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Posts posted by Allania

  1. Allania sat there and just continued to pet at Blaze, he seemed to be enjoying himself fully, reveling in the attention. Allania lay down on the ground, basking in the heat of the Sun that still hung itself high within the sky. It was not a lot, but she had a nice situation going for her in this world. She had a shop, she had a few people she could rely on, she had Blaze and she had her gear, the gear which had saved her more times now than she could count. She had been here a measly month compared to some peoples years, but she felt like she had been settling in well, adapting to the way the system worked. Thinking less and less of those that had been ripped out of her life when she entered this world.

    Allania 68/68HP | 17/17 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR

  2. "Planning?" Allania said, faltering in her walk, slightly shocked at the idea, realising that she had never actually come up with a plan for what she was going to do in the desert once again. "To be honest I was just planning to wander about in the desert for a while, potentially look for a sub-dungeon, try gather some materials. I did not really have a set plan except for explore and have fun. It probably sounds somewhat silly I know, but yeah.." she said, her voice trailing off with the last syllable, a faint smile on her face, hoping she had not seemed like an utter fool in front of this player. "Is there anything you would like to do in there?" Allania asked the player beside her, wondering why he had been up on this floor, as not many frequented this level, something about not enjoying blistering heat or dehydration.

  3. While Allania was scratching at his ears, stroking at his fur, effecively making a big fuss of him Allania felt a cold circle against her skin. Looking down Allania saw as Blaze rubbed his cold, wet and little nose on her hand, nuzzling at it with vigour. While he nuzzled away relief began to stretch out from there, numbness replacing her pain. He was using his heal ability to recover her, to help her regain the health that she had lost. Allania sat there asnd watched as her health bar slowly filled bakck up to full.

    Healer activated, +15HP (+3HP nat regen also)

    Allania 68/68HP | 17/17 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR


  4. Allania stood there panting for a short while, her energy gauge was still nearly depleted. She could not let herself collapse just yet, she needed to regain at least a semblance of her composure. Slowly walking her way towards Blaze Allania stood next to him, catching her breath. Once her breath had been marginally regained she sat down besides him and began to idly stroke at his head, her fingers sliding across his soft fur. 

    Allania 50/68HP | 2/17 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR


  5. Defeated. The toads were finished.  Allania stood there, looking around as the red pixelated fragments hung in the air, dancing in the breeze. It was a beautiful yet haunting sight. Beautiful in the way they danced, the way they hung there without a care, a breath taking marker of those that had just passed. That was just it though, why they were haunting, it was an indicator of death, be it player or mob alike, everything went out with the same glaring red shards, that hung there. 

    Allania 47/68HP | 1/17 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR

  6. Tick. Another point of energy, this one however was enough, enough to finally attack. With a smile on her face Allania leaped towards the towards, spinning through the air as she danced her dance, her dagger whistling through the air as it cut into the Toad's slicing deep. It was not enough to end them but it was a solid blow, and solid progress in her fight. While she spun she could not avoid the blows of the Toad's who's tongues had lashed out towards her, they did hit but ended up being deflected by her armour, scraping against the thorns. Finally, she thought, happy that her thorns were finally doing their job.


    • ID# 56524 results:

      • Battle: 9 (crit, +1DMG)

      • MOB: 6 (hit)

      • LD: 1 (only mats)

      • SA: round accel (2*1 AoE)

      • DMG: (7+1)*2 - 9 = 7 DMG

      • Sand Toad_1 -1/34 HP(-21 = -7-14) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_2 -1/34 HP(-21=-7-14) | 9 MIT | 15DMG.

      • Sand Toad_3 -1/34 HP(-21=-7-14) | 9 MIT | 15DMG.

      • Sand Toad_4 -1/34 HP(-21=-7-14) | 9 MIT | 15DMG.

      • ________________________________________________

      • Allania 44/68HP(-4) | 0/17 Energy(-4+1) | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR

      • +4 Mats
  7. Tick. Her energy gauge had filled up another unit, but it was still not enough. Not enough for her to dance with her dagger, thew dagger which would fly around her as she sliced into all the Toad's that surrounded her. Until then she just had to suffer the blows, the blows which rained down upon her, striking through her thorns. The thorns were not doing a lot in this world, failing most miserably at their role. But it was of little consequence, something that she would have to consider once this battle was over, yet she could not attack, her thorns were not doing anything and her health was slowly whittling its way down, these Toads would be unable to finish her however. Confident in her abilities Allania got ready to attack. 

    • ID# 56523 results:

      • BD:  6 (ignored due to lack of energy/energy replenishment)

      • MOB: 10 (crit, +2DMG)

      • Sand Toad_1 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_2 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_3 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_4 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • ________________________________________________

      • Allania 48/68HP(-4) | 3/17 Energy(+1) | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR

  8. Allania had waited there a long time. After the first half an hour she concluded that he was going to be late, that or he had forgotten. Deciding just standing there would be dull Allania sat herself down on the ground and decided to have a short nap. She would wait until the day hit twilight, as with night came to monsters that made the mobs from the day look like fluffy sheep. 

    As she lay there, the air cool upon her face, the ground soft beneath her, the floor's moss acting like a bed, soft and welcoming. In such peaceful conditions Allania quickly fell to sleep, breathing in and out slowly and silently, obscured by some bracken surrounding her. She had chosen the spot to lie as it was comfortable yet offered some cover from any mobs that came wandering through the clearing.

  9. Allania had agreed to meet up with Hydra a few days ago, agreeing to meet up and try to do another quest. This time they'd be up on the third floor, a floor that Allania did not frequent, opting for the deserts blistering heat over anything else. It seemed like a simple enough task that they were going to set out and do. All they need do is navigate the forest to find a fancy person's tomb, fight some sort of guardian and then pick up the pendant. Allania had heard that it was a prized treasure, an item perfect as a gift for wedding, be it you who was getting married or as a gift to the happy couple.

    The day was a mild one, not hot like the desert above, but not warm either. It would likely only get colder as they ventured into the forest, the canopy of the leaves blocking the sun which she was currently basking in. Sun? Allania had a moments weird thought, did they have a sun on every floor, and were all the same size. She knew that stars came in a large variety of sizes and where even was this star? As there was a floor above their heads, so it could not be that far away, could it?

    Shaking her head of the thought, Allania continued on to where they had planned to meet, on the edge of the third floors main settlement.

  10. Allania's eyes widened at Rae's initial words, she may have been stuttering but she had said it, she was enjoying this? It felt strange to Allania that this girl could be enjoying this, what did she mean? Was it just like this was fun, or was there something more? As the last notion crossed her mind Allania began to get a little flustered, her cheeks as bright as Rae's were but a moment ago. "I-I-er... " she said before falling to silence, unsure exactly what to say or how to proceed. How do I feel about this? Allania thought, unsure how she felt on the situation, as upon her lap sat what she considered to be an undoubtedly beautiful woman, but what did that mean to her? Unsure of her self Allania just went for it, she had got in this deep so she would continue with their little dance, deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. "I-I am enjoying this" Allania said decisively, faltering slightly to begin with before her voice took on the decisive tone, nodding her head as if to affirm it. "And are you enjoying this?" I ask curiously, wanting to know the girls thoughts

  11. A lot of people all seemed to turn up at roughly the same time. The first however was a brunette with green eyes, one that greeted her warmly and asked if the ad was her's, "yep" she responded, a broad smile on her face, looking up at the player. Before she had much time to talk further another two players quickly appeared, one that she recognised as Ratatosk, though something was off about him. What that was Allania was unsure, so for now she just filed it away in her mind to bring up later.

    "More than enough space" she said to Ratatosk, he seemed somewhat unsure of himself, yet it was an improvement compared to how he used to just run away from anyone that was female. "And yep, we're the group planning on going for a dungeon. " she said brightly to the group, before considering what to do next "I'm not too sure if anyone else will be arriving, so maybe we should wait just a little while longer to see if another player does turn up for this. What do you all think?" she asked, posing the question to all those in the group.

  12. "That does sound safer" Allania noted, nodding in agreement, but then she looked at Macradon with a smile "Where would be the fun in that though. This place is so massive there are undoubtedly places no player has set foot yet. Let's explore for a bit?" she said, looking at him with hope in her eyes. Allania loved the desert on this floor, it may be blisteringly hot like always, but that was not something to be deterred by, it just made the world slightly more of a challenge. Hence slightly more fun. "So if you want to we can go your way, but we could take another one, one less traveled, to see what more there is to see" Allania said, her voice becoming somewhat distant as she looked off towards the desert, thinking of the possibilities. 

  13. The previous blow had sent her skidding across the floor once again. They hit with a lot of force, but not a lot of damage. For that she was grateful. Gritting her teeth Allania charged them once again, her dagger spinning around her body as she attempted to slice into them, they weren't there however. They had charged for her just as she did for them, but they had tripped and went tumbling. When Allania finished her spin she just looked at the statues scattered about on the floor How does a statue trip over?? she thought.

     ID# 56427 results:

     Battle: 3 (miss)

     MOB: 1 (miss)

    Anubis Statue_1 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.

    Anubis Statue_2 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.

    Anubis Statue_3 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.

    Anubis Statue_4 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.


    Allania 52/60 HP | 8/15 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR

  14. Allania sighed where she was sat, raising her hand to her face. Hydra and Nikodemus had the right idea at least, but whoever the white haired player and the one who first went for Rowan clearly did not. Allania put her hands on her knees, slowly lifting her aching body up from the ground. It seemed the white haired player was the biggest threat, she knew Rowan, even if marginally, and thought that although he was threatening people and had his sword out that he would not do much. If people handle the situation with respect and care. That was not the case however, so it seemed that Allania could not help but intervene, like Hydra and Nikodemus before her. 

    Now on her feet Allania walked up to the white haired player, a figure who towered before her, a figure with his sword out and venom in his voice. No worry written on her face Allania walked between Lycan and Rowan. With a sweet smile but hard eyes she looked at him, "put your weapon away child. You preach that this is not the time or place, yet you are equally in the wrong as him." she said harshly before her voice softened and she continued, "Different people deal with loss differently. Some like to be comforted, in the way in which that girl had offered, but some prefer to be alone. Everyone is unique, so everyone deals with things in their own way. If you are to be our leader for now you need to try and understand that. Hydra and Nikodemus have the right idea, they're trying to foster peace and undertsanding, you are only escalating the situation. So like I said, put your weapon away. You have no authority to send someone out into that storm" gesturing to the white wall at the cave entrance, the wind roaring into the cavern.

    Allania then turned to Hydra, averting her attention from the white haired player. Hydra seemed to be the worst for wear out of all of them still, he had hobbled his way over and was asking of people favourite colour. That's a good idea, she thought brightly, hopefully it'll help distract everyone from this little incident.  "Orange" she said happily, "it's such a warm and welcoming colour, " a smile once again on her face, "well, at least I think so" she added, considering her words again. She then turned back to the white haired player, "So, what is your favourite colour?" she said, having nodded towards Hydra a moment before. "And once we've all said our favourite colour we need to think about getting out of here. Ratatosk said something about the Survival skill, sadly I don't have it myself, but hopefully some people here will." she then looked at Ratatosk with a smile "he seems to know what he's talking about, so why don't we all listen to him for a moment, as while everyones been either sat around in shock" she said looking at those that were just sat about "or escalating situations" looking pointedly at Lycan "or trying to foster peace" finally turning to look at Hydra and Nikodemus " he's been trying to organise a plan for us all to survive. All of us. So we at least owe him our ears do we not?" she said, leaving the question hanging in the air. 

    With her spiel over Allania sat back down, still sat between Lycan and Rowan, as she lowered herself to the ground she let out a quiet groan of pain. When she was finally comfortable and had Blaze once again to her chest, stroking his head gently Allania looked towards Ratatosk and gave a small nod.

  15. OOC: I'll swap my speech text to another colour, as our's are very similar (if not the same)

    Allania watched as yet another person appeared on the floor. This newest one seemed familiar, his face was at least, what he was wearing though she did not recognise. He seemed to recognise her however and was heading over in her direction. After a few moments of trying to place the face Allania assumed it was the smith who she had messaged, the idea finally clicking inside of her head. Of course it was him, he was just wearing a different outfit. "Hey there", she called out "and no, not long. Are you ready?" she asked with a smile, gesturing in the direction of the town gate. With her gesture complete Allania rose to her feet and stood there in front of the player, waiting to see how he would respond.

  16. Allania dashed forward, her dagger spinning out around her as she performed the pirouetting dance, slicing into each of the statues, a grinding sound as her dagger scraped through their stone body. Her dagger seemed slower than usual as it cut through the stone, the resistance slowing her pace such that they were able to land a blow upon her slight form, once again sending her reeling. This time the strike was not hard enough to penetrate her thorns, so the tiny barbs on her armour scraped across the stone, much like her dagger had done.

     ID# 56273 results:

     Battle: 10 (crit, +2DMG)

     MOB: 6 (hit)


    SA: Round accel (2*1 AoE)

    DMG: (7+2)*2 - 8 = 11DMG

    Anubis Statue_1 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.

    Anubis Statue_2 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.

    Anubis Statue_3 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.

    Anubis Statue_4 14/32 HP | 8 MIT | 16DMG.


    Allania 52/60 HP | 9/15 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR

  17. Allania was up on the fifth floor, she had recently messaged the blacksmith she had got the new gear from if he would like to do a quest together. Now she awaited him by the teleporter pad, sat nearby wearing her shining new pauldron. Today they'd be going out into the surrounding desert to fight a recurring boss, the Sand Shark, known to just swim through the sand like it was an ocean, leaping out and attacking those that trespassed into where it stayed. Allania was a little worried though, this was the first time going into combat without it. The one item that had been a staple no matter what she was doing.

    It was a nice day today, like usual it was blisteringly hot under the unforgiving Sun. The Sun which hung high in the sky, at the peaks of its travels, bearing down on all those underneath it, trying to burn them with its rays. There was not a cloud in the air, the only thing that broke out above the city skyline was the pillar striking up to the floor above. In the air there was a slight breezing, moving cooler air between the buildings. The air may have been cooler relatively but it was still hot. It was a dry heat, not stifling. 

    So all in all, a good day to go adventuring.



    -Trimmed pauldron (H. armour, 3 mit)

    - Dagger tooth(1H dagger, +3 DMG)

    - First of Zandrar (dress, +2 LD)



    - Boarhide Bodice (light armour, 2 mit & 1 thorn)

    - Encouraging Bracers (light armour, 1 thorn & 2 savvy)

    x1 +27 mitigation potion

    x1 +2DMG potion

    x5 +10 HP potion



  18. "Seemed more like a normal day to me than any other" Allania had to admit. "I would be more than happy to meet you again, just send me a message some time and I'd be happy to turn up. And it's good that you're experiencing more things, even if you didn't take part in the fight you saw it happen, so you gained something from it. Some take to all those" she said, gesturing to the world around her "faster than others and some take it slower. You just have to go at your own pace". With that Allania opened up her inventory and gave Gaster, "here, you take the materials, you were the one who needed them after all" she said with a smile, handing over the 4 materials they had collected and half the col.

    -4 mats

    -300 col

  19. Allania watched as her energy gauge ticked up once more. It would not be long now until she could go after them and attack in return. But for now she had to work on avoiding their attacks, as she had some energy now she felt up to moving about, even if it was sluggishly. So Allania did just that, as the Toad's tongues began to launch towards her Allania lurched to the side, ducking under one of the tongues, dodging them all. They had not expected her to move after their last attack so were not aiming for a moving target.


    • ID# 56151 results:

      • BD: 5  (ignored due to lack of energy/energy replenishment)

      • MOB: 4 (miss, savvy activates for Allania)

      • Sand Toad_1 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_2 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_3 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_4 20/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • ________________________________________________

      • Allania 52/68HP | 2/17 Energy(+1) | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR

  20. Allania had not a moment of respite. As soon as her dagger had been lowered another set of Toads erupted from the sands around her. This was going to be a long day. Allania looked at her energy gauge. Completely out. She could barely do a basic attack she was so exhausted. It seems as though she'd have to bide her time, wait out the attacks until she could actually attack. So that's just what she did, she stood there, barely moving as the Toads circled around her and attacked, their tongues lashing out and scraping against her armour. They did barely any damage to her and her armour did much damage to them but what Allania was more satisfied with was that her energy gauge had ticked up once.


    • ID# 56150 results:

      • BD: 8 (ignored due to lack of energy)

      • MOB: 7 (hit)

      • Sand Toad_1 20/34 HP(-14) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_2 20/34 HP(-14) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_3 20/34 HP(-14) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_4 20/34 HP(-14) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • ________________________________________________

      • Allania 52/68HP(-4) | 1/17 Energy(+1) | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR
  21. "Noo, I'm just trying to help is all," Allania said with a smile, "and yes, I got a few materials, one from each so I managed to gather 4, they also dropped a bit of col, so we can split that". Allania then got to her feet, stretching out and looking at her health bar, just a moment longer and she'd be at full health and energy. "So then, " she started to say, still stretching out her back "what shall we do now? We could head on back to the town, try again with the fighting, or just try something else. The option is yours" she said once she finished listing the options. She extended her hand out to him, hand open "come on, let's go".

    Allania 66/68HP | 7/17 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR

  22. Allania walked up the hill towards Gaster, approaching him with a smile. "I'm fine" she called out, sheathing her dagger as she moved closer. "It was a decent fight, they were somewhat of a push over though" Allania admitted, noting how they had dealt such a small amount of damage to her in the fight. Allania watched as Gaster curled up into almost a ball on the floor so she sat down beside him and spoke softly "it's okay, like I said you didn't have to participate if you didn't want to. You had your rapier out and were ready in case you needed to fight. That's a big first step, so well done!" she said, a beaming smile on her face.

    Allania 63/68HP | 6/17 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR

  23. Allania had got a pm earlier notifying her that the order had been completed so she headed back to the store. Walking through the door Allania announced her presence "Hey there" she called out "I'm here to collect my order, it was the pauldron and that dagger" she stated, hoping the smithy would know what she meant. Allania quickly located her items, stored off to one side of the room. Picking hem up she headed on out of the smithy once again. "Thank you!" she called out to the smithy before heading on. Once outsied she inspected the item, they were masterfully done, she'd have to come back whenever she needed another set of armour.

    + Dagger Tooth

    Trimmed Pauldron

  24. The blow had surprised her, but it worked to her favour, as the Boars thrashed their heads about, causing her health to once again tick down slowly. It was a little scratch to her. She was in the perfect place to attack, spinning on the spot, her dagger a set distance from her body as it sliced through the flesh of the Boars. Once her spin had finished the Boar's exploded into pixelated fragments. Nothing remaining except for the materials and col dropped. Picking them up Allania headed towards where she had last seen Gaster.

     ID# 56129 results:

     Battle: 9 (crit, +1DMG)

     Loot: 11 

     MOB: 6 (hit)

    Boar_1  0/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15DMG.

    Boar_2  0/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15DMG.

    Boar_3  0/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15DMG.

    Boar_4  0/34 HP | 9 MIT | 15DMG.


    Allania 60/68HP | 5/17 Energy | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 7 THR

    +4 mats

    +600 col

  25. Allania knew that she would not be able to maintain the pace she was at, her energy would soon be depleted. Making one last attempt Allania dashed forward, her dagger cutting into the Toads one more time. As she cut the Toads responded, swatting at her with their arms. All the blow hit, as she cut into them they bludgeoned her. It was her victory though, as once she finished her spin the Toads disappeared into fragments, blowing away on the wind.

    • ID# 56128 results:

      • Battle: 9+2 = 9 (crit, +1DMG)

      • Loot: 17 (nat.roll)

      • MOB: 9 (crit, +1DMG)

      • SA: Round accel (2*1 AoE)

      • DMG: (7+1)*2 - 9 = 7 DMG


      • Sand Toad_1 0/34 HP(-7) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_2 0/34 HP(-7) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_3 0/34 HP(-7) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • Sand Toad_4 0/34 HP(-7) | 9 MIT | 15 DMG.

      • ________________________________________________

      • Allania 56/68HP(-4) | 0/17 Energy(-4+1) | 7 DMG | 18 MIT | 14 THR


    +4 mats

    +680 col

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