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Posts posted by Comet

  1. Comet had been told to come here by Macradon, the white-haired warrior. He was told that if he was to come here and use Macradon's name, he would be getting a discount of some sorts. With a shrug, he walked into the shop, wondering how good the discount could be. Indeed, he had only gotten 200 Col and he didn't even know where he got the Col from. However, he was definitely not complaining... Somehow, he had managed to get Col from not even fighting a single mob outside the safe zones. Still, he was definitely not going to complain, as he might not be able to buy something... Something small if he was unable to afford a perfect weapon. Comet walked into the first-floor shop, having just ordered a free item from Helios and immediately, he was awestruck by the amount of weapons that were hanging in the display. With a surprised look, Comet immediately began to inspect what was on sale. Of the items, there were brilliant perfect items that Comet could only dream to have varied from swords to whips to all sorts of blacksmithing goods. With a sigh, he decided that he would probably be able to buy some of these brilliant weapons once he completes a few quests which would give him rewards. However, for now, he was as broke as he could be and the two hundred Col that he had would probably go into his food budget. With a sigh, Comet continued to look around, waiting for the shop's owner to appear.

  2. Comet walked into the first-floor shop. He had indeed saw the advertisement that the shop was giving away free snacks and Comet was in need of food. Plus, the owner was no other than Helios, someone, that he had met not too long ago who offered him food. Indeed, he was still rather hungry but, here he would be getting a free uncommon item from Helios and perhaps the first uncommon item that he would get. After this visit, he would visit the shop "Blazing Typhoon", a shop that Macradon had actually suggested to the boy. He was told that if he visited there and used the name "Macradon", he would be getting a good discount or maybe even a free perfect item. Comet sighed and entered the black-haired man's shop before looking around, interested in what the man had for display. That was when Comet jumped up in surprise as he saw a jaguar just sitting there. Nevertheless, it seemed to be controlled and hence, Comet decided to take a seat and inspect what was available. There were lots of chocolate chip cookies and cookies along with a rice cake along with several pieces of garlic bread. Since the shop was new, everything seemed in order and rather new so he could sit here and have a bit of peace from the outside world and the messy events that happen there... Most of which, Comet wanted no involvement. Soon, Comet would place his order and walk out to check on Macradon. "Hey, Helios! I saw that you are giving away free snacks! I hope you don't mind me placing an order in for one." Comet said with a large grin.


    Name: Sweetened Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie
    Your Profession: Cook
    Your Rank: Rank 2 - Apprentice Cook

    Item Type: Snack
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: 3X Fiber
    Description: A Traditional chocolate chip cookies with the addition of coarse salt and caramel candy pieces. Indeed, despite it being traditional, it is very sweet and is meant for little children who still has a sweet tooth. It boosts their energy with the amount of sugar that it has.


  3. Comet grinned in appreciation as the black haired man introduced himself and offered to give food to him. His first instinct was to reject the offer as he had already gotten plenty of help from Macradon, the first person that he'd truly actually interacted with. Comet didn't want to rely on everyone to carry him through this world. Instead, in order to become strong, he knew full well that he needed to become strong by hard work and leveling through his own efforts. Sure, he would accept help there and here but he knew, eventually, he must venture out into the world and fight by himself so he can join the many players on the front lines and fight for the one that he must protect and escort out of this world. Comet sighed before starting to refuse. However, just as he was about to speak, his stomach began to grumble from hunger and well, he was truly aware of his conditions and he guessed that once wouldn't hurt. "Well, thanks, sir. I guess I'll take a look." Comet said with a grin, rubbing his hungry stomach while looking at the pictures that were on the menu. "I guess I'll have half of a chocolate cake." The boy soon said, realizing that he hadn't had anything sweet for a long time.

  4. Comet yawned before starting to take notes inside his brain when Macradon began to give him several tips. First, he learned that there was a guild called Aincrad Delivery Guild and he might even look into that later. However, he really hadn't heard of it before so he was sure that it was nowhere as popular as the Knights of Blood or the Azure Brigade. Still, the chances that he would have to get into those guilds are absolutely minimal. Comet sighed and whipped his mouth with his sleeves, putting a smear on his sleeve before sighing. "Oops, shouldn't have done that,"  He said, leaning back against the soft, cushion chair. He knew that to rise in ranks in this world was highly difficult and really competitive. Still, he believes that he would be able to do it eventually. He shall become one of the greatest players... and at such a young age as well. When Comet puts his mind to something, he shall achieve it and he will not allow others to tell him otherwise... no matter how difficult the task may seem, Comet will not give up. Even though he is only level 1 at the moment, soon, when he gets gear and equipment, he should be able to fight lots of boars and complete lots of different quests. "Whew, that was delicious!" Comet shouted, rubbing his stomach as he couldn't believe that he managed to finish the whole steak despite his small stomach. "Well, thanks for the tips, Sir Macradon! I'll be careful when I engage those mobs later on but first, I guess I'll wonder around the starting town, trying to get some Col and SP or something." Comet said with a smirk, "And I'll be sure to check out this 'Blazing Typhoon' weapon shop later!" 

  5. Comet nodded his head as he heard the white haired man suggest a place called 'Blazing Typhoon'. It sounded like the base of a superhero and Comet liked the creativity of the name very much. "Okay, thanks! I'll be sure to check it out later on. You say I'll get a discount on the item by saying your name? Hehe... You must be quite popular around here if I can get a discount just by saying your name. Macradon, are you maybe a hero? Maybe a super high leveled player?" Comet asked, leaning over the table and staring at Macradon's face with severe intensity. After staring for a while, he decided that the face really didn't have anything special. Well, I mean, I guess no high leveled player can really have something on their face to indicate that they are special. Comet thought, pointing a finger at his chin. Whatever. And with that, he went right back to his steak. "Oh by the way," Comet began once more as something popped into his mind. "do you have any tips for a low-leveled player like me? I'm kind of scared to do fighting at the moment because I am still level one and have absolutely no equipment. I'll probably die if I head out there for combat. I was thinking of how to level up without combat and I was wondering if you have any tips, Macradon. You sure seem experienced."

  6. Comet grinned widely in appreciation as he was offered the opportunity of having heavy armor so soon into the game. However, he was not interested in heavy armor. Indeed, he was not the tank kind of person that heavy armor really is, in his mind, too slow for him to move in. Honestly, Comet was a weak little child who couldn't lift up anything that was too heavy and the fact that heavy armor had the word heavy in it was enough to make Comet doubt his ability to be able to lift it and use it during battle. "Thank you Macradon!" Comet shouted, quite enthusiastic that the man was being so friendly to a child that he had just met. "But I really don't think I can hold something like heavy armor being my size so as much as I would've liked to go there for armor, I'm afraid I can't. I think I'd like light armor and I do remember hearing about tailors... Oh well, that would be later because right now I'm kind of broke." Comet said, keeping a positive face. "Hehe... I'm sure that I'd get lots of Col once I start fighting mobs, though... Before I do that, I need a better weapon. Do you know what profession to go to for a weapon?" Comet asked, not sure as he hadn't really learned about what the different professions do. With that, he took another bite of the steak, taking its taste and holding it in his mouth before swallowing. 

  7. Comet sighed. He had nothing to do. Indeed, he had gotten two free lunches from two kind gentlemen but honestly, that doesn't really help him with becoming a frontline warrior. Someone that protects who they need to protect. His dream had been that and he wanted to reach it no matter what. Comet had wanted to do a quest but he had absolutely no gear nor level and if he was to fight a mob, he would probably die. Hence, he had wanted to tag along with a more experienced player and he thinks that he saw two people in the distance that looked like they had plenty of experience. With a smile, the boy walked up to the two people and asked if they were doing a quest. "Good morning, kind sir and lady. Are you two perhaps doing a quest? If so, mind if I join you two? I am only level one but I really wanted to level up a bit. If I can join you two, I'd appreciate it much!" and he was answered with a loud comment by the tall, handsome man standing tall and proud there. 

    [Alright. I'll reply with the other two now and then we can fight the bee.]

  8. "Itadakimasu!" Comet shouted as he saw that their food had arrived. He hadn't thought that food in this game would play such an important part. He had learned the word Itadakimasu from some newspaper that he had read a long time ago. Well, it was more like his father reading it out to him but he still technically "read" it. The word meant 'thanks for the food' in Japanese... Or at least, that was what he thought was what it meant. From what the food looked like, he was sure that the taste was going to be just as good as how it looked like. With a wide grin, he took a bite of his steak and held it in his mouth for a while in order to savor the taste. Still, it would take a while for him to chew the food completely. The food didn't seem to be cooked fully but the taste was absolutely delightful. The juice and sauce were mixed togetheri in some magical method that couldn't be fully described in words. Of course, the fact that Comet hadn't eaten anything decent in weeks helped enhance the taste of this steak but in the end, it was a magically made product that Comet enjoyed very much and when he was asked whether the food was good, he decided that he would respond positively. "Yup, this steak is delicious! What about yours?" Comet asked after taking a few more bites of his steak. I wonder if I can eat this much. Comet thought, Well, I mean, I guess I haven't eaten in a while.  Comet realized.

  9. Well, Comet hadn't exactly been staring into the window at the man. However, he decided that trying to explain that to the man was going to be a waste of time that he had no need to waste. Still, he was going to be polite and respond the man having now sat down in the same table that the man had allowed him to sit on. With a sigh, he began to speak once more having inspected the area. The place seemed quite dark as if it was a place of shadiness. However, the place seemed to be quite empty and had only a few people sitting around in patches talking quietly as they discussed whatever NPCs talked about. He could tell that several people were looking their way. From what he had seen during his time here in this game, he had learned that NPCs tend to look towards players a lot. Comet personally had no idea why the game does this but he really could care less. Comet sighed once more before saying, "Yeah. I guess I am a bit hungry." Comet said with a wide grin as he began to rub his stomach. Well, he really wasn't hungry... But he hadn't had a decent taste of food ever since that time when Macradon invited him out for lunch. Since then, he's had nothing but bread for a while as he had absolutely no money on him. "My name is Comet by the way." Comet finished with an introduction that was quite friendly for the situation and the location.

  10. Comet glanced at the man as he gave him a wave as if he was inviting him into the building. Of course, Comet was quite hungry and he would go ahead and walk inside the shop. However, he walked in with caution. The dark haired man had seemed friendly enough but you can never tell what someone is like purely based on their appearance. There were ugly people with good heart and the opposite as well. The world was a dangerous place and Comet knew this despite the fact that he was not exactly experienced in terms of what the world was like. Comet sighed as he opened the door and looked around as he walked into the main room of the cafe. He looked at the dark haired man before walking over and soon jumping upon a chair. "Hello, mister." Comet said, not sure what else to say. He could sense the waitress looking at him from behind... She probably thought it was strange that Comet just decided that he would walk in and sit down at the table without a verbal invitation. One picture or motion is better than one thousand words. He remembered his father once saying when he became frustrated with how much Comet was talking to him. Comet sighed and looked at the man curiously with those big, innocent eyes of his.

  11. [Wow. Thanks for the essay Mac. *Sarcasm*]

    Comet yawned as the NPC waiter seemed to have decided that wasting both of the player's time seemed to be a great idea for some business benefits. However, he didn't expect Macradon to be so frustrated by the man and he didn't expect to be called a 'brother'. I think in some part of the world, brother can be referred to as a friend. Comet thought, pointing a finger as his chin as he looked to the sky. Indeed, Comet could see that the waiter was not feeling very easy at the moment, especially with the white-haired warrior's smart remark towards the man. Comet disliked the moment in which someone was uneasy, he hated the tension and hence, he decided to do what he thought was the best way to lighten up the mood. "Well, mister. What do you suggest?" He asked with a light tone and listened as the man's shoulders slumped in relaxation and his face more carefree now. After a few minutes of suggestions and Comet listening with a cheerful, happy face, he came to a conclusion of what he wanted. "I'll have the Flavored T-Bone Steak, please. The special one."  He said with a great grin and waited patiently as the man went back and instructed the chefs of what they were to do. Comet didn't bother asking why he was called a "brother" but he obviously didn't mind. In fact, it was nice to have a friend here in this dangerous world. "Oh. By the way, my username is Comet." He said, realizing that he had yet to introduce himself. 

  12. Comet smiled delightfully as he was led to the same steak shop that he had been previously staring at. Indeed, it was as if the white haired man had read his thoughts or something. He didn't mind, the man seemed to know what he was doing and was obviously experienced or talented in dealing with children such as he. He honestly didn't know why the man had treated him to a meal. Perhaps it was due to his obvious hunger or maybe it was because of his cuteness... and he wasn't even sure if he truly was cute except for those puffy cheeks of his. Still, he didn't mind at all that he was getting a meal from the man. Weeks and weeks of eating nothing but the bread had taken its toll. After this, he was sure to go venture out of the starting town in hopes that he can get more materials and skill points and advance in ranks until he can be a frontline and protect the one that he cared about the most. Of course, Comet won't forget the favor that this man had done for him. He was sure to repay the man for this meal that was provided for him. "Wow, it's as if you can read my mind! This place is perfect." Comet said, excited for the steak and sniffing the air to savor the flavor that was traveling through the air. "Let's go then!" Comet shouted, obviously excited and with that, he jumped into the shop and found a place to sit while grabbing a menu and trying to understand deciding which picture looked the best.

  13. Comet had been hopping around cheerfully through the starting town. Indeed, he was quite cheerful... Well, when wasn't he cheerful? He was always happy, excited, positive and that was what made Comet so special compared to lots of different players that were more experienced and more powerful than he. Indeed, Comet was probably one of the weakest players that he knows of and well, he minded not. To level is a slow, progressive progress and it is not overnight so one must be patient and fight according to the situation. They must wait, and not rush or else death might be upon them. Hence, Comet, instead of trying to get materials for armor, is hopping around aimlessly in the middle of the starting town, seeking out for anything that might be of interest to him. Comet sighed, however, when he arrived at the service area of the town. This was where all the shops were, either NPCs or player made shops and he had no Col that he could use to buy any food here. Indeed, he had been living off the starter bread that was given to all players and the taste was terrible. It was tasteless and you'd think that they'd, at least, put some taste into the bread but it was nothing. Comet walked around aimlessly and that was when he came to a cafe with a huge window. He peeked inside, seeing that it was quite empty and pressed his hands and face into the glass panel in a curious manner. Then, he saw a man right there who was staring at a waitress. Hm? What is he staring at?

  14. Comet looked at the nearby steak shop and through the windows, he could see the brilliant meat that was being cooked through the plastic see-through object and he could feel drool coming from his mouth just from looking at the cooked, red meat. His eyes gazed upon it like it was some sort of gold and his nose was sniffing as if he was savoring the strong spell that could be smelled from out here. He hadn't had any food that was even considered decent in the past few days but he minded not really. Actually, he was worried about his childhood friend, Aikoh and how she was doing. Comet hadn't actually seen her in a while and well, he should probably check on her someday. Yup, he was sure the girl was still on the first floor. She probably is just as low-leveled as me. Comet thought and with a sigh, he looked back at the white-haired man. Of course, he should probably tell the man that he wanted to eat steak but he was not the one spending Col here so instead, he looked innocently at the man before speaking once more. "Uh. No sir, I don't have anywhere I'd really love to go so let's go to whatever you want!" Comet said with a wide-mouthed grin and closed, cheerful eyes as he laughed a bit. 

  15. Comet looked at the white man curiously as he took off his helmet. Comet then scratched his head once more as he was asked a question. Of course, being the polite boy he was, he would refuse the offer... Well, at least, attempt it. He was in the middle of speaking, "No sir, I'm f-" when his stomach grumbled in a very loud noise. Immediately, Comet grinned in embarrassment as his tummy was obviously complaining even though he wasn't willing to complain about a lack of food. Comet sighed, his face almost red with embarrassment at his complaining stomach. Still, this man in front of him seemed to be quite high leveled and rather kind to offer such a meal to him so he would, of course, take this offer from the man. "Hehe. I'd really love some lunch right now." Comet said, a huge grin currently inhabiting his face as he continued to scratch his hair. It wasn't as if his hair was itchy or dirty or anything... It was just a habit... A habit that he truly was unaware of where he had gotten it from. However, he never really tried to change it. "New? Nah... I am just really, really weak. Hey, you look really strong! I wish I could be as strong as you are!" Comet exclaimed and closed his eyes. Indeed, his goal was clear and he was about to go ahead and do some dramatic moves but then his stomach grumbled once more and Comet held it to... well... shut it up? "I guess food comes first..."

  16. Comet rubbed his stomach hungrily as he looked around. He had no Col and living has been quite harsh. However, he was used to it. In real life, he never had the greatest conditions provided to him and well, now, he was fine with skipping a few meals here and there. Still, he wished he had some sort of currency that he could use in order to buy food. Comet looked at the steak shop just a few buildings over and almost drooled but he knew that with his zero Col, he would be able to buy absolutely nothing from the NPC shop owner. That owner seems a bit harsh as well. Comet thought before giving a sigh and that was when he heard a voice from behind him. With a curious face, Comet turned around and saw a man in front of him. Upon the first reaction, Comet thought the man was quite short in comparison to other fully grown men. He had quite a handsome face, not to mention, and his white hair was his trademark characteristic. Not common for white hair these days. I'm sure papa would rather have green hair than white hair. Comet thought with a snicker as he was brought back to his past memories. Despite his saying that the man was not very tall, Comet still had to look very high up in order to see the man's face as he himself is very, very short. The man had taken quite a serious posture and Comet looked around, wondering whether the man came for harm or for good. There're people around. Comet thought, scratching his big, young head and with that, he dismissed the man of being a kidnapper. "Hello, sir. Do you want anything from me?" Comet asked as by now, he had pretty much grasped the english language fully inside his mind except for the really, really tough words that were too much for his childish brain.

  17. Comet sighed. He had previously decided that sitting around doing nothing was purely not going to help him. Indeed, his ambitions burned of determination and his mind filled with a goal to become stronger than he was. Of course, being a level one player, he was quite weak but that was really quite normal. Being a child, he had not exactly ventured out there as he had been brought down many times by others older than him. Still, this time, he will do it. He will achieve his ambitions and he will level. He will become strong and he shall become the first seven-year-old frontline. However, Comet was afraid. He was afraid of what awaits him outside the gates of safety provided to all the players from within the starting town. He had heard many rumours from many different people of the dangers that lay out there and with his stats, he was quite gutted that he'd probably get killed if he takes a step outside. Lots of people have done so and a lot of people have started calling boars the "OPest mob in the game". Comet sighed and decided that he'll just explore the starting city for a while and then come to a conclusion of what to do. Perhaps he'll meet someone friendly enough to guide him and lead him? Whatevers. He thought, whipping his forehead and jumping happily around the starting city. The sun was high in the sky, signifying that the time was noon and people were already up and running. Shops were being filled with people and vegetables or fruits are being spilled from running players all over the place. The city truly was lively but this wasn't where Comet wanted to be. He wanted to be high up there. He wanted to help the front liners despite his young age.

  18. 1228650_1295228074686.67res_493_300.jpg

    Level 7
    HP: 28/28
    Col: 1,577
    MAT: 11

    Real name: Diego Davis
    Age: 7
    Gender: Male
    Height: 3'3"

    About: History/personality
    Comet was born in the country of Iceland and he had belonged to quite a poor household. Indeed, his family was unhealthy and he was subjected to quite the poor family conditions. However, through these conditions, he had learned quite a valuable lesson for himself. Indeed, he had learned life was hard and things could go wrong at any second, however, everything has a positive side to them and you must look at that side that they have in order to truly find out who someone is. As a child, he was quite lonely as his father was almost always running about doing construction work and occasionally, when he returns, all he would do is moan and complain about his conditions and his body ache. His mother, always busy going about for some extra cash whenever she could and this leaves Comet at home by himself on many different occasions. Of course, his family was happy. Occasionally, on a rare Sunday, they would all go out and have a small picnic... it was all they could afford really. Still, family time was quite important. Comet remembered the times in which he piggy back rode on his father while his mother grinned from beside them. Comet knew, indeed, he knew, that his father and mother would be waiting for him patiently, knowing that someone such as he would be able to defeat this game and come back home to his loving parents. 

    Ah. But Comet had a neighbor? Who was this neighbor? She was a girl whose username was Aikoh. Indeed, she was stuck in this game of Swords Art Online as well and of course, she was probably waiting to leave. However, she had been rich and to Comet, she lived quite a happy life. Not that he didn't but any outsider could see that the girl was more wealthy and had more easy conditions to live with on a daily basis. Still, this girl was awfully nice for someone rich. Indeed, she had been the one that had given him his nervegear, the one that had invited him over to play when he is lonely, the one that brought him comfort at times when he is down. This girl just might be the definition of happiness for him. And now, both of them were trapped in the world of Swords Art Online.


    Comet is a boy of innocence, is full of respect, and quite kind. Basically your average seven-year-old. However, he is a burning compassion of determination and will protect those around him. Age doesn't matter... It is what you manage to accomplish that matters most. If you are good enough, you are strong enough and this is Comet's goal. Comet, no matter how young he is, he will reach the front lines and take those stuck in here away. Including Aikoh, the girl that he owes much of his life to. He will free everyone... Or at least, die doing so. However, he is nowhere close to being perfect. In fact, he is submissive, gullible and quite the emotional child.


    Determined: Comet is a child who is determined. He thinks he can do anything and he will do what seems to be just to him. When he sets his mind on something, there is nothing that can stop him from reaching task except for death and if he is to face death right in the eye, bring it! Indeed, his determination and bravery is undeniable and this is one of his most notable strengths.

    Respectful: Comet has always been taught to be respectful ever since he was just a tiny toddler. Indeed, his parents strictly taught him good manners and despite his education not being fulfilled completely, he had had a lot of these lessons become stuck in his mind and hence, he will fulfill these tasks given my his parents as these are pretty much the only way he can remember his parents here in this world.

    Kind: Comet is kind and innocent. Honestly, it was to be expected of a seven-year-old child. Why wouldn't he? He hadn't faced any real situations and issues in the world except for poverty which he thought to be normal. There was no jealousy in his heart and there was no hatred in his mind. His entire soul is purified and he plots no schemes. He always thinks about others and he is willing to help anyone in distress.


    Gullible: Because of Comet's kind nature, he is willing to listen and believe in what anyone wants to say. Indeed, he is truly too trusting and this will cause him to be in lots of tight situations. However, he minds not if people use him. He is a kind person and as long as he remains kind, he believes that it will have a positive influence on the others around him and change the bad ones to good people.

    Emotional: Yup, it's another kid who cannot handle drama for the sake of his life. He'll bail at the smallest of things. Ok. Maybe not that intense but it is very easy for him to drop a few tears for no apparent reason or just some sort of random reason. Not really sure where this came from but perhaps it was due to the amount of sad drama that he had watched alongside him mother on normal weekends.

    Timid: Comet doesn't exactly open up to people unless they are rather close. Sure, he is polite to everyone. However, he tends not to share private information unless he believes the person means good to him. Of course, sometimes, he'll become active all of a sudden but that is quite rare. Comet is shy, he doesn't exactly talk a lot unless he is asked a deep question or is talking with a close friend.



    Total SP: 15
    Used SP: 13
    Unused SP: 2




    Weapon Skills:
    » One-Handed Dagger (Rank 2) - 13 SP


    10X Bread
    15X Water
    Astral Blade (3X Damage)
    Cloth Armor of Agility (3X Evasion)
    John Cena Accuracy Boost (3X Accuracy)


    Quest Checklist
    <<Earning a Living>>
    <<Bandit Camp>>
    <<Breaking the Unbreakable>>
    <<Worn out Welcome>>
    <<The Lich's Calling>>
    <<Lord of the Seas>>
    <<Long Live the Queen>>

    <<Saying Vows>>
    <<Blood in the Sand>>
    <<The Traveler>>
    <<Secret Medicine of the Forest>>
    <<Let There Be Light>>
    <<The Gemini>>
    <<Search For the Hoya>>
    <<Guardian of Fire>>
    <<The Falling of Tagas>>
    <<Wail of the Banshee>>
    <<The Iron Guardian>>
    <<Feeding the Enemy>>
    <<Butcher of the Sands>>
    <<The Essence of Steel>>


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