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Posts posted by Morgenstern

  1. Jonathan walked toward the more plain like area. Jonathan knew there was some wolves around here. He searched around he had not invested in the skill so he was not that good and finding things. Jonathan looked around and moved forward when he heard a growl. Immediately Jonathan pulled out his sword and four wolves jumped out of the grass and circled around to trap him. Jonathan laughed. "You think you've got me run down don't you? Well let me show you, I may be alone but I've always survived alone..." The wolves growled but Jonathan held them back. If they touched him they would be damaged. Jonathan also outleveled them. Jonathan grinned and swung his blade around.


    Jonathan 22/24 3/6

    Wolf A 12/12

    Wolf B 12/12

    Wolf C 12/12

    Wolf D 12/12


  2. Jonathan held his sword and eyed the two boars, they did not have strategy like the wolves but they were still pretty decent at charging. Jonathan sighed as they both came charging one right after the other. So one was going to hit him then the other to get two hits instead of one at unison. Jonathan grinned and leapt at the enemy and struck upward, causing a burst of energy to hit both enemies. They both fell back and shattered into fragments. It was not a very strong skill but it would cut through these enemies like no other. Jonathan sheathed his sword. He needed to go after wolves. They usually traveled in small groups. Hopefully he could find some. Jonathan sighed and moved on. 


    Jonathan 22/24 Energy 2/6  5-4+1= 2

    Boar A 0/12

    Boar B 0/12

    63906 BD:6 LD:15 

    120 Col recieved


  3. Joanthan eyed the boars, He unsheathed his sword and moved forward. The boars stuck up there head from there food, Jonathan moved after the closest boar but they charged in unison and both hit him and sent him flying back. He landed on the ground and heard a squeal. Both boars were damaged by his throns. They were moved to the yellow zone. His armor had punished them for hitting him. Jonathan was barely scathed. He should start moving up to the higher leveld areas. Like floor two. He wasn't even below twenty hit points. This was probably going to be his last farming in floor one, he needed something more difficult to defeat. The boars stamped their feet but Jonathan could stand still and be just fine. 


    Jonathan 22/24

    Boar A 5/12

    Boar B 5/12

    63905 BD: 1 MD: 8


  4. Jonathan stood in front of the Starting city, A breeze brushed his cheeks and lips. He had nothing to do, he didn't see any players he knew or liked. Jonathan sighed, he was bored. Most people were trying to make a plan to defeat the floor seventeen boss, or they were trying right now. Here he was, only a level six on floor one. Most players would look down on him. He was not going to be ready anytime soon. He pushed himself off the wall. He would not end up getting any stronger by just sitting here. He equipped his sword and the Thorny Rose and moved forward. Most of the field was picked clean but a few boars and wolves still remained. A few respawned allowing players like him to have the scraps. He sighed and eyed two boars feeding on the lovely plain grass. Jonathan pulled out his sword. It was getting harder for a solo player but he knew many had done it. Emblem was a solo player he believed. 


    Jonathan 24/24

    Boar A 12/12

    Boar B 12/12


  5. Jonathan stood in front of the Starting city, A breeze brushed his cheeks and lips. He had nothing to do, he didn't see any players he knew or liked. Jonathan sighed, he was bored. Most people were trying to make a plan to defeat the floor seventeen boss, or they were trying right now. Here he was, only a level six on floor one. Most players would look down on him. He was not going to be ready anytime soon. He pushed himself off the wall. He would not end up getting any stronger by just sitting here. He equipped his sword and the Thorny Rose and moved forward. Most of the field was picked clean but a few boars and wolves still remained. A few respawned allowing players like him to have the scraps. He sighed and eyed two boars feeding on the lovely plain grass. Jonathan pulled out his sword. It was getting harder for a solo player but he knew many had done it. Emblem was a solo player he believed. 


    Jonathan 24/24

    Boar A 12/12

    Boar B 12/12


  6. Jonathan wandered about on floor three. He did not like being here because he could barely survive, but he was stronger now and would kill enemies before they killed him. He could not take a hit yet like he wanted to be able to but he was doing great so far. He walked to the edge of the Forest of Wavering Mist. He had just gotten back from killing  the Dark Elf that had roamed in this area, for the Worn out Welcome Quest. He moved in wanting to explore more. He caught a good smell. The smell of a warm fire. He searched around moving quickly, not wanting to pick a fight with the minotaurs that roamed around the forest. The wind wanted to push Jonathan over. He smiled as he seen a small tavern. His golden white hair was moved to a side from the wind. Jonathan opened the door and headed in. Two men stood before him. Jonathan's eyes glazed over. What if these guys would try to kill him. One looked well leveled. The other was very high leveled. Jonathan moved in and sat down without saying a word. 

  7. Opening the door to the blacksmith shop, Jonathan was greeted by Griswold. "Did you finally manage to get the materials, it almost took you half the Day!" Jonathan put on a look of pure hatred. "Black Leather Armor, then I am out. He gave the materials over and watched the NPC hand it to his wife. The wife Grimaced but began to create the armor. Jonathan sighed. Today was way too close. They also would only get stronger and stronger until they were near impossible to kill. He would have to start investing in some damage or something.  Jonathan heard the wife whistle and Jonathan turned. He seen Hanna holding up a beautiful black piece of armor. Jonathan smiled. The craftsmenship was incredible. Jonathan received the armor in his inventory. Jonathan gave his thanks and headed to the teleporter. Floor One" Light burst around him sending him away from floor three. 

  8. Jonathan watched as the creature turned. It hissed and began to charge forward, sword in front of it. Jonathan's heart raced. This was it wasn't it. Jonathan charged forward, slicing through the dark elf's body. with a hiss, the Dark Elf exploded into a million fragments of data. Jonathan sighed and sheathed his blade. Being here for this quest just was not worth it. Jonathan began to calm down a bit. He needed to get off this floor it was way too high leveled for him. He was lucky to have survived. He quickly began to move out of the forest and back to the old town. The faster he got there, the better. 


    Jonathan 6/20

    <<Dark Elf>> -3/12

     63806 BD: 9 


  9. Jonathan stopped. Danger was at every turn. He stood there and watched the Elf stay just in visible range. Life hung just at six health. Enough health to sustain zero hits from the creature. Jonathan refocused and his breathing continued. He had to stay in. Just one more hit would kill it. He could not let it touch him. One touch was the death of him. One moved caused easy to become life or death. He was done with floor three after this. He was staying in floor one for a long while. He couldn't put out his life like this. The creature did some more hissing then moved back in. 


    Jonathan 6/20

    Dark Elf 1/12

    63780 BD: 1 MD:3


  10. Jonathan pursued the fleeing creature, the breeze brushed against his cheeks and twigs and leaves snapped a crunched under his feet. Something would have to happen soon or the Elf would manage to get away. Jonathan heard a hiss and seen the Elf flying right at him. It hit him just right and he flew back into some twigs. Jonathan watched his health deplete. One more successful hit from the Elf and he was dead. Jonathan had to play it safe. His heart pounded as he thought to make his life deciding decision . Should he run or should he Stay. This was the most important question. This is why he stayed on floor one. 


    Jonathan 6/20 

    Dark Elf 1/12

    63779 BD: 3 MD: 10


  11. The hissing was definently getting annoying. He wanted to spray it multiple times with a squirt bottle, like a cat. Jonathan gripped his sword tightly, moving in on the Elf. It held its dagger out as if to ward off Jonathan. "Im not a demon, I look and act if as one but im not..." Jonathan moved in on the creature, he lashed forward taking several swipes at the creature but missed. With a hiss it turned and ran, it was definitely not making it easy on Jonathan. It acted as if it was real, that it knew fear. Pain and Fear controlled all worlds. If you could inflict enough pain and instill enough pain in things, you would rule. Jonathan began to sprint, his feet digging into the ground as he pursued the Dark Elf. 


    Jonathan 14/20

    Dark Elf 1/12

    63375 BD:5 MD:3


  12. Jonathan watched as Emblem hit the boar but not with a sword skill. Jonathan moved forward with his sword, His sword in front of him, he charged the boar. He activated his skill Snake Bite and hit the boar twice in sucession. He watched the boar explode into many fragments. Jonathan sheathed his sword. The boar did not drop anything but the experience was great. Jonathan turned to the boy. He smiled and then turned his head to the path ahead. Jonathan smiled again. This is what it was like to have an ally. No more than that. A friend. Jonathan turned to the boy, "Well I finally managed to hit it!" Jonathan laughed and turned back. He didnt feel much Solo today.


    Jonathan 16/16

    Emblem 52/52

    Boar -2/26  

    63774 BD:7 LD:7


  13. Jonathan smirked at the almost dead creature. It was no match anymore. Jonathan charged forward with his sword in a reverse grip. He slashed forward but the Elf rolled backwards with a hiss. It jumped backwards again trying to evade Jonathan. Jonathan moved quickly to try to keep up with the creature. It's hissing was beginning to get annoying. 


    Jonathan 14/20 3/5

    <<Dark Elf>> 1/12

    63756 BD:1 MD:2


  14. Jonathan stood ready, the Dark Elf's laugh had seemed to get more angry by the second. It had become more creepy. Jonathan began to advance on the Elf. The elf backed up a bit but Jonathan moved quickly. Jonathan swung his sword, meeting contact with the elf. It fell onto the ground. It rolled backward, it held out its sword. It's laugh had turned more into a hiss as its health was dangerously low. 


    Jonathan 14/20 4/5

    <<Dark Elf>> 1/12

    63755 BD:7 MD:1


  15. Jonathan watched as Emblem moved in striking the boar. He had done a massive amount of damage to the boar.  Emblem heeled switch then Jonathan moved forward coming at the boar with his weapon. His blade went over the boar missing entirely. Jonathan spun around watching the boar charge at Emblem. The boar missed entirely. Jonathan moved back to Emblem. He could never hit anything while another person was with him. 


    Jonathan 16/16

    Emblem 52/52

    Boar 11/26

    63754 BD:2 MD:1


  16. Spoiler


    Jonathan 14/20 4/5

    Dark Elf 5/12

    63732 BD:3 MD:8







    The creature jumped forward knocking Jonathan to the ground and stabbing him. Jonathan was heavily damaged but his armor punished the creature. It was immediately put in the red zone. The elf packed a punch but could not withstand anything. Jonathan laughed as he picked himself up.

  17. Jonathan picked up his sword. It was time for him to start hunting after the dark elf. He didn't have any idea what it even looked like. Jonathan stepped into the trees. He listened closely but didn't hear anything. He moved farther into the trees. Jonathan held his sword at the ready moving in. Then he heard a creepy giggle. Jonathan looked around but didn't see anything. Then a crazed creature jumped out of a tree in front of him. It was wearing all black clothing and it's skin tone was a ghostly pale. It pulled out a large dagger. Above its head was «Dark Elf» It was him.


    Jonathan 20/20 5/5

    <<Dark Elf>> 12/12


  18. Jonathan looked around the area. It was astonishingly beautiful. Then Jonathan's mind returned to something he had thought about a while. About how he was a solo player. None of the guilds had really put a spark in him. There was many but most were not active with guild meetings or training. All Jonathan had really thought about was becoming stronger. He wanted to be in the frontlines. He had one ally. Emblem. Jonathan watched as his health increased again. Only about another minute or so...


    Jonathan 19/20 4/5


  19. OOC: it wasn't letting me edit the last so here is thet roll  63726 BD:7 LD:2

    Jonathan sighed as he slowly watched his health begin to rise. His first Quest was a little boring. He didn't even need the armor. He was just going to sell it or give it away. He just wanted the experience the quest would give him, and the fact that he wouldn't have to do it again. A few more minutes and he would be read to go and hunt the elf.


    Jonathan 16/20 3/5


  20. The minotaur stamped its foot out of anger, it seemed to not be so unhappy due to all the damage he just had dealt. Jonathan sprinted forward this time taking the bull by surprise. It tried to move back but Jonathan had made it to him first. He plunged the sword into the bull man and it shattered instantly. Jonathan sheathed his sword and sat down. The bull had put up quite the fight. But Jonathan had ended its reign. Jonathan would have to heal before trying to make a move on the Dark Elf. Jonathan sighed. No more bulls. They hit way too hard. He hadn't even gone to floor two yet much less floor three. 


    Jonathan 13/20 2/5

    Minotaur 0/10


  21. Jonathan watched the bull. He swayed his sword from side to side and the bull charged. Jonathan stepped into it harming the bull but the creature hit him just right evading his thorns. Jonathan flew about twenty feet back and landed on the ground. Jonathan picked himself up. The creature was now in the red zone but Jonathan was very damaged. It packed a hit. Jonathan dusted himself off and readied himself again. This thing was a hard hitter. Jonathan decided to try to hit not be hit now.


    Jonathan 13/20 -7 9+1(crit)-3 =7

    Minotaur 2/10 


  22. Jonathan yelled challenging the bull in the creature and it charged forward at blinding speeds. This time there was going to be damage done.  He Activated his skill Snake Bite and went in for the damage. He struck twice then kicked back escaping the bull. Jonathan landed cleanly and unscathed. Jonathan smiled as the bull was in the yellow zone now. If the bull touch him now it was dead. Jonathan tried to induce the anger in the creature again.    


    Jonathan 20/20 2/5 3-2+1=2

    Minotaur 4/10 -6 4(2x1) =8-2=6



  23. Jonathan swayed his sword side to side taunting the bullman it stamped its hoof very angrily and charged forward again. Jonathan spun but only hit it with the flat of his blade so no damage done. This was retarded neither of them had hit each other. They had both gotten a bit closer. He needed to get to the dark elf and kill him. Jonathan smirked. This was going to take forever. Jonathan held his sword out in front of him.


    Jonathan 20/20 2/5

    Minotaur 10/10


  24. Jonathan watched as the creature began to stamp its hoof. It made the sound of a bull and began to charge again. It was a very aggressive creature.   The bull charged in the wrong way completely. Jonathan stifled a laugh and moved forward for a strike but the bull kept going turning then stamping. It was his red armor. That was what made the bull rage. Jonathan smiled readying himself for another attack.


    Jonathan 20/20 3/5

    Minatuar 10/10


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