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Posts posted by Rin

  1. As they strolled along Rin now managed to examine the beauty in this virtual world once more around them, it always amazed her how she let the wonders escape her on this journey.  Rin wasn't prepared though when someone called out to the two girls, a teasing remark that almost insinuated the two being a couple. Overtaken by her tremors Rin now lit up, it was as if someone shot of red fireworks in her cheeks as she now whimpered  this time taking deep breath. She was use to bullying for the most part, but she was also use to Alex swooping in to save the day by telling them off. It was then she realized that she knew her dependency was her own unraveling she couldn't take any sort of joke, criticism or bullying. All she could do was shake her head no as if desperately attempting to tell the player that his snide gesture wasn't at all true, as it wasn't as far as her knowledge.

    Her own self-conscious now questioning what she was doing with Esther. It wasn't like that they were girl friends why the heck did he have to go and say such awkward things, could she not simply hold desperately to her friends hands without insinuating something. Her breath now grew erratic as she desperately fought off the urge to hyperventilate, her own hand releasing as she was became ready for her escape from the public eye once more. It was in that moment though that she then felt Esther's warmth squeeze down as if urging her to stay strong. Her eyes watering and shaking her head as she heard her advice.

    "I-I already do, I w-want to hide that side though."

  2. Esther hit it right on the nail, she was awful with compliments, already her cheek were burning with a shameful passion that was instilled in them by the girl before her. Esther was the most honest person she had met, which only caused further friction in Rin's own heart as she was so desperately concealing her vigilante cat explorer whom she hoped one day wouldn't be anything like her. In the outfit she had no fear of people knowing her or sense of embarrassment as all emotions were covered by her mask. The only exceptions being her nerves still. A few nights out people met with her and noticed the nervous fidget she hadn't mustered the strength to meet them again in fear of being found out. Rin nodded and glanced down to her feet as she now was prepared to respond to the comments of Esther.

    "I know that I get flustered a lot, but that is mainly because I just don't know how to deal with the incidents that I find myself in. Like when I blabbed about how Alex my boyfriend died while in search of the boss. I guess it was eating away at my soul till I finally couldn't take it any longer. I needed someone to talk to someone ... like you I guess."

    Rin now managed that same hesitant laugh as she said that maybe with some shoves she would manage to work herself out of that comfort zone. She reached over and squeezed Esther's hand still nervous while in her presence. Rin's head now tilting and leaning on Esther's shoulder as they walked to the border of the city where they probably would find Mari.

  3. Rin now glanced back up a rather faint flush passing over her cheeks as she realized with the methods she took to slide through the crowd was rather awkward to say the least. She now laughed hesitantly as she still was knelt down in an almost cat-like posture as she began to realize that she could have just waited for the dungeoneering party was done. A few coughs and attempts to stand up would finally succeed Rin now stood there shorter than Macradon but not incredibly so as she wasn't a midget after all. 

    "Hi again, wasn't really suspecting me to show up all the way form down there I guess were you. I just took into thought about the time it would take for that herd to pass and well I guess it sorta paid off barring emotional embarrassment and the lost of dignity."

    Rin sighed now looking back to her feet as if paying attention to the ground to make sure no crazy person attempted pulling the same trick as her. That was a one time thin, unless they enjoyed looking up short skirts or shorts of young men or women. Those people weren't to be helped. As she stood there she now gripped her own hands tightly attempting to think of some way to further this conversation past the undesirable staring contest they had with different part of one another for her it was his shoes as she was beginning to memorize them as she was appreciative of any help he assisted to her by getting her back to her feet. 

    "I don't really know I guess I have got some, none really through combat mind you."

  4. As she shuffled her hair she heard the rather shallow sigh that was accompanied by a disappointed look as she now peeked through her own hair, she sorta wondered if their was actually something upsetting her. They both seemed to be more  stuck on the issues that the other had oppose to their own. As she thought about the reasons she would suddenly sound rather exasperated, if not for just that split second. Rin now glanced over and felt weird asking if she had done anything to lose her approval. This dance was one that could have gone on for the majority of their travel to find Mari but she knew that was to long a time to wait. 

    "I umm am sorry but your sigh sounded rather saddened, if you don't mind me asking I'm actually more worried about you then myself. Are you ok with me joining you and Mari on this material hunt or did I do something?"

    She now stood nervously before Esther all her thoughts and emotions bare for the naked eye to impose upon as she briefly combed the hair out of her eyes realizing it was impairing her visions ever so slightly. That nagging feeling that the problem was always something with her rather then another was the most common cause of her sudden disappearance.

    "Again I don't mean to be imposing or asking stupid questions just felt a little off. Anyway I am not going to back down now, this is a step in the right direction for me I think."

  5. Rin slowly rose to her feet as Esther assisted her in that endeavor, it seemed like she couldn't help but assist others even when they weren't in need any longer. It was rather comforting to know that she had managed to make a friend out of this girl. This sensation of longing, a place where you could feel at ease as well as safe even though she still knew little information about the girl other then she was trapped here and had a rather nice attitude. A hand gently glided down toward her back as the two hands began to interlace their fingers. Their was still something uneasy though wrenching in her gut if that was at all possible in this game. She thought pain was practically removed, perhaps other emotions and experiences still existed. Unless it was just her mind.

    Rin now combed her fingers through her hair till the dark bangs were again draping over her eyes.

    "Well where exactly were we heading off to and what type of outfit would you think is appropriate to meet Mari in?"

    She preferred good impressions, a feat that was often impossible for her and the nervous habits that she would teeter through.

  6. Rin sighed and sat in the water now realizing that this crowd was growing far larger then she really cared to generally attend particularly after the crowd almost doubled in size from what she could tell. The people who were all about the lake now to the point she couldn't even hope to keep her eyes upon them all. A deep awkward sigh now passed under breath as she began to wade back up back to the front of the lake. Perhaps at a different date she would wander her way back to this lake when the crowds dispersed. For now it was far to hectic for her to make any sense of it.  It seemed like one of the men partially disappeared though, Itzal perhaps hew as off in search as well for the different materials that she overheard from across the lake. Beatbox was already leaving the little lake party now when she stopped seeing a stranger whom she hadn't met before.

    He was seemingly hunting down the most ridiculous sized fish she had ever seen, although their were such contests in game for people of his ability enjoying it as a sport. When the unsheathing of his sword however to face off with this fish she began to recall an old story. A whaler who also took rather absurd measures to hunt down the game of a life time. Moby Richard. Or perhaps it was some other name, but she really didn't know the story well enough besides how could an animal be associated as something so rude. Shrugging her shoulder's Rin then looked back to Domarus and Esther whom seemed to be enjoying themselves.

    "Um well it was nice meeting both you and your friend Esther though I think I'm probably gonna go back home it's getting  a bit more crowded for my comfort."

  7. Rin now glanced about the plaza a bit sheepish her body rocking back and forth as she began to wait for her companion to arrive, it might be harder for him to recognize her from their one real greeting was quickly brought to an end by her fleeing. That was the first time she left her house in a long time but now she was starting to adapt to the social game of conversations. She was still socially at odds with herself but at least she was out of her apartment and attempting to open up even with the most odd characters. Esther was the most recent friendship she had joined as she now looked toward the teleportation platform as a rather bright light and portal opened to release the companion whom she was going to go on an exploration with.

    As she sat down she then blinked realizing she probably should get out from the crowd who were towering over her and blocking a clear line of sight to her. She now raised a hand and began to speak louder.

    "H-hi Macradon I'm here!" 

    She said now bouncing up above a few people as she slowly weaved through the groups that seemed to be preparing for a dungeon raid till she now finally decided it was faster going the low road. Rin now crawled forward between and around the pedestrians legs till she wound up near his feet. 

    "Hi again."

  8. Rin was wandering about the third floor as always, although today she hadn't bee off to her shop or dressed in her usual costume as she was still attempting to get comfortable in her leather armor and the new pink collar about her neck. It was uncomfortable, but she felt like it would have been a waste if she decided to give it up and just craft some new type of item to take it's place. A heavy sigh now perspiring upon her lower bottom lip. A shock came though when she saw a message upon her hud pop up form a companion whom she had quested with before off an on. Her eyes skimmed over the message as she now smiled. She was still far behind the other players and frankly she had no means of defeating any of the bosses in her quests and she knew that he was more than capable of completing it without her. She quickly took over the holographic keyboard as she typed out her reply.


    I would love to be apart of it, I still haven't beaten that quest as you can imagine. I'll see you there in just a bit.

    Rin looked over seeing how short and to the point her message was. She wished she could think of something else to add to it but she was a bit lacking today in her responses as she merely sent it off. Looking over toward her shop she began to scurry off now in the direction of the plaza.

  9. Rin's eyes continued to bounce between Itzal and Alisa a rather weary gaze as she now began to wonder how or why nothing was going on between these two as they seemed to be quite quirky together. As she was greeted and talked to about how it was a good idea to make friends and how Itzal apparently would like some payment from the girl before her for the help he gave her. Rin now just sat there in an awkward silence as she simply bobbed her head yes in agreement. As she thought about the idea of chefs she then finally came up with something to ask the girl.

    "Actually, if you are a chef perhaps I could stop by and ask for some food in the future as I actually am planning on going my only little expeditions to locate a familiar eventually. Although that is far down the line after I have properly trained and am scaled in my Search and Detect skill. I heard that some foods help with the searching."

    She asked attempting to make idle conversation while also making sure that her assumptions were correct.

  10. Rin blushed and nodded, fully knowing that Esther didn't see it as if just to reassure herself in some uneasiness that everything really was ok. She supposed despite some similarities they were both entirely different entities. Esther was incarnate of the social longing to always be among friends and conversations while Rin the exact opposite generally consoling herself in the solitude of her own company. Rin now stepped out one last time after she had some time to relax and unequipped her bathing suit for a short period of time before redressing this time in her own exploration gear. Her usual leather armor that was designed for evasion, and awkwardly sexiness. As well as her own collar that was her own good luck charm to herself for when she went out material hunting.

    As she stood there looking at herself in the mirror she creaked open the door peeking out to see Esther all curled up at the side. It appeared that of the two would have to learn to cope with discomfort while together, Rin decided it was probably best if it was her. Esther was so energetic and lively that Rin couldn't help but fell a cascade of emotions overflowing from herself when Esther talked and touched her. The girl knelt down and embraced Esther now planting both their chins on one another's shoulders gave her a gentle squeeze. 

    "Come now don't worry it doesn't suit you. Beside Mari is waiting for us."

  11. Rin shuddered while her clothes began to soak within the tub, every second the apparel grew heavier upon her body till she finally felt  that she had enough. The more Esther requested for Erin the more quiet she grew. Something made her uneasy now as she listened to Esther's calm and soothing voice, was she just naturally like this or was it some strange attempt to flirt with her. The death of her previous boyfriend still weighed upon her mind as she wasn't certain how to move on from such grief, yet here she was enjoying life again. It felt wrong to have sleep overs and goof about doing nothing all day when all the other front liners were hard at work searching and fighting through the bosses floor by floor. As she looked down toward her own body and her soggy clothes she winced realizing she should have at least changed out of them. 

    Rin's hand reached up and began to tap through the menu as she put on a bathing suit instead as she didn't feel comfortable enough to enjoy a normal private bath. Leaning back she then began to recall the words that only sounded like mumbling from the other room as she was lost in deep thought. Esther was here and she had sounded a bit concerned maybe it was time to actually talk back. She looked toward the cracked door.

    "I-I'm fine with the adventure still I just am thinking."

  12. As Esther spoke she only grew more flustered from the thought that she was apparently adorable while she slept, a squeak as if deflating in confidence escaped her lips. Rin was overwhelmed by her nervous tremors once more as Esther managed to force her into the most adorable blush that any mortal could muster. It wasn't a display she wished to exhibit particularly with how close the other girl enjoyed forcing them into. Her mouth began to move with an apparent stutter as she tried to project any audio with her flabbergasted state. Esther was quite the energetic ball of sunshine that overcast Rin's once depressing aura after Alex's death as she didn't have enough time between the embarrassment she was tossed into what seemed to be every second of her day while with the rosy hair  girl. After what was almost a minute of silence she finally managed out a semi-confident sentence.

    "Mari venturing sounds great. Can't wait to meet materials -"

    Her mind desperately scrambling to fit a coherent sentence only to grow more awkward as she realized that a few of those thoughts seemingly crossed into one another. She shook her head and closed her eyes before now realizing what she needed to say.

    "Sorry I really need to wash up after j-just give me a few minutes."

    Rin mewled weakly as she slowly shuffled past the bed her bangs draping across her eyes once more like curtains to prevent her from seeing just how flustered she was. As she escaped to the bathroom she quickly closed the door and sat in the tub curled up in the fetal position attempting to regain some of her dignity and composure before turning the water on to a lukewarm setting as she  sat there in her clothes as the water level began to raise. She didn't waste any time as she merely sat within the four walls the door partially cracked as she nibbled her bottom lip.

  13. Rin lurked in the reeds and algae of the the far side of the pond as she then noticed as the party seemed to be encroaching upon her little peaceful part of this watery haven. She  mewled, but only bubbles escaped from beneath the water's surface as the two now began to slide over toward her neck of the lake. It made no sense to her why people had to invade another's personal soaking when the vast body of water was before them all to play in. Esther was the first to emerge from the water not but a meter or so away from her as she  seemingly sunk down till her own nose was below the surface. She didn't take a deep breath and her lunge capacity resembled that of an infant child still learning to cry as she then gasped coughed through the water  standing back up so she was only as deep as her neck. 

    The frog's peaceful perch disturbed as Esther poked it causing the small amphibian to now frantically pump it's strong back legs rappelling it through the water till it disappeared into the reeds nearly on the uninhabited side of the lake. She A rather disheartened frown now greeted Domarus and Esther as they were bot in front of her. A hand now reaching out from the water to give them both a shy wave.

    "Umm hi what you two doing over here aren't you guys going to enjoy the company of everyone else here. Besides I should really start doing laps again so I don't forget."

    The girls arms gently wrapping about her midriff as she looked first at the man and then at Esther. She already was flustered enough about Esther and now that they were both wearing bikini's and a guy was watching over them both she couldn't help but exhibit her embarrassment fully in rosy red cheeks. When Domarus apologized for the cannonballs that had disrupted her rather peaceful float she simply shook her head form side to side releasing a small peep of a sentence.

    "No problem."


  14. Rin laid there sleepily, her eyes still clamped shut still form the previous night as they were up quite late making the crowns for Esther's children that she was looking over. As she lied there in bed she groaned her mornings that once were awoken with a vibrant energy started off considerably slower today. She wasn't use to staying up quite so late, but she seemed to have just lost track of time while she slept over at Estehr's place. It wouldn't be to long after though that Rin began to rise from beneath the covers now eyes still drooping and her memory groggily pondering what to do this morning. For all intents and purposes she had no reason to think it wasn't like every other morning in her shop where she woke up from the back room and headed out straight to crafting. Unfortunately today wasn't one of those days. As she stirred from her slumber she peeled off the covers gently drooping down to the floor like a worm. She then slithered up the wall till she was standing straight head against the wall of Esther's room.

    As she turned around though she realized finally that this wasn't her shop and blinked what must have been a dozen times to make sure she was actually awake and not dreaming. After the long dazed blinking contest she stopped and reaching to her head feeling she wasn't in her costume. 

    "Right - I did fall asleep over here didn't I. Sorry about imposing upon you like that."

    She shuffled her feet nervously as she now began to look around as she wanted to at least wash her face this morning before she ventured out into the world.


  15. "I think that sounds fine, I really don't get out all that often as I mostly stay at my own place. It would be fun to have a sleep over again since I haven't really been a part of one thanks to our untimely arrival here."

    Rin hesitantly spoke as she now listened once more to her companion to here more information or stories about this Mari woman that she had met back in her shop. She really hadn't been paying much attention to the crystal floating above her head. Had she then Rin probably would have been far more frantic at the time of purchase as she was a bit scared now. It wasn't polite though to react like that, stereotyping a player all due to one actions that might have very well been justified as many people had to kill another person before. She remembered Alex had done it once to save someone else. Rin merely nodded as she continued to think about the details of Mari's killing wondering if it was to protect someone she had cared about.

    "I trust your word Esther, and I do remember meeting her once. I don't remember her being all that rude particularly to me to be honest."

    Rin smiled attempting to reassure Esther that she wasn't scared, deep down though something churned in her bowels causing a discomfort in the game, or perhaps that was just her mind playing tricks on her. She then glanced down to her legs where she felt Esther's legs begin to shake ever so gently as if she might have been going numb. As She began to slowly shift Rin off she blushed and would stand perfectly erect before sweeping her bangs back over her face.

    "I'm sorry."

    She responded apologizing for practically sitting like a frightened child upon Esther's lap. As she stood though she felt her torso slowly held in place against Esther. The touch now causing her face to emit a deep rosy pink in her cheek as she also squeaked like a mouse.  The hand upon her thighs now causing her to tremble embarrassingly.

    "Y-yeahh that's f-fine lead the way."



    OOC: if you want to end it your post just add the complete with rewards. ^^


  16. Rin stood there watching as they all entered the cave, the vastness of this expanse  was shocking her thanks to the large ruins that were inside that seemingly were written up. She never would have guessed that these mobs would be living in such a fortress like ruin which seemingly acted as a catacomb underneath the portion of the desert they had tucked themselves away in. As her eyes  widened in shock she merely continued forth through the wondrous caverns, her own body gravitating to between Zandra and Macradon hoping that would be the most  safe area when the combat started up. As she shot side glances to both her companions she began to wince her hands reaching down to her stomach, it was odd she almost felt nauseous in this virtual world from the odious sensation that the dungeon gave off. As they came across the enemies though her eyes lit up beneath her mask in fear. They were templar's so human like that she now thought of them as the fallen players defending the treasures here as she began to wince shivering. She turned her back upon the combat knowing that their would be no good toe come next by watching the two single handedly slaughter the foes.

    As she heard the first slash through the Templar she mewled and began wandering backwards through the dungeon, hoping that she would find a deposit instead where she could start finding some materials to take her mind off this little excursion. The only thought that managed to pass through her mind though was how these NPC's could very well just be recycled by the Cardinal system for those who had passed on through this life.

    "No, no must do something else not enough time to think about those types of thoughts now Rin. Go search for anything shiny that is glimmering in the walls surely it would be useful in the crafting side of the world."

    ID: 68194 LD: 8+3=11 Nothing


  17. Rin delve under the water's surface for a short period time with a loud exhale as she then resurfaced only to see what seemed to be a familiar figure now waving her down as if she was some sort of airplane. Se quirked a brow at Mina a bit confused as she now began to wade back to the shallow end of the lake and reequipping her new leather gear. As it situated itself upon her body she began to reach down as it was a short single piece outfit that was uncomfortably short at the moment since she hasn't made her black leggings yet that were to go with it. A rather embarrassed grimace accompanying her flush face as she waved back sheepishly to her old acquaintance.

    "Oh hi there. I didn't realize that you come here a lot any more. I suppose since that day at the lake this place sorta became public knowledge as the most beautiful swimming hole of the second floor. What exactly have you been up to?"

  18. Rin now began to stroll about the third floor, this time not dressed like the masked demon cat costume that she had mistakenly envisioned as a means to start being active with the Aincrad Community that she was imprisoned with. A rather soft yawn escaping her lips as she now peeked over toward Itzal's shop opening that was on the exact same floor which she had started her own business. Unfortunately that entire business was one that was begin ran by her secret self that she would only let out of the bag if the person she met was truly exceptional. Looking upon the crowd she now mewled rather pathetically from a far attempting to calm her own nerves enough to join into the party of sorts. It seemed like everyone was now obtaining weapons from a prior acquaintance, Mina. As Rin's eyes bounced between the members of the crowd she realized just what was going on. An exchange of gifts for the new unveiling.


    The girl meekly spoke up waving a hand toward the group, her steps slowly creeping forward till she was now merely a part of the background in the small team meeting. If a photo was to be shot she would be hidden behind Morgenstern and Beatbox from her current position.

  19. Each moment within the tender embrace Rin felt herself falling deeper and deeper into a tranquil serenity that she hadn't ever been exposed to. Even her hot chocolate began to grow cold as she no longer was in need of it's effects to warm the very cockles of her soul. Rin's hips rolled her over the girl's upper thigh once more as she began to sit more comfortably on Esther's lap oppose to the chair. As she peeled herself away forcibly she now nervously shivered realizing that the display of affection had grown stronger between herself and her companion as she really enjoyed the presence of Esther. A certain part of her  personality made it simple to feel comfortable with her, something that Rin could only have wished would grow in herself. She sat lost in thought upon Esther's lap like a younger sister would. Although it was obvious to her that they weren't related she felt like she could discuss even the most personal matters with this girl.

    Rin's full weight now leaning onto Esther's lap as she began to look away ashamed for her display. It wasn't every day she found someone she could talk to let along embrace as closely as she had with the pink haired girl. As she spoke about her services with the children in this game she began to smile realizing that she was simply the kindest sole in Aincrad that she had ever met.

    "I would love to join you I don't really get out enough and meet with the other people trapped in game with me. As for visiting Mari I am fine with a long walk I personally have no clue where she could be found but I can accompany you on the walk?"

  20. Rin listened and perked up with a small smile as she couldn't help but chuckle at the joke referring to one of her favorite American classics. As she thought about it she then decided to mention the musical Wicked. In that story it felt a bit more believable as the wicked witch wasn't allergic or anything to the double bonding hydrogen and oxygen compound, water. As it was she and Esther were both almost done with their hot cocoa which probably meant their little time in the cafe was about up. She had no real reason to stay inside the building after conversing.  As she laid into Esther to further enjoy the warm embrace of her new friend she breathed out now nestling her cheek into Esther's shoulder as she rested upon her shoulder. Her head now gently securing her place between her cheek and shoulder.

    Rin's face now sporting a rather gentle blush as she felt how embarrassing it was to be seen like this with another girl. She slowly cast her gaze down once more her hands gripping gently onto one another as she began to wonder what to do.

    "Um well do you have any thoughts of where you would go from here?"


  21. Rin blinked rather shocked that Morgenstern thought that this world needed more people who scouted, she thought that the front lines were basically completely packed with warriors, scouts and tanks. She slowly enjoyed the last taste of ice cream savoring the vanilla flavor as she now pulled down her mask once again covering up her face so her own  identity would remain anonymous so long as she managed to keep up her disguise. As she sat their she listened to her companion whom still seemed to be lecturing her on the need to train and defend herself. She grimaced beneath her mask glad that he couldn't see her discomfort in these talks as she simply bobbed her head up and down in agreement.

    "I know that this is hard to deal with, but I really believe I will be fine. So far I haven't run into anyone who would be a threat to me pking wise or monsters that have aggro'd that I couldn't simply out maneuver. Thank you though, I believe it is about time that I went back to my shop though and slept. It's on the third floor so it will be a quick teleport away."

  22. Rin looked up to the rest of the group, they all seemed to be enjoying one another's presence between Itzal's sudden collapse and the general comfort of pleasant conversing that was going between the majority of them. A deep sigh now rippled into the water as she had sunk down to her neck line as curled up onto her tippy-toes to keep herself just above the water level. The girls dark brown hair now floating out in all directions as she now began to back pedal through the water her face fixed upright toward the sky. The whisked clouds taking on a cirrus formation as they now were a patchy powdered white with splotches of sky blue patterned randomly about through the texture. At least she thought it was random, as her eyes fixed upon them she began to recognize the pattern that branched out, it was a gorgeous fractal like form as the clouds streamed out like the webbing of a spider.

    As she floated out into the middle of the lake she began to take deep breathes now finding the serenity of the forest lake quite soothing upon her anxious soul. Her nerves that once would have caused endless ripples to emanate from her body were quelled. Her body sliding along the surface thanks to her natural buoyancy. Since she took lesson as a life guard she realized her natural ability to keep afloat without paddling to prove quite beneficial while out in any large body of water. As she bobbed along her toes and chest would bulge from the glistening wet surface of the lake as she began to close her eyes feeling particularly at peace.

    This seemed as beautiful a place to slip away while alone then any other and the mob spawns seemed to be long enough that she would be able to not fret the possible attacks if she should come back her on her own time. A peaceful smile spread over the girl as she also closed her eyes completely oblivious to her surroundings. It was about that time when she hear a loud splash and received a nice nose full of water thanks to Lycan's cannonball. She coughed and drifted out toward the other side of the lake as the wave helped carry her off from the crowd as she now sat beached upon the shallows of the lake. A rather disgruntled expression taking roots in her expression as she stared across at the party of people.

    "This is why I hated the public pool."

    Rin grumbled softly so no one would be able to hear her now laying there eyes and nose out from the water as she was lurking within among a plant that resembled Horsetails. A leering gaze now staring across the way when she suddenly felt a frog jump onto her head. The girl's face now partially hung underwater as she bubbled her nose unpleased with the frogs choices to perch.

  23. It was a strange sensation opening up to another human being, she hadn't done that in quite a while, it was a few months ago when Alex was killed before the search of the boss. Rin merely sat upon her seat attempting to regain her once lonesome composure as she wasn't the greatest at opening up. It was odd, she hardly opened up with anyone about her deceased boyfriend. Deep inhales would lock the virtual air in her lunges before she exhaled sharply through her pursed lips. The droplets that ran down Esther's neck were like the dew fall disappearing as it slid down her soft skin. She didn't realize just how comfortable sitting against in the embrace of another person was, compared to Esther Rin thought she was a rather emotional child. 

    As she sniffled she reached down into her skirt where she had a hanker dangling on a smalls trap she had laced in it for the purposes of holding small  trinkets or materials. A loud honk sounded from the cloth as she blew her nose into it still partially  recovering. The girl's digits that now began to comb through her air further reassuring her as she leaned against Esther, her head now resting upon her shoulder as she got comfortable. Not even Alex was capable of comforting her on the same level as he was a bit uncomfortable when Rin began to get emotional.

    "Thanks for letting me cry on you shoulder, it's probably all wet now here - umm."

    She looked to her used handkerchief before stopping that thought as it would have been rude to lend her a used one to wipe up the tears. She slid it back down into her skirt and then tapped her hand through the menu pulling out another one. As she talked about lecturing anyone who was annoyed with her about displaying her emotions Rin laughed and slid back in this time resting her head upon Esther's shoulder.


  24. Rin felt herself pulled into a partial hug her side and chest now pushed into Esther as she blinked rather startled as she watched Esther pulling a wooden chair from beside their own table. The loud screeching noise caused a bit of discomfort, but nothing could measure up to the awkward sensation of being pulled into the warm embrace with Esther. Her teary eyes now halting as the salty liquid in her tear ducts would glisten with the shop light. A rather nervous arm joined into the embrace as she now wrapped one around Esther's side. This was probably the first affectionate contact she had with another human since Alex passed on into wherever this game took dead players. As she spoke so sweetly about not leaving, Rin began to lose her emotions once again the tears starting back up as she maneuvered herself almost onto Esther's lap. Rin's face now nuzzling into her neck as she cried gently brushing them off in the crook of Esther's neck. After what was probably a good two minutes of crying she would peel herself back. Tear stains now ran down her cheek and a rather cheerful smile as she laughed insecurely.

    "Thank you, for everything you have been doing I never realized that -I guess the issue is I never really had anyone who cared to listen to my own troubles. I-I should be running away I don't normally like these heartfelt scenes and y-yet."

    Rin merely sat back down in her chair feeling rather embarrassed about the whole situation, but at least this time she still wore a smile oppose to her usual shy expression. Perhaps that was all she really needed, someone else to talk to when her emotions got out of balance, she hadn't opened up to anyone yet about Alex and his death in this fashion. The girl's hands already raised again to wipe the last few tears away.

    "Sorry, I hate it when I cry in public."



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