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About Lycan

  • Birthday 12/22/1987

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    Plugged into a NerveGear?
  • Interests
    Video Games, Anime, Old Weapons, Writing, and Various Nerdy Things

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  1. Ten posts in on this solo and hitting that wall on where to go from here. Should've made an outline. :/

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    2. Lycan


      I usually excel at them, but on the site I came from, 10 posts was the min. Here, it's 20. So I'm drying up about halfway, lol. I'm pretty good ad fluff, I just need to get some inspiration. :/

    3. Baldur


      Don't feel like you can't change the location. Sometimes you need to travel somewhere else. Come up with something different. I did a solo thread where I was fighting wolves, and then I almost died, so my character ran away and ended up hiding in a stable talking to horses. You can also make up your own quests. You don't get any quest SP or anything, but it can make the thread more interesting, especially since we don't actually have enough quests.

    4. Lycan


      Yeah, that's what I'm kinda doing. I'm having him being given an strange item from a glitched NPC. He doesn't know if it's a normal quest or not and what the next step is. So, he's seeking out an information broker for more info. I'm also hoping I can chain similar events like this throughout his story in the eventuality I unlock a Unique Ability I'm trying to pitch to the gods that be. If not, it'll be a neat plot device for him.

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