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Posts posted by Morgenstern

  1. Jonathan readied himself then charged. In a quick second the spider pounced and landed on top of Jonathan. Jonathan  heard a screech as his blade was lodged in the spiders underside. The spider squirmed up and moved a few feet away. Jonathan looked at his health. He only has  one damage but the spider was apparently poisonous. Jonathan pulled himself out of the dirt. He had given a pretty hard hit himself. He might end up winning this one. He would definitely new equipment for later fights. 

    Jonathan 9/12 (2/2 Poisoned)

    Spider 17/20

    ID: 63266 BD:9 MD:10

  2. Jonathan watched as the giant spider began to get ready to pounce. Jonathan had to be the one to make the move. Jonathan took a breath and charged. Sword at one side, he sprinted at the Spider which seemed to take it by surprise. Jonathan swung the blade but missed. The spider rammed into him and launched him a few feet back. Jonathan pushed himself up from the dirt. He grabbed his sword. The spider wasnt all about attack then. Jonathan took a breath. 

    ID:63265 BD:5 MD:8

  3. Jonathan watched as the woman walked over and grabbed the sword. She handed out to him. The sword felt comfortable in his grip. He thanked the woman and gave her two materials. He smiled and unequipped his starting sword and replaced it with the new sword. He thanked the last again and headed out. Training would be a lot easier now. He looked through the window. Put his black hood up and walked away.


    -2 materials

  4. Jonathan was at floor five. A place he was not going to be ready for for a long time. He had heard rumors of a cheap black Smith around this area. He needed new equipment. He walked up  to a building with a sign that  said forged by the Sun. Jonathan took a deep breath and walked in. It looked like a pretty cozy place. There was a few people looking at items themselves. His eyes took everything in. His attention was averted to a rare sword. It was not really his type but it looked like a decent weapon. It was marked as  Polished Sword.  Jonathan peered at the price. It was only two materials. Our 450 col. Jonathan walked up to the lady who seemed in charge of the place. He took a deep breath in. He was not good at taking to anyone. He was really not good at taking to girls. Jonathan looked at her and said, "H-Hello. I e-mails like to  the P-polished Sword." 

  5. Jonathan held his blade tightly as he watched the spider ready itself to leap. Jonathan watched as the creature leapt into the air and came downward at him. Jonathan dove out off the way. Jonathan picked himself of the ground. Jonathan smiled. The spiders attack was useless. As long as he was ready that is. Jonathan picked up  his sword and was going  to attack next time. 

    ID 63064 BD 4 MD 4

  6. Jonathan began to head through the first of trees. Jonathan walked until he finally made it out of the trees. He looked ahead. This was definitely the right way. He took a step forward and then a spider like creature sprang in front of him. Jonathan pulled out his sword. He wouldn't easily be able to run from this one. The spider tried to move closer, the only thing keeping them apart was his sword. Jonathan was cornered between the trees and the spider. He had a fear of spider. He tried to make himself focus. He was ready. Or had to be

    Jonathan 11/12 Energy 3/3

    Spider 20/20   1 damage (not lootable)

  7. Jonathan opened  his eyes. It took a second for him to be able to see clearly though. He took in the visions around him. He was lying in what appeared to be a small circular house. His sword was on his back. There was a few belongings in the house. He pushed open the door. He peered outside to see a village with about ten houses. He was in Hakuna Village? Harukna? He didn't know. They were not monsters though. Itwas surprisingly what seemed to be morning. A woman walked his way and then smiled. She had a nice voice that said. "Ah, you are finally awake. A few players found you lying near the edge of the woods and brought you here. " Jonathan looked at the woman. She was an NPC so she wasn't lying. He. looked at her and said, "Can you possibly tell me which way to head for the starting city?" The woman bowed her head in what seemed disappointment. She returned her gaze to him and said ," Through the trees then follow the sun. You should make it there by high noon." Jonathan smiled and have her his thanks. He began to then turn his destination.

  8. Jonathan Decided to call the fighting quits. He sheathed his starters blade. He scanned his surroundings for any signs of trouble. He began to head the long journey home. One foot in front of the other. He stopped when his foot began to sink into the ground. That wasn't right. The area should have been as hard as a rock. He had gone the wrong direction. He was at the edge of a forest. Night was definitely approaching. The sun was on the horizon. The moon on the other. Jonathan put one hand on the handle of his sword. He heard a few leaves crunch behind. He turned just in time to see a large creature swing a club looking weapon. 

  9. Jonathan realized he could no make a successful retreat. adrenaline coursed through his body. He looked at his opponent. He didnt seem in control of his of his body. He held his blade fiercely. He Shouted and surged forward. He ran to the side of the boar and sliced down its entire side. He then turned quickly and plunged his blade into the back of the boar. The Boar burst into shards of blue data and flew off into the sky. He sheathed his blade as a hud appeared. He was almost leveled up to four. He had earned thirty col for the fight. He decided that was enough mobs for now. It was going to be dark soon.He could barely survive the day.

    ID:62995 BD:10 LD:15 

    Jonathan 2/12 energy 1/3

    +30 col


  10. Jonathan eyed the boar. He could not take much more damage. He looked down at his starting blade. He shouldnt have done this alone. He should have at least brought a healing crystal. He looked back at his opponent. It stamped its hoof into the ground. Jonathan swung his blade from side to side. He wasnt at his last life yet. A slight breeze hit his cheek. He charged. the boar began to surge forward. He slashed at the boar, and opened a red gash at his face. He watched its health spiral down. Then all of a sudden something hit him hard. He flew a few feet backward. He landed on one knee. He looked at his own health. He was also in the red zone. He had to decide. Fight or Flight. This was his only chance. One screw up and he was finished. He ran the scene through his head.

    OOC: I came back in a bad position.

    ID:62994 BD:9 MD:8

    Jonathan: 2/12

    Boar 2/6

  11. Jonathan eyed the boar in the eyes. It didn't seem to have any emotion. It was what made the boar not real. It had no reason, no emotion to live. Just will. The will to fight. Jonathan held his blade tightly and swung his blade in a slow waving motion, taunting the boar. The boar stamped its foot and charged. The boar charged and it apparently knew his trick because when he turned away it swerved running into him, throwing him to the ground. The boar moved backwards ready for another charge. Jonathan had angered the boar a bit too much possibly. Jonathan stood up and staggered back a bit. Jonathan had to start hitting. That was his only chance. 

    ID: 43005 BD: 3 MD: 9

    Jonathan 5/12

    Boar 4/6

  12. The boar seemed to get more angry by the second. Jonathan's blade once again was the only thing that separated them. The boar began to charge again it seemed to have increased speed now, giving him less time to react. Jonathan dove to the side and rolled like a log on the ground until he flipped up. The boar was already back in position ready to attack again. There went his chance to attack. Jonathan repositioned himself back to a good enough area to hold off. This battle was going to take forever. If... he didn't end it. Jonathan squinted his eyes, Trying to see a actual good opening but once again he would have to wait for a opening to unfold.

    ID: 42853 BD: 2 MD: 2 


  13. Jonathan readied himself to attack once more. Jonathan swung his blade side to side, taunting the boar. The boar stamped it foot and charged. Jonathan leapt to the side and drove his blade into the side of the boar, slicing a huge gash in its left side. Jonathan spun off it and back into a defensive position. Jonathan thought of what to do next. Then the large knife in his room flashed into memory. He then thought of the time he went hunting for  rabbits with it. Also with a small pistol, which he never used. Jonathan focused on the angered boar. It seemed even angrier since his attack. 

    ID: 42852 BD: 9 MD: 3 Damage: 1(base) +1 (skill) +1 (Critical) -1 (mitgation) =2

    Jonathan 9/12 Energy 1/3

    Boar 4/6


  14. Jonathan eyed his opponent carefully. He had to hit with a skill. That was the only way for him to do serious damage. He moved his weapon in the motions he watched the boar stamp his foot. His blade began to glow a bright blue as he charged forward slashing his blade. He missed and the boar came hurtling at him. Jonathan rolled to the side and spun to the enemy. The boar had missed as well. Jonathan watched as his energy meter dropped to zero then regenerated back up to one. There went his chance to use a skill. With the boars mitigation he was never gonna do much damage. Jonathan prepared himself back in position. This was not coming his way. Jonathan began to focus. Maybe he could just not attack next turn or something so he could use his skill. 

    ID: 42851 BD: 1 MD: 1

  15. OOC Its Morgenstern XD 

    Jonathan listened as Brax had the idea of a quest. The first quest possible to be done by them. A quest sounded good to Jonathan. After finishing it, he would feel like he accomplished something in this game. Hunting Nepents huh? Jonathan looked over at Brax. He would probably explain the quest and Nepents further into detail on the trip. Finally they were moving on somewhere. Jonathan hoisted his blade onto his shoulder. He would fell better with the fact of knowing that he had a party. You couldn't advance in this game without a party. Didn't really work if they weren't your level either. "Sounds good to me, It makes me feel more accomplished." Also, nice to know they had a detailed plan. Jonathan began to look into the eyes of the other two players to see if he could read an emotion in them. Jonathan began to look ahead after looking in their eyes. "Whether it be sucsess or failure in our future we move on, carpe diam, Seize the Day. 

  16. Jonathan moved out of the area to go and find a boar. He held his blade tightly as he scanned the area. He found one. He readied his blade and then moved slowly forward. Jonathan had his eye on the target. He moved closer. Jonathan prepared to use his skill Snakebite. He moved forward slashing twice but missing. The boar turned and thrust his body into to Jonathan's. Jonathan fell back as his health was dropped. Great he was already doing bad. Jonathan readied himself in a defensive position. He had to turn this show around. This boar would not beat him. 

    Jonathan 9/12 HP Energy 2/3

    ID: 42733 BD: 5 MD: 8


  17. Jonathan began to walk East and found the forest. There was plenty of bushes here that would probably provide materials with good searching. He came up to one and be able to search it. He didn't really see any. He began to move to a tall grassed area. He took his blade and swept the tall grass, shortening it. He began to look through. He picked up a rock. He chucked it. He began to look around the area some more. He did not find anything. His health had reached full now. Now he guessed it was time to go find another boar. He had to kill it this time. He was lucky that he managed to get away. He had to hit the target. That was the only way to beat it. 

    ID: 42732 LD: 7

    Jonathan 12/12 Energy 3/3


  18. Jonathan moved away from the direction of the player killers and found a series of bushed. This was going to take a while to go through. Jonathan began to search through the first bush. Nothing. He began to move up the row until he got to the middle one. He thought maybe he just seen something. He reached his hand down and picked up an object. It was a material! He watched his health bar go slowly up more. Jonathan looked around for any dangers in the immediate area. He seen none. One more turn of looking for materials and then back to boars. Jonathan had to hit and not miss. That was the only way to live. Jonathan began to move to another area. He had to stay on the move. 

    ID:42671 LD: 18

    Jonathan 10/12 +3 HP

    +1 material

  19. Jonathan began look for some materials why he regenerated health. He needed to look in some bushes located by the town. He opened up a bush and looked fora material. He found nothing on the top layer so he began to try to find something in the middle layer. He reached farther down and found nothing. He began to look in the bottom layer but fell in. He found nothing as his body was trapped inside of the bush. It was a bigger bush than he thought. He struggled to become free and then he heard faint voices. He looked through the leaves seeing two players, with orange cursors on each of their heads. Player killers he thought. They were heading his way. Jonathan attempted to stay hidden as they walked past him. They didn't notice him luckily. Jonathan tried standing up. He reached upand grabbed his blade cutting his way out. No mats found in that bush. 

    ID: 42659 LD: 10

    Jonathan 7/12 health 3/3 Energy


  20. Jonathan felt bad to retread. But it was the only way to survive. He acted like was going to attack than sprang away as the boar flew past him. He began to run, The boar on hot pursuit. Luckily he actually had managed to get away. The boar quit pursuit and went back to eating. Jonathan stopped running and thought he might as well begin to look for materials why he waited ti regenerate. He stayed away from the boar as he moved back into looking for materials. Jonathan sighed. He was luck to make it out of there, alive. The dangers of this game were very high. He looked at the city. He headed away from it. Time to look for materials. 

    ID: 42655 CD: 12 Retreat Sucessful!

    Jonathan 4/12 Energy 2/3

  21.  Jonathan stared at his enemy. It was not very happy that he disturbed its breakfast. The only thing that that kept them apart was his blade. He knew that what was he was not attacking him for. Jonathan squinted his eyes looking for an opening dashing forward. Jonathan had to try to escape if he was going to if the boar attacked again, His blade faintly glowed blue as he charged. The boar charged hitting him again. Jonathan realized, Now it was time to flee this battle for sure. He needed luck on his side. Jonathan readied to escape. Or he might have to fight. Their HP differences were not by a lot. This was not going good for him. He was going to flee. 

    ID: 42654 MD: 9

    Jonathan 4/12 Energy 1/4

    Boar 3/6 

  22. Jonathan looked around and found a boar. He held his blade tighter and began to head in that direction. He was going to try something he had not done before. Attack with a skill. He moved closer checking his surroundings to make sure there was not any others. He was going to loot this boar. He charged his blade ready to rip through the enemy. He performed the art snakebite. He slashed in an angle at the hide of the boar. The blade met its mark, making gashes in the enemies hide. The boar turned and stamped its food. Clearly it was not happy. It began to charge and it hit him sending him lying back tot the ground. It glared in satisfaction. Jonathan grinned. He was stronger than that. 

    ID: 42561 BD: 7  MD: 9

    1+ 1 skill *2 Sword Art-1= 3 damage 

    Jonathan HP 8/12   Energy 3-2+1= 2

    Boar HP 3/6

  23. Jonathan sat on a bench on floor one. He had two names in his head that probably would not come out. Nathan and Brax. He trusted Nathan to an extent. He seemed forced to trust Brax because he had saved his life most likely. Jonathan stood up. He was most likely with skills, easily able to take out the first boars. He would be able to loot them. Jonathan unsheathed his blade at the end of town. He looked around. The skies were clear and the grass was green. There was a cool breeze that whipped his hair a bit. It was peaceful. It reminded him of the countryside where he lived. His green eyes moved to look in the distance at the Forest of wavering Mist. Jonathan began to walk forward slowly. He was going to head on attack the enemies. Nothing was in his way. He began to move out, the sun seemed to follow him. 

  24. Jonathan listened carefully as Brax explained another option. A quest that would pretty much give them their armor which was on the third floor. Brax had promised them protection with it. It was a fair decision. As much as Jonathan did not want to go to the third floor right now, he really needed armor. Then here came Brax's price. To adventure with them for as long as necessary. That's it. Jonathan had chosen. "I accept the quest idea and can easily pay back that. In that case I say we should train extra hard today to have more chances of survival." survival was key in this area. Jonathan equipped his beginner blade, thinking further discussion over, and looked at the counter smiled at Taki who smiled back and walked out the door to wait for the other two. 

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