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Posts posted by Comet

  1. (Gosh dang it Mac, stop looking cool even when you fail those attacks.)

    ID: 48243
    BD: 7

    Comet sighed. The man was still holding onto the boar so that Comet could slowly, slowly kill the boar with his own muscular strength. Indeed, even though Comet was landing several hits, the attacks had been worthless in terms of damage and was making little progress. There was no telling when Comet would be able to kill the boar and for how long Macradon could continue to hold off the boar in order to prevent damage to Comet. If Macradon loses his strength, the boar would be able to strike him and hence, Comet would once again take damage and if that happens, his health would be taken to a fatal point that he would prefer not to be in. Comet took a deep breath and watched the still boar before charging forward and striking him dead-on. It was a good attack and a landed attack. However, once again, Comet was unable to deal any damage that showed value. "Alright then...." Comet said, disappointed at the lack of damage that he currently possesses.

    HP List
    Macradon: 103/104
       Energy: 19/26
          Hate: 2
    Comet: 5/8
       Energy: 0/2
          Hate: 7 (+1)

    Giga Boar:
    2/52 (-1)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 13

  2. ID: 48205
    BD: 1

    Comet sighed. It seemed like Macradon was telling him to attack once and once again, slowly grinding the mob's health down. Comet smirked as he had already landed two important hits on the mob. Even though they were almost no damage, it was still critical hits and that was what mattered. His damage would increase as time progresses and at the moment, the amount of damage he completes holds no importance... However, this would act as good training. Even if Comet was to do absolutely nothing during his attacks. He needed Macradon to land a final hit and kill the mob off in case he would be hit once again and taken to a very dangerous point. For now, he will continue to land hits after hits to improve his sword skills. "Alright." Comet said, keeping his calm and beginning to move forward. Right before he began to run, he tripped on the same rock that he tripped a few turns ago. "Geez! How annoying." Comet complained, kicking the rock to the side so it wouldn't bother him again.

    HP List
    Macradon: 103/104
       Energy: 18/26
          Hate: 2
    Comet: 5/8
       Energy: 0/2
          Hate: 6

    Giga Boar: 
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 13

  3. Comet grinned in pleasure as the man offered him more ice cream. He had been looking forwards to eating that ice cream but now, he would be given another one by the man. "Thank you!" Comet shouted in grateful glee. "Can you get me two? I'm feeling really hungry." He asked, looking up at the man with a joyful face and a look full o happy emotion that the man had offered him this sweet opportunity for ice cream. "Follow me!" Comet shouted and jumped up and down as he ran back to the ice cream shop and entered the door. Soon, after the man had followed him (Going to speed things up here), Comet looked around the well-decorated shop before looking back at the man. "Can I have two chocolate flavored ice cream please?" Comet asked the man while tugging at his shirt."By the way, my name is Comet, you haven't told me of your name yet... Or should I just call you sir? That is what I call other people that I don't know." Comet said, wearing a cute, smiling face as he looked at the man in anticipation of ice cream.

  4. ID: 48203
    LD: 9

    Comet sighed, looking around once more to see if there were perhaps materials in the distance waiting for him to claim. However, there seemed to be nothing, this time, around as well and he was definitely not pleased. His material gathering success rate had been declining and of course, Comet did not appreciate this decline. It was when Comet decided to walk on again that he heard a voice behind him. It was a voice that screamed danger but when Comet turned around, it was the same uncle that had approached him that morning. It seemed like the man was worried about him and wanted to stick around to protect him. Wouldn't hurt.  Comet figured, looking curiously at the man. "Well, this isn't the first time I've been out here and with my level, it should be fine to be out here. Still, it definitely wouldn't hurt to have someone with me in this material gathering session. So, how about telling me a few stories as we gather some materials?"  Comet asked.

    Total Materials: 0

  5. Comet yawned, it had been a tough day of material gathering but he had had a productive day. With a sigh, he walked through the town of the starting city, wondering whether there was anyone of anything that could be of interest to him. Comet hadn't met too many people during his time here in Sword Art Online but he was sure that as he grew in level, he was to meet more and more people and finally become a well-known frontline player that everyone looked up to and was aware of his name. Comet sighed. Would take a while, though. He thought disappointedly. Alright. He walked before he realized that he was hungry as hell. Without another thought, he went to a nearby shop and just as he was about to enter, he saw a white haired man walking along. Indeed, it was Macradon and it seems that he was walking away from something and looked to be returning to his shop. Comet smiled and charged forward before jumping up at the last moment and giving the strong man a big hug. After a while, Comet spoke, "Hey Macradon! Been a long day eh? I'm feeling super hungry and I was wondering if you would mind taking me to a restaurant or something." Comet said with a wide grin.

  6. ID: 48167
    LD: 12

    Comet sighed, looking around for perhaps a few more easy kills in the distance. However, it was not to be as simply, there was nothing in the distance that was worth his time. With yet another sigh, he walked on... Hoping for a few more material gathering opportunities before he reached the safe zone and for the sun to set completely. Comet yawned, already really satisfied with what he had obtained through this slow, yet productive material gathering session.

    Total Materials: 8
    Total Col: 40

    HP List
       Energy: 2/2 (+1)

  7. ID: 48166
    BD: 9
    MD: DBA
    LD: 5

    Comet smirked as yet another boar appeared in front of him. Indeed, it seemed to have come for revenge of its friend and just like its friend, it would be attacked and killed by one of the shortest people of Aincrad. That was Comet and Comet was seeking materials. When Comet wants to do something, nothing can stop him, not even food. With a smile, Comet watched as the boar vanished into the air after being struck by his blade.

    Total Materials: 8 (+1)
    Total Col: 40

    HP List
       Energy: 1/2 (-1) (+1)
    Boar: 0/4 (-5)
       Damage: 2
          Mitigation: 1

  8. ID: 48165
    BD: 7
    MD: DBA
    LD: 10

    Comet smiled as he saw a weak boar come over in front of him. With an even wider smile, he saw that the boar was able to be one-shot by him. Without hesitation, Comet charged forward, his sword high in the air as he brought it down upon the weakling, sending it to its grave and providing him with a good material. Well, it should be over soon. I wonder if I can get a good, cheap place to stay the night instead of sleeping in that cold alleyway again. Comet thought, walking back to the safe zone now.

    Total Materials: 7 (+1)
    Total Col: 40

    HP List
       Energy: 1/2 (-1)
    Boar: 0/4 (-4)
       Damage: 2
          Mitigation: 1

  9. ID: 48164
    LD: 12

    Comet sighed, sitting down, feeling his small legs growing tired by the second. He was definitely not pleased with the fact tat he had failed three times in a row with his material gathering session. He definitely needed a lot more materials in order to be able to afford some of the expensive items that were common in the more well-known shops. Comet chewed on the plant a bit more before throwing it to the ground and starting to walk once more. This sure is tiring. Comet thought.

    Total Materials: 6
    Total Col: 40

    HP List
       Energy: 2/2

  10. ID: 48158
    BD: 10

    Comet could see the boar coming at him from miles away. However, his body seemed to have frozen in fear and anticipation. By the end of the attack, Comet had no time and instead of jumping to either side, he embraced and prepared his body for the impact. Comet was struck dead on and he had fallen to the ground. Macradon was not dealing damage and Comet was taking damage. Two more hits and Comet would probably be sent away from this world. Comet stood up, gasping and grunting as he picked up his fallen sword. "That wasn't even painful." Comet said, trying to remain calm. "I got this." With that, Comet charged forward, his sword held high in the sky. Once again, Comet had been able to strike a second degree critical. However, just like last time, the attack had done absolute no damage and Comet only wanted to become stronger and stronger.

    HP List
    Macradon: 103/104
       Energy: 19/26
          Hate: 2
    Comet: 5/8
       Energy: 0/2
          Hate: 6 (+2)

    Giga Boar: 
    3/52 (-1)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 13

  11. What a good evening. Comet thought, looking at the late sunset as he tried to get past the swarmed players. The first floor was the most populated floor by far and for someone as short as Comet, it was not necessarily a good thing because he was often swarmed and squished by the numerous NPCs in the marketplace or knocked over by a few rushing players that were excited to head out of the starting town to fight a few boars. With a sigh, Comet bought an ice cream from an open NPC shop and walked out to digest it slowly while looking at the sunset from somewhere high up... Like a cliff or something. However, as soon as he walked out of the shop, he felt an impact which caused his ice cream to fall to the ground. As simple as that sounded, Comet had only just bit into it and hadn't even taken the flavor in. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as he and his beloved ice cream fell to the ground. "Nooooooooo" Comet screamed out, trying to catch the ice cream in mid air but the cone and the cream were both missed. Finally, after a while, Comet stood up with the help of the man that had bumped into him. Still, Comet was focused only on the ice cream that was now dead on the ground. "My ice cream..." He said, staring at the dirtied ice cream in sadness and sniffled. The ice cream's life had been so short and yet its purpose was not served when it died. How sad. Comet thought. 

  12. ID: 48162
    LD: 9

    Comet looked around once more, hoping for something that could be interesting. However, nothing could be seen in the distance. Last time he looked, there was also nothing that provided him with any sort of materials. With a yawn, he walked on once more to make sure he gets enough materials before the days ends. It would take a while for him to grind up enough materials to get a full set of perfect gear. Comet smirked, walking on patiently with a plant in his mouth like a cowboy as he walked through the sun set.

    Total Materials: 6
    Total Col: 40

    HP List
       Energy: 2/2

  13. ID: 48156
    BD: 10 

    Comet jumped up as he saw Macradon was hit and even though the man's health had declined to almost nothing. Still, a hit is a hit... he wasn't even sure if the pain in this game was a thing. "Are you okay?" Comet asked in consideration, wondering if the man had been damaged by the attack in any way. Still, he would have to attack yet again. The boar had little health left but no matter how much basic attacks Comet used on it, he would be unable to deal much damage to it. It was impossible for Comet to deal more than one damage upon this boar without using sword arts and Comet with his two maximum energy didn't exactly have a lot of sword arts available to him. With a deep sigh, he charged forward, willing to deal one more damage to this boar. Indeed, Comet had been able to strike the boar. He was doing well for a beginner... However, the critical that he inflicted was only harmful to him and there was no benefit because the boar's mitigation was way too high and as a result, he dealt one damage with more hate on him. "Geez... Come on Macradon! You can do it! It only has a few health left!" Comet shouted. 


    HP List
    Macradon: 103/104
       Energy: 18/26
          Hate: 2
    Comet: 8/8
       Energy: 0/2
          Hate: 4 (+2)

    Giga Boar: 
    4/52 (-1)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 13


  14. Comet yawned. He hadn't eaten the previous day. He sure wouldn't mind having something to eat early on in the day so he can perhaps go on a material gathering session later. Comet smiled and nodded his head. "Let's buy some cookies for when Aikoh comes and we can share them!" Comet said, still excited and spoke with impatience. Geez... Where is she? Comet thought, looking around, still unable to see the pretty girl in the distance and the surrounding area. Stop keeping me waiting. Comet thought, yawning once more as he waited for Capt to get that order in. However, the surprise would be spoiled because, at that instant, a familiar girl's face popped into the scene. Without a second's pause, Comet realized that this girl was his childhood friend. She was a sweet and kind girl and Comet watched as the girl hugged Capt in a warm manner. Of course, when Aikoh looked at him, he too, blushed and looked away in embarrassment. Sure, he was excited to see the girl but it's been such a long time of Comet searching for her and when he finally meets up with her, he is completely wordless. After a few moments, Comet went up to the shorter girl and gave her a big, huge and wordless hug.

  15. (You didn't need to roll MD but you rolled so I'll just not roll I guess xD)

    Comet sighed, grasping his dagger tightly in hopes of dealing a bit of damage this time as well. Even though Comet is a little kid, he is still able to do simple calculations and in all honesty, the game only required simple calculations that Comet needed to complete. Comet sighed yet again and took a deep breath. He was well aware that his fighting abilities were not good at all. He had been afraid of damaging the boar because if he did indeed strike the boar, the hate would affect him and hence, he would probably become the target of the boar. Indeed, he had learned about this from rumors in the town. At first, he had no understanding of how aggro worked in this game and now he was quite aware. Of course, Comet needed only to deal damage as a damage dealer and required not to worry about the aggro system as he is sure there are other classes out there that can do that.  Tarnks? Tonks? Something like that. Comet thought and soon directed his mind to the current situation once more. "Let's see if I can deal damage again. Won't be enough to kill it, though." Comet said and charged forward.

    ID: 48080
    BD: 1

    Comet had been so busy staring at the mob and missed a rock that was directly in front of him. With a gasp, he fell to the ground with a loud thump noise and fell right to the ground as he tripped on the rock. With a laugh, he rolled around and rubbed his head in pain. "Geez, I need to be careful of that..." 

  16. Comet watched as the white-haired man was able to strike down the mob's health in no time. He had managed to pretty much strike down the mob and one more hit would be enough to kill it. Aw... That's no fun... Comet thought, disappointed that he probably wouldn't get much action if he was to miss this one. Still, this only made Comet more determined to strike the mob. He was sure the mob was unable to one-shot him even if he was level 2 and really didn't have much health. But, one must not eliminate the chance of an impossible from happening because the impossible was never truly impossible but only believed to be impossible. Comet clutched his one-handed dagger with a face full of determination. He was going to strike the mob with a powerful attack and he was sure that he could deal just a tiny bit of damage to this mob and maybe he could brag to some other younger players of the fact that he had stricken a tough mob. With a deep breath, he charged forward with a fierce but childish roar that sounded just like it should of... That's right. A high pitched scream of a young boy.

    ID: 47917
    BD: 9
    MD: 6 (Stunned)

    Comet grinned when he had managed to hit the stunned boar. He knew that the mob couldn't hit him back and took advantage of this. After retreating to Macradon, Comet began to speak. "Geez... That only dealt one damage? That mob has some real tough skin if you ask me." Comet said, putting emphasis on the word, "real". 

    HP List
    Macradon: 104/104
       Energy: 19/26
          Hate: 1
    Comet: 8/8
       Energy: 1/2 (-1)
          Hate: 2 (+2)

    Giga Boar: 
    16/52 (-1)
       Damage: 3
          Mitigation: 13

  17. Just like Comet had anticipated. He had not slept very well. How was he to sleep when he had spent the night in absolute coldness and in horrible conditions. There was no way. Even for someone like Comet who was used to such situations, he was unable to adapt to such heavy conditions. However, Comet had nowhere else to go and he had seen other players do just what he had done... sleep in the open. If others could do it, so could he. With a sigh and a loud yawn, he stood up, rubbing his eyes as the bright sunlight shone upon his face. Seems to be a bright day. Comet thought, walking out of the darkness into the light of the town where people had already started to walk out of their shops to start off the day. Comet paused in order to allow his eyes to adjust to the new-found lightness and looked around in curiosity to remember where he was and what had happened the previous night. Soon, he remembered pretty much what had happened. He was to meet up with Capt in a place called "Heaven's Garden". He was unsure whether the man had truly found his friend but if there was a chance that it was so, he was not going to hesitate to meet up with her. Indeed, he had wanted to have a reunion for a while now and the chance was finally here. Comet did not exactly trust the man that much but he was willing to risk it to find the girl he wanted to find. Hm... Heaven's Garden. Isn't that Helios's shop? Now... Where is it... Comet thought. With that, he soon remembered and hurried over in no time to see Capt was already there. However, the girl was nowhere nearby at the moment.  "Where's Aikoh?" He asked, looking around to see if she was hiding somewhere.

  18. While the man and Aikoh had been sleeping peacefully in two warm, comfortable and small rooms, Comet had found a random place in a dark valley to rest his eyes in. Sure, it was cold and scary out there but Comet had no better place to settle the night. The day had taken quite a bit of him and he was looking forwards to falling asleep quickly. Despite the conditions, Comet stayed active and stayed optimistic that he would soon be able to gather enough Col to rent a few rooms. Comet was definitely not the type of person that would be bothered by this small event. Indeed, he was already used to these types of conditions from his experiences in real life. Comet sighed, closing his eyes and cuddling up tightly to attract as much heat as possible event though there was no heat around him. With a shiver, he soon heard a notification. Hm? A PM? I haven't gotten one of those before... Comet thought and after he read it, Comet became quite excited... It seemed like the man had found the person that he was looking for. I need to keep calm and sleep so I can hurry and meet up with her tomorrow.

  19. Comet watched the boar as it trudged along fiercely. It seemed to have a massive amount of health compared to Comet. Indeed, Comet's health was puny compared to the mob's health and it's red eyes glared at the two players with absolute anger and power. If Comet was to come across such a powerful boar on his own, there was no doubt that he wouldn't be able to last more than two turns. However, this time, he had Macradon by his side and Comet was well aware of the hate system. As long as Macradon had more hits on the boar, he would have more hate on him and hence, Comet shouldn't be in any type of danger. Comet smiled, not really afraid of such a big boar but was rather excited that he would be able to fight a good boar that might pose a challenge and would be a difference to the boars that he fought which were level 1. With a sigh, Comet looked over at Macradon and began to speak. "I think I can handle it as long as you're here! I'll attack after you, I guess." Comet said, steadying his pose and preparing his new dagger by clutching it tightly. 

  20. Comet had arrived at the outskirts of the town. This was the part of the world where mobs spawn and dangers were frequent. Comet needed to keep watch and be careful of any suspicious movements in the distance in order to keep himself safe from the dangers of the outside world. With a cautious look around him, he went ahead with his material gathering session. Still, the man that he had just met was still in his mind. The man hadn't given Comet his name and so, he was unsure of who the man was. Still, soon, after walking around for a while, he decided to allow it to slip his mind so he could have his concentration solely on keeping his eyes out for materials. Alright, then. Comet thought, scanning the surrounding area for any fruit that could be of his use... Well, not just fruit but basically everyone would do as long as it would prove to be worth something for him.

    ID: 47813
    LD: 8

    Comet sighed with his back slouched when he realized that there was nothing in the distance that he could take and use for equipment buying. Comet looked around and walked around once more.

    Total Materials: 0

  21. Comet stopped backing up and looked up at the man. He guessed the man meant no harm if he was going to leave now. Comet, himself would have to get out there for some material gathering as well. He was looking forwards to finding lots of materials before he changed his class entirely. Indeed, he wanted to become a status inflictor... A pure status inflictor because he had heard that the front lines were in need of some of those. With a sigh, Comet shook his head. he had probably made the man feel rather awkward but if someone was offended by that, they really needed to chill. "Yeah ok. I need to get some material gathering done too. My name is Comet by the way." Comet shouted to the distance as the man left without looking back. With a shrug, Comet went the other way. There were many exits that could lead a player out of the safe zone and both of them had chosen different ones. Soon, Comet was outside of the safe zone and he was prepared to finally get some materials and obtain a few more weapons and a charm that he wanted really bad. I wonder if she's okay. Comet thought, letting his mind drift as he slowly walked through the town and soon, he exited.

  22. ID: 47274
    LD: 13

    Once more, Comet sighed. Indeed, there were nothing in the surrounding area despite the fact that he had had quite a successful material gathering session. This only contributed even more to Comet's theory that the game was based on completely randomness. However, he might just be overthinking it... Indeed, he was just a child after all, who was he to come up with theories that were probably incorrect anyway. With yet another sigh, he walked on.

    Total Materials: 6
    Total Col: 40

    HP List
       Energy: 2/2

  23. It was then that Comet pointed his pointing finger on his chin in a thinking motion. He figured that it would be quite a waste of time if they were to find boars and kill them only to obtain absolutely no loot. If he was to find such weak boars, there was no point even though he was a weakling. Indeed, he wanted to obtain loot both for himself and for Macradon and the only way of doing that was for the man to fight a boar that was about the same health or half of the man's health. Indeed, this game was very fast-paced and hence, wasting energy on this that mattered not was just completely pointless and absurd. This game was focused on the random number system and because of this, there really isn't "training". "Hey Macradon, I figured that it would probably be a waste of time if we fought weak boars... Those wouldn't be anything that can give us loot. I think we can fight tougher mobs that can give us loot. How about it? With you here, I shouldn't be in any trouble right?" Comet asked, willing to get out there and venture out more of this mysterious yet intriguing world where mobs and players fight against each other for one goal... To escape this world of death and return back to the real world.

  24. Comet was surprised by the man's comment. Personally, he had absolutely no idea that this game was not made for the general audience. Despite the fact that this game might be created for older folks, so far into the game, Comet was unexposed to anything too bad. "Oh, oops. I didn't know this game was rated PG..." Comet said, scratching his head as he grinned with his head tilted a little bit to the right. "I don't think it matters that much, though. So far in my story, there really isn't anything that is not appropriate for children. It is like... uh... Super Cosmo man back in the real world. There is fighting but there isn't that much blood or content like that so I think it is fine. I'm not sure why it is rated PG because of this. Eh, who cares, this game is fun for all ages in my opinion." Comet said and that was when he realized that he had talked too much to a stranger that he barely knows.  "..... Oh, oops. Sorry about that, I tend to get carried away sometimes when I speak." He soon explained and studied the person more. It seemed like he was nervous... However, there didn't seem to be anything in the distance that could be of significance that had the potential of causing nervousness to the man. That was when his mother's voice popped into his mind all of a sudden. "Don't talk to strangers or get anything from strangers!", it told him and suddenly, Comet backed up a bit. The man was very suspicious... He didn't seem to have a purpose here and he was way too slender for Comet's likings.... The feeling of villainy. 

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