 5 15 1 Ace9(Red) Msg_hover2.png 2015-11-11 05:21:22


    (OOC: Not finished with this post)


  3. Red walked into the store on floor 8. It was very high of a floor, but he was just stopping for a quick visit. It had a nice feeling to it. "Hello???? Anyone home????" Red looked around at the items in the store, peering around in each one. Not very many of the items he was selling appealed to him. "Hola????" Red continued to look around, trying to find some kind of items that he could keep to himself but there wasn't anything interesting being sold in this shop. But that was not the real reason Red was here. Red was here to meet some people and  to make friends. "Am I in the right place?????" Red said aloud.


    (OOC:Not a very long post, as most people post OOC in the shop section and I just wanted to hurry up and get done what I was doing. Thanks.)

  4. Red walked into the store on floor 4. It had a nice feeling to it. "Hello???? Anyone home????" Red looked around at the items in the store, peering around in each one. Not very many of the items he was selling appealed to him. "Hola????" Red continued to look around, trying to find some kind of items that he could keep to himself but there wasn't anything interesting being sold in this shop. But that was not the real reason Red was here. Red was here to meet some people and  to make friends. "Am I in the right place?????" Red said aloud.


    (OOC:Not a very long post, as most people post OOC in the shop section and I just wanted to hurry up and get done what I was doing. Thanks.)

  5. Red looked at the blonde haired player. "Alrighty then! Maybe we can go material collecting then!!!!!!" Red looked at "Rags" excitedly, with passion in is eyes flaming. Red was going to make a tailoring shop in this death game to rack up some col soon enough, So material gathering would help out a bit. Red looked around seeing many players exiting the gate. "Or we could explore. Or we could go fight mobs(I don't suggest that one). Or we could collect materials. Or-" Red wanted to jut keep on brainstorming ideas for what they could do, when it hit him. "I have an idea bro. And it won't risk either of our lives. We could do a first strike duel. I'm assuming your level one, correct? If your level one, and I' level one too, and all we have are our weapon skills, the max damage we could do-" Red thought about it for a moment, then realized on a hyper critical one of them would die. "Nevermind. Let's not. On a hyper critical, one of us would die. Sorry. So let's go do something! Let's go find mats or something! What do you say??? Partner????" Red smiled just a bit. Now his ADHD was going crazy, Red was going up the walls. The excitement was driving his ADHD even more insane. 


    (OOC: Really busy so short post there... .Apoligies.)

  6. Red thought about it. The female player(who was a noob just like Red, he knew for sure now) had asked the higher leveled male to show us around. Man if this guy pulled out a blade we would be dead instantly, darn....... I hate this feeling of weakness..... Red looked to the higher leveled player. Then he thought about it again. Is it possible to even kill people while your in a party with those people???? I wonder..... Huh.... Well stop being so worried Red. This guy seems nice enough. Red slashed his curved sword an a circle form, away from the two players, as he thought. "Alrighty then. Would you like to be our guide-" Red looked at the party HP names- "Kou..Koumori? It would help us a lot if you could!!!!" Red fixed his pockets real quick then looked back up at them. Red took the curved sword, and thrust it away from the two players. Red was always fiddling with things, there wasn't many instances where you could find him when he wasn't doing so. Red messed with his scruffy blonde hair a bit. "I mean- It's totally alright if you don't want to, bro, but it would always be appreciated if you could. Thank you." Red really wanted to level up. Super badly. 

    Red's thoughts were then consumed by the girl. The girl- she was pretty. And Red had not realized to what extent that prettiness went till now. And this girl was a higher level than him it seemed, and stronger than him for that matter. Red saw something in this women for a second- A spark, or a flare if you wish to say, but just for that split second. Now Red's attention was a way from the red-haired girl. Now it was on himself. I wonder if any girls think I'm cute.... Huh... I don't know... I've never been told I was cute before... I wonder...... Maybe it would make this girls day to call her cute. It would make my day if someone called me handsome, so...... I'll be kind. Red spoke up to the girl, "You-Your hair is really pretty....... And, umm, ummm...... So are your eyes...." You freaking idiot, Red! Now your giving her the wrong feeling about you!!!! Great, Red. Just great. Red turned away for a minute or so, and then turned back around. "i'm sorry, Ayumu. I don't know where those things came out of, must have been my ADHD. Sorry, Ayumu, sorry....."  Red hoped she would take the sorry and not be too mad at Red for it.


    (OOC: Once we get to 20 posts, lets end it then make a part two thread starting from wherever we left off alright???)

  7. Red began to walk around the Town of Beginnings. The town was twists and turns everywhere, The towns whole base was twist and urns. There were NPC and Player shops everywhere, the left and right and the middle of the two directions, as well as forwards and backwards. There were many other directions in which shops could be found, but the majority of shops and inns and restaurants in the Town of Beginnings were own by NPC's. Not all, but most. As Red looked around a bit, He noticed several different types of players.


    Strong players visiting friends and taking a vacation from front-line duty. Weak players starting out. Weak players too scared to leave town. And many, many, many, many more classes of players could be found on the floor and the town.


    But as Red thought, he figured he would think better sitting down. So he found the nearest bench, and threw himself onto it, sitting straight up, but then he looked to the left of him. There was a player next to him, chewing on the bread that the game gave to new players and drinking the bottled water the game gave to them. Definitely a noob just like Red. Red looked at him for a second, then took out his sword and stared at it. Being he didn't have to eat in this game, he chose not to until he could afford it. The sword was a beautiful one, even being the basic one new players get. Red slid his finger across the blade, then put into a sheath. Then he turned to the other player again, and then said: "What kinda blade you got? Or perhaps it's not a blade? I gotta curved sword." Red smiled. He had some trouble deciding between that and a dagger, but then finally decided upon that. "So anyways my name's Red. My username's Ace. Just figured I would meet you, greet you, and be one of the nicer players in Sword Art Online." (Red's horrible attempt at starting a conversation).  "Well, anyways, I'm gonna cut it the gist. Wanna party or something?"

  8. Umm..... Red thought over the question for a moment. Wait.... So how do I do this party request.... Hmm.... Red popped open his HUD menu and searched for something that had anything to do with party requests. After a while, Red did something, then did something else, and he also did something else, until the party request came up. He sent it, but then he also was about to send out a friend request, when he realized it was a bit too soon for such a thing. He had no idea what friend request allowed people to see about him, and didn't want it to happen with some people who could become Player Killers at one point or another. So he decided to just send the party request. 


    After Red sent the request, he smiled, knowing he was able to figure out how to send the request. "So what are we gonna do then?" Red was now confident in speaking to these two players. They were both just two humans stuck in a game called Sword Art Online..... Just like him. Just like him....... Red thought to himself. "We could always fight some monsters. Or collect materials. Or go explore. Or do something. Or something else. Or we could just hang out." Red smiled as he walked around. Again, he pulled his Basic Curved Sword Again. Red still had his leather clothes on, with no bonus though. He looked around, looking to see if any mobs were around, or if there were any players, or if there was..... Well anything. Any commotion. Any excitement. Any pride. Any heroes. Any people with talent. Any people with any sense to them. Anything. Red put his hands into his pockets, and looked casually back at the two players. "So? What be it???"


    Equipped Items:







    (OOC: Got so distracted during this post.... Apoligies)

  9. Red smiled as he looked into the clouds. The temperature was perfect, the wind was the perfect setting for Red, and so was everything else. Today was the perfect day. In Red's mind. He picked up his light curved sword in his hand, then stood up. He was staring up at the clouds before, looking at the forms in the cloud. Red slashed the sword around a few times, then decided right now would be a good chance to get out and fight. He smiled as he ran, knowing how much adventure could be found in the death game, but you can't only think about the death. You have to think about the other things. The adventure. The excitement. The energy. The passion. The thrill. For once, Red wasn't scared. He was exited, full of passion, and all of the other things I just stated XD. Red took his sword and his pride and ran. For no  reason, at all, he just ran. Until he found a shiny looking stone. He wondered if it could be used to craft something....... He picked it up. The rock had small crystals on it that could be used to craft decorative items and weaponry, as well as armor. Maybe I could get good money off of this.....  The game sent him a message indication he had received a Shiny Stone, which was a crafting materiel. Red's first.




    Red obtained (1) Shiny Stone


    Loot roll:



    Required LD Result: [15-20]

    Actual LD: [17]

    Loot Dice ID: [37555]

    Success? [Yes]



  10. Red looked left. Then he looked right. Then he played it forwards. Red dashed forwards running all around the Town of Beginnings. This world was his dream. A place of new discovery. A place of rebirth. The only problem was that Yellow, Indigo, Blue, and Marla could not be here.... But he must not worry about that now. Because today-It was a new day. Red had not left his inn until now on this day. This day that he felt a sudden birth of energy, spirit, passion, pride, and realization. The realization of Kayaba's goals, which Red could agree with. The realization of rebirth, which Red loved. and most of all- A new place to run. He mustn't become lazy here. He needed to keep his goal of following in Yellow's footsteps in becoming an awesome cross country runner. He would follow each and every footstep of Yellow's. Red had looked up to him so much.... It was sad.... But Red had to fight. Sitting in a hotel room, never stirring or moving a leg muscle, not getting stronger to progress with the other player's progression. But today-Today, Red felt like he could reach the top in no time. He just had to find some kind of fresh start to lean on, and the right branch to put your foot on. You see, Red was climbing a tree. The tree to the top.


    As Red continued on running, he eventually left the Town of Beginnings. as soon as he stepped out, he opened up his HUD.Oh..... I forgot how awesome this menu is! I haven't looked at it... Since the day we got trapped in here..... He selected into his inventory and clicked on a basic curved sword. As the weapon formed in Red's left hand(It seemed to know which hand was dominant), Red smiled. Then he began to slash the sword around, smiling. He sheathed the sword, and then began to run. But, before he could get too far, he noticed two players that seemed to be arguing around a bush. One girl had her hands crossed, obviously angry at the man, who seemed to be a much higher level than the girl. Eh? Could these people make good friends? Red walked up towards them, smiling with his best smile. Red hadn't talked to anybody besides NPC's for the hotel food since the day he joined the game. Errr.... What to say?  Red walked up, thinking he could just wing it, then paused for a few seconds. Finally, he spoke up. "Err.... My name... It's Red..... You guys.... You guys wanna go out and.... You know.... Party?" Man. Talking in other MMORPG's was never this hard. This one, they could see your face and everything. Much harder to talk, especially if your shy. Online MMORPGs you can just type words to speak. Here- Here, you cannot do so. You have to actually speak up, something Red had trouble doing. 


    Red looked down, noticing he still had his curved blade out. He immediatly put it away, then looked around. The trees were pretty. the sun was pretty. Everything was pretty. Why haven't I gone out here before??? I mean, seriously. Why haven't I??? Suddenly, out of no where, Red got a weird cocky smile. Hah! I know why I'm here... I'm here... To be the best that I can be....... And to make as many friends as I want. And to die when my time comes. I will do everything right from now on. I will. 




    Username: Ace

    Real Name: Red

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Height: 5'3"




    Red's family were all named after colors. Or siblings for that matter. Their dad insisted for some reason That that be. Red thought maybe he did that due to their love of Pokemon, but he was not for sure. Red is not the oldest, He has an older brother named Blue and had an older brother named Yellow. Yellow is not with us today, for reasons to be explained later. Red has younger siblings too. He has a sister named Green, a sister named Indigo, and a brother named Orange(This guy is crazy naming his kids that lol). His parents were named Dave Gray and Marla Gray, but Dave outlived Marla.  


    Dave and Marla

    Dave owns a famous American restaurant in Tokyo, just a bit away from the small town he lives  in, They moved from America quit a long time ago. He is now 61. He married Marla a long time ago and had been living together for a long time, until Marla was on her way to the grocery store, were she worked part-time. She was dropping Yellow off at his apartment, where she had picked him up to go bowling before. Now she was on her way to work and dropping him off. But the sad thing is that drunk drivers exist in this world. Marla died at age 44 and Yellow at age 20, He would be 30 right now if he was still alive. But he's not.... So Dave marries another woman, who just happens to work at the same grocery store as Marla had before. This was two years after. Darla had come into the Gray's family. But some of the family weren't all that excited to have a new mom.



    Yellow would be 30 right now, if he was still with us. He died at age 20, in a drunk driving wreck, with his mom with him. Yellow had a good life in front of him. He had been a pretty good baseball player, but that wasn't the big thing. He was the president of his graduating class, and a star cross country runner. Yellow would go to state every year of his high school career, and always placed at least in the top 15, top 5 three of the four times he went to state. He had just got accepted to get into a college in Tokyo, a rather large one. A popular one. A good one...... And he had to die. But he got to go up with his mother, unlike three of his siblings.



    Blue is seventeen now. He was born just a few months before Red. Blue was not able to get over his mother dying though, and hates his new "Mom" Darla. He refuses to talk to her no matter what.  Blue has not been able to get over the fact that his mom is dead. Blue loves to hang out  with Red, and they looked as if they were twins. But Red and him decided that Red would wear red more often, and Blue would wear blue more often to make it less confusing. But on certain days, They would switch clothes to confuse people.... It was fun.



    Green was twelve, and also a daughter of Marla. Doesn't do much besides read.



    Indigo is seven, and the first child that Darla ever had. She hangs out with her younger real brother, Orange, who was also seven. They were twins. But Indigo always felt something special in Red, and always looked up to him as an inspiration. Whenever Red was gonna get in trouble with her mom, she either told Red how to get out of the situation or yelled at her mom for being too harsh on her older brother. And it worked most of the time. Once in a while, Indigo would do it for Blue too. It was her duty, as it was her mom. Orange.... He just didn't want to get in trouble, which every once in a while Indigo would get in trouble, for yelling at her mom to stop. But that was alright with her. As long as Red was happy. But now.... Red wonders how she was getting along without him. Red had always stuck up for her too, whenever the time called for it. Indigo..... Is a very interesting female. But also a bit shy around strangers. But Red really wanted to know if she was gonna try to enter the game to meet Red again. As much as Red wanted to meet indigo again before he died somewhere out here In SAO, he also did not want her to get hurt in here. But Red truly missed Indigo a lot, and Indigo did the same. Red wondered if she would come into the game to get him eventually...... He thought she would, whether he wanted her to do so or not.



    Last but not least, is Indigo's twin, Orange. Orange had always had a bright future in front of him and will continue to have hat future, with having excellent math skills and thinking skills, as well as a good knowledge base of common sense, which if you hadn't realized, isn't very common now-a-days.




    Red wears red, to make it not as hard to tell the difference between him and Blue. He had always been a big gamer, and since Yellow had died he had made it his goal to be a cross country runner too. He was a good sprinter in track, and an okay cross country runner when he first started(in middle school). But the thing was, he wasn't getting better. So he tried harder every single day in running, managing websites, and playing games, until he managed to make it where he is today. He also enjoys programming computers, games, and applications that better the human race in this world.




    Quick and Agile. Red had always considered himself to be pretty fast, as a sprinting track star and a long distance cross country star. He had already wheeled in some good scholarships for running and his grades, but now he just needed to graduate from High School so he could get accepted into one of those schools.... But he may not be able to do that now, with him being stuck in Sword Art Online. Man, I guess games really do kill your mind.

    Handsome. Red also happens to find himself quit handsome, and so do the people around him. With nice looking hair, and the right matching red jacket and sweatpants, while with hhis hat, makes him look pretty nice. His eyes also look handsome. The morale of this virtue? You cannot compete with handsome guys. Especially not the handsome guy named Red, who also has bad a** fighting skills in MMO's.

    Smart. For Red to be such a good computer programmer, you also have to be smart. Smart enough to talk to a computer . He is also smart game wise. Since he makes games, he knows how to beat games. With the best strategies. Red has made many computer applications to help people with everyday life. He also has perfect grades in like every class. Red spends his time wisely. His brain is split into 5 sections: 15% Running, 25% Gaming, 20% School, 5% Focusing on Life, and the rest are random crazy things, including computer programming and crap.




    Boring. Red has never really done anything exciting in his life. He lived. That's all. And he knows that someday, out of the blue or in the blue, he will die. But his whole life has been running out in the open small town he lived in, playing online video games, sitting in a classroom, or at home eating. That's what everyday was. Until the day Red managed to get a hold of a game, and that game was called Sword Art Online. 

    Cowardly. Red may seem cool and everything, but Red is scared. Of everything. Red has never ridden a roller coaster, no way no how. It was almost impossible to get him on the plane to Japan. Red cannot handle scary movies. Alex is scared of more things, including but not limited to: Zip-lines, trains, subways, Wasps, bees, spiders, snakes, locusts, spider webs, school, Caves, The Ocean, Sharks, Eels, Jellyfish, Animals, etc.

    Heavy Weaponry. Red hates swinging around heavy things(Even though he does weight). Heavy weapons aren't his thing. Red's thing is light and lethal armor and light armor and weaponry. Although, Red isn't sure if he should use a shield or not. If he will, it will be a small one. See, in all the games that Red plays, he also plays as a dual long sword wielding player. But in this game, as far as Red knows, you can't dual wield. Anyways, Red figures he has to wear heavy armor anyways, although he hates to say it. To be a tank.





    1-Handed Curved Sword:  Rank 1 [0/8]

    Heavy Armor: Rank 1 [0/8]


    Used: 10

    Not Used: 2

    Total: 12




    Part 1:The beginning of the End


    [PP-F1]A Mad World(Ayumu, Koumori, Ace9)  (Inprogress)

    Story to be added


    [SP-F1]Role-Play Titles are Overrated (Inprogress)

    Story to be added


    [PP-F1]Hello It's Very Pleasent to Meet you(Rag) (Complete)

    (+200 Col, +1 SP)


    [PP-F4] That's Cold <<Avalanche>> (Manta, Ebony) (Complete)

    (+200 Col, +<<SnowFrost>>, +4 SP)

    Part 2:The Job I rolled is Tank!!!


    [PP-F1]Secret Medicine of the Forest(Ayumu) (Inprogress)

    Story to be Added


    [PP-F3]Just a Bit Worn Out <<Worn Out Welcome>> (Ebony) (Complete)

    (+200 Col, +2 SP)


    [PP-F2]And in the Dark <<Let There be Light>> (Clarence) (Inprogress)

    Story to be added.


    [SP-F1] Revival of a Tank Long Lost in Thought (Inprogress)

    Story to be added


    [OP-F1]Move Along (Inprogress)

    Story to be added

    Part 3: Ancient Origins


    [OP-F13]Azure Holiday Part (Inprogress)

    Story to be Added


    [PP-F1]Ancient Origins(Indigo) (Inprogress)

    Story to be Added




    Unequipped Inventory:


    Dragon's Bane(1-Handed Longsword) [+3 DMG]


    Gauntlets of the Dragon King(Armor) [+2 ACC]


    Dragon Breastplate(Heavy Armor) [+3 Damage Mitigation]


    19 Materials


    10 Bread


    15 Water


    Star-Burst(Heavy Armor Shield) [+2 Damage Mitigation]


    Star-Burst(Heavy Armor Shield) [+2 Damage Mitigation]


    Iron Breastplate(Heavy Armor Breastplate) +1 Damage Mitigation

    Basic Shield(Shield)

    Sharpened Sword(1-Hand Long Sword) +2 Bleed

    Breakdown Sword(1-Hand Long Sword) +1 Damage

    Basic Spear(Spear)[20 Col, 1 Material]

    Basic Spear(Spear)[20 Col, 1 Material]

    Wall of Thorns(Shield)+1 Thorns

    Basic Rapier(Rapier)[20 Col, 1 Material]

    Basic Rapier(Rapier)[20 Col, 1 Material]

    Shield of Achilles(Shield)+1 Damage Mitigation

    Rusted Breastplate(Heavy Armor)

    Wall of Thorns(Shield) +1 Thorns

    Iron War Axe(Axe) +3 DMG





    +(978) Gift from @Draterion

    +(805) Gift from @Finnick

    +(3000) Trade with @Zelrius, -6 Health Potions, -1 Antidote Potions, -1 Teleport Crystal | +3K Col, +10 Materials

    +(200) Avalanche quest.

    +(20) Defeated Boar with Rag

    +(200) Roleplay with Rag

    +(200) Worn out Welcome with Ebony





    Ebony: Friend. Met on Avalanche Quest. Did Worn out Welcome Quest together. 

    Manta Gaul: Friend. Met on Avalanche Quest.

    Rag: Friend. Met on floor one. Didn't do much together. 


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