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Posts posted by Hunie

  1. 18 hours ago, Teayre said:

    Artisan Rank 7
    Link: http://www.sao-rpg.com/topic/7254-shop-floor-13-amethyst-boutique/?do=findComment&comment=479647

    ID: 62902 CD: 11 (10 + 1 CD) – Rare Item

    Item: Lucky Ring of Silver
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement:  Accuracy +2
    Description: A plain silver ring.

    ID: 62903 CD: 8 (7 + 1 CD) – Uncommon Item
    Item: Beaded Necklace
    Item Type: Trinket
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: Accuracy +1
    Description: A necklace made up of glass beads.

    Approved! :D 

  2. 15 hours ago, Ariel - The Crowned Lion said:

    Name: Cloak of Susanoo
    Profession: Tailor
    Rank: (9) Master
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Light Armor Clothing
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +7 Thorns, +2 Evasion
    Description: A black cloak with crimson lining sowed on top of a maroon, long-sleeved, collared shirt.

    Approved! :D 

  3. 3 hours ago, Aster said:

    Name: Major Potion of Damage
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Alchemist
    Roll: 11+1=12
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Damage
    Description: A high-tier potion that increases the user's damage by three points.

    Name: Major Potion of Damage
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Alchemist
    Roll: 12
    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancements: +3 Damage
    Description: A high-tier potion that increases the user's damage by three points.

    Name: Lesser Potion of Healing

    Your Profession: Alchemist

    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Alchemist

    ID: 62970

    Roll: 9+1=10

    Item Type: Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare

    Enhancements: +2 HP Recovery

    Description: A basic healing potion for mid-range healing. Restores 20 HP.


    Name: Lesser Potion of Mitigation
    Your Rank: 5 - Assistant Alchemist
    ID: 62969
    Roll: 9+1=10
    Item Type: Status Update Potion
    Tier: 1

    Quality: Rare
    Enhancements: +2 Damage Mitigation
    Description: A mid-level potion that absorbs 18 points of damage every time the user is attacked (damage cannot be reduced below 1).

    Approved! :D

  4. Hey Jaredo, here you have to apply for a character, once its been accepted you can RP :) 
    For more clarity on how to apply, read this:

    If you have any questions, feel free to write to any of the player support staff, feel free to read the other journals for guidance. I look forward to you joining the site! 

  5. Ah! Well I wasn't meaning it to be something all that nasty xD. In fact the kind of suggestions I'm working on help with character building and it IS mostly consistent with IC things so far, although I'll try fine tune it a bit more with the added fairness of ICly consistence. A mechanic fix is also a partial answer to the problem. But not entirely, because there are always new comers and if they should so want, they should be able to RP with higher levels or make OPs where higher levels can join, without the risk of potentially being killed off. (One-shotting can't be completely eliminated, for all things said and done). And personally I don't think its good that we had to lose people in order to realise flaws in the mechanic. The actual game is meant to be scary, any good RPers will keep themselves on their toes, ICly. But this doesn't have to reflect on their OOC decisions or inability to go into a boss fight better prepared. If luck is against them, yes they might die, but people killing other people because they weren't 'prepared' is not good, because OOCly I don't think it was expected at all. 

  6. Takneil, I empathize with a lot of your concerns. At that point bringing Manta and Ebony back, would be grounds to bring Ssendom and Zelrius back as well (which I'm all for, yay mass resurrection, seriously can we just do that? xD) but I don't think given the rules we had then, the murders broke any (loopholes galore xD), in both cases the matter must have been discussed and came to the same unfortunate conclusion. Should we as a community have worked harder and faster to fix things before more murders took place, probably, for whatever reason, the site was thrown into turmoil and we didn't quite rise as well to the occasion and Manta and Ebony were lost as well. But finally this thing is getting all the attention and there is work going on about how to balance the mechanic. The current rules prevent the god-moding you mentioned Tak and they'll probably stay put till everything else is fixed. I wasn't PST when all this went down and I don't know about Zero's outburst or details about the unique, so I'm not going to talk about that. 

    My thoughts is that 50% is a little punishing, especially when above everything we're an RP site and death is supposed to be very punishing on the real SAO game, but here, it would discourage people from coming back. Simple math would say, 2 years of work and you only get 1/2 back... 1 year of work lost. I would suggest more along 75% but other things would need to be worked out as well. Unfortunately any uniques and items and all would be lost still... I think that's fair, because... that particular character died... That's my take on reimbursement. For harsher punishment, I'm personally working on a justice system for IC infractions (and it is decently harsh for murderers). Others have also suggested some brilliant new innovative ideas for retribution for OOC matters as well, its undergoing staff scrutiny and I'm pretty sure it'll be put up here for further vote and scrutiny. 

    Does this help? At least a little @Takneil
    That's my take on the balance @Takao. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Rain said:
      Hide contents

    Item: Greater Panacea
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: Antidote [2 Turns
    Description: A light purple colored liquid with a bitter taste that negates the next effects of status ailments for 2 turn. Read »here« for a better understanding.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62089
    Craft: 10 (9+1)

    Item: Guardian's Tonic
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: Safeguard
    Description: Vial of white liquid with a sweet scent. Meant to be drunk. The next successful hit to your player will do no damage.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62090
    Craft: 12

    Item: Reptilian
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: A dark green color liquid in a small flask that when drunk changes the skin of the user to that of a reptile, scales and all, for 5 post turns. [5 turns]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62092
    Craft: 6 (5+1)

    Item: Scourge of Nerius
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Unique
    Enhancement: Flaming Weapon (Unique Event)
    Description: An mix of red and orange liquid in vial. Add 2 to your damage when applied to your weapon. Unique only to the Nerius Event. Stacks with other damage potions. [One Thread]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62093
    Craft: 9 (8+1)

    Item: Reptilian
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: A dark green color liquid in a small flask that when drunk changes the skin of the user to that of a reptile, scales and all, for 5 post turns. [5 turns]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62094
    Craft: 6 (5+1)

    Item: Major Power Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +6 Damage
    Description: A black crystal with gold sediments; increases damage by 6.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62095
    Craft: 12 (11+1)

    Item: Scourge of Nerius
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Unique
    Enhancement: Flaming Weapon (Unique Event)
    Description: An mix of red and orange liquid in vial. Add 2 to your damage when applied to your weapon. Unique only to the Nerius Event. Stacks with other damage potions. [One Thread]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62096
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Scourge of Nerius
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Unique
    Enhancement: Flaming Weapon (Unique Event)
    Description: An mix of red and orange liquid in vial. Add 2 to your damage when applied to your weapon. Unique only to the Nerius Event. Stacks with other damage potions. [One Thread]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62097
    Craft: 9 (8+1)

    Item: Scourge of Nerius
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Unique
    Enhancement: Flaming Weapon (Unique Event)
    Description: An mix of red and orange liquid in vial. Add 2 to your damage when applied to your weapon. Unique only to the Nerius Event. Stacks with other damage potions. [One Thread]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62098
    Craft: 8 (7+1)


    Approved! :D 

  8. 8 hours ago, Rain said:
      Hide contents

    Item: Scourge of Nerius
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: Flaming Weapon (Unique Event)
    Description: An mix of red and orange liquid in vial. Add 2 to your damage when applied to your weapon. Unique only to the Nerius Event. Stacks with other damage potions. [One Thread]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62056
    Craft: 9 (8+1)

    Item: Greater Panacea
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: Antidote [2 Turns]
    Description: A light purple colored liquid with a bitter taste that negates the next effects of status ailments for 2 turn. Read »here« for a better understanding.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62057
    Craft: 11 (10+1)

    Item: Greater Panacea
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: Antidote [2 Turns]
    Description: A light purple colored liquid with a bitter taste that negates the next effects of status ailments for 2 turn. Read »here« for a better understanding.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62058
    Craft: 10 (9+1)

    Item: Cooldown
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: A small vial of a frosty colored tonic. When drunk, it cools the body temperature down. Perfect for the hot environments.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62059
    Craft: 3 (2+1)

    Item: Cooldown
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: A small vial of a frosty colored tonic. When drunk, it cools the body temperature down. Perfect for the hot environments.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62061
    Craft: 5 (4+1)

    Item: Cure Corruption
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: Cures those infected with the Essence of Corruption.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62062
    Craft: 5 (4+1)

    Item: Cure Corruption
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: Cures those infected with the Essence of Corruption.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62063
    Craft: 6 (5+1)

    Item: Scourge of Nerius
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: Flaming Weapon (Unique Event)
    Description: An mix of red and orange liquid in vial. Add 2 to your damage when applied to your weapon. Unique only to the Nerius Event. Stacks with other damage potions. [One Thread]
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62064
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Cure Corruption
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: Cures those infected with the Essence of Corruption.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 62065
    Craft: 4 (3+1)


    Approved! :D

  9. Valid point, I see how it is inconsistent. It was a suggestion that I thought made sense, because we also need to deter people from killing played characters with no second thoughts. Since often its difficult to tell whether there were genuinely IC reasons to back it up, or OOC reasons clouded IC judgement <- Which can be toxic for the community and that's not nice, already I've noticed how people were always on the edge that they might be killed off. At the same time, it wouldn't make sense to make the punishment too harsh for those killing NPCs, because that would deter people from making 'bad characters' and they have a right to do so, just not in a manner that impinges (without consent) on someone else's hard work. But this is just my take on it. :)

  10. I mean, technically there is no canon way to differentiate between killing a played 'NPC' and an actual PC.
    For example I could have an enemy who's also a player in the game, but he's something I've created and if I kill him I'd go orange, but I don't actually deserve a great punishment. Where as killing an actual played character, like me killing Takao (sure, that's happening) should have more severe consequences. 

  11. It'd be nice to see a salvage system being implemented. Although it is true that a person's character means more than just a bunch of SP, but as a community we do need to give them something, to help retain them. Plus, I think this would also make plotted kills something more exciting. Not to mention, occasionally its the opposite, people get bored of their character, despite it being high level and just stop RPing with it a reimbursement/salvage system gives them an opportunity to restart with a decent leg up (maybe we could make it 5-7 levels lost no matter what, just to make it fairer?). And that's ok, its better to have active engaged RPers, that bored reluctant ones. Also, if someone gets their character killed, its a bonus plot point for those who want to play murderers, this would actually help the idea of consensual PK, in my head (since with the current rules, that's mostly the only way of securing a kill anyways.) Actually with a salvage and perhaps a justice system, we may even be able to rework the SAO PK rules a little more, to make them less stringent. Currently in my opinion, a good way to go about fixing these issues is to create a justice system (some sort of IC penalties for crimes), then work on a salvage system and then we can relook at the PK rules. Thoughts? 

  12. We do of course try to stick to canon as much as possible, but this is also an RP site, so some thing have too be OOC but have IC consequences. It would be really nice to to see a system like this being put into place. I'm trying to work on a justice system, if it all works out, it'd be great. Guys, please do suggest more possible ways we could implement this, keeping it as close to canon as possible, it'd really help flesh out a structured process. :D 

  13. 45 minutes ago, Rain said:

    Fixed... -3- le derpin...

      Hide contents

    Item: Cooldown
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: A small vial of a frosty colored tonic. When drunk, it cools the body temperature down. Perfect for the hot environments.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61800
    Craft: 5 (4+1)

    Item: Greater Health Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +20 HP
    Description: A vial or red liquid that instantly heals you for 20 HP.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61801
    Craft: 10 (9+1)

    Item: Greater Health Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Rare
    Enhancement: +20 HP
    Description: A vial or red liquid that instantly heals you for 20 HP.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61802
    Craft: 10 (9+1

      Reveal hidden contents

    Item: Panacea
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: Antidote [1 turn
    Description: A light purple colored liquid with a bitter taste that negates status effects for 1 turn.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61965
    Craft: 8 (7+1)

    Item: Cure Corruption
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: Cures those infected with the Essence of Corruption.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61966
    Craft: 4 (3+1)

    Item: Mass Life Crystal II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +30 HP Mass Healing
    Description: A dark and light green crystal; instantly heals the entire party by 30 HP.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61967
    Craft: 12 (11+1)

    Item: Cure Corruption
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: Cures those infected with the Essence of Corruption.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61968
    Craft: 5 (4+1)

    Item: Minor Health Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +10 HP
    Description: A vial or red liquid that instantly heals you for 10 HP.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61969
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Minor Health Potion I
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Uncommon
    Enhancement: +10 HP
    Description: A vial or red liquid that instantly heals you for 10 HP.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61970
    Craft: 7 (6+1)

    Item: Over Life II
    Item Type:
    Tier: 2
    Quality: Perfect
    Enhancement: +40 Over-health
    Description: A green and white liquid in a vial that adds +40 HP to your maximum health for the thread.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61971
    Craft: 12 (11+1)

    Item: Cure Corruption
    Item Type:
    Tier: 1
    Quality: Good
    Enhancement: -
    Description: Cures those infected with the Essence of Corruption.
    Shop: The Wandering Soul
    ID# 61972
    Craft: 5 (4+1)


    (Tip: Could have just edited previous thread and I'd have edited my quote and approved xD) 
    Approved! :D 

  14. Hunie was following the two players to the teleport point, going on about how she too like the strawberry favored dessert. But as she fell a little behind she noticed Oikawa's orange cursor and stopped dead in her tracks. "Hey, umm... Oikawa... I'm sorry to er..." She felt a little odd about bringing the cursor to notice and also the risk of sounding like she was attacking his character or something. But in all fairness, it was common knowledge. That, in fact just made it worse, it had probably slipped his mind that he had an orange cursor. Perhaps the rule forbidding him to go into safe zones, had escaped his notice. Bringing either to notice, was tough for Hunie, who avoided such confrontations. "Well... Your cursor..." She said pointing to it and probably making this whole thing a lot more awkward. "It's orange." She said, stating the obvious, finally she sighed and quickly blurted. "You can't go to the starlight cafe, the guards will have your head." She finished, upset with the morbidity of the slur of her words. "But I'd be happy to bring something for you..." Hunie said, now keeping her gaze fixed on her toes. 

  15. Hunie had found her shop to be a good refuge and respite from the rest of SAO. Here she could be alone and think for herself. She had never had a single customer, her shop was under decorated perhaps, but she had no intention of changing that. The girl liked a minimalistic approach to life, despite, or perhaps because she'd been brought up with luxury at every corner... chandaliers and silver cutlery. In fact here in SAO she learned, luxury and simplicity didn't have to be opposites. She liked the luxury of the breeze, the open air and small treats at cafes... Her reverie was disturbed by a brown haired player who's seemed rather skeptical of Hunie's goods. In all fairness, she didn't have too many of them, for someone who claimed to sell lucky charms, her own luck was in dire supply. Recently, she'd created a ring, she wasn't a skeptic and since he was her first customer the blonde was happy to give it away for free. "I believe in them, others do as well... Here... Why don't you try this and maybe you'll come back to me if it works." Hunie said placing the Ring of Assassins in front of him. 

    - 1 Ring of Assassins 


    Profession: (Artisan) 
    Rank: (4)
    ID: (
    Roll: (12) 
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect (Tier 1)
    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy and +1 Evasion 
    Description: A small silver band with an inscription on the inside "Strike hard and strike true." 


  16. On 6/21/2016 at 7:09 AM, Nikodemus_Blackwood said:

    Quote edited as per edit. 

      Hide contents

    Name: Ripper Knife

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 61910

    CD: 12 + 1 = 13

    Quality: Perfect

    Tier: 2

    Item Type: One Handed Dagger

    Enhancements: Bleed:  Activated on a roll of 9-10 with one slot, or 8-10 with two slots. Deals (8 * Tier Level) of damage for 2 turns for the enemy/mob. This only applies to natural rolls (unmodified) (2 Slots), Damage: +(1 * Tier level) DMG (1 Slot)

    Description: A viscous blade made to fit the hand perfectly. It is properly made so that it has the best balance between handle and blade. Along the blade, a blood groove is carved down it to the handle. The handle is black ivory, polished and chased with brass rivets.



    Name: Siege Perilous

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 61911 

    CD: 12 + 1 = 13

    Quality: Perfect

    Tier: 2

    Item Type: Gauntlets

    Enhancements: Unarmed Damage: Adds +(1 * Tier Level 2) base damage for every slot used. (3 slots)

    Description: A pair of metal hand gauntlets. They are made of a blackened ebony steel with rusted bands around them. The gauntlets are shaped in the visage of a siege ram, a large decorated machine that was used to bust through doors, gates, and other fortifications.



    Name: Thorn wall

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 61912 

    CD: 9 + 1 = 10 

    Quality: Rare

    Tier: 1

    Item Type: Shield

    Enhancements: Thorns:  Deals  X* (7 * Tier Level) damage when Mob/Enemy hits a non-critical hit on you, where X is amount of slots used.  (2 Slots)

    Description: A wooden and steel shield made with the image of thorns encircling the edge. Each thorn is razor sharp and would harm anyone who touches them.



    Name: Svefnthorn (Sleep Thorn)

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 61914 

    CD: 11 + 1 = 12

    Quality: Perfect

    Tier: 2

    Item Type: Katana

    Enhancements: Damage:  Adds +(1 * Tier Level 2) base damage for every slot used. (3 Slots)

    Description: A strange Katana. The weapon is made in the traditional Japanese style, but it has a vague look to it that says ancient German smiths made the weapon. The blades curve is slight and sometimes hard to determine, the back of the blade almost straight. The handle is slightly wider and more rounded, and the pommel cap is not the normal blunt affair, but instead a strange pointed barb. Along the Tsuba, the image of smoke wisps curl around a thorn bramble.



    Name: Wolfbreaker

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 61915 

    CD: 11 + 1 = 12

    Quality: Perfect

    Tier: 2

    Item Type: Shield

    Enhancements:  Thorns: Deals  X* (7 * Tier Level) damage when Mob/Enemy hits a non-critical hit on you, where X is amount of slots used. (2 Slots) Paralyze: On a roll of 9-10, remove enemy action for one turn.

    Description: A metal tower shield the size of a man, the shield is made of a strange metal that gives it a unique sharpness to it's edges. In the center of the shield, a large raised image of a wolf with it's maw opened in a snarling howl shows, the teeth razor sharp.



    Name: Tulwar

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 61916 

    CD: 8 + 1 = 9

    Quality: Uncommon

    Tier: 1

    Item Type: One Handed Curved Sword

    Enhancements: Damage: +1 DMG

    Description: a strange curved sword of middle eastern design. the blade almost turns back on itself due to the large curve.



    Name: Long Spear

    Profession: Blacksmith

    Rank: 7

    ID# 61917 

    CD: 10 + 1 = 11

    Quality: Rare

    Tier: 1

    Item Type: One handed Spear

    Enhancements: Accuracy: +1 BD. Damage: +1 DMG

    Description: a steel and wooden spear, the blade is a foot long and sharp. the body is a steel reinforced wood carved with a circling fluted design.


    Approved! :D

  17. Name: Ring of the Assassin
    Profession: (Artisan) 
    Rank: (4)
    ID: (
    Roll: (12) 
    Item Type: Lucky Charm
    Quality: Perfect (Tier 1)
    Enhancements: +2 Accuracy and +1 Evasion 
    Description: A small silver band with an inscription on the inside "Strike hard and strike true." 

    Name: Get Lucky!
    Profession: (Artisan)
    Rank: (4)
    ID: (
    Roll: (12) 
    Item Type: Crafting Die
    Quality: Perfect (Tier 2)
    Enhancements: +1 CD when crafting.
    Description: A small strange charm resembling a crafting tool of some sort. 

  18. Hunie sauntered towards a quaint looking shop. It had a porch that faced outwards, into the empty street. She peeked over the wall and gently knocked on the surface of table that sat on the other side. Initially she didn't hear any response, unwilling to wait, she stretched out and grabbed a pencil and paper from the desk, on that looked like a post it. She inscribed on it. "Someday, I might ask you for a teddy, you're not to tell anyone about it, I miss the one I had stowed away between my pillows back in my RL home. In preparation for that I give you a few things I collected that might help you..." She left the note there, with her signature, hoping to one day return and claim her soft toy. 
    - 5 mats 

  19. 28 minutes ago, Oikawa said:

    Name: Luster
    Profession: Blacksmith
    Rank: 8
    ID: 61897
    Roll: 10 [9+1]
    Item Type: Heavy Armour (Chestplate) 
    Quality: Rare (Tier 1)
    Enhancements: +18 Mitigation
    Description: Appropriate to the name, the piece of armour shines with a silky luster. The light reflects off of it very softly, not in a way that would blind you if you caught it the wrong way. The normally white and silver surface turns a beautiful orange and yellow colour if the setting sun manages to shine onto it. Contrary to its looks, it is a strong piece, capable of protecting the wearer against many attacks.

    Approved! :D 

  20. 45 minutes ago, Mikael said:

    Name: Crafter's Respite Potion
    Profession: Alchemist
    Rank: 5
    ID: 61889
    Roll: 12 [12+1]
    Item Type: Status Update Potion
    Quality: Perfect (Tier 2)
    Enhancements: +1 Crafter's Respite
    Description: Instantly resets all crafting attempts, so you can craft again during the same crafting day. 

    Approved! :D 

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