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Posts posted by Morgenstern

  1. Jonathan slowly walked back to the Starting City. He smiled as he walked through. The night air was a little bit chilly but he was cool with it. the darkness of the night was beautiful from a starry sky. He had seen the night many times. This was looked much better but was nothing but data. Jonathan  grabbed his blade, unsheathing it. Beginners Blade. Everything had a beginning, just no one knows if there was ever going to be an end to it. There would be  an end to this world, and he would be there, at the end. Alive. Many would die but he would not. He just had that feeling. He would be outstanding. 

  2. One more time... Just one more and I will be done. Jonathan told himself. He was going to look one more time and then he was going to go head into town for the night. Hr sheathed his blade as he climbed over a tall rock using both arms to launch himself over. He walked to a bush, carefully in case of any predators that might be lurking around and stopped. After looking around, Jonathan unsheathed his blade and began to chop the bush up. He then looked for any materials that might be able salvage from the bush or inside of it. He seen something glinted in the sunlight and picked it up. A material. That was great to leave off at so Jonathan began to head back to town. 

    ID: 42443 LD: 16

    +1 mat

  3. Jonathan kept searching the area. He would eventually find something right? He moved around trying to find a glint from the sun or something. Finally he began to move back to the forested areas to find a bush or something. He found a bush which was actually pokey so he cut some pieces off which split into  data. He looked inside to try to find something. He ended up coming up with nothing which irritated him a bit. He was never going to find a material like this. Jonathan began to go around the forest looking for another area that might end up holding something in store for him lying in wait. 

    42441 LD: 5

  4. Jonathan listened as Nathan took light armor. Now it was probably his turn to choose. Jonathan thought for a moment. This armor was going to be temporary so he was probably going to take the light armor for what he had in mind. Light armor that would mitigate some damage to lessen the chances of dying. After he had a bit he was going to go to a taylor and get some gear that would suit him so light armor would be best. "Yes, I agree as well. I will take light armor to mitigate some damage if that is okay with you. Now with the matter at hand, I say we each go and fight some of our own boars so we can reap each individual reward. Means we will fight near each other, but we fight our own boars so we can all get the loot." Jonathan looked back to Nathan. He seemed possibly a bit troubled. 

  5. Jonathan began to look around some more. He knew some materials had to be around here somewhere. Jonathan began to look in the tall brush. It had to be around here somewhere. His soaked shoes squished every time he put his foot down. With the barely visible light and the soaked grass he looked some more trying ti uncover something. He used his blade to try and cut some grass which was quite hard but managed to get the job done. Once again there was nothing there. It was no longer his lucky day. It was probably one of the worst day in his life. 

    ID: 42346 LD: 11


  6. As Jonathan left the shop he began to walk the streets.... He needed to be able to do some farming but that would most definitely require some farming. Jonathan began to head back to the edge of town. It was almost dark again and Jonathan felt like looking for materials. He grabbed his blade to cut some tall grass so he could actually look inside of it. He searched but did not end up finding anything. Strange. Probably because it was covered in soaked grass. Jonathan sighed as he began to change his direction. The storm probable blew his chances of finding anything. Few more tries before he headed in for the night. 

    ID: 42322 LD: 2 Failure


  7. Jonathan listened in on as Brax began to talk of advancing. He said farming was good but they needed gear to be able to survive. Jonathan understood that. They needed to be able to take more damage then what they were already doing. Jonathan completely finished his food and pushed it forward. Jonathan knew to be able to go on his own he would need gear. Jonathan could make a blade for each one of them once he was made a blacksmith. "When I get a profession I will return the favor if you get me armor for now. Then I will eventually end up going to a tailor and get my perfect armor. You can have your weapon how you want it and I get protection for now. Also, since Christmas is coming up I might make a rapier for someone... not gonna say who.... Jonathan glanced over at Nathan. 

  8. Taki smiled when he asked about the Katana. She maybe even glad he asked. "I got that Katana from my father who was part of the Green Glades before he died.... It is a symbol of strategy and confidence in battle. Most likely it will never be used again...." Jonathan hid a smile. He knew it was a fake story. All of the NPC's had built in backgrounds. This was the fakest one he had heard yet. Jonathan slipped into the bathroom. He didn't really have to go but just in case. He went, washed his hands. and marveled the texture. She had to be making money. The place had very detailed patterns. He came back out and looked outside. Both wind and rain had died down. He looked at Taki and said, "Thank you for the hospitality but i think I need to leave." She smiled and he walked out the door. 

  9. As Jonathan finished his bacon and eggs he listened to Taki talk. "The reason I give this to you is because without that key I would not ever have been able to have get to my storage room. Then I would not have enough supplies to keep going" Jonathan looked at her and asked "Do you get much business up here to the North of the Fountain?" Taki nodded her head and said, "Yes, Us to the North of the fountain find the most able to get money. I have made a large surplus of money." Jonathan stood up and looked around the place. Taki began to say, " " I have old cooking lessons, I am supposed to be the best cook in town you know...." Jonathan looked around finding a green sheathed and handled katana. He looked at her and said, "Why do you have a katana on your wall?"

  10. Jonathan, soaked from the pouring rain and fierce winds. He finally made it through the rain and could now see the NPC woman and her restaurant. He walked slowly up to her and handed her the key putting it in her palm. He smiled and rushed him in the building. "Thank You, I will go fix you food, you can have it free anytime you want.... It tastes good don't worry." Jonathan sat down at one of the many empty tables. The place was deserted. In a few minutes, with the amazing smell of fresh food, the woman came in with two plates of Bacon and eggs. She sat down across from him and said, "Thank you for returning my key. I will return the favor, come in and eat anytime you want for free... if we are open. I am Taki, and this is Taki's." Jonathan guessed that she was referring to herself and the place. Jonathan began to eat the food. It tasted amazing. Everything was just so perfectly cooked to the right time and everything. 

  11. The wind picked up more blowing the key faster along the blacktop road. Jonathan tried to speed up but it did not help much. Jonathan would never catch it. Jonathan knew his sword was to heavy for wind to blow as fast as the key was. Jonathan unsheathed his sword, still in hot pursuit of the key,  and chucked it horizontally in front of the key. Jonathan slowed down a bot and grabbed the y key and the blade. He now had to return the key. Jonathan was tired. That was a lot of running. He also was soaked from the blistering rain. Jonathan began to slowly walk back pushing against the oncoming rain and wind. He regretted getting that key now. Jonathan sighed and moved forward. 

  12. Jonathan listed as Nathan agreed with him when it came to leveling up and earning col, and then he wanted to talk about professions. Jonathan knew exactly what he had in mind. Blacksmith. Jonathan watched as Brax finally managed to join them. "I presume your food was well, Brax?" Jonathan after awaiting his answer then said, "Now, I think that we are all stronger now and able to  handle ourselves, that we go and farm boars for material anc col and without the fear of death nagging us the whole way." Jonathan began to eat more of his food enjoying its wonderful taste. He knew that even Brax must like the idea of farming. 

  13. Jonathan watched as the rain pelted the ground right in front of him. It was really beginning to pour. Then the wind began to pick up. He had better find a more sheltered area. That kid's place the one that he broke into. He could stay in there quietly. Jonathan lunged out into the rain as quick as he could go heading south. Jonathan watched  as the  aign of a door was ripped off a restaurant. A older woman came out looking exasperated saying " My sign my sign!" It was an NPC. Then she fell and a necklace with a key on it bound off her neck, broke and flew away. The woman got up frantically. Jonathan looked at her and said, "I got it!" He chased after the key that was now skidding across the ground at a high speed. 

  14. Jonathan decided to take a break. He walked slowly back to town as the breeze blew his silver hair back. He was a bit tired actually. His legs were even getting more tired by the second. He finally reached the starting city. He took the backroads around places and eventually found a bench where he sat. He breathed in deeply and felt a dab of water fall on his nose. Gray clouds covered the sky indicating upcoming rain. As rain kept falling he found an overhang. He sat under it. It was a great thing he had decided to come in before the rain. Was this what it was like? Having no friends or anyone at all to help him thrive and survive. He needed a friend. 

  15. Jonathan listened in as Nathan ordered some food. He liked Eggs and Bacon. Jonathan loved bacon but it usually did not agree with him. Jonathan turned to the sound of Nathan's voice which was asking him what they were going to do.  "I figured we could do some farming, and now that we actually have skills and know what to do, as well as have a good team that can take their damage we can farm materials and col as getting more experience." Jonathan watched as the Waitress returned with two plates of food and two waters, placing their orders in front of them. "Enjoy your meal" The woman said as she winked. Jonathan looked at Nathan and said "Fode". Jonathan knew that Nathan had probably never learned the language. 

  16. Jonathan thought of what to do next. Possibly kill a boar? No. He would try and find another material. He would not gain any experience on boars that were unlootable. He began to search some more. He began to cut up some more of a brush and look inside of that. It was sure to have something in it. 

    ID: 42157 LD: 19

    Seeing something shiny Jonathan groped around snatching some twigs and a... material. Jonathan smiled. Another one down he thought. This was going to be a grand day for him. He sheathed his blade from cutting the bush. The blade hissing as it bet the leather of the sheath.

  17. Jonathan picked up his blade and sheathed it. He knew he shouldn't try to push his luck with another boar so he figured he could go back to materials. He began to move back around the Forest of Wavering Mist to look for some. He looked in a small brush and seen something shiny, picking it up. A message popped up saying


    One Material found

    Jonathan jumped for Joy grabbing a tree branch, swinging. He calmed down and got down. He grabbed his blade out of his sheath and decided to head back towards town a bit. Jonathan knew that he was making progress here. And nothing was better than that. 

    ID: 42103 LD: 15

  18. OOC: Morgenstern- The Morning Star not Morgenstar XD

    Jonathan sat and waited when he seen Nathan walk straight past him. Jonathan grabbed his stuff and headed out coming up behind him, and then in front. He grinned at Nathan before coming up to the desk in front and said, "Table for three please, the third will be here in a minutes or so and goes by the name of Brax...." The lady looked up at him and said, "Who will I be making this" She looked up and stopped talking. "Right this way Jonathan" The waitress sat them down and said, "What would you like to drink?" Jonathan looked up to the girl and said, "Water please." His attention reverted back to Nathan.

    "So, Are you ready to level up some more.... Brax is Joining as well but we won't rely on him to kill a standard boar for us. Jonathan grinned once the waitress came by again. What would you like to eat darlings? We have almost any food imaginable.... Just not fish. The waitress shivered at the word fish. Jonathan looked at the waitress and said, "I will go with an omelet with toast on the side. Jonathan looked back to Nathan and said, "be very specific with in detail. Last time I did not say on the side, so I got my toast inside the omelet. 

  19. Jonathan grabbed his blade and figured, maybe for action I can pick off a weak boar by myself. He looked around seeing only few boars. Small one Small one, Small one! Jonathan seen a rather small one. It would do nicely for his first battle. He held his blade out. The boar would go down. Jonathan began to run straight at the enemy. His blade glided into the enemy. As soon as his blade went through, The boar shattered into millions of little blue pixels. Jonathan smiled as he sheathed his blade. That was easier than Jonathan would have expected. Jonathan looked around. Nobody was around. He unsheathed his blade and plunged it into the ground. Morgenstern was the Morning Star. And it was time to wake up to see that. 

    ID: 42029 BD: 10 MD: 2

    Jonathan 4/4

    Boar 0/4

  20. Jonathan moved kicking the dirt up throwing dust off the ground going away in little clouds. The wind blew a little, slightly moving his silvery hair into his eyes. He brushed it away and sat down on the ground. He wished he was stronger. He could be taking out boars, picking them off one by one. He stood and moved over to a more forested area. The Forest of Wavering Mist.... He didn't want to venture too far. He knew there was something called a nepent that would attack him. Forests have more materials in them brobably. He  begn to look in the area for materials. 

    ID: 42028 LD: 8

    Jonathan once again did not find anything useful so he gave up. Exasperated he decided to head back to town. Kicking everything in sight. 

  21. Jonathan stepped out of Starting City and scanned the area or any dangers. Not seeing any, Jonathan began to look around. This would also give him time alone to think. He was still quite close to the city walls. The sin was bright overhead and it radiated heat like no other. Jonathan picked up a rock. Nothing there. He then looked ina dead hallow tree. 

    ID: 42024 LD: 8 No loot. 

    Jonathan did not find anything in the area. Jonathan sighed and moved away. Being this weak was as boring as ever. He grabbed his blade and plunged it into the tree next to him. The tree cracked as its hit points lowered and then it burst into data. Jonathan sheathed his blade. He needed to control his anger. "There was never a tree there" He thought laughing. 

  22. Jonathan woke up to sunlight in his face. He had a great time. Now Jonathan was actually level two and could do stuff. He wanted ti test it out. Jonathan  opened his HUD and went to the messaging. He began to send a message to Nathan and Brax. 


    To: Creius, Brax

    From: Morgenstern

    hey guys I had a great time yesterday and I was wondering if we could go fight out again. If you can meet me at Taki's for a bite of breakfast, she usually lets me eat free. I did her a couple favors.... Taki's is to the North of the fountain in the center of town. 

    Jonathan hit send and began to head off toward Taki's. Jonathan equipped his blade and got to the Fountain and North. He waited out of the shop for the time being. 

  23. Jonathan moved from the immediate areas and into back ways. He had to keep himself concealed from anyone who might wanna sleep PK him. Jonathan found an over hang on a building which had boxes and canned goods stacked up by it for concealment. He brought his hood up and Layed down. The night was new and he was not nocturnal. A ray of sunlight woke him from his slumber. He sat up and equipped his sword. He thought of his future. He was going to have a shop. He was going to need materials for later. He walked out and started heading out for the far edge of town. He was going to go and find some materials. They would help in the future. 

  24. Jonathan watched as boar came charging. A figure of a man came hurting  between them. The figure killed the boar. A huge chunk of his life was gone now when he turned and introduced himself as Brax. Nathan seemed confused if to trust or not to trust. Jonathan kept his blade out in case Brax wanted to start trouble. Then Jonathan introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Jonathan. Thank you for taking that blow. It would have finished me. Jonathan looked at Nathan and said, "I think that will be our last, it is pretty dark now" Jonathan wasn't sure about Brax,but he would eventually warm up to him he guesses. If he didn't do any sketchy things. 

  25. Jonathan watched as the boar came charging in after him. He had just managed to move out of the way. He held his blade as Nathan moved in for a hit. Nathan met his mark and moved out of the way opening a opportunity to strike the boar. He charged forward and slanted his blade in an downward motion hoping to hit. Jonathan's blade struck the side of the boar opening a red gash of pixels in its side. Jonathan moved to get away from the boar. His eyes a dark green which seemed to be darkening. The light in the sky was most definitely fading. And once it was dark his eyes seemed black. As Jonathan turned he noticed a figure standing in the afar watching. "Embrace yourself!!"

    ID: 41960  BD: 8

    Jonathan 4/4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Nathan 4/4

    Boar 2/4

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